Not often lost for words; but the cost to the country, just on ‘airspace’ the last decade is beyond imagining, let alone reckoning. There are calls for red tape reduction, budget cutting, belt tightening and all manner of notions, potions and spells to cure the Australian financial ills. Then you look back over the wasted years, effort and even crass monitory considerations and you realise that a good percentage of our kids are denied food, clothing and shelter, while countless millions are pissed up against the walls of junkets, fact finding, conferences, meetings and services which the general community expect to be delivered promptly and properly, but ain’t, which are just another through for the select few to feed from.
I can only hope that at the next Estimates, the committee have managed to sort out how much of the incredible sums of money passing through the ASA coffers are not being used effectively, where it is going, how much the government is not getting of those monies and how little return or gain is made for industry from the investment we make in the ASA monopoly. Even if it’s just to regain some of that revenue, rightfully belonging to a tightened belt Australia, to put to more practical use for the benefit of the many; not the chosen few.
Fat chance? – we shall see.
I can only hope that at the next Estimates, the committee have managed to sort out how much of the incredible sums of money passing through the ASA coffers are not being used effectively, where it is going, how much the government is not getting of those monies and how little return or gain is made for industry from the investment we make in the ASA monopoly. Even if it’s just to regain some of that revenue, rightfully belonging to a tightened belt Australia, to put to more practical use for the benefit of the many; not the chosen few.
Fat chance? – we shall see.