The dynamics of moribund.
The glaringly obvious difference between the US of and Down-under is the performance of the FAA. Even after some monumental tussles between NTSB and FAA, where and when required the FAA shift and things get done; same-same when ‘government speak – things happen in a timely manner. It would be unnatural if the aviation community did not moan and groan about the regulator – operators and aircrew from every country I’ve met have a complained over an ale or two – but warts and all – the FAAA will do the things requested and required of them.
You don’t need to look far to see the difference between CASA and FAA, that stupid survey for example – not to enhance or improve, but a box ticking exercise, so they can say a Forsyth recommendation has been met. Senate – ignored, Minister – ignored, Rev Forsyth – ignored and now we are to believe that industry will be ‘heard’ – BOLLOCKS. Not much has changed in the past 30 years – unless you count Strict Liability and criminal records as improvement, or part 61 as a gift from the heavens, or part 145 as the answer to a maidens prayer.
There may be some discussion and a bit of push and shove over the Bill of Rights – but you watch; the Americans will have it done and dusted, before Skidmore and Co. have even worked out why 61 is pile of crap and worked out a way to keep it. Disgusting.
Aye; it’s rum – but no matter – in another 15 years we shall have the Skidmore vision splendid. But only the colour version, CVD need not apply, the CAD test will have weeded them out by then, if the new clerical medicals don’t get you first. I can hardly wait.
Toot toot.
The glaringly obvious difference between the US of and Down-under is the performance of the FAA. Even after some monumental tussles between NTSB and FAA, where and when required the FAA shift and things get done; same-same when ‘government speak – things happen in a timely manner. It would be unnatural if the aviation community did not moan and groan about the regulator – operators and aircrew from every country I’ve met have a complained over an ale or two – but warts and all – the FAAA will do the things requested and required of them.
You don’t need to look far to see the difference between CASA and FAA, that stupid survey for example – not to enhance or improve, but a box ticking exercise, so they can say a Forsyth recommendation has been met. Senate – ignored, Minister – ignored, Rev Forsyth – ignored and now we are to believe that industry will be ‘heard’ – BOLLOCKS. Not much has changed in the past 30 years – unless you count Strict Liability and criminal records as improvement, or part 61 as a gift from the heavens, or part 145 as the answer to a maidens prayer.
There may be some discussion and a bit of push and shove over the Bill of Rights – but you watch; the Americans will have it done and dusted, before Skidmore and Co. have even worked out why 61 is pile of crap and worked out a way to keep it. Disgusting.
Aye; it’s rum – but no matter – in another 15 years we shall have the Skidmore vision splendid. But only the colour version, CVD need not apply, the CAD test will have weeded them out by then, if the new clerical medicals don’t get you first. I can hardly wait.
Toot toot.