BRM Aero correcting the record - 
Via RRAT 20/20 inquiry submissions webpage:
47 BRM Aero/Edge Aviation (PDF 562 KB)

Via RRAT 20/20 inquiry submissions webpage:
47 BRM Aero/Edge Aviation (PDF 562 KB)
Quote:Mr Ben Morgan gave evidence of a foreign aircraft manufacturer and the treatment of that
manufacturer. As the Australian technical representatives for BRM Aero the manufacturer of
the Bristell Light Sport Aircraft, we submit this in response and as further evidence of the
adverse impact of CASA and decisions made by CASA that appear to me, not based necessarily
on sound evidence or fact.
Mr Shane Carmody stated;
‘The third matter relating to the aircraft registration it concerns me that, that point is made
with that company misrepresented the aircraft when they introduced it into Australia. It’s a self
declaration & we caught them.
I would also say that the Legal Representative for that company is actually on the AOPA Board.
Something that yet that does not get mentioned. So we get the issue raised but disingenuously
not completely.
It would appear to me that Mr Carmody is not across this matter as it is not to do with aircraft
registration, it is to do with aircraft certification and compliance with an international standard.
It is not a self declaration it is self certification of compliance against an international standard.
The CASA in my opinion did not ‘catch’ BRM Aero as the aircraft have been flying in Australia
for eight years without incident until an unfortunate accident resulting in one fatality which
was deemed by the Victorian State Coroner to not be a result of a faulty aircraft. The Legal
Representative for BRM Aero has nothing at all to do with them being on the AOPA Board in
my view. This Legal Representative acts for many aviation businesses and individuals in the
aviation industry and has done for many years as his area of expertise is aviation related
matters. The issue has been raised and most definitely completely. We have been involved for
one year of a two-year dispute. BRM Aero the manufacturer has attempted to address all the
queries made of CASA in the document attached ‘BRM Aero Response to CASA PowerPoint
Presentation Document dated 3 April 2020' BRM Aero does not dispute a number of
administrative issues related to understanding the CASA Form 681 compliance document, that
issue has been rectified, will not occur again into the future, and yet it appears to me that the
CASA continue their relentless attack on this manufacturer. Note: The administrative issues
resolved was not safety related and did not render the aircraft ‘unsafe’