A short salute.
You find ‘quality’ in a thoroughbred; the class: the heart, the staying power and a will to win. These qualities are also found in the very best of human kind, combined with an ‘empathy’ for their fellow man. Some folk, simply because they care, strive to rise above the sea of mediocre flotsam in which they swim. Then, of those, a rare example of not only these qualities, but that added edge, that which separates then into a class of their own. Intelligence, wit, common sense , practical application and the will to find a solution.
The race to find MH 370 has been long; made tedious by delay, dramatized by myth, surrounded with soothsayers and self aggrandising story tellers; those stories confounded by obfuscation, corrupted by hearsay and translated into many forms by just as many venal, self serving reasons.
But slowly, class is telling. Chillit for no particular reason has moved mountains to logically examine the search area data; Fiorentino has written a carefully considered work; Howard wrote an analysis of ‘flight planning’; there are others: non claiming to have found the aircraft or solved the puzzle. Just working quietly away, in their own time at their own expense without publicity or official acknowledgement, for no more than the hope that they may ‘help’ in some small way. Even if it is just to have a ‘theory’ proven incorrect; which is a positive thing, as it eliminates a possibility, so reducing the scope of inquiry.
It is well past the time where governments can ignore the efforts of these truly independent folk. The so-called ‘experts’, unless they get very lucky, know they are in a dry well. Perhaps the independent researchers are wrong – that would be fine – but at the very least, the sane, credible logic, provided without vested interest, bias, ‘profit or political motive’ by sensible folk should be paid the courtesy of detailed examination; even if only to rule the data out of the game.
In the end, this will only come back to haunt government – when someone ‘unofficial’ turns up with the ‘black –boxes’; then it will be fun to watch the back-flips and excuses come out. This of course assuming that the aircraft was not shot down for a perceived terrorist threat which had to be covered over – or, electronically ‘hi-jacked’ an equally unthinkable scenario. But if neither of these two options occurred, then there are errors in the official thinking. Time for some new ideas and some new blood. I’d say, the thoroughbreds are running rings around the existing mediocre crowd of ‘experts’. Would you not agree?
Never quit; don’t even think about it.
Toot toot.
You find ‘quality’ in a thoroughbred; the class: the heart, the staying power and a will to win. These qualities are also found in the very best of human kind, combined with an ‘empathy’ for their fellow man. Some folk, simply because they care, strive to rise above the sea of mediocre flotsam in which they swim. Then, of those, a rare example of not only these qualities, but that added edge, that which separates then into a class of their own. Intelligence, wit, common sense , practical application and the will to find a solution.
The race to find MH 370 has been long; made tedious by delay, dramatized by myth, surrounded with soothsayers and self aggrandising story tellers; those stories confounded by obfuscation, corrupted by hearsay and translated into many forms by just as many venal, self serving reasons.
But slowly, class is telling. Chillit for no particular reason has moved mountains to logically examine the search area data; Fiorentino has written a carefully considered work; Howard wrote an analysis of ‘flight planning’; there are others: non claiming to have found the aircraft or solved the puzzle. Just working quietly away, in their own time at their own expense without publicity or official acknowledgement, for no more than the hope that they may ‘help’ in some small way. Even if it is just to have a ‘theory’ proven incorrect; which is a positive thing, as it eliminates a possibility, so reducing the scope of inquiry.
It is well past the time where governments can ignore the efforts of these truly independent folk. The so-called ‘experts’, unless they get very lucky, know they are in a dry well. Perhaps the independent researchers are wrong – that would be fine – but at the very least, the sane, credible logic, provided without vested interest, bias, ‘profit or political motive’ by sensible folk should be paid the courtesy of detailed examination; even if only to rule the data out of the game.
In the end, this will only come back to haunt government – when someone ‘unofficial’ turns up with the ‘black –boxes’; then it will be fun to watch the back-flips and excuses come out. This of course assuming that the aircraft was not shot down for a perceived terrorist threat which had to be covered over – or, electronically ‘hi-jacked’ an equally unthinkable scenario. But if neither of these two options occurred, then there are errors in the official thinking. Time for some new ideas and some new blood. I’d say, the thoroughbreds are running rings around the existing mediocre crowd of ‘experts’. Would you not agree?
Never quit; don’t even think about it.
Toot toot.