09-01-2015, 06:47 AM
Kharon said;
"I reckon if anyone who had the first clue was in charge the entire mess would be publically sorted out within a month, it’s going to take weeks just to get the Senate committee ‘on stage’ let alone drag in the recalcitrant, the venal and the greedy into a genteel gabfest. Then it will take a half year for the report, then another half year while the word weasels do their work, by then there’ll be an election and nothing; not one single solitary ducking thing will happen – even then – after all that – Truss will do sod all".
Naughty naughty Kharon. Did somebody in Sluggers PMC sneak you a copy of their internal meeting minutes and game plan? I believe so!!
And from the article in The Genitalian on the 29th;
"Airservices air traffic control general manager Greg Hood did not directly respond yesterday to Mr Smith’s claims, or suggestions that Airservices had misled the public, but insisted Tasmanian airspace was safe".
Bad bad Hoody. Adopting the Sir An(g)us approach of not answering questions directly and then making pithy statements like 'it's all ok, everything is safe'! Tsk tsk old mate, you should know by now that the IOS treat these types of statements with utter contempt and relegate such bollocks into the toilet tidy-bin. Stand by boys and prepare to hit the flush button, here comes another pony pooh ASA statement so let's send it to where it belongs!
Australian politicians and their bureaucrat minions leave behind them a legacy of large financial clusterf#cks, so why should ASA be any different? They can't even get a $6 million safety upgrade done properly in Tasmania, and now they are gifted the $1 billion plus OneSky system to oversight and manage? Oh Lordy, get me out of here, quick. The dipshits in power in Australia leave behind a legacy of billion dollar screw ups including the Collins submarines, Sea Sprites, BER, NBN, infrastructure failures, an unworkable shitty antiquated tax system, a dying Barrier Reef and a completely rooted mighty Murray river, plus failures to deliver much needed revenue from the mining industry and SACL, to name just a few examples.
Nope, sorry lads, the lunatics are definitely in charge of the asylum. Nothing will change in our governments or within the bureaucracies that serve their masters. Sorry, I love this country, but it's been the Australian way for the past century - to plan but not act, or when we do act it is knee jerk, irrational and costly. It's systemic, endemic and entrenched. I shall now leave my soapbox as I turn to the industry I love and kiss it goodby.
Tick tock Australian aviation, tick tock
"I reckon if anyone who had the first clue was in charge the entire mess would be publically sorted out within a month, it’s going to take weeks just to get the Senate committee ‘on stage’ let alone drag in the recalcitrant, the venal and the greedy into a genteel gabfest. Then it will take a half year for the report, then another half year while the word weasels do their work, by then there’ll be an election and nothing; not one single solitary ducking thing will happen – even then – after all that – Truss will do sod all".
Naughty naughty Kharon. Did somebody in Sluggers PMC sneak you a copy of their internal meeting minutes and game plan? I believe so!!
And from the article in The Genitalian on the 29th;
"Airservices air traffic control general manager Greg Hood did not directly respond yesterday to Mr Smith’s claims, or suggestions that Airservices had misled the public, but insisted Tasmanian airspace was safe".
Bad bad Hoody. Adopting the Sir An(g)us approach of not answering questions directly and then making pithy statements like 'it's all ok, everything is safe'! Tsk tsk old mate, you should know by now that the IOS treat these types of statements with utter contempt and relegate such bollocks into the toilet tidy-bin. Stand by boys and prepare to hit the flush button, here comes another pony pooh ASA statement so let's send it to where it belongs!
Australian politicians and their bureaucrat minions leave behind them a legacy of large financial clusterf#cks, so why should ASA be any different? They can't even get a $6 million safety upgrade done properly in Tasmania, and now they are gifted the $1 billion plus OneSky system to oversight and manage? Oh Lordy, get me out of here, quick. The dipshits in power in Australia leave behind a legacy of billion dollar screw ups including the Collins submarines, Sea Sprites, BER, NBN, infrastructure failures, an unworkable shitty antiquated tax system, a dying Barrier Reef and a completely rooted mighty Murray river, plus failures to deliver much needed revenue from the mining industry and SACL, to name just a few examples.
Nope, sorry lads, the lunatics are definitely in charge of the asylum. Nothing will change in our governments or within the bureaucracies that serve their masters. Sorry, I love this country, but it's been the Australian way for the past century - to plan but not act, or when we do act it is knee jerk, irrational and costly. It's systemic, endemic and entrenched. I shall now leave my soapbox as I turn to the industry I love and kiss it goodby.
Tick tock Australian aviation, tick tock