10-01-2020, 06:29 PM
AMROBA Newsletter: Volume 17 Issue 09 (September 2020)
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Quote:Government Working Against Aviation Growth.
Nothing major will come from the current Senate Inquiry until the government re-writes the Civil
Aviation Act, and maybe one or two other Acts, so that all aviation businesses can survive. The
concept of the Civil Aviation Act is very limiting for aviation growth and job creation.
The US Aviation Act, on the other hand, is based on promoting safety by prescribing minimum
regulations and standards for all aspects of design, manufacture, maintenance and operation.
Compare that to Section 20 of the Act that basically states you cannot do anything unless it is
prescribed in Regulations. Section 9 backs this up by stating CASA is responsible for “developing
and promulgating appropriate, clear and concise aviation safety standards.”
In the US, if there is no minimum regulation/standard, then you can do it.
In NZ, the Minister may from time to time make rules for the implementation of New Zealand’s
obligations under the Convention. They adopted the US approach of “minimum” rules for safety.
In Australia, you basically cannot do anything in aviation unless there is a regulation/standard.
This approach stifles innovation & jobs. The current regulatory direction supports big against
small with requirement/red tape far beyond even ICAO standards and recommended practices.
There can be no innovation or real growth unless the US or NZ regulatory system is adopted.
1. We Need a NEW Act
Ever since the Civil Aviation Act was made, the decline in aviation has continued. The mindset
of government in applying the current provisions of the Act and Minister’s directions to the
Board is not providing Australia with an equivalent aviation system as the USA, Canada &
NZ with a similar aviation industry. The whole basis of Australia in ratifying the Chicago
Convention was to adopt the international standards and recommended practice as
promulgated as Annexes to the Convention. The USA, with a vast country has a General
Aviation Air Transport (GAAT) system that suits Australia’s rural needs. The European
GAAT is still being developed – adopt FARs.
The US system is designed to promote safety by setting minimum standards that enables and
encourages industry participants to use innovative differences that actually improves
aviation safety. The Australian system simply has participants following the regulatory
standards promulgated.
2. Aviation Going Backwards
The aviation industry outside big business has virtually given up inputting to any regulatory
reform as consultation has no effect on the outcome. CASA will do what CASA wants even
though the industry says the opposite. If you attend a consultation then you must support
CASA. The outcomes since 1988, is more big business but much lower small and medium
businesses participation, let alone private participation with VH registered aircraft. It is not
just CASA culture, it is government’s lack of support for aviation at airports around
Australia. The Minister does not stop commercial non-aviation project submitted by airport
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