Dear PM and DPM.
Ask one of your intelligent aids to spend a half hour reading just some of the industry groups offerings in the Alphabet Soup forum. You could even stretch that to reading some of the submissions made to the Forsyth ASRR. It is a clear enough picture, even for a layman. Talk to the Senate Standing Committee – take what – an hour?
Then pick up the phone and send a message to CASA to stop pissing about and address the problems; back the CASA Board, appoint a DAS with some integrity and a spine then put your feet up. The easiest problem you are ever likely to deal with; cost bugger all and would make many smile for a week.
Simple enough – take what? – a morning to start an industry moving forward rather than marking time, in the mud we have been stuck in for almost three decades. You need some proper advice, you really, truly do.
L&K the IOS.
Ask one of your intelligent aids to spend a half hour reading just some of the industry groups offerings in the Alphabet Soup forum. You could even stretch that to reading some of the submissions made to the Forsyth ASRR. It is a clear enough picture, even for a layman. Talk to the Senate Standing Committee – take what – an hour?
Then pick up the phone and send a message to CASA to stop pissing about and address the problems; back the CASA Board, appoint a DAS with some integrity and a spine then put your feet up. The easiest problem you are ever likely to deal with; cost bugger all and would make many smile for a week.
Simple enough – take what? – a morning to start an industry moving forward rather than marking time, in the mud we have been stuck in for almost three decades. You need some proper advice, you really, truly do.
L&K the IOS.