LOL. (Big smile and a Tim Tam post).
Gee-Whiz “V”; that is no way to respond. Buttering ‘em up like that has never worked, they just think you’ve fallen for the platitudes. No, no, no; you must, in plain, basic Anglo Saxon tell ‘em exactly what you think.
But it is a remarkable thing: every skerrick of MH 370 information should be made freely available to the public, yet it is kept ‘secret’ or made unavailable. Why? What must be kept away from inquisitive minds. Perhaps the answer lays in the latest barring of lap tops and ‘tablets’ on certain flights; perhaps ET (electronic terrorism) did take the aircraft after all. Now that, good ‘V’, would be a secret indeed and worthy of protection methinks.
Toot- Cheered me up no end- toot.
Gee-Whiz “V”; that is no way to respond. Buttering ‘em up like that has never worked, they just think you’ve fallen for the platitudes. No, no, no; you must, in plain, basic Anglo Saxon tell ‘em exactly what you think.
But it is a remarkable thing: every skerrick of MH 370 information should be made freely available to the public, yet it is kept ‘secret’ or made unavailable. Why? What must be kept away from inquisitive minds. Perhaps the answer lays in the latest barring of lap tops and ‘tablets’ on certain flights; perhaps ET (electronic terrorism) did take the aircraft after all. Now that, good ‘V’, would be a secret indeed and worthy of protection methinks.
Toot- Cheered me up no end- toot.