08-20-2021, 06:58 AM
With respect I disagree with the claim that Ben Morgan has “bagged” RAAUS.
AOPA Australia has been calling for many reforms for the betterment of all of General Aviation (GA) for many years including reforms of CASA’s aviation medical requirements. The facts about a self declared standard for private pilots is demonstrated by the reasonable history in regard to self declared medical fitness that we have from RAAUS. This is not criticising RAAUS as the group.
But tied to the wider issues for our National GA industry, and our desire to stem the decline and allow all of GA to flourish, plainly the creation of a separate system, based on an arbitrarily selected low weight, and then administered by a monopoly government sponsored company, was wrong in the first place. That the RAAUS 600kg weight limit has created a retrograde distortion of Australia’s General Aviation industry would be an understatement. The move to increase the weight limit serves to illustrate the inbuilt problem. We vote for governments to represent all of us equally, not to devolve responsibility, like the creation of separate corporate bodies like CASA and RAAUS to rule as they see fit in monopolistic fashion.
There’s every reason we should advocate change to a graduated single system administered from a Department, Minister in charge, with ICAO compliance and harmonised with the USA rules.
Plainly the present system is inconsistent at best, and demonstrably unreasonable, unfair and costing GA, the VH sector in particular, dearly.
To my own personal case in maintaining a private medical certificate, CASA has made me spend $thousands which my DAME and other medicos say is completely unnecessary.
I went for the Basic Class 2 but CASA wouldn’t wear that due to a technicality, though I would qualify for a ‘conditional’ commercial heavy vehicle driver licence.
The Basic Class 2 was the Clayton’s reform, against reason, with inbuilt disincentives for example not available for IFR.
But beyond CASA’s unsupportable medical policies lies the simple proof from the low weight category, a successful c. 30 year history of self declaration, not to mention the successful reforms in the USA.
Self declared medical certification and free enterprise for GA is the way forward.
Ring, write contact your fed MP, State Senators and request medical reform, USA rules and stop the alienation of Commonwealth owned airports from aviation uses.
AOPA Australia has been calling for many reforms for the betterment of all of General Aviation (GA) for many years including reforms of CASA’s aviation medical requirements. The facts about a self declared standard for private pilots is demonstrated by the reasonable history in regard to self declared medical fitness that we have from RAAUS. This is not criticising RAAUS as the group.
But tied to the wider issues for our National GA industry, and our desire to stem the decline and allow all of GA to flourish, plainly the creation of a separate system, based on an arbitrarily selected low weight, and then administered by a monopoly government sponsored company, was wrong in the first place. That the RAAUS 600kg weight limit has created a retrograde distortion of Australia’s General Aviation industry would be an understatement. The move to increase the weight limit serves to illustrate the inbuilt problem. We vote for governments to represent all of us equally, not to devolve responsibility, like the creation of separate corporate bodies like CASA and RAAUS to rule as they see fit in monopolistic fashion.
There’s every reason we should advocate change to a graduated single system administered from a Department, Minister in charge, with ICAO compliance and harmonised with the USA rules.
Plainly the present system is inconsistent at best, and demonstrably unreasonable, unfair and costing GA, the VH sector in particular, dearly.
To my own personal case in maintaining a private medical certificate, CASA has made me spend $thousands which my DAME and other medicos say is completely unnecessary.
I went for the Basic Class 2 but CASA wouldn’t wear that due to a technicality, though I would qualify for a ‘conditional’ commercial heavy vehicle driver licence.
The Basic Class 2 was the Clayton’s reform, against reason, with inbuilt disincentives for example not available for IFR.
But beyond CASA’s unsupportable medical policies lies the simple proof from the low weight category, a successful c. 30 year history of self declaration, not to mention the successful reforms in the USA.
Self declared medical certification and free enterprise for GA is the way forward.
Ring, write contact your fed MP, State Senators and request medical reform, USA rules and stop the alienation of Commonwealth owned airports from aviation uses.