02-02-2017, 12:50 PM
Of brown nosing and pony pooh
Sir Anus sticking his nose in places it doesn't belong;
"A SENIOR defence expert has warned it’s “too late” to stop China from taking ownership of the South China Sea".
Thanks Sir Anus for telling us......nothing new!! Dipshit, I suggest you try finding something to do at ASA like fixing the place or retiring preferably, and leave current military issues to the experts. All you are doing, again, is acting as a footstool to the Turnbull government who are trying to justify spending hundreds of billions of more taxpayer dollars on shite Defence equipment to support the Military Industrial Complex, who ironically consist of organisations such as Goldman Sachs, who ironically used to employ Malcolm Turdball.
Sir Anus and Malcolm are pissweak little weasels.
Sir Anus sticking his nose in places it doesn't belong;
"A SENIOR defence expert has warned it’s “too late” to stop China from taking ownership of the South China Sea".
Thanks Sir Anus for telling us......nothing new!! Dipshit, I suggest you try finding something to do at ASA like fixing the place or retiring preferably, and leave current military issues to the experts. All you are doing, again, is acting as a footstool to the Turnbull government who are trying to justify spending hundreds of billions of more taxpayer dollars on shite Defence equipment to support the Military Industrial Complex, who ironically consist of organisations such as Goldman Sachs, who ironically used to employ Malcolm Turdball.
Sir Anus and Malcolm are pissweak little weasels.