M'Lords, Ladies and Gentlefolk.
Warning – long ramble; opinion muddled but “better out than In”.
May I crave your indulgence for a short moment and ask you to give some careful consideration to whats is, probably, a classic example of waste, box ticking, time, money and energy – all at tax payer expense. Ayup, yet another 'Senate' committee has convened to achieve exactly What? Oh, it is a serious question, make no mistake about it. In support 'we' could provide an after match analysis; albeit with both real and most probably 'estimated' money numbers. These numbers represent a serious investment by not only the tax paying, traveling public, the aviation industry, and associated 'support' groups. It represents a mind boggling amount of tax payer money. When one adds in the time and expense of even attempting to provide 'submission' and etc. the picture becomes crystal clear. In a nutshell; this nation could have saved a significant (massive) amount of money by simply not bothering with the farce.
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
And that, boys and girls, is exactly and precisely what the aviation industry (and the public) have been engaged in for Donkey's years. On aviation, (matters aeronautical) I may speak with some authority, less so for the man 'at the back of the room' – however, with your indulgence I will now construe. Neither the elected representatives of the people nor those attempting to further an aviation business have a cat-in Hell chance of beating the ever more expensive, ever growing 'public service' (for wont of better). This burgeoning 'industry' thrives at public expense. Politicians have a lot to do with the impost. One can actually count number of times some self serving buffoon asks what is believed to be a clever question. - “Good one Senator, we shall immediately set the wheels in motion to supply that very answer (in detail) in due course”. So now another team is formed (read 'new chums'). Mates of mates grandchildren scrubbed and polished jump on board the ever growing gravy train; all on top dollars of course. Well off they go, another study is launched; reams of paper disappear from the stationary cupboard; and, in the foulness of time – usually when the need is over, a 'proper' response is generated, and provided – for next time (in a twelvemonth or so). Subtle and ever so slightly understated.
LB - When there's no 'upside' for an agency to do something, and little political risk in not doing that thing, it will often get 'overlooked'.
Not only, but also, consider the number of barriers a 'clean' solution must pass through before it has a slim (anorexic?) chance of becoming a 'real' change. How many different levels of 'risk' (to whom) assessment must it pass (political safety filters) - before becoming 'useful'. Years go by in some cases and the original intent and purpose is diluted, manipulated, and transmogrified into a meaningless nothing. This is no faerie tale; go no further back than the 'Forsyth Report' and the Pel Air ditching. Find one recommendation from that which has had a positive response and improved 'safety' for anyone else: well, bar the politicians and the ever present bureaucratic hoard. One could, if serious, investigate the absolutely outrageous cases in WA (Broome) and the NT (Croc eggs). One of the greatest (and most obscene) cover up paper jobs ever inflicted. There are many more 'tales of wonder' from the last decade; they all shine a bright, steady light on an ever increasing, powerful, independent 'sub' government' within the public service and weak kneed, spineless politicians who are glad to be shed of any and all responsibility. All there; all demonstrable; but pay no heed of me; just watch the pantomime of the next 'Estimates' session – then wonder who is actually running this nation. No prize for the best guess. End of rambling opinion, soon forgotten no doubt....
“All we do is disguise our weak politics behind a powerful bureaucracy and disguise our powerful bureaucracy behind weak political decision making.”
Aye; the list is long; ASA struggling (Halfwit a Multi millionaire despite all). CASA completely stuck in a mire of confused, conflated, contradictory regulation and, being run by a clerical type. ATSB beyond any reasonable descriptor; failing to understand design purpose and being of neither intrinsic or practical value. I rest my opinionated case M'Lud....There: Hobby horse returned to stable; (ridden hard, put away wet)..
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
Change of direction here; but, nevertheless related. It was a fairly long drive home; the journey made at the behest of a much loved ancient, a Holocaust survivor and inheritor of his Grandfather's skills: in short an acknowledged 'clock maker' – the real deal – imagine, design, make a 'machine' to meet that design. Skill set off the planet; anyway, seems he had repaired (re-built) an old mechanism; alas, the cabinet was in need of some 'TLC' – could I fix it? The bloody thing is worth a King's ransom, the timber both exotic and expensive. The trust and faith shown blew me away; the thought of the work and workmanship required to create this thing led me to think of what has been lost to the modern world. No one seems to care except for antique dealers and their clients – Bless 'em. So here I sit; some thirty odd pieces of 'exotic' and now very expensive timber and the guts of an ancient clock for company. I keep shuffling the bits of wood around, grain, texture, size, cutting and shaping problems – all part of the journey. It may all come together tomorrow; may take a week – don't know: but I will honor the faith and trust while nodding at the original creators, while listening to the steady tick of a wonderful thing made by folk who truly asked no more than to be paid for their marvels. Color me humbled. Right; time to shift according to big dog – best I crack on.
