A fair and timely warning.
GD – “TICK TOCK selfie boy, we warned you...”
Neatly if colourfully phrased GD. The whole thing has got me beat – I can’t see how much clearer the ‘signs’ can be and yet, through arrogance or ignorance, probably both, ASA continue to ignore them.
Thing that makes me scratch my poor old wooden head is how both the department and the ASA can face down a Senate committee and continue to bluff and try to bamboozle the same. It is as clear as day that the Senators have tumbled the game and intend to do something about it. It is obvious that the media have picked up the tale and gods help the government if there is ever another accident and direct blame can be sheeted home to a lack of governance. The ATCO union, industry and even Blind Freddy (g’day mate) can see through the bizarre machinations of the Purple Daze half baked plot. Yet the ASA board and Halfwit still sit there trying to bluff their way out.
There is one ray of hope; the ATCO union. This is an efficient, effective organisation, with clout and if push comes to shove and they get involved, united with other ‘concerned’ bodies, then even a Muppet like DDDDDD Chester may just have to listen to their sound advice and wise counsel. It is likely to be the very best advice he ever had.
What sort of country are we becoming where a ‘professional association’ is the only hope for passenger safety. If a government will not act for the general good it makes a mockery of every public dollar poured into a system designed to keep folk safe, but will, one day, fail them. The concerns being raised are not part of some ‘campaign’ for pay and conditions; they are the genuine concerns of professionals, at the coal face, for the safety of the travelling public.
The Halfwit and his mates are playing Russian roulette with passengers lives. Statistically only five out of six people enjoy the game
Toot – toot.
GD – “TICK TOCK selfie boy, we warned you...”
Neatly if colourfully phrased GD. The whole thing has got me beat – I can’t see how much clearer the ‘signs’ can be and yet, through arrogance or ignorance, probably both, ASA continue to ignore them.
Thing that makes me scratch my poor old wooden head is how both the department and the ASA can face down a Senate committee and continue to bluff and try to bamboozle the same. It is as clear as day that the Senators have tumbled the game and intend to do something about it. It is obvious that the media have picked up the tale and gods help the government if there is ever another accident and direct blame can be sheeted home to a lack of governance. The ATCO union, industry and even Blind Freddy (g’day mate) can see through the bizarre machinations of the Purple Daze half baked plot. Yet the ASA board and Halfwit still sit there trying to bluff their way out.
There is one ray of hope; the ATCO union. This is an efficient, effective organisation, with clout and if push comes to shove and they get involved, united with other ‘concerned’ bodies, then even a Muppet like DDDDDD Chester may just have to listen to their sound advice and wise counsel. It is likely to be the very best advice he ever had.
What sort of country are we becoming where a ‘professional association’ is the only hope for passenger safety. If a government will not act for the general good it makes a mockery of every public dollar poured into a system designed to keep folk safe, but will, one day, fail them. The concerns being raised are not part of some ‘campaign’ for pay and conditions; they are the genuine concerns of professionals, at the coal face, for the safety of the travelling public.
The Halfwit and his mates are playing Russian roulette with passengers lives. Statistically only five out of six people enjoy the game
Toot – toot.