Dazzling Dazza, the ventriloquist dummy, shines in KL - 
&..Via triple D's office:
Following on (from the above): Once again miniscule Chester overwhelmingly proves why he is the perfect foil (read photogenic filter) for Barnaby & Malcolm in all things aeronautical, including the MH370 cock-up and/or cover-up smokescreen. However this does not mean PAIN & others will not call him out when he makes bollocks, NFI statements like the one above...
E.g. in 'bold' via PT today:

(07-22-2016, 08:03 AM)Peetwo Wrote:(07-19-2016, 09:09 PM)Peetwo Wrote: Fresh from his selfie tour -
Via OzFlying's Hitch:
Quote:Here is the link for Dazzling Dazza the WOFTAM miniscule with NFI - Media Release DC076/2016 18 July 2016Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester chats with general aviation people at Tamworth. (Steve Hitchen)
Chester pledges More Consultation with GA
Read more at http://www.australianflying.com.au/lates...HHwGmSi.99
Oh FFS Malcolm & Barnaby please give the industry someone (like a David Fawcett) who has half an idea where the pointy end of an aircraft is..![]()
This numbnut is way too busy self-flagellating, self-promoting himself around the countryside to truly give a rat's arse about aviation & aviation safety in this country - besides Nick Xenophon will eat him for breakfast...
Chester's selfie tour moves to KL -
While the Chest-ire (the selfie) Cat rubs shoulders with the Chinese & Malaysian's - with absolutely NFI what he is talking about - in Dunceunda land Dick's tea party goes off without a hitch...:
(07-22-2016, 11:18 PM)Gobbledock Wrote: Perm boy;
"Mr Chester said he wanted to reassure the victims' families and loved ones that they were "on the same team" and authorities were also desperate to find answers and locate the aircraft".
How dare you...on the 'same team'? You lying lowlife piece of grime. 'Same team' my ass you stain. You go home to your family at night. MH370 victims loved ones don't sleep at night due to not having their loved ones beside them. Don't you dare put yourself or your crooked Government bipartite mates in the same boat as the families of the deceased.
Chester, 'your team' didn't screw up the search because there was never a proper search in the first place, you deliberately searched in the wrong areas. Reasons why? Well you and your cronies know why, but of course the rest of us will most likely never be elevated high enough up societies ladder to find out the truth. But one day the ocean will give up all it's secrets old mate, it always does. One day........tick tock
&..Via triple D's office:
Quote:..Thank you Minister Liow.
I would like to thank you and Minister Yang, for our productive discussions and the cooperative manner in which you have approached the complex issues that we have discussed today.
Today's announcement is very significant not only for our three countries, but more importantly for the family and friends of those on board the aircraft. I take this opportunity to honour the memory of the passengers and crew on board MH370 and acknowledge the enormous loss felt by their loved ones.
The search for MH370 is currently ongoing. At this very moment vessels are in the search area carrying out their challenging work and we remain hopeful the aircraft will be located.
However, should this not occur, we have today agreed to suspend the search at the completion of the 120,000 square kilometre search area.
This decision was not taken lightly nor without sadness and I want to emphasise that our work is continuing in analysing data, inspecting debris and considering all new information.
However, in the absence of credible new evidence to assist in identifying the specific location of the aircraft, a further search is not currently viable. We have been mindful that any future search needs to have a high likelihood of success to justify raising the hopes of family and friends.
I want to impress upon the families the enormous task that has been undertaken over the last two and a half years and assure them that every effort has been made to locate the aircraft.
We have used the best science available, cutting edge technology, as well as highly skilled professionals who are the best in their field.
I have been overwhelmed by the commitment and dedication shown by the hundreds of people involved in this unprecedented challenge.
I want to reassure family and friends: we are all on the same team, we all want to find answers to the questions about what happened to MH370 and we all want to locate the aircraft.
I would like to make particular mention of the crews on the ships that have continued to work in extreme weather conditions in one of the most inhospitable areas in the world, in an attempt to provide answers.
I also commend all those involved on land, planning the search, analysing data and coordinating search efforts. Their tireless work has continued to improve our knowledge of the search area and is critical in our efforts to find the aircraft.
I note media commentary regarding the identification of the priority search area and offer the following comment:
Everyone is entitled to an opinion but I won't be second guessing the experts.
We have relied on expert analysis of the facts we have to work on and made decisions to search in the ‘most probable’ location for MH370
This decision was based on what we know from the last satellite communications with the aircraft. This information shows the aircraft was in a high rate of descent, so we believe the aircraft will be located somewhere near what is known as the 7th arc.