Selah ._.
Warning – long ramble; opinion muddled but “better out than In”.
May I crave your indulgence for a short moment and ask you to give some careful consideration to whats is, probably, a classic example of waste, box ticking, time, money and energy – all at tax payer expense. Ayup, yet another 'Senate' committee has convened to achieve exactly What? Oh, it is a serious question, make no mistake about it. In support 'we' could provide an after match analysis; albeit with both real and most probably 'estimated' money numbers. These numbers represent a serious investment by not only the tax paying, traveling public, the aviation industry, and associated 'support' groups. It represents a mind boggling amount of tax payer money. When one adds in the time and expense of even attempting to provide 'submission' and etc. the picture becomes crystal clear. In a nutshell; this nation could have saved a significant (massive) amount of money by simply not bothering with the farce.
'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
And that, boys and girls, is exactly and precisely what the aviation industry (and the public) have been engaged in for Donkey's years. On aviation, (matters aeronautical) I may speak with some authority, less so for the man 'at the back of the room' – however, with your indulgence I will now construe. Neither the elected representatives of the people nor those attempting to further an aviation business have a cat-in Hell chance of beating the ever more expensive, ever growing 'public service' (for wont of better). This burgeoning 'industry' thrives at public expense. Politicians have a lot to do with the impost. One can actually count number of times some self serving buffoon asks what is believed to be a clever question. - “Good one Senator, we shall immediately set the wheels in motion to supply that very answer (in detail) in due course”. So now another team is formed (read 'new chums'). Mates of mates grandchildren scrubbed and polished jump on board the ever growing gravy train; all on top dollars of course. Well off they go, another study is launched; reams of paper disappear from the stationary cupboard; and, in the foulness of time – usually when the need is over, a 'proper' response is generated, and provided – for next time (in a twelvemonth or so). Subtle and ever so slightly understated.
LB - When there's no 'upside' for an agency to do something, and little political risk in not doing that thing, it will often get 'overlooked'.
Not only, but also, consider the number of barriers a 'clean' solution must pass through before it has a slim (anorexic?) chance of becoming a 'real' change. How many different levels of 'risk' (to whom) assessment must it pass (political safety filters) - before becoming 'useful'. Years go by in some cases and the original intent and purpose is diluted, manipulated, and transmogrified into a meaningless nothing. This is no faerie tale; go no further back than the 'Forsyth Report' and the Pel Air ditching. Find one recommendation from that which has had a positive response and improved 'safety' for anyone else: well, bar the politicians and the ever present bureaucratic hoard. One could, if serious, investigate the absolutely outrageous cases in WA (Broome) and the NT (Croc eggs). One of the greatest (and most obscene) cover up paper jobs ever inflicted. There are many more 'tales of wonder' from the last decade; they all shine a bright, steady light on an ever increasing, powerful, independent 'sub' government' within the public service and weak kneed, spineless politicians who are glad to be shed of any and all responsibility. All there; all demonstrable; but pay no heed of me; just watch the pantomime of the next 'Estimates' session – then wonder who is actually running this nation. No prize for the best guess. End of rambling opinion, soon forgotten no doubt....
“All we do is disguise our weak politics behind a powerful bureaucracy and disguise our powerful bureaucracy behind weak political decision making.”
Aye; the list is long; ASA struggling (Halfwit a Multi millionaire despite all). CASA completely stuck in a mire of confused, conflated, contradictory regulation and, being run by a clerical type. ATSB beyond any reasonable descriptor; failing to understand design purpose and being of neither intrinsic or practical value. I rest my opinionated case M'Lud....There: Hobby horse returned to stable; (ridden hard, put away wet)..
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.”
Change of direction here; but, nevertheless related. It was a fairly long drive home; the journey made at the behest of a much loved ancient, a Holocaust survivor and inheritor of his Grandfather's skills: in short an acknowledged 'clock maker' – the real deal – imagine, design, make a 'machine' to meet that design. Skill set off the planet; anyway, seems he had repaired (re-built) an old mechanism; alas, the cabinet was in need of some 'TLC' – could I fix it? The bloody thing is worth a King's ransom, the timber both exotic and expensive. The trust and faith shown blew me away; the thought of the work and workmanship required to create this thing led me to think of what has been lost to the modern world. No one seems to care except for antique dealers and their clients – Bless 'em. So here I sit; some thirty odd pieces of 'exotic' and now very expensive timber and the guts of an ancient clock for company. I keep shuffling the bits of wood around, grain, texture, size, cutting and shaping problems – all part of the journey. It may all come together tomorrow; may take a week – don't know: but I will honor the faith and trust while nodding at the original creators, while listening to the steady tick of a wonderful thing made by folk who truly asked no more than to be paid for their marvels. Color me humbled. Right; time to shift according to big dog – best I crack on.
Selah ._.