Of Alice and the perils within the looking glass.
“I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”
It was while watching the TV coverage of the Potomac mid air, that a stray whimsy began a campaign to be be recoginised as a valid line of serious consideration; I shall attempt an explanation.
“For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.”
The 'media' coverage was, pretty much, as one should expect – say no more. But when the alleged 'experts' are wheeled in, the whole 'media' frenzy becomes farcical. The 'usual suspects' (some even take time to don a uniform shirts, wings and bars) and proceed to shoot themselves in their own fundamental orifice. Naturally, anyone with a serious interest in, experience of, or even expertise in 'crash' investigation reaches for the (much loved), ever handy 'Mute' Button. End of – Amen. Serious, knowledgeable folk automatically dismiss such 'dramatic' misleading sensation seeking, even those with little knowledge may safely dismiss much of the 'blather' spouted and await some form of 'official' statement, to glean the direction a professional, official investigation may take. End of rant: BUT! Here is where my whimsy took me. If, as we see in the media, the same cavalier approach and 'sensationalist' guff is presented by folk who have an 'expertise' in any field; it does leave one wondering about the 'credibility' of the presented 'expert'. That, to me at least, gives weight to an old adage; and even then, attribution for it is claimed (by experts) to be either Ben Franklin or Edgar Allan Poe – Go figure.....
“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
Aye well, so much for whimsy; but, before memory of today's 'news' fades forever take a minute or two to watch this short from Sky News. Seems the sky may not be falling in, not just yet anyway _HERE – and; an interesting series of posts from the UP -HERE. So much for 'media'. Slowly I catch up with the latest 'doings' of our engorged 'official' safety watchdogs; which, despite the 'sound and fury' of last years 'Estimates' they all seem to sleek, happy and snuggled up in their bunkers, immune from any and all forms of 'suggestion' that Australian aviation is becoming moribund and drowning in an ocean of incompetence and arse covering blather; the more things change Eh?
But, enough beer o'clock is rapidly approaching and I am allowed visitors, so best I crack on and get sorted – been a while; looking forward to seeing old friends again – no doubt DT will shoo 'em out before bed time (Alas).
Selah .-.
“I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”
It was while watching the TV coverage of the Potomac mid air, that a stray whimsy began a campaign to be be recoginised as a valid line of serious consideration; I shall attempt an explanation.
“For, you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible.”
The 'media' coverage was, pretty much, as one should expect – say no more. But when the alleged 'experts' are wheeled in, the whole 'media' frenzy becomes farcical. The 'usual suspects' (some even take time to don a uniform shirts, wings and bars) and proceed to shoot themselves in their own fundamental orifice. Naturally, anyone with a serious interest in, experience of, or even expertise in 'crash' investigation reaches for the (much loved), ever handy 'Mute' Button. End of – Amen. Serious, knowledgeable folk automatically dismiss such 'dramatic' misleading sensation seeking, even those with little knowledge may safely dismiss much of the 'blather' spouted and await some form of 'official' statement, to glean the direction a professional, official investigation may take. End of rant: BUT! Here is where my whimsy took me. If, as we see in the media, the same cavalier approach and 'sensationalist' guff is presented by folk who have an 'expertise' in any field; it does leave one wondering about the 'credibility' of the presented 'expert'. That, to me at least, gives weight to an old adage; and even then, attribution for it is claimed (by experts) to be either Ben Franklin or Edgar Allan Poe – Go figure.....
“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.”
Aye well, so much for whimsy; but, before memory of today's 'news' fades forever take a minute or two to watch this short from Sky News. Seems the sky may not be falling in, not just yet anyway _HERE – and; an interesting series of posts from the UP -HERE. So much for 'media'. Slowly I catch up with the latest 'doings' of our engorged 'official' safety watchdogs; which, despite the 'sound and fury' of last years 'Estimates' they all seem to sleek, happy and snuggled up in their bunkers, immune from any and all forms of 'suggestion' that Australian aviation is becoming moribund and drowning in an ocean of incompetence and arse covering blather; the more things change Eh?
But, enough beer o'clock is rapidly approaching and I am allowed visitors, so best I crack on and get sorted – been a while; looking forward to seeing old friends again – no doubt DT will shoo 'em out before bed time (Alas).
Selah .-.