09-30-2015, 08:52 AM
Nicely argued Ziggy; of course you are combating ‘smoke, mirrors and intent with logic. As you are well aware, a practical real life approach or any form a accurate measuring stick cannot possibly be allowed. Look at the comfortable 16 year margin Oliver Skidmore Twist has ‘assumed’ as his own measure of ‘reform’ progress. Unrealistic, risible and plainly a one finger salute to the Senate, the Rev Forsyth and industry.
But when you get right down to it, the intention is plain, pure and simple. The findings of any outside evaluation – is of no practical, or intrinsic value to those at whom the finger of UFB is pointed. To admit change is to admit error and we can’t have that, now can we.
Every fool in the Souk know the ‘agencies’ are a basket case, that has been demonstrated and proven a hundred times – yet, they persist with the ‘assumption’ that they, and they alone are fit to assess their progress. Bollocks.
But when you get right down to it, the intention is plain, pure and simple. The findings of any outside evaluation – is of no practical, or intrinsic value to those at whom the finger of UFB is pointed. To admit change is to admit error and we can’t have that, now can we.
Every fool in the Souk know the ‘agencies’ are a basket case, that has been demonstrated and proven a hundred times – yet, they persist with the ‘assumption’ that they, and they alone are fit to assess their progress. Bollocks.