Comment HERE.
Crimes of omission. Sins of commission.
"The opposition has a very proud record of bipartisanship when it comes to aviation safety.
How very convenient for them; direct descendants of Pilate and his neat little side ways two step shuffle (Matthew 27:24). Fact or fiction? Irrelevant, but the legend stands as representative of the great cop-out. The 'opposition' is there to 'challenge' and debate matters which affect the well being of the nation. The 'Navigation Act' is due for an overhaul; it is an essential document which carries great weight, domestically and internationally. It is a document which requires/demands intense scrutiny and debate. How can any parliamentarian, of any stripe, simply waive the thing into law without a moments consideration? Where does the hypocrisy end, the 'opposition' on an almost daily exhibit their 'opposition' to almost anything the governing party proposes - (see the comedy hour. a.k.a. Question time). Bills are debated and refined by both houses; and yet 'matters aeronautical' are simply waived through. Why? There are hundreds killed, maimed and injured on our roads every year; a much higher level of risk than any aviation activity, the costs horrendous and yet any change to the road rules (a'la aviation rules) would have 'em all on their hind legs barking and biting. Seems to me the most dangerous part of any flight is the drive to airport. Aviation legislation is at a crisis point; time someone challenged the bipartinsane cop out and brought in some semblance of sanity.
"There are, frankly, no margins for error when it comes to aviation safety."
What a risible statement; what a load of ignorant arrogance and its bullshit. There are so many allowances for 'margins of error' practised every day that they are uncountable; the risks are completely understood, the safeguards carefully arranged etc. Where the real lack of risk margin exists is within the legislation, (politicians business). All directed toward 'safe conviction' and plausible deniability of any and all responsibility for politicians and CASA.
Bipartisanship shames the notion of democracy; and disgusts those who do accept the responsibility for 'safety' on a daily basis, despite little to no relief in law from even minor transgressions.
Toot - toot...
Crimes of omission. Sins of commission.
"The opposition has a very proud record of bipartisanship when it comes to aviation safety.
How very convenient for them; direct descendants of Pilate and his neat little side ways two step shuffle (Matthew 27:24). Fact or fiction? Irrelevant, but the legend stands as representative of the great cop-out. The 'opposition' is there to 'challenge' and debate matters which affect the well being of the nation. The 'Navigation Act' is due for an overhaul; it is an essential document which carries great weight, domestically and internationally. It is a document which requires/demands intense scrutiny and debate. How can any parliamentarian, of any stripe, simply waive the thing into law without a moments consideration? Where does the hypocrisy end, the 'opposition' on an almost daily exhibit their 'opposition' to almost anything the governing party proposes - (see the comedy hour. a.k.a. Question time). Bills are debated and refined by both houses; and yet 'matters aeronautical' are simply waived through. Why? There are hundreds killed, maimed and injured on our roads every year; a much higher level of risk than any aviation activity, the costs horrendous and yet any change to the road rules (a'la aviation rules) would have 'em all on their hind legs barking and biting. Seems to me the most dangerous part of any flight is the drive to airport. Aviation legislation is at a crisis point; time someone challenged the bipartinsane cop out and brought in some semblance of sanity.
"There are, frankly, no margins for error when it comes to aviation safety."
What a risible statement; what a load of ignorant arrogance and its bullshit. There are so many allowances for 'margins of error' practised every day that they are uncountable; the risks are completely understood, the safeguards carefully arranged etc. Where the real lack of risk margin exists is within the legislation, (politicians business). All directed toward 'safe conviction' and plausible deniability of any and all responsibility for politicians and CASA.
Bipartisanship shames the notion of democracy; and disgusts those who do accept the responsibility for 'safety' on a daily basis, despite little to no relief in law from even minor transgressions.
Toot - toot...