Hoodoo v Voodoo.
There have been some great suggestions for a fancy dress BRB indaba; provided we can ever get a crew together again. Aye, hope springs infernal. But first we must find a way to be rid of the resident evil entrenched within industry. Now, the Bell, book and candle method sent shivers down the spines of 'evil-doers' - well, most of 'em anyway - with the odd glint of motivational truth demonstrated:-
"Bell, book, and candle shall not drive me back, When gold and silver becks me to come on."
But we must consider an appropriate way to dump the cloves of garlic, sharp stake- holders, blades of silver and all the claptrap associated with the ritual cleansing of daemons from our world. One potential method which could work, if the ritual was properly executed originates in the temple of Senate. I note a series of 'meeting' is scheduled to once again bear witness to the huge pile of previous evidence, reiterated countless times over decades now. Why? Surely, by now, even the densest politician must be aware of the 'resident evil' inflicted, without relief on the aviation industry. Fair dinkum; how much more 'evidence' do they need, before they throw the book, ring the bell and light the bloody candle?
I cannot see any justification for McDolittle burning up any more Senate time and public resources; the 'facts' have been clearly provided for many years, by many people; all singing from the same hymnal. Shirley says, could that time and money be better spent correcting the blindingly obvious, clearly demonstrated, consistently proven ailments. Its all there, mouldering away in the basements - industry submission by the shed load, recommendations by the truck load; a huge stack of unassailable logic, common sense and genuine grievance. The tiny wee pile parked next to this veritable mountain of 'evidence' is the positive action for remedy from government; and, in a shoe box, the short list of positive actions achieved by government to set matters aeronautical to rights.
We do not need to have McDolittle et al plodding their way through yet another iteration of the same old - same old, to add to the big pile in the basement. Time to stop the tea and sympathy - the problems are clearly enunciated - what we need to hear and see in action are the 'solutions'. A clearly defined Statement of Expectations, from the minister based on industry demands would set the wheels in motion and save the nation another three decades of huge cost, for a negative outcome. The facts are there, writ bold and large. Time to stop the rhetoric - and get on with it. For pities sake.
Aye well; Steam off - but seriously, how much longer can we prevaricate and dance around the edges of a clearly defined failed system; particularly when the solutions make practical, intrinsic and international good sense.
Toot - (poor old keyboard) - toot.
There have been some great suggestions for a fancy dress BRB indaba; provided we can ever get a crew together again. Aye, hope springs infernal. But first we must find a way to be rid of the resident evil entrenched within industry. Now, the Bell, book and candle method sent shivers down the spines of 'evil-doers' - well, most of 'em anyway - with the odd glint of motivational truth demonstrated:-
"Bell, book, and candle shall not drive me back, When gold and silver becks me to come on."
But we must consider an appropriate way to dump the cloves of garlic, sharp stake- holders, blades of silver and all the claptrap associated with the ritual cleansing of daemons from our world. One potential method which could work, if the ritual was properly executed originates in the temple of Senate. I note a series of 'meeting' is scheduled to once again bear witness to the huge pile of previous evidence, reiterated countless times over decades now. Why? Surely, by now, even the densest politician must be aware of the 'resident evil' inflicted, without relief on the aviation industry. Fair dinkum; how much more 'evidence' do they need, before they throw the book, ring the bell and light the bloody candle?
I cannot see any justification for McDolittle burning up any more Senate time and public resources; the 'facts' have been clearly provided for many years, by many people; all singing from the same hymnal. Shirley says, could that time and money be better spent correcting the blindingly obvious, clearly demonstrated, consistently proven ailments. Its all there, mouldering away in the basements - industry submission by the shed load, recommendations by the truck load; a huge stack of unassailable logic, common sense and genuine grievance. The tiny wee pile parked next to this veritable mountain of 'evidence' is the positive action for remedy from government; and, in a shoe box, the short list of positive actions achieved by government to set matters aeronautical to rights.
We do not need to have McDolittle et al plodding their way through yet another iteration of the same old - same old, to add to the big pile in the basement. Time to stop the tea and sympathy - the problems are clearly enunciated - what we need to hear and see in action are the 'solutions'. A clearly defined Statement of Expectations, from the minister based on industry demands would set the wheels in motion and save the nation another three decades of huge cost, for a negative outcome. The facts are there, writ bold and large. Time to stop the rhetoric - and get on with it. For pities sake.
Aye well; Steam off - but seriously, how much longer can we prevaricate and dance around the edges of a clearly defined failed system; particularly when the solutions make practical, intrinsic and international good sense.
Toot - (poor old keyboard) - toot.