11-18-2016, 05:07 PM
PFOS victims can no longer donate blood.
"The warning came after Adelaide man Geoff Fuller, who had a 36-year career as a firefighter at airports including Adelaide Airport, was informed by the blood service last week that he was no longer allowed to donate blood.
Mr Fuller, a regular donor, said he was told so after tests revealed he had high levels of PFOS and PFOA — part of the per-fluoroalkyl and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) group of toxins — in his system".
Full article here;
I certainly hope Sir Anus or Harfwit don't injure themselves climbing over others to get to the trough, or require a blood transfusion due to injuries received climbing over barbed wire and broken glass to get to a Minsiters juicy white ass!!
'Unsafe blood donations for all'
"The warning came after Adelaide man Geoff Fuller, who had a 36-year career as a firefighter at airports including Adelaide Airport, was informed by the blood service last week that he was no longer allowed to donate blood.
Mr Fuller, a regular donor, said he was told so after tests revealed he had high levels of PFOS and PFOA — part of the per-fluoroalkyl and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) group of toxins — in his system".
Full article here;
I certainly hope Sir Anus or Harfwit don't injure themselves climbing over others to get to the trough, or require a blood transfusion due to injuries received climbing over barbed wire and broken glass to get to a Minsiters juicy white ass!!
'Unsafe blood donations for all'