06-26-2015, 10:50 AM
Touchy touchy, Angus is getting a bit testy, must be worried that his trough might get taken away from him?
Herr Houston said;
“But at the end of the day this is not about me. I have full confidence in Airservices. We put safety first. We are more than comparable with world’s best practice"
Firstly old mate, safety is an after thought. Salaries, bonuses and trough diving is number one for ASA. Secondly, you mention the old chestnut 'worlds best practise'. Once that phrase gets trotted out we know you are definitely full of shit. That's where your bureaucratic life long training comes to the forefront. It's time to get the measurement for your clay boots, as well as Truss's, Skidmarks and the ever so stupid Beaker!
The war between Angus and Dick is great entertainment. However Dick's firsthand experience pisses all over lapdog Houston's.
And as for things escalating to Slugger's desk, good! The alphabet soup organisations are out of control, Pumpkin Head is out of control, sleepy Truss has nil control (bowels included), and the clock still ticks down. It will be interesting to see how the PMC and Frau Crudlin handle this brushfire? They are the epitome of obsfucators and turd polishers.
Ladies and gentlemen stay tuned for the next round of Smith vs Houston. It will be a cage match including tables, ladders and chairs and is scheduled for one fall only. So place your bets - on the one side we have an experienced aviator, skilled businessman and a person who has suffered from blistered hands. On the other side we have a career bureaucrat and ladder climber experienced in Government obsfucation, spin, and he has manicured fingernails with soft lilly white palms.
Tick tock Tony, tick tock
Herr Houston said;
“But at the end of the day this is not about me. I have full confidence in Airservices. We put safety first. We are more than comparable with world’s best practice"
Firstly old mate, safety is an after thought. Salaries, bonuses and trough diving is number one for ASA. Secondly, you mention the old chestnut 'worlds best practise'. Once that phrase gets trotted out we know you are definitely full of shit. That's where your bureaucratic life long training comes to the forefront. It's time to get the measurement for your clay boots, as well as Truss's, Skidmarks and the ever so stupid Beaker!
The war between Angus and Dick is great entertainment. However Dick's firsthand experience pisses all over lapdog Houston's.
And as for things escalating to Slugger's desk, good! The alphabet soup organisations are out of control, Pumpkin Head is out of control, sleepy Truss has nil control (bowels included), and the clock still ticks down. It will be interesting to see how the PMC and Frau Crudlin handle this brushfire? They are the epitome of obsfucators and turd polishers.
Ladies and gentlemen stay tuned for the next round of Smith vs Houston. It will be a cage match including tables, ladders and chairs and is scheduled for one fall only. So place your bets - on the one side we have an experienced aviator, skilled businessman and a person who has suffered from blistered hands. On the other side we have a career bureaucrat and ladder climber experienced in Government obsfucation, spin, and he has manicured fingernails with soft lilly white palms.
Tick tock Tony, tick tock