More grey than black & white? - Courtesy Brock McEwen via Jeff Wise blog
Quote:Brock McEwenLuv your work Brock -
Posted July 17, 2016 at 4:35 PM
@Victor: “Whopper”, to me, is a generic adjective connoting bigness. In the context I used it, it modified “assumption”, i.e a “whopper of an assumption”. If deceit is inextricably buried in the meaning of this word – as you suggest – then Burger King has made a whopper of a marketing error.
The whopperishness (whopperity?) of the assumption that the ISAT data is trustworthy should be self-evident to everyone who has been paying attention. But if you say you need a recap:
1. lack of speed & completeness in ISAT data’s release
2. lack of transparency and accountability in SSWG’s search decisions
3. UAV paths consistent with pre-proprietary deep-sea resource prospecting
4. Lack of wreckage found at its indicated terminus*
5. Strength of physical evidence which counter-indicates the ISAT data
6. Dubiety of physical evidence held out as corroborating the ISAT data
* weakest argument, I admit – faked ISAT data strongly predicts faked wreckage, eventually – but with the actual search now covering 9x the area @ALSM considered the “high probability” search box which trumped all “conspiracy theories”, the failure of the search to date does shift Bayesian probabilities at least slightly toward faked ISAT data: if authentic, failure requires an increasingly hard to explain gaffe somewhere along the data/analysis/search chain; if faked, failure is increasingly consistent with a plan to delay/prevent wreckage discovery.
In my mind, the two leading theory families should be:
A) something happened that cannot be admitted, requiring a cover-up which ensures wreckage is NEVER found; and,
B) something happened that cannot be admitted, requiring a cover-up which ensures wreckage is NOT YET found
No other theory sets connect nearly as many dots.
Note: that I make no assertion regarding any link between architects of DISAPPEARANCE and COVER-UP. These may be the same entity, allies, independent agencies, or even enemies. While my hatred for unsubstantiated accusations against anyone unable to defend themselves remains white-hot, you’ll note my list doesn’t even exclude the pilot, provided his actions were sufficient to trigger a multinational cover-up – which I have a hard time believing.
The reason I make no assertion is simple: I haven’t a sweet clue as to why the search smells as bad as it does. All my studies – and Florence’s, and those of many others – reveal is that it DOES smell.
Really, REALLY bad.