03-12-2016, 10:29 AM
Sorry K, the bull is in the pen and the red flag has been waived at it and it ain't happy, not one little bit!!!
WTF??? What an absolute sham. The legacy of the Russellites continues unabated! Oink fu#king oink!
Sir An(g)us, of RAAF fame at a time when bullying was out of control as well as sexual harassment, and when numerous projects were royaly fu#ked up costing the taxpayer mega dollars now hires a buddy, who also comes from a similar background of a time when bullying was out of control and billions were blown on the Collins Submarine shitboxes!
These clowns are unbelievable! However it shows that the ANAO has either been whitewashed or are equally rooted, otherwise Harfwit wouldn't have ever been appointed and nor would Chris Gerbils. So the audit result is pretty obvious.
So here we go, more military ineptitude brought into the fold by Sir Bus Driver.
I feel for the good folk at ASA, screwed over by the boys in 'Electric Blue', a whole team of electric blue catamites wielding cheque books and indulging in the freedom to act as they please while not being subjected to the common rules of morality or ACCOUNTABILTY. Nice job if you can land it!
So Kharon, if I were a younger man I would do things very different - my career would have involved a different path, I would have been an F 1-11 Navigator for a few years, grabbed the soap in the shower, kissed my Seniors arses for a number of years, learned how to lie and bullshit succinctly and spent another 15 years backstabbing and knifing my way to the top. Then in my 50's I too would have a million dollar annual government pay packet with even more millions awaiting me in superannuation. F#ck flying commercially for a crust, their is no financial career in doing that shit!
WTF??? What an absolute sham. The legacy of the Russellites continues unabated! Oink fu#king oink!
Sir An(g)us, of RAAF fame at a time when bullying was out of control as well as sexual harassment, and when numerous projects were royaly fu#ked up costing the taxpayer mega dollars now hires a buddy, who also comes from a similar background of a time when bullying was out of control and billions were blown on the Collins Submarine shitboxes!
These clowns are unbelievable! However it shows that the ANAO has either been whitewashed or are equally rooted, otherwise Harfwit wouldn't have ever been appointed and nor would Chris Gerbils. So the audit result is pretty obvious.
So here we go, more military ineptitude brought into the fold by Sir Bus Driver.
I feel for the good folk at ASA, screwed over by the boys in 'Electric Blue', a whole team of electric blue catamites wielding cheque books and indulging in the freedom to act as they please while not being subjected to the common rules of morality or ACCOUNTABILTY. Nice job if you can land it!
So Kharon, if I were a younger man I would do things very different - my career would have involved a different path, I would have been an F 1-11 Navigator for a few years, grabbed the soap in the shower, kissed my Seniors arses for a number of years, learned how to lie and bullshit succinctly and spent another 15 years backstabbing and knifing my way to the top. Then in my 50's I too would have a million dollar annual government pay packet with even more millions awaiting me in superannuation. F#ck flying commercially for a crust, their is no financial career in doing that shit!