04-10-2017, 07:21 PM
(04-08-2017, 08:04 PM)P7_TOM Wrote: Houseboat stable:19.30.
Why is it always better ‘on tap’? CASA need to be having ructions; but they won’t. The likes of Campbell (one of the too many)) need to steal off into the night: if ‘justice’ is not to be served. Hopefully the new man (yes, yes, or women – for pities sake) with the silly title will need, as a pressing element of reform, to weed out the dunks, the inutile and the venal.
No, no, it will not do... The villains sliding out the back door, still very gainfully employed, after the damage they have done? Without repercussion, or penalty to prospects, careers, reputation and bank accounts. Bollocks; the damage done is massive. CASA wants now to get all cosy – fine; but first, apology and compensation is required. Dom James has had a charmed ‘walk-in-the park’ by comparison to some of the outstanding ‘embuggerance’ victims affected by these mindless amateurs. They all await ‘real’ tangible reform.
It is CASA which needs reformation first; not the bloody silly regulations.
Enough with ‘system’. Careers shredded, money lost all on the ‘say-so’ of Wodger the purblind catamite or the unspeakable ‘friend’ of Hempell – BOLLOCKS. There are good men languishing in ‘Dole City’ because of these parasitic pretenders. They know who they are; we know who they are – enough with the dining and dancing.
IF the minister don’t know who they are and what they have done; we can (a) privately tell him; or, (b) tell the world who they are, what they have done and back it up with ‘fact’ and evidence.
Times up minister – after the budget – we go public – warts and all. Fire ‘em, and restore faith. For example giving a Campbell another job, no matter how far removed from the mainstream is not going to be let slide by. Fair warning, fire them, then prosecute them, – then get it sorted; or, we will blow the gaff, all of it, just as ICAO turn up. That is a promise…
Steam off ‘K’ – thanks. (I believe I will have another, bless you child). TAXI.