AO-2024-002: Final Report released.
Via PJ Media team:
Hoorah! Finally a basic summary presser without the fictional DTS or Popinjay embellishments...
The report itself is actually very good and has been completed (in what has to be a record for the ATSB) inside of 6 months - WOW!
Unfortunately over on Pprune there has been much negative speculation on the hypothetical causes and possible motivations of the dead trainee pilot...
: from - HERE.
Spinex & CM in reply...
Incidentally there was a similar scenario accident investigation conducted by the TSBC, which I covered off on the Search 4 IP thread - [url=]Chalk & Cheese: ATSB v TSBC??- which perhaps is more relevant to the causal chain - just saying??
Gold Star to the ATSB for this investigation and final report -
Via PJ Media team:
Quote:ATSB releases Camden C172 accident investigation final report
The ATSB has released the final report from its investigation into an accident involving a Cessna 172 light aircraft near Camden Airport, south-west of Sydney, on 24 January 2024.
The aircraft was being used for flight instruction of a student pilot. After conducting a number of circuits, the instructor assessed that the student, who had previously flown solo in a Gazelle aircraft and held a recreational aviation pilot certificate, was competent to complete their first solo in the Cessna 172.
After receiving air traffic control clearance shortly after 3pm the student pilot commenced the flight, which was to be a standard circuit of the airport followed by a ‘full-stop’ landing.
Towards the end of the downwind leg of the circuit, the aircraft departed level flight, rapidly descended and impacted the ground in an open paddock. The pilot was fatally injured, and the aircraft was destroyed.
The ATSB’s investigation found there was no evidence of any in-flight failure of the airframe structure or flight control system and that the engine appeared to have been producing significant power at impact.
In the absence of an identified problem with the aircraft, and after consulting with the aircraft manufacturer to confirm performance characteristics, the investigation found that continual nose-down control input was almost certainly applied to the flight controls throughout the increasingly steep, accelerating descent.
The investigation considered potential reasons for the sustained forward pressure on the control yoke, which are discussed in the report’s Safety Analysis section.
However, based on the evidence available, the reason for the continued control input could not be determined.
Read the report: Collision with terrain involving Cessna 172S, VH-CPQ, 3.5 km west of Camden Airport, New South Wales, on 24 January 2024
Publication Date
Hoorah! Finally a basic summary presser without the fictional DTS or Popinjay embellishments...

The report itself is actually very good and has been completed (in what has to be a record for the ATSB) inside of 6 months - WOW!

Unfortunately over on Pprune there has been much negative speculation on the hypothetical causes and possible motivations of the dead trainee pilot...

Quote:Originally Posted by spinex [/url]
Final report out.
That reads a little suicidal sorry to say.
He sounded like an eager, excited young lad, the character assessment given doesn’t really paint a picture of someone with challenges, but I am well aware that people can keep to themselves, and even those extremely close to any one person, can be blindsided by issues one is dealing with. Have seen that many times over, especially during the pandemic.
Perhaps he panicked, first GA solo, base turn…. is a big moment in a pilots life. I had a student 30 years ago, whilst tracking over the ocean, had a panic attack and froze up, this occurred during a turn and he kept it going, I picked up on it when I looked over on why he was still turning. It took a good 5 minutes for him to compose himself, he never flew again after that. It was quite confronting to see someone in that state, similar to how I’ve seen some nervous passengers over time.
I’m in two minds about this one. I think there is more to this, but as advised, they can’t confirm or deny any specific cause.
Spinex & CM in reply...

Quote:Quote:Originally Posted by spinex
It worries me a little that they were able to dig up a couple of other instances of unexplained diving in, involving C172s. Must say I appreciate that the ATSB will say in effect; we don't know for certain. Given the absence of any evidence suggesting suicidal intent, it wouldn't sit very well with me if they pointed the bone at the pilot, merely because they hadn't found anything else.
Well said, spinex.
Kingairs rolling and crashing shortly after take-off keep getting attributed to the pilot, too.
The most disturbing thing from my perspective is the number of people - who claim to be professional pilots - lining up to blame the deceased pilots.
Incidentally there was a similar scenario accident investigation conducted by the TSBC, which I covered off on the Search 4 IP thread - [url=]Chalk & Cheese: ATSB v TSBC??- which perhaps is more relevant to the causal chain - just saying??

Gold Star to the ATSB for this investigation and final report -
