03-11-2017, 03:35 PM
Deck chair realignment = who cares?
Does it really matter which one of the Liberal dross look after the portfolios? Turdball is a weak tiny man, Chester a selfie obsessed male-model wannabe, Morrison is an arrogant fu#k, Cash is an arrogant fu#k, the $60b submarine man Pyne is an arrogant fu#k and that fool Joyce is an arrogant fu#k. None of them are qualified to run Infrastructure. In fact these overrated sloths couldn't run a school fete.
As for PelAir, that was always going to be a whitewash. If a Government is willing to put us in debt for $60b worth of shitbox Submarines just to save the ass and the seat of a Muppet like Pyne then they are more than happy to go to any length to save the ass of a former Nationals Minister who has vested interests in the airline in question. It's ironic that Sharp wrote a book about the 'Reapers of the Harvest'. I hope he will be happy to meet the Ferryman one day in the future and reap his own effing harvest.
Effing dross, the lot of them. Trough swilling shonks.
Does it really matter which one of the Liberal dross look after the portfolios? Turdball is a weak tiny man, Chester a selfie obsessed male-model wannabe, Morrison is an arrogant fu#k, Cash is an arrogant fu#k, the $60b submarine man Pyne is an arrogant fu#k and that fool Joyce is an arrogant fu#k. None of them are qualified to run Infrastructure. In fact these overrated sloths couldn't run a school fete.
As for PelAir, that was always going to be a whitewash. If a Government is willing to put us in debt for $60b worth of shitbox Submarines just to save the ass and the seat of a Muppet like Pyne then they are more than happy to go to any length to save the ass of a former Nationals Minister who has vested interests in the airline in question. It's ironic that Sharp wrote a book about the 'Reapers of the Harvest'. I hope he will be happy to meet the Ferryman one day in the future and reap his own effing harvest.
Effing dross, the lot of them. Trough swilling shonks.