Dicky King/ Betsy go MIA on Supp Estimates QON?? -
I note that on the RRAT Supp Estimates webpage (see - HERE) that recently the QON for Supp Estimates have begun to be published. However on referral to the 5 pages of QON listed (IE 230 QON) all are addressed to the Agriculture Dept and none to DK/Betsy's Dept - WTD?
Hmm...could this be a sign that DK/Betsy have already racked their cues in advance of the upcoming election...
PS: By the way I note that the HoR committee inquiry into nuclear power generation in Australia now has over 500 submissions published. Good to see that free and frank open debate on a significant issue, like future nuclear energy generation in Australia, is still possible underneath the Can'tberra bubble and within the halls of Federal Parliament...
I note that on the RRAT Supp Estimates webpage (see - HERE) that recently the QON for Supp Estimates have begun to be published. However on referral to the 5 pages of QON listed (IE 230 QON) all are addressed to the Agriculture Dept and none to DK/Betsy's Dept - WTD?
Hmm...could this be a sign that DK/Betsy have already racked their cues in advance of the upcoming election...
PS: By the way I note that the HoR committee inquiry into nuclear power generation in Australia now has over 500 submissions published. Good to see that free and frank open debate on a significant issue, like future nuclear energy generation in Australia, is still possible underneath the Can'tberra bubble and within the halls of Federal Parliament...