09-01-2017, 04:14 AM
The factories at Moorabbin Airport (MB) illustrated above, lower right hand corner, were built on airport land, following "privatisation".
Runway 22/04 was shortened considerably, obviously a disadvantage to operations, especially flying training. In addition, that inappropriate development totally precludes take-off or landing on the former grass landing strip 27/09 which had been located next to the airport northern boundary (right hand side of photo). Prior to the land grab and buildings, I flew to MB with one main gear leg hung up electing for a wheels up landing on strip 27 into a moderate westerly wind. A short landing with minimal aircraft damage resulted.
Due to irresponsible government policies allowing encroachments (and similar or worse eg Bankstown), that option is not available today.
It would be just as logical for governments to long lease freeway sections for new factories and shopping centres, reduce the lanes, introduce ASICs for at least all commercial vehicle drivers, biennial licence renewals, and a swag of new strict liability criminal road rules. These should include severe fines for incorrectly adjusted rear vision mirrors, lack of vehicle maintenance and driver logs, unauthorised mapping equipment and incorrectly fitted or unauthorised parts or modifications and so on and on....huge safety benefits along with massive reductions in traffic congestion. A win win for governments and a mighty boost for employment via more independent government rules rewrite and enforcement corporations.
Runway 22/04 was shortened considerably, obviously a disadvantage to operations, especially flying training. In addition, that inappropriate development totally precludes take-off or landing on the former grass landing strip 27/09 which had been located next to the airport northern boundary (right hand side of photo). Prior to the land grab and buildings, I flew to MB with one main gear leg hung up electing for a wheels up landing on strip 27 into a moderate westerly wind. A short landing with minimal aircraft damage resulted.
Due to irresponsible government policies allowing encroachments (and similar or worse eg Bankstown), that option is not available today.
It would be just as logical for governments to long lease freeway sections for new factories and shopping centres, reduce the lanes, introduce ASICs for at least all commercial vehicle drivers, biennial licence renewals, and a swag of new strict liability criminal road rules. These should include severe fines for incorrectly adjusted rear vision mirrors, lack of vehicle maintenance and driver logs, unauthorised mapping equipment and incorrectly fitted or unauthorised parts or modifications and so on and on....huge safety benefits along with massive reductions in traffic congestion. A win win for governments and a mighty boost for employment via more independent government rules rewrite and enforcement corporations.