It would appear that the potential body count from tomorrow evening is dropping as we speak.. 
Here is the latest update to the program - "when the little one said...roll over..roll over and they all rolled over and one fell out.. i.e. then there was four"...
- QON Index
QON 106:
Ps Come on Murky give us the AQONs, you know you want to..

Here is the latest update to the program - "when the little one said...roll over..roll over and they all rolled over and one fell out.. i.e. then there was four"...

Quote:5.00 pm Airservices Australia (Submission 3)And ASA have also made a fairly subjective submission - #sub3 - which is interesting because by default we actually get two QONs from Budget Estimates answered prior to a week before next Estimates...
Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston AK, AFC (Ret’d), Chair
Mr Jason Harfield, Acting Chief Executive Officer
Mr Paul Logan, Acting Chief Financial Officer
Mr Greg Hood, Air Traffic Control
7.00 pm Adjournment of hearing

QON 106:
Quote:…Senator GALLACHER: Is there any public consultation? Can anybody come to it?QON107:
Ms Staib: We had quite an extensive consultation process at Adelaide Airport with the local operators.
Senator GALLACHER: So are any submissions publicly available?
Ms Staib: To my knowledge, there were no written submissions taken.
Senator GALLACHER: Do you have a list of organisations that have made submissions to you? Do you know who spoke to you about it, or which organisations have made submissions?
Ms Staib: There have been no submissions taken, but there have been people consulted. I can provide you the list of the people that we have consulted.
Senator GALLACHER: Okay, thank you…
Senator GALLACHER: My question is: was there an initial business case—
Ms Staib: There was a business case put to the board.
Senator GALLACHER: Was that an initial business case?
Ms Staib: No, that was the final business case.
Senator GALLACHER: And has that business case been furnished to the committee?
Ms Staib: Extracts have been provided. There are some commercial sensitivities at the moment with its relationship to our negotiations on the OneSKY program.
Senator GALLACHER: Just for clarification, was the business case final at the time of the last discussion at estimates?
Ms Staib: To my recollection, yes. I think we had an initial safety case talked about—the business case.
Senator GALLACHER: We are onto the business case now. You did say that you would be able to furnish the business case to the committee. You are now saying it is commercial-in-confidence.
Ms Staib: There is an element that is commercially sensitive because of its relationship with the OneSKY program. Once we get further into those negotiations I can table the full business case or I can do it in camera if you want.
Senator GALLACHER: It is quite common for committees to have evidence taken in camera. That is quite appropriate. Also there are redactions if you have commercial sensitivities.
Ms Staib: I think I could do it—
Senator GALLACHER: I think withholding the business case is not advancing support for your decision, so to speak. So you can now table it in camera—is that what you are telling me?
Ms Staib: Yes, or I am happy to redact the commercially sensitive piece.
CHAIR: Can I halt there for a moment. I am trying to run this so that we get finished before the 11 o'clock knock-off. We cannot take evidence in camera at estimates. There is nothing to talk about. It cannot happen.
Ms Staib: Can I please table the business case with the commercially sensitive material redacted?
Senator GALLACHER: Is that okay, Chair?

Ps Come on Murky give us the AQONs, you know you want to..