Hansard - Page 9 (14 in PDF).
Enter - Heath, Mr Douglas.
If you missed the broadcast, then it is worth the time to read the few pages featuring Heath. From kick off to stumps the calm, reasoned, logical arguments ring true. It certainly impressed McDonald;
Mr Heath: My comment on that one is that the ASQA requirements at the moment for the issue of a commercial pilot licence, flight instructor rating, instrument rating, do not align with the MOS, which is what CASA and the rest of the industry work with, and it should be a direct alignment to make it relevant.
CHAIR: Great. That's a very specific bit of feedback. I'm very keen that we identify the low-hanging fruit that will make practical changes for industry. So we will take that away as a recommendation. Is there anything more that you want to say about that alignment?
The interview continues in much the same vein; the Chair gathering three specifics in the first five minutes, which will become part of the recommendations made by this committee.
CHAIR: So, again, that could be a recommendation that this committee takes away: a better alignment for the government funding, to fund more suitable certification or to fund the students for longer?
Heath provided the committee with exactly what they need. Not only calm, balanced, logical, considered, understandable answers, but expert solutions. No spin, zero bull-pooh, agenda free. No hysterical gabfest from this fellah; just the facts Ma'am.
CHAIR: We'll certainly reflect that in our recommendations, as to the alignment for government funding and the type of training that they're getting. I want to ask you: what do you see as the big opportunities within general aviation that you'd promote to prospective students that would then encourage them to come and study with you?
Those are the sort of words which the industry needs to hear from an inquiry; the Chair's response to the Heath evidence is showing the 'right way' to assist the good Senator. There is not too much a committee can do with a day full of weeping, wailing and teeth gnashing emotion; most Pollies can see through an agenda driven sales pitch, but even the most dense, disinterested would be hard pressed to deny the common sense solutions provided, backed up by tangible evidence.
Anyway – take the time to read Heath; only a few pages, about half a coffee's worth.
Toot – toot.
Enter - Heath, Mr Douglas.
If you missed the broadcast, then it is worth the time to read the few pages featuring Heath. From kick off to stumps the calm, reasoned, logical arguments ring true. It certainly impressed McDonald;
Mr Heath: My comment on that one is that the ASQA requirements at the moment for the issue of a commercial pilot licence, flight instructor rating, instrument rating, do not align with the MOS, which is what CASA and the rest of the industry work with, and it should be a direct alignment to make it relevant.
CHAIR: Great. That's a very specific bit of feedback. I'm very keen that we identify the low-hanging fruit that will make practical changes for industry. So we will take that away as a recommendation. Is there anything more that you want to say about that alignment?
The interview continues in much the same vein; the Chair gathering three specifics in the first five minutes, which will become part of the recommendations made by this committee.
CHAIR: So, again, that could be a recommendation that this committee takes away: a better alignment for the government funding, to fund more suitable certification or to fund the students for longer?
Heath provided the committee with exactly what they need. Not only calm, balanced, logical, considered, understandable answers, but expert solutions. No spin, zero bull-pooh, agenda free. No hysterical gabfest from this fellah; just the facts Ma'am.
CHAIR: We'll certainly reflect that in our recommendations, as to the alignment for government funding and the type of training that they're getting. I want to ask you: what do you see as the big opportunities within general aviation that you'd promote to prospective students that would then encourage them to come and study with you?
Those are the sort of words which the industry needs to hear from an inquiry; the Chair's response to the Heath evidence is showing the 'right way' to assist the good Senator. There is not too much a committee can do with a day full of weeping, wailing and teeth gnashing emotion; most Pollies can see through an agenda driven sales pitch, but even the most dense, disinterested would be hard pressed to deny the common sense solutions provided, backed up by tangible evidence.
Anyway – take the time to read Heath; only a few pages, about half a coffee's worth.
Toot – toot.