Grossly Unfair...
Years now since the great debate and changes made; then, without a warning – a back-flip.
“This was a huge turning point in a very long and dark saga with CASA and for almost two brief years they had a progressive policy that aligned with NZ CAA and the FAA.”
“That was until early this year. Early this year CASA began rejecting completed flight test forms for this test.”
Could this be a general warning to all who rely on some form of 'specialist' input to their medical certification? Seriously, if a non sequitur like CVD in the 'pilot safety medical check' can be changed in a heartbeat, then how long is going to be before other more serious, specialised medication required items are given the same treatment?
There is a serious discussion going on about this being the thin end of a large wedge to drive 'private' operations into the ever open coffers of the RA Oz outfit – they do have a seat at the CASA 'discussion' group ( see AOPA latest on medical reform.)..
The whole business of medicals seems to becoming a game of 'cat and mouse'; crew torn between honesty and a variation thereof; don't mention a headache or tummy ache outside of the privacy and protection of your doctor's office; and be certain not to mention a hang nail on your application – totally counter productive exercise..
Another black mark to add to the many..Can a NZ ATPL operate a VH mark? Is there parity? If not why not? There's a thought..Do read the Phelan articles - valid back then, still bang on the money today.
Years now since the great debate and changes made; then, without a warning – a back-flip.
“This was a huge turning point in a very long and dark saga with CASA and for almost two brief years they had a progressive policy that aligned with NZ CAA and the FAA.”
“That was until early this year. Early this year CASA began rejecting completed flight test forms for this test.”
Could this be a general warning to all who rely on some form of 'specialist' input to their medical certification? Seriously, if a non sequitur like CVD in the 'pilot safety medical check' can be changed in a heartbeat, then how long is going to be before other more serious, specialised medication required items are given the same treatment?
There is a serious discussion going on about this being the thin end of a large wedge to drive 'private' operations into the ever open coffers of the RA Oz outfit – they do have a seat at the CASA 'discussion' group ( see AOPA latest on medical reform.)..
The whole business of medicals seems to becoming a game of 'cat and mouse'; crew torn between honesty and a variation thereof; don't mention a headache or tummy ache outside of the privacy and protection of your doctor's office; and be certain not to mention a hang nail on your application – totally counter productive exercise..
Another black mark to add to the many..Can a NZ ATPL operate a VH mark? Is there parity? If not why not? There's a thought..Do read the Phelan articles - valid back then, still bang on the money today.