Of Moby and his Dick.
What a strange tender; it’s got me beat; why ATSB would have a need for ‘drift modelling’ let alone put out a tender for such? Now, AMSA seeking ‘new’ data and techniques I could readily understand; they are after all, Australia’s #1 go to Search and Rescue outfit; they don’t bugger about, know what to do and manage very nicely; thank you.
Now it seems to me the Beaker ATSB relied on CSIRO for narrative support, Beaker’s Aunty Petunia for tea leaf readings and the tea lady for tactical advice. The Dolan decisions could not have been based on much more solid evidence – unless the Malaysian tarot card readers convinced him otherwise. The ATSB record with recent recovery of ‘debris’ in any sort of water has been dismal; there was no interest in Hempel’s little wreck and a Qld police officer (bless) did all the hard yards there; there is, I believe, the wreckage of a West-wind jet languishing in warm, shallow, calm waters fairly close to a port which will become a ‘lump’ in due course. So, I reiterate – WTD do ATSB want with things they know nothing about, have little use for and are way outside their ‘remit’ AMSA ‘find ‘em’ ATSB investigates the why and what for. All seems a little extravagant and hysterical to me.
Aye well; strange are the ways of departmental thoughts when their nuts are in a blender; maybe it’s an economy measure. Although they will need sophisticated equipment to track their Flip, flop Flaperons; seems to be a harmony of reason there. Who knows, but we all know who’ll end up paying for the exercise; don’t we children. No doubt all will be explained by the newly minted tendentious bloggers on the 'Apologists' blog. Log in for click bait.
Toot toot.
What a strange tender; it’s got me beat; why ATSB would have a need for ‘drift modelling’ let alone put out a tender for such? Now, AMSA seeking ‘new’ data and techniques I could readily understand; they are after all, Australia’s #1 go to Search and Rescue outfit; they don’t bugger about, know what to do and manage very nicely; thank you.
Now it seems to me the Beaker ATSB relied on CSIRO for narrative support, Beaker’s Aunty Petunia for tea leaf readings and the tea lady for tactical advice. The Dolan decisions could not have been based on much more solid evidence – unless the Malaysian tarot card readers convinced him otherwise. The ATSB record with recent recovery of ‘debris’ in any sort of water has been dismal; there was no interest in Hempel’s little wreck and a Qld police officer (bless) did all the hard yards there; there is, I believe, the wreckage of a West-wind jet languishing in warm, shallow, calm waters fairly close to a port which will become a ‘lump’ in due course. So, I reiterate – WTD do ATSB want with things they know nothing about, have little use for and are way outside their ‘remit’ AMSA ‘find ‘em’ ATSB investigates the why and what for. All seems a little extravagant and hysterical to me.
Aye well; strange are the ways of departmental thoughts when their nuts are in a blender; maybe it’s an economy measure. Although they will need sophisticated equipment to track their Flip, flop Flaperons; seems to be a harmony of reason there. Who knows, but we all know who’ll end up paying for the exercise; don’t we children. No doubt all will be explained by the newly minted tendentious bloggers on the 'Apologists' blog. Log in for click bait.
Toot toot.