You know; I plough through these posts, diligently following the math (poor old wooden head); consider the possibilities, probabilities and even some of the slightly ‘off-beat’ stuff which, from time to time , pops up in the media. But I always come up with the same conclusions; the science boffins have their own talismans they cling to, the operational wizards clutch their version of ‘logic’ and the rest, like converts after an epiphany believe, ardently their version of whether it’s the gourd or the sandal. Bravo and well done all.
But, it’s time the ‘criminal’ question was answered; for real. Just who are the criminals involved? Lots of options, many questions but I firmly believe that if 370 is to be found, the answers are on the ground. Someone, somewhere, somehow knows where the aircraft rests. Daily bombardments of ‘logic’ and Bayesian math, drift patterns, bits found, the endless daily round and round have achieved very little, except feed a mindless media.
There are real options for this being a criminal act; there are even several choices for ‘perp’. There are even a few bloody good motives. Thing that troubles me is not the where; but the who and the why. Find out who and why, the where becomes academic. Too much energy spent on speculation and calculation for mine.
We need to know WHO dunnit, this can be determined from a logical assessment of the reasons why. Anything else is pure entertainment of ego fodder. Even so; I shall (as penance) continue, with jaundiced eye and jaded appetite, to read and consider the offerings.
That’s my two bob spent as pleased me best.
But, it’s time the ‘criminal’ question was answered; for real. Just who are the criminals involved? Lots of options, many questions but I firmly believe that if 370 is to be found, the answers are on the ground. Someone, somewhere, somehow knows where the aircraft rests. Daily bombardments of ‘logic’ and Bayesian math, drift patterns, bits found, the endless daily round and round have achieved very little, except feed a mindless media.
There are real options for this being a criminal act; there are even several choices for ‘perp’. There are even a few bloody good motives. Thing that troubles me is not the where; but the who and the why. Find out who and why, the where becomes academic. Too much energy spent on speculation and calculation for mine.
We need to know WHO dunnit, this can be determined from a logical assessment of the reasons why. Anything else is pure entertainment of ego fodder. Even so; I shall (as penance) continue, with jaundiced eye and jaded appetite, to read and consider the offerings.
That’s my two bob spent as pleased me best.