We remain hopeful that we will still locate the aircraft in the remaining priority area, but if we don't I hope that new information will come to light and that the aircraft will be located.
Following on (from the above): Once again miniscule Chester overwhelmingly proves why he is the perfect foil (read photogenic filter) for Barnaby & Malcolm in all things aeronautical, including the MH370 cock-up and/or cover-up smokescreen. However this does not mean PAIN & others will not call him out when he makes bollocks, NFI statements like the one above...

E.g. in 'bold' via PT today:
Quote:MH370 gets a weird tripartite media conference in Malaysia
Tonight’s very strange tripartite media conference by the MH370 search partners Malaysia, China and Australia needs the be unpacked to separate the weird from the misleading.
The early reports in the Australian media have breathlessly reported that the three nations have agreement to suspend the search in the absence of new credible leads following the exhaustion of the current priority search zone in the south Indian Ocean.
That isn’t new, although Darren Chester, the Australian minister responsible for aviation, claimed it was new. This has been the position of the Australian Government and its search partners for a long time.
In fact the oldest surviving Operational Update to recite that decision on the ATSB website as of tonight is dated January 13, 2016.
What was new was the agreed statement that completing sonar scanning of the less than 10,000 square kilometres remaining within the original 120,000 square kilometre priority search zone could take until October, November or even December because of delays caused by wild weather and equipment failures.
It will be then, as recited by the ATSB every week for a very long time, that the search would end unless there was a discovery of the sunk wreckage of the missing airliner, or a credible new lead as to its location.
MH370 was being operated between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing by a Malaysia Airlines 777-200ER with 239 people onboard on March 8, 2014, when it vanished as a transponder identified flight on air traffic control screens.
Why Mr Chester would lend himself to that farcical part of tonight’s media conference is unknown.
However the brief media session after the ceremonial statements heard Malaysia’s transport minister Liow Tiong Lai explain that he was attempting to persuade France to repatriate the first identified fragment of MH370, a flaperon found on the French Indian Ocean island of La Réunion in July last year, back to Malaysia.
Mr Liow made this startling disclosure when he was challenged several times by Nine network reporter Ross Coulthart to reveal what analysis of that part of the jet’s wing had revealed. Mr Liow didn’t answer the question, which was wrapped up in Mr Coulthart’s assertion that a source had said the flaperon showed that MH370 had glided before it crashed.
(Mr Coulthart’s information as to it gliding appears unlikely to be correct in that the ping analysis from the jet indicates a high rate of descent before impact with the sea, and 777s are all but uncontrollable after they run out of fuel.
While his premise appears incorrect, Mr Coulthart’s question did produce an astonishing answer.)
It is useful to note at this stage of the unpacking of this awkward Q and A session in Putrajaya that the reason France may be playing hard ball with Malaysia is that the Public Prosecutor in Paris, who has custody of the flaperon, was reported last year by the Wall Street Journal to be concerned at a lack of cooperation from Kuala Lumpur for his criminal inquiries into the cause of death of the four French nationals who were on board MH370.
Of course, this may be a case of incorrectly connecting the dots. But there must be a reason for Mr Liow to give an answer indicating a prima facie total lack of cooperation between France and Malaysia on this point.
The large section of what is believed to be the part of the right hand wing of MH370 adjacent to and outboard of the recovered flaperon is however now in the custody of the ATSB, and if there are any insights to be revealed by it in relation to the impact of the jet, they should tell the same tale as the smaller section found on La Réunion.
All of the fragments of MH370 now collected exhibit external signs of making a high energy impact with the ocean, not some sort of gentle controlled ditching which would have required electrical and hydraulic systems to be running off engine power in order to move critical control surfaces. The internal debris already studied by the ATSB shows signs of blunt force delivered by water smashing its way through the fuselage.
Mr Liow appeared to say that there was ‘no evidence’ of a gliding landing on the sea when pressed by Mr Coulthart, but the acoustics and delivery made the media conference difficult to follow on a live video link.
That isn’t itself controversial. After being prepared to consider that gliding possibility late last year the ATSB led search appears to have firmly come down on the side of an energetic impact with the sea, one which would have smashed the jet into hundreds even thousands of pieces of floating debris, as well as sending its heavy dense parts like the landing gear and the two engines and stronger sections of the fuselage, wings and tail to the bottom of the sea.
The three ministers made it clear that when the current search zone is finally fully sonar scanned the operations would be ‘suspended’ rather than abandoned. That suspension would end, as has been said since last year, when a credible new lead as to the location of the jet emerged.