It is simple quality control to design a random sampling system to give you the desired accuracy of the result. it is a question of computing the sample size as a proportion of the population and the frequency of sampling.
The NSSP contains human interference that ensures that the result is never statistically accurate.
Similarly risk management computations can indicate if the cost of regulation to prevent accidents is greater or lesser than the expected cost of an accident.
These statistical techniques were developed during WWI for armament quality control. They are recommended and used by ICAO everywhere but Australia. We prefer to ignore maths in favor of personal conviction.
The NSSP contains human interference that ensures that the result is never statistically accurate.
Similarly risk management computations can indicate if the cost of regulation to prevent accidents is greater or lesser than the expected cost of an accident.
These statistical techniques were developed during WWI for armament quality control. They are recommended and used by ICAO everywhere but Australia. We prefer to ignore maths in favor of personal conviction.