CASA FOI (non-) Disclosure Log Update?? -
In recent times CM and I had noticed that CASA FOI disclosure log had not been updated since around about July 2024. We also had the concern that the CASA FDL had changed its published format to no longer include links to the 'publicly' released documents - courtesy CASA FDL:
Maybe due to some of our protagonist activities, recently the administrators of the CASA FDL started to update and catch up with the CASA FDL back log - see HERE minus the hyperlinks.
Curious about some of the FDL entries I requested copies of what should now be publicly available documents. Finally after a month I got this reply:
Anyway for those interested here are AP links for those released FOI documents:
Hmm...creating hyperlinks, that took me all of about 2 minutes...
PS: Please bombard Handy Andy and his minions with multiple requests for FDL documents...

In recent times CM and I had noticed that CASA FOI disclosure log had not been updated since around about July 2024. We also had the concern that the CASA FDL had changed its published format to no longer include links to the 'publicly' released documents - courtesy CASA FDL:
Quote:Removal of CASA FOI Disclosure Log Hyperlinks - 26 August 2024 - All emails and other internal correspondence, meeting minutes or other notes taken, relating to the decision to remove, and the implementation of the decision to remove, from the CASA FOI Disclosure Log, hyperlinks to copies of documents disclosed by CASA pursuant to the FOI Act. Partial Release - s47F
I note that the CASA FOI Disclosure log has recently been updated (from 6 March entry onwards) and reformatted.
Unfortunately the new format does not include links for the FOI publicly released documents and has omitted the previously released (prior to 26 February entry) PDF weblinks . In case this is an administrative oversight issue, would it possible for all the new entries to have their released documents PDF web linked?
If this is for some reason not possible, could you at least release the documents for the 6 March 2024 entry: " Reports relevant to CASA's restricting of technical staff since 2010; 2021 CASA APS Employee Census Results; 2023 CASA APS Employee Census Results; Psycho-social safety climate survey conducted by University of South Australia in 2019 for CASA; The Internal Audit Report EAP - Enterprise Aviation Processing; and the most recent interim ICAO report on CASA. Exemption(s) applied: Full release..",
Thank you in advance
Maybe due to some of our protagonist activities, recently the administrators of the CASA FDL started to update and catch up with the CASA FDL back log - see HERE minus the hyperlinks.
Curious about some of the FDL entries I requested copies of what should now be publicly available documents. Finally after a month I got this reply:
CASA Ref: F25/1749
Dear P2,
I refer to your email of 10 February 2025, requesting access to the following documents that are published on CASA’s FOI Disclosure Log webpage:
Requesting copies of documents released under disclosure log entries:
1. F25/374 - CASR Part 43 and ICAO Annex 6 5 - February 2025
2. Surveillance and Safety Reports for N619SW (Boeing 737-3H4) -24 December 2024
3. CASA documentation regarding accident that took place on 4 July 2020 in Broome, WA - 2 July 2024
4. CASA advice to the Department of Infrastructure regarding Moorabbin Airport. - 28 June 2024
Please find attached the documents you have requested.
I apologise for the delay in providing you access to these documents.
Kind regards,
Amy George
Freedom of Information Officer
Advisory Section
Legal Services Branch
CASA – Legal, International and Regulatory Affairs
13 17 57
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2601
Anyway for those interested here are AP links for those released FOI documents:
Hmm...creating hyperlinks, that took me all of about 2 minutes...


PS: Please bombard Handy Andy and his minions with multiple requests for FDL documents...