Hypocrisy, writ large.
Hitch - "Whatever Mr Buckley's personal opinion might be, and certainly without intending to lend any credence whatsoever to that opinion, CASA maintains that it was manifestly unfair and incorrect to aver that Mr Lacy as a 'reputation' of the kind described in the 'Victoria-Tasmania region' or anywhere else," CASA has said.
I had three options available when I read the CASA statement above; laugh, howl or throw something. I settled for a quiet chuckle and a head shake. For sheer breathtaking audacity this statement from the masters of reputation destruction takes the cake. Anecdotes aside; rock solid evidence of the persecution of individuals can and has been presented, through several avenues – all came to nought. Whispers, direct intervention, email, telephone and personal visits to prospective employers have all been used in some vicious, vindictive campaigns to prevent a selected individual being considered for a position. There is even sworn evidence of 'check flights' being made into 'chop-flights' at CASA behest etc. The art of embuggerance is but one of the CASA bag of dirty tricks.
Buckley was 'untenable' – consider the implications of that statement. Not even a whispering campaign there; a bare faced threat to his employer, in writing. Who now dare offer Buckley a flying job? You know the answer.
Toot – toot.
Hitch - "Whatever Mr Buckley's personal opinion might be, and certainly without intending to lend any credence whatsoever to that opinion, CASA maintains that it was manifestly unfair and incorrect to aver that Mr Lacy as a 'reputation' of the kind described in the 'Victoria-Tasmania region' or anywhere else," CASA has said.
I had three options available when I read the CASA statement above; laugh, howl or throw something. I settled for a quiet chuckle and a head shake. For sheer breathtaking audacity this statement from the masters of reputation destruction takes the cake. Anecdotes aside; rock solid evidence of the persecution of individuals can and has been presented, through several avenues – all came to nought. Whispers, direct intervention, email, telephone and personal visits to prospective employers have all been used in some vicious, vindictive campaigns to prevent a selected individual being considered for a position. There is even sworn evidence of 'check flights' being made into 'chop-flights' at CASA behest etc. The art of embuggerance is but one of the CASA bag of dirty tricks.
Buckley was 'untenable' – consider the implications of that statement. Not even a whispering campaign there; a bare faced threat to his employer, in writing. Who now dare offer Buckley a flying job? You know the answer.
Toot – toot.