Sandy posted :-
It was only a matter of time before the Avmed horror stories began to creep out. More to follow, you bet, like my favorite - DAME will be hard to find, they all quit, walked away laughing hysterically. Don't laugh, it could happen.
Quote:The piece de resistance is however "safety issues"....."aviation medicine clinical standards evidence base". Yes well AVMED will need a heavy rearguard action in view of the bill before the US Congress to do away with most avmed exams because there is no supporting safety case. That's right nil, zero, no evidence, none, of increased safety of flight any more than the same regime would make your next road trip any safer.
It was only a matter of time before the Avmed horror stories began to creep out. More to follow, you bet, like my favorite - DAME will be hard to find, they all quit, walked away laughing hysterically. Don't laugh, it could happen.