08-11-2016, 04:28 AM
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Was Petronas Towers a possible target?
Once at FL350 cockpit door may have been opened for pee or Tea.
Hi-jackets may entered the cockpit and told to pilot or Co-pilot whoever was still in cockpit to turn off ACARS (because of what they learnt from an aircraft investigation documentary about the 911 towards Pentagon about ACARS location and out of airspace transponder) and pilot or co-pilot told once out of Malaysia airspace to turn of transponder and turn back to KL.
Possibly the pilot or co-pilot entered UPROB (possibly left turn) instead of UPRON possible right turn. To bide time and ensure plane wouldn’t go to KL.
Pilot or co-pilot may have been told to say everything was ok (goodnight Malaysia 370) before leaving Malaysia airspace. Once out of Malaysian airspace the plane possibly turned left heading towards UPROB unknown to HI-jackers.
Pilot or co-pilot knew that this would go over military installations. Once hi-jackers realised they panicked and pilot warned we are over military installations. And asked pilot to try and avoid, so pilot adjusted heights on autopilot to bide time. Or create this as a distraction so that perhaps military would know Something’s wrong.
Military not reacting (useless) plane carried carried over Sumatra past Medan (disregarding SOM radar track) going thought storm cells on western coast. At 18:25- 18:28 caused severe turbulence causing at power reset.
Going SW possibly still towards UPROB perhaps pilot was told to fly to Australia (like flight Ethiopian Airline 961 in 1996 shown on aircraft investigation). Hi-jackers want to hit a target perhaps Australia was next alternative. Although pilot perhaps said we can't make it to Australia not enough fuel next Alternative may have been perhaps Bali where Z flew to 4 days previous. All the time Z trying to avoid plane crashing into something while still under duress.
Don't make it to Bali plane got so far and engines ran out of fuel then just crashed.
Was Petronas Towers a possible target?
Once at FL350 cockpit door may have been opened for pee or Tea.
Hi-jackets may entered the cockpit and told to pilot or Co-pilot whoever was still in cockpit to turn off ACARS (because of what they learnt from an aircraft investigation documentary about the 911 towards Pentagon about ACARS location and out of airspace transponder) and pilot or co-pilot told once out of Malaysia airspace to turn of transponder and turn back to KL.
Possibly the pilot or co-pilot entered UPROB (possibly left turn) instead of UPRON possible right turn. To bide time and ensure plane wouldn’t go to KL.
Pilot or co-pilot may have been told to say everything was ok (goodnight Malaysia 370) before leaving Malaysia airspace. Once out of Malaysian airspace the plane possibly turned left heading towards UPROB unknown to HI-jackers.
Pilot or co-pilot knew that this would go over military installations. Once hi-jackers realised they panicked and pilot warned we are over military installations. And asked pilot to try and avoid, so pilot adjusted heights on autopilot to bide time. Or create this as a distraction so that perhaps military would know Something’s wrong.
Military not reacting (useless) plane carried carried over Sumatra past Medan (disregarding SOM radar track) going thought storm cells on western coast. At 18:25- 18:28 caused severe turbulence causing at power reset.
Going SW possibly still towards UPROB perhaps pilot was told to fly to Australia (like flight Ethiopian Airline 961 in 1996 shown on aircraft investigation). Hi-jackers want to hit a target perhaps Australia was next alternative. Although pilot perhaps said we can't make it to Australia not enough fuel next Alternative may have been perhaps Bali where Z flew to 4 days previous. All the time Z trying to avoid plane crashing into something while still under duress.
Don't make it to Bali plane got so far and engines ran out of fuel then just crashed.