GlenB embuggerance update: 20/10/22
Via the AP email chains:
And via the UP:
Via the AP email chains:
Dear Ms Spence,
I acknowledge that you had a period away from the Office and that would impact on your response times.
I wrote to you on the 19th of September 2022 and followed up on the 6th of October 2022.
The purpose of that correspondence was to seek clarification as to the date that CASA first became fully aware of the specific nature of my operation. As you are aware CASA has led the Ombudsman’s office to be of the view that it was just prior to October 2018, when CASA imposed the crippling trading restrictions on the business. I claim that it was in fact, many years prior.
Irrespective of whether it was at least six years prior as I claim, or it was “just prior to October 2018”, as CASA claimed, there must be a specific date that CASA first became fully aware of the structure. There must have been some documentation submitted, a meeting with a CASA employee, an approval granted, a base approved, an audit, a report, a Part 141/142 approval, or something that triggered CASAs awareness as to the specific nature of my operation.
You will appreciate my point. There must be a date attached to an occurrence that caused CASA to first become fully aware of the specific nature of my operation. That being the operation that CASA incorrectly declared to be unlawful and unauthorised. We have since found out that my operation was in fact both lawful and authorised by CASA.
To date, I have not received an acknowledgement or a response. Whilst I am prepared to wait for a lengthier and considered response, can I respectfully request an acknowledgement that you have at least received and viewed the email of 19th September.
My understanding is that CASA is meeting with the Ombudsman, and I would like to have a clear understanding of CASAs position prior to that meeting proceeding. In fact, I believe it is incumbent that you should clearly identify CASAs position prior to that meeting, to maintain the integrity of CASAs position.
CASA must already “know” the date that they claim they first became aware of the specific nature of my operation. You will appreciate that the meeting with the Ombudsman, could provide an opportunity for CASA to “see what they can get away with”, so by publicly identifying that date that CASA first became fully aware of the specific nature of my operation, prior to meeting with the Ombudsman, that would bring integrity to CASAs position.
I’m sure you will agree, that as the person impacted by this matter, It would seem entirely reasonable that you clearly identify to me, the same information that you are presenting to the Ombudsman’s office. That being the date that CASA claim they first became fully aware of the specific nature of my operation, and that there should be no reason that CASA would not be prepared to identify that date to me prior to that meeting.
At this stage may I request a confirmation that you have received my correspondence of 19th September 2022.
As an aside, I would like to make a request to the Ombudsman’s Office that I attend that meeting between CASA and the Ombudsman. This would bring transparency and present the opportunity to put “everything on the table”. I am confident that such an approach would expedite timelines and ensure a fair outcome.
Thank you, Glen Buckley
Correspondence previously sent to Ms Spence, and referred to here can be accessed via the following link at Posts # 2376 and 2377. Glen Buckley and Australian small business -V- CASA - Page 119 - PPRuNe Forums
And via the UP:
Quote:To the CASA ICC
14th October CASA ICC wrote to me:
Quote:Hi Glen
Given the nature of the allegations you made in your 2022 ICC complaint, I am emailing to let you know that I will be attending an upcoming meeting between CASA and the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s office.
As you’re aware, no review of your most recent ICC complaint has commenced. That was on the basis set out in my email of 16 August 2022 seeking further information where I noted that if the issues you have raised are still being considered by the Ombudsman in any form then an ICC review may be inappropriate or premature at this stage.
My offer to meet with you and any support person you wish to attend stands.
Jonathan Hanton
20/10/22 My response
Dear Jonathan Hanton,
Thank you for your correspondence, and I understand that no review has yet commenced. I have written to my local MP, Ms. Carina Garland seeking her input and I await her response. Pending her response, I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you once I have established contact with her.
Are you able to advise me the date of the meeting with the Ombudsman’s Office.
I would like to put forward a proposal that CASA permit me to attend that meeting with the Ombudsman, and I would have to write to the Ombudsman with that request subject to CASAs response.
Obviously I would be professional and respectful at that meeting. Such a meeting would provide the opportunity for a frank and honest discussion that would promptly bring clarity to the entire matter. This would only enhance outcomes and bring a prompter resolution.
Is this a request that CASA would support,
Respectfully, Glen Buckley
Sandy Reith
A reasonable request to attend meeting.
Glen’s request should fall under CASA Board Chair Mr. Binskin’s declaration of transparency as being a desirable characteristic of CASA’s dealings with the public.
in particular the General Aviation community are heavily invested in the whole saga because the proper function of CASA is of prime importance.
Proper function being a fervent wish and hope.
We’ve not seen proper function from CASA since its inception because the ‘independent’ model of governance is wrong.
it was far from perfect under Ministerial control but it was workable. I should know, I developed my flying school, charter and RPT services before the advent of the monopoly corporate style of governance that was introduced by Labor Minister for Transport Gareth Evans. A move made to remove himself from Ministerial responsibility, a responsibility that is a cornerstone of our democratic system. The current PM when Minister of Transport in 2009 did the same to the ATSB.