06-08-2017, 10:35 PM
The cleanest anus in Parliament House
Minister for Bryl cream, selfies, pedicures and manscaping said;
"Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said Sir Angus Houston brought extensive aviation experience to this critically important role, ensuring Airservices future delivery of safe and efficient air traffic services.
“In addition, Mr David Marchant and Mr Tim Rothwell have been reappointed for a further two years, to help the Board oversee the acquisition of a new air traffic management system for Australia,” Mr Chester said."
Yes Miniscule NFI 6D, the Board have done a wonderful job - issues with Staib, issues with Electric Blue, credit card fraud, a monopoly LOSING money, One Sky farce, unflattering audit reports, a gutting and restructure of the organisation in which virtually no safety risk assessment was undertaken, million dollar Consultants, fu#ked up Tender process and damning evidence of antiquated and non conforming infrastructure in various parts of Australia. And what does the Minister do? APPOINTS HARFWIT AS CEO, AND THEN REHIRES HOUSTON AND TWO OF THE OTHER BOARD MUPPETS AGAIN!!
The only two things Harfwit and the Board have achieved is a) taking a profitable organisation into the red, and b) making sure Chester has the cleanest Ministerial anus in Can'tberra and certainly Parliament House. If you did a DNA swab of 6D's anus you would find traces of the Board's saliva.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.........
Minister for Bryl cream, selfies, pedicures and manscaping said;
"Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said Sir Angus Houston brought extensive aviation experience to this critically important role, ensuring Airservices future delivery of safe and efficient air traffic services.
“In addition, Mr David Marchant and Mr Tim Rothwell have been reappointed for a further two years, to help the Board oversee the acquisition of a new air traffic management system for Australia,” Mr Chester said."
Yes Miniscule NFI 6D, the Board have done a wonderful job - issues with Staib, issues with Electric Blue, credit card fraud, a monopoly LOSING money, One Sky farce, unflattering audit reports, a gutting and restructure of the organisation in which virtually no safety risk assessment was undertaken, million dollar Consultants, fu#ked up Tender process and damning evidence of antiquated and non conforming infrastructure in various parts of Australia. And what does the Minister do? APPOINTS HARFWIT AS CEO, AND THEN REHIRES HOUSTON AND TWO OF THE OTHER BOARD MUPPETS AGAIN!!
The only two things Harfwit and the Board have achieved is a) taking a profitable organisation into the red, and b) making sure Chester has the cleanest Ministerial anus in Can'tberra and certainly Parliament House. If you did a DNA swab of 6D's anus you would find traces of the Board's saliva.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.........