A hat trick.
The ABC seems to be trying to whip up ‘drone’ accident in Wyndham WA into something – honestly. You can bet on two things, the solid wall of silence that comes with any ‘experimental’ military project and that whatever went sideways will get sorted. End of.
Instead of providing a vicarious ‘conspiracy’ fillip for breakfast consumption, perhaps the media could get down and dirty by getting some ‘real’ investigation done; the recent two fatal aviation accidents in Qld ain’t a headline grabber; but we do have a steady stream of fatal crashes. Almost a pattern; now, if the ‘rules’ are not preventing the accidents and the investigators take so long to come up with a report into the accident; there is genuine scope for real inquiry.
When a report into an accident eventually gets published – and we are talking in years here; any useful information which may assist in stopping a developing ‘trend’ is rendered useless; and, worse - accepted as 'normal'. Provided the flight ticked all the legal boxes, it’s fine. You can die whenever and wherever you please – you’re legal – no wukkers – case closed. You become part of a data base and forgotten – RIP.
Our much vaunted ‘safety system’ is becoming a very expensive operation which has not in the last decade provided any substantive decrease in the accident rate. Yet the media seem to quite happy to accept this, publish trite little stories which attract little interest, without getting into the underpinning foundations of this now ‘normalized deviance’. Ayup, we loose a few every year, so what…………Pathetic.
What say you P2 – VFR into IMC and NVMC accidents – facts and figures? Worth doing?
Toot – FDS – toot.
The ABC seems to be trying to whip up ‘drone’ accident in Wyndham WA into something – honestly. You can bet on two things, the solid wall of silence that comes with any ‘experimental’ military project and that whatever went sideways will get sorted. End of.
Instead of providing a vicarious ‘conspiracy’ fillip for breakfast consumption, perhaps the media could get down and dirty by getting some ‘real’ investigation done; the recent two fatal aviation accidents in Qld ain’t a headline grabber; but we do have a steady stream of fatal crashes. Almost a pattern; now, if the ‘rules’ are not preventing the accidents and the investigators take so long to come up with a report into the accident; there is genuine scope for real inquiry.
When a report into an accident eventually gets published – and we are talking in years here; any useful information which may assist in stopping a developing ‘trend’ is rendered useless; and, worse - accepted as 'normal'. Provided the flight ticked all the legal boxes, it’s fine. You can die whenever and wherever you please – you’re legal – no wukkers – case closed. You become part of a data base and forgotten – RIP.
Our much vaunted ‘safety system’ is becoming a very expensive operation which has not in the last decade provided any substantive decrease in the accident rate. Yet the media seem to quite happy to accept this, publish trite little stories which attract little interest, without getting into the underpinning foundations of this now ‘normalized deviance’. Ayup, we loose a few every year, so what…………Pathetic.
What say you P2 – VFR into IMC and NVMC accidents – facts and figures? Worth doing?
Toot – FDS – toot.