10-16-2023, 09:28 AM
Nevertheless and Even So....
P2._ “This 'systemic' investigation did have a prelim report that took 7 months to produce and the final report that has taken 4 years, 2 months and 7 days to complete.”
Popinjay - “Nevertheless, the controllers maintained sight of both aircraft throughout the sequence and the risk of a collision was low.”
I fail, completely and utterly, to understand 'how' the ATCO maintaining 'sight' of both aircraft prevented a serious 'bang' and aircraft parts, mixed with body parts landing in densely populated areas. There are other puzzles within the 'language' of the eventually published report, (and the Popinjay's mindless repeating of same); “minor event” for example. Lets not examine the piss poor grammar, or even the ATSB's own guidelines on reporting 'style'. Instead, lets do the maths; F= MA for a start, of two accelerating transport class aircraft; it is a serious amount of potential energy. Then consider, in metres per second' the time to zero separation. Then; bear in mind that any turn or altitude deviation could have resulted in 'contact' with one of the many other aircraft within the 'zone'. Yet; after four years all we get is Popinjay spouting guff on a subject he has no qualification in, or training for.
“In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
Seriously - The unqualified ATSB 'head' fronting the media justifying an ASA report that states 'low risk of collision', looks to flight crew errors as an excuse and may just be slightly a biased Hood confection at its roots. It would be interesting to visit 'all' the reports, and work out how ASA have plugged up the holes in their slice of that famous Reason cheese. Perhaps it is time to listen to those who actually know a little about ATC, accident investigation and the shambles Halfwit has created. - Fairless – Mr Approach – to mention but a couple of the many qualified voices. Maybe while McKenzie has the tools out, a look at the expense and the clearly apparent failure, despite the rhetoric and pony-pooh spoon fed to Estimates of the air traffic services provided to this nation, which funds it all. (That would be 'the public' by the way)...
“Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth.”
Sen. McKenzie & Co. have done a fine job with the Qantas debacle and have a fair chance (4/1) of getting some changes made. It would be (methinks) a good thing if the challenge of sorting out the overburden imposed by the aviation regulatory agencies was addressed by that committee. The system is in dire need of overhaul and 'streamlining'. This would mean 'government' taking some responsibility for the outrageous costs; the blatant non compliance with world best 'gold standard' and restricting the development of airports to the design function intended. Yes; it is a big job, however, the longer the imbroglio is allowed to continue, the worse its going to get. IMO it is a 'perfect storm' in a political sense, the current minuscule has NDI and even less interest in matters aeronautical, but if a wheel comes off, while Nero fiddles and Rome burns; well. The squeaky wheel is already beginning to create an 'irritation' in the public ears. But you must pause for thought when those employed within the 'safety' system get so hacked off, they go on strike – for their safety concerns. Consider the amount of provocation required to force their hand. These folks 'downing tools' and walking off 'the job' speaks long and loud of the deep concerns the industry has about how far into the morass aviation in this country has strayed. This is as clear a warning as any government is likely to get. Industry has been warning for decades – and ignored for that same period. The clock is ticking, time for some grown up intervention and attention from the government. The press have provided the 'sotto voce' version, the troops have acted with good conscience; time for powers that be to take a hand. The “Handing over” call has a correct response on a flight deck - .
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
Aye well, it is a glorious spring day; far too good to squander sat at my bench; workshop is tidy enough, my list of DT generated tasks is cleared, so I may just call this day my own and do whatever pleases me best. Mind you the 'pup' learned a hard lesson about doing what pleases; the Mog has been very tolerant so far, even condescending to play 'chase' – they take turns – but the line was very firmly drawn a day or two ago; 'pup caught Mog – by the tail – Wow, what a spanking; lesson learned. DT is being remarkably tolerant of 'puppy – puddles' although just how long that may last is one of life's mysteries; no doubt we shall see in time..
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
P2._ “This 'systemic' investigation did have a prelim report that took 7 months to produce and the final report that has taken 4 years, 2 months and 7 days to complete.”
Popinjay - “Nevertheless, the controllers maintained sight of both aircraft throughout the sequence and the risk of a collision was low.”
I fail, completely and utterly, to understand 'how' the ATCO maintaining 'sight' of both aircraft prevented a serious 'bang' and aircraft parts, mixed with body parts landing in densely populated areas. There are other puzzles within the 'language' of the eventually published report, (and the Popinjay's mindless repeating of same); “minor event” for example. Lets not examine the piss poor grammar, or even the ATSB's own guidelines on reporting 'style'. Instead, lets do the maths; F= MA for a start, of two accelerating transport class aircraft; it is a serious amount of potential energy. Then consider, in metres per second' the time to zero separation. Then; bear in mind that any turn or altitude deviation could have resulted in 'contact' with one of the many other aircraft within the 'zone'. Yet; after four years all we get is Popinjay spouting guff on a subject he has no qualification in, or training for.
“In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
Seriously - The unqualified ATSB 'head' fronting the media justifying an ASA report that states 'low risk of collision', looks to flight crew errors as an excuse and may just be slightly a biased Hood confection at its roots. It would be interesting to visit 'all' the reports, and work out how ASA have plugged up the holes in their slice of that famous Reason cheese. Perhaps it is time to listen to those who actually know a little about ATC, accident investigation and the shambles Halfwit has created. - Fairless – Mr Approach – to mention but a couple of the many qualified voices. Maybe while McKenzie has the tools out, a look at the expense and the clearly apparent failure, despite the rhetoric and pony-pooh spoon fed to Estimates of the air traffic services provided to this nation, which funds it all. (That would be 'the public' by the way)...
“Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth.”
Sen. McKenzie & Co. have done a fine job with the Qantas debacle and have a fair chance (4/1) of getting some changes made. It would be (methinks) a good thing if the challenge of sorting out the overburden imposed by the aviation regulatory agencies was addressed by that committee. The system is in dire need of overhaul and 'streamlining'. This would mean 'government' taking some responsibility for the outrageous costs; the blatant non compliance with world best 'gold standard' and restricting the development of airports to the design function intended. Yes; it is a big job, however, the longer the imbroglio is allowed to continue, the worse its going to get. IMO it is a 'perfect storm' in a political sense, the current minuscule has NDI and even less interest in matters aeronautical, but if a wheel comes off, while Nero fiddles and Rome burns; well. The squeaky wheel is already beginning to create an 'irritation' in the public ears. But you must pause for thought when those employed within the 'safety' system get so hacked off, they go on strike – for their safety concerns. Consider the amount of provocation required to force their hand. These folks 'downing tools' and walking off 'the job' speaks long and loud of the deep concerns the industry has about how far into the morass aviation in this country has strayed. This is as clear a warning as any government is likely to get. Industry has been warning for decades – and ignored for that same period. The clock is ticking, time for some grown up intervention and attention from the government. The press have provided the 'sotto voce' version, the troops have acted with good conscience; time for powers that be to take a hand. The “Handing over” call has a correct response on a flight deck - .
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
Aye well, it is a glorious spring day; far too good to squander sat at my bench; workshop is tidy enough, my list of DT generated tasks is cleared, so I may just call this day my own and do whatever pleases me best. Mind you the 'pup' learned a hard lesson about doing what pleases; the Mog has been very tolerant so far, even condescending to play 'chase' – they take turns – but the line was very firmly drawn a day or two ago; 'pup caught Mog – by the tail – Wow, what a spanking; lesson learned. DT is being remarkably tolerant of 'puppy – puddles' although just how long that may last is one of life's mysteries; no doubt we shall see in time..
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”