Attention all Fairy Tale Creatures – Senators included..
“AAAA back at TAAAF today” – says Phil Hurst - CEO of Aerial Application.
Lots of acronyms in aviation, TAAAF is
The Australian Aviation Associations Forum is an alliance of the majority of Australia’s major aviation associations to ensure the industry presents a united voice to government on key aviation issues and policy, characterised by expertise and a wide representation of people and organisations committed to aviation.
In theory, this is a very good organisation and worthy of support. The latest offering, released just before the election is – or; at least should be a wonderful thing; if it does not get diluted or lost endless discussion and/ or shape shifts through compromise and morphs into yet another ‘opinion’ consigned to the shelf ware dungeon.
TAAAF wants to see the lapsed Civil Aviation Amendment Bill re-introduced to parliament with amendments that bring about legislative changes to CASA.”
Amendments that address safety issues and High Court challenges to the primacy of the Civil Aviation Act
• addition of cost and sector risk approaches
• CASA board to have full powers over strategy, operation and administration
• CASA board to be comprised of people with relevant and significant aviation experience
• Director of Aviation Safety (DAS) to be ex-officio member of the board
• revision of CEO/DAS position to increase accountability to the board
• establishing formal consultation with peak aviation bodies.
It will take some determination and a truck load of political support to get all of the above executed in a timely manner – big job; impossible odds and it will not be a clean race; the opposition ferocious. The TAAAF team will need more than good luck to pull off a win. On the plus side of the ledger – Phil Hurst is no mans fool and knows how the world wags – if he is prepared to back the proposal then there is no excuse for the rest of this benighted industry not to wake up, get behind it and for once get vocal – even if it’s just to keep ‘em honest.
Aunt Pru is determined to follow and support every whip and stitch of this effort – despite some misgivings, for the proposal has merit and could be the salvation of an industry slowly sinking into a deep mire.
It is time for petty grievances and ego’s to be put aside and every Alphabet outfit, no matter how one eyed to get in behind this push; support it, and make sure the whole process is conducted in a timely manner. If and it’s an IF the size of Everest – these changes can be made real, there is real hope for the industry. I can’t let it go without a reality fix – there is an extensive history which defines a long, long list of proposed reform measures; long gone to dust without effecting one change of any significance; I cite Forsyth and the Senate Recommendations on the Pel-Air debacle as the most recent.
No matter – its up to the ‘Silent Majority’ to speak up in support of this proposal – loud and long. It may well be the last chance -
Toot – toot.
“AAAA back at TAAAF today” – says Phil Hurst - CEO of Aerial Application.
Lots of acronyms in aviation, TAAAF is
The Australian Aviation Associations Forum is an alliance of the majority of Australia’s major aviation associations to ensure the industry presents a united voice to government on key aviation issues and policy, characterised by expertise and a wide representation of people and organisations committed to aviation.
In theory, this is a very good organisation and worthy of support. The latest offering, released just before the election is – or; at least should be a wonderful thing; if it does not get diluted or lost endless discussion and/ or shape shifts through compromise and morphs into yet another ‘opinion’ consigned to the shelf ware dungeon.
TAAAF wants to see the lapsed Civil Aviation Amendment Bill re-introduced to parliament with amendments that bring about legislative changes to CASA.”
Amendments that address safety issues and High Court challenges to the primacy of the Civil Aviation Act
• addition of cost and sector risk approaches
• CASA board to have full powers over strategy, operation and administration
• CASA board to be comprised of people with relevant and significant aviation experience
• Director of Aviation Safety (DAS) to be ex-officio member of the board
• revision of CEO/DAS position to increase accountability to the board
• establishing formal consultation with peak aviation bodies.
It will take some determination and a truck load of political support to get all of the above executed in a timely manner – big job; impossible odds and it will not be a clean race; the opposition ferocious. The TAAAF team will need more than good luck to pull off a win. On the plus side of the ledger – Phil Hurst is no mans fool and knows how the world wags – if he is prepared to back the proposal then there is no excuse for the rest of this benighted industry not to wake up, get behind it and for once get vocal – even if it’s just to keep ‘em honest.
Aunt Pru is determined to follow and support every whip and stitch of this effort – despite some misgivings, for the proposal has merit and could be the salvation of an industry slowly sinking into a deep mire.
It is time for petty grievances and ego’s to be put aside and every Alphabet outfit, no matter how one eyed to get in behind this push; support it, and make sure the whole process is conducted in a timely manner. If and it’s an IF the size of Everest – these changes can be made real, there is real hope for the industry. I can’t let it go without a reality fix – there is an extensive history which defines a long, long list of proposed reform measures; long gone to dust without effecting one change of any significance; I cite Forsyth and the Senate Recommendations on the Pel-Air debacle as the most recent.
No matter – its up to the ‘Silent Majority’ to speak up in support of this proposal – loud and long. It may well be the last chance -
Toot – toot.