Mushrooms v Bubble Heads (Round 30).
"Perversely no one will listen until there is an actual accident. Near misses are seen viewed by our regulator as a successfully managed event with a safe outcome."
The quote above comes from one G.F. Ramsay Esq, - HERE - . It is a minor masterpiece of putting a complex issue into a nutshell. Not only clearly defining the cynical, self serving attitude of the very expensive agencies purporting to be world class 'safety agencies'; but how they get away with it and still manage to increase the huge budgets which support the edifice every year.
One 'pillar' of the 'safety system' is Air Traffic Control (ATC) ; now, even a Minuscule as absent and purblind as King must see the benefit in preventing aircraft banging into each other.
"something is fundamentally wrong, as even the most purblind apologists must surely come to recognise"
But, set that 'no brain required' notion aside and examine the fiscal cost of such an event; then compare that cost to the cost of an ATC strike action. International and domestic traffic: stopped; even if just for a day. That lost revenue alone would meet the modest demands of the ATCO; but IMO the political 'blow-back' from the air carriers and the travelling public would, (at least should), bring an end to the ministerial tenure. But should there ever be a major event involving passenger transport aircraft and the state of the ATC system is exposed; (IMO) the government would be gone. The cost and waste within the 'administrative' side of ATC v the cost of the 'operational' side of providing a world standard ATC system is worthy of a Royal Commission.
“For this can be said of men in general: that they are ungrateful, fickle, hypocrites and dissemblers, avoiders of dangers, greedy for gain; and while you benefit them, they are entirely yours, offering you their blood, their goods, their life, their children,...when need is far away, but when you actually become needy, they turn away.
Aye, the ATC saga should (you'd think) be enough to galvanise 'government' into action; alas. But many believe this is only the visible part of a much bigger problem within the entire 'aviation safety' system. There are several fairly large signposts pointing toward the real danger areas of an imploding system. ICAO compliance being a muted, but important one, nevertheless. P2 has been rummaging through the dusty basements and discussing his finds with folks who actually know, not only what they are looking at; but 'how' to translate it into something Joe Average can fathom. Take the time and read through the - ICAO - and AMROBA offerings - for a reality fix.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
All well and good in theory; much fodder for thought and consideration, even makes for some lively discussion at the workbench or in the Pub. In fact, anywhere outside the Bubble, sensible qualified folk despair the wreckage left in the wake of what should be, for money thrown at it for political distance, be at a gold standard. It ain't; not by a long shot it ain't. DoIT obsessed with signalling how ducking virtuous they are while stonewalling Senators; CASA head Muppet who has never read a rule book being led about like a lamb to slaughter; ATSB - well: least said the better about that particular aberration, much better. It looks as though the only real hope for 'deep and meaningful' change - a real one; is the Fawcett/ McKenzie alliance. They will need help, time for the industry to step up and pick a side. The opposition has had much time to fortify their castle in the clouds; time to whistle up the 'heavies'. IASA and ICAO have the clout - it is only a matter of 'interest' for them now; they have known for donkey's years the path Australia is on - and it ain't compliance. Tick Tock...
“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”
It is not fear of a major accident event which troubles; to me, it seems the gradual slide into an obfuscated, confused morass of ineptitude, ignorance and lack of clear leadership which will, inevitably lead to this once world class aviation nation becoming a pariah; not 'up front' - but a behind the hand butt of jokes. This shames all of us.
“And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear, millions of mischiefs.”
Ayup, my scribbles may not bother those on the gravy train; but spare a thought for the victims; those at the pointy end of an aircraft; those sitting at consuls directing traffic and those being extricated from smashed up aircraft pending eventual 'investigation'. That's it - dogs to walk and things to do and incoming flack from the kitchen means finish my coffee and 'get to it'..
"Perversely no one will listen until there is an actual accident. Near misses are seen viewed by our regulator as a successfully managed event with a safe outcome."
The quote above comes from one G.F. Ramsay Esq, - HERE - . It is a minor masterpiece of putting a complex issue into a nutshell. Not only clearly defining the cynical, self serving attitude of the very expensive agencies purporting to be world class 'safety agencies'; but how they get away with it and still manage to increase the huge budgets which support the edifice every year.
One 'pillar' of the 'safety system' is Air Traffic Control (ATC) ; now, even a Minuscule as absent and purblind as King must see the benefit in preventing aircraft banging into each other.
"something is fundamentally wrong, as even the most purblind apologists must surely come to recognise"
But, set that 'no brain required' notion aside and examine the fiscal cost of such an event; then compare that cost to the cost of an ATC strike action. International and domestic traffic: stopped; even if just for a day. That lost revenue alone would meet the modest demands of the ATCO; but IMO the political 'blow-back' from the air carriers and the travelling public would, (at least should), bring an end to the ministerial tenure. But should there ever be a major event involving passenger transport aircraft and the state of the ATC system is exposed; (IMO) the government would be gone. The cost and waste within the 'administrative' side of ATC v the cost of the 'operational' side of providing a world standard ATC system is worthy of a Royal Commission.
“For this can be said of men in general: that they are ungrateful, fickle, hypocrites and dissemblers, avoiders of dangers, greedy for gain; and while you benefit them, they are entirely yours, offering you their blood, their goods, their life, their children,...when need is far away, but when you actually become needy, they turn away.
Aye, the ATC saga should (you'd think) be enough to galvanise 'government' into action; alas. But many believe this is only the visible part of a much bigger problem within the entire 'aviation safety' system. There are several fairly large signposts pointing toward the real danger areas of an imploding system. ICAO compliance being a muted, but important one, nevertheless. P2 has been rummaging through the dusty basements and discussing his finds with folks who actually know, not only what they are looking at; but 'how' to translate it into something Joe Average can fathom. Take the time and read through the - ICAO - and AMROBA offerings - for a reality fix.
“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
All well and good in theory; much fodder for thought and consideration, even makes for some lively discussion at the workbench or in the Pub. In fact, anywhere outside the Bubble, sensible qualified folk despair the wreckage left in the wake of what should be, for money thrown at it for political distance, be at a gold standard. It ain't; not by a long shot it ain't. DoIT obsessed with signalling how ducking virtuous they are while stonewalling Senators; CASA head Muppet who has never read a rule book being led about like a lamb to slaughter; ATSB - well: least said the better about that particular aberration, much better. It looks as though the only real hope for 'deep and meaningful' change - a real one; is the Fawcett/ McKenzie alliance. They will need help, time for the industry to step up and pick a side. The opposition has had much time to fortify their castle in the clouds; time to whistle up the 'heavies'. IASA and ICAO have the clout - it is only a matter of 'interest' for them now; they have known for donkey's years the path Australia is on - and it ain't compliance. Tick Tock...
“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”
It is not fear of a major accident event which troubles; to me, it seems the gradual slide into an obfuscated, confused morass of ineptitude, ignorance and lack of clear leadership which will, inevitably lead to this once world class aviation nation becoming a pariah; not 'up front' - but a behind the hand butt of jokes. This shames all of us.
“And some that smile have in their hearts, I fear, millions of mischiefs.”
Ayup, my scribbles may not bother those on the gravy train; but spare a thought for the victims; those at the pointy end of an aircraft; those sitting at consuls directing traffic and those being extricated from smashed up aircraft pending eventual 'investigation'. That's it - dogs to walk and things to do and incoming flack from the kitchen means finish my coffee and 'get to it'..