Of double standards and suspicious actions
Ventus said;
Great comment Ventus.
It's also ironic how 5 Australians died when Garuda Flight 200 crashed at Yogyakarta, the Australian Government: and, the rest of the world, were all over that one: weren't they? Perhaps our Government is only concerned about what it perceives to be 'more important people', such as the Australian diplomats who died on Garuda Fl 200? The rest of us mere citizens aren't worth pissing on, hence the lack of 'conviction and interest' on behalf of our Government?
Or; then again, this entire farce is being manipulated at the highest levels for some very important reason. As I've said before; eventually, the sea will give up more of its secrets; but, in the meantime, 'we' are held hostage to the crooked; and, corrupt Governments: the whole stinking lot of them.
Tick Tock
Ventus said;
Quote:"Considering that there were 6 Australian Citizens and 1 Permanent Resident on board, it is interesting that "International Convention" can allow a Foreign Government to "consign them to the deep", when there are clear indications of "a criminal event", without so much as a peep out of 3 Australian State Police Forces, 3 Australian State Coroners, and the Federal Police.
Perhaps Julie Bishop and all the other aforementioned, would like to explain to a legal dumb(duck) like me, what the "differences" are in the "conventions" between MH-17 and MH-370".
Great comment Ventus.
It's also ironic how 5 Australians died when Garuda Flight 200 crashed at Yogyakarta, the Australian Government: and, the rest of the world, were all over that one: weren't they? Perhaps our Government is only concerned about what it perceives to be 'more important people', such as the Australian diplomats who died on Garuda Fl 200? The rest of us mere citizens aren't worth pissing on, hence the lack of 'conviction and interest' on behalf of our Government?
Or; then again, this entire farce is being manipulated at the highest levels for some very important reason. As I've said before; eventually, the sea will give up more of its secrets; but, in the meantime, 'we' are held hostage to the crooked; and, corrupt Governments: the whole stinking lot of them.
Tick Tock