2016 a very good year; for the grapes of wrath to be sown.
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
I don’t care who reads this – HERE – so long as they do and be sure to brief, carefully and fully, any Senator, Minister, Back-bench layabout or even the PM himself. Just be sure to read it carefully, comprehend the messages and for Ducks sake; speak up and help put an end to the greatest con game ever perpetrated – the myth of ‘Australian Air Safety’. It is a racket, an endless bucket into which politicians of all stripes throw money in order to avoid responsibility for the well being of Australians who travel by air. A protection racket; sponsored and paid for by the very folk who rely, daily, on the government to act responsibly when ensuring that at very least, Australians, not the departments, benefit from the huge expense involved in pretending to be ICAO compliant.
CASA insist on ‘black letter law’ compliance with every piece of aviation folly they dream up and foist on the industry as ‘law’ – writ by experts. Nothing could be further from the truth for them. You don’t need to believe me – just read the carefully researched, accurately presented, unbiased evidence based report provided - by real ‘experts’ - without an axe to grind. Grounded, independent intellectual study of just the facts, and the ways they are slithered around by the ungodly.
When you add the report to the ANO audit of ATSB, the Senate inquiry into Pel-Air, the dismissal of the Forsyth report as opinion and the clumsy, fumbling often derailed Senate Estimates questions – a very dark, dirty, carefully hidden secret is revealed.
The sacred cow of ‘safety’ was not only clandestinely slaughtered on the alter of KPI; but everyone involved had a good steak dinner afterwards (plus doggy bag) – and some left overs for the freezer.
Disgusting, deceitful and borderline criminal behaviour IMO. Anyway – FWIW and for what good it'll do you – take the time to read through the report – here’s a sample: an appetiser if you will. Sacred cow; served cold, regrettably, the gravy has been diverted to other, more important plates.
“Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. ”
“If DIRD was serious about applying best practice regulatory systems then they should be
suggesting the establishment passenger benchmark should be lowered to 180,000 passengers (pax) rather than increasing it to 500,000 (refer to Attachment A: Overseas Practice). Australia has already been identified by ICAO as failing to meet international obligations by not having ARFFS established at all Australian certified airports. The filing of differences identifies that Australia has failed to comply with ICAO SARPS. Further, Australia committed to review current 139H regulations and address the lack of compliance with any amendments necessary as part of the corrective actions proposed under ICAO’s USOAP (refer to Attachment A: Overseas Practice).
DIRD are proposing that the passenger benchmark be increased by 150,000
(almost the trigger for the establishment of an ARFFS in ICAO compliant countries)
and linking it to a 4% increase in the 90% POB determination to 94% despite previously stating –
“The percentage of overall passenger numbers (for a benchmark of 90 per cent or 95 per cent of passengers in transport flights at all Australian airports) was discounted as a viable measure on the basis that such arbitrary method of determination could likely result in some airports with similar risk profiles required to have an ARFFS where others may not.”
![[Image: D2E_DsRWoAEc_Lo.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D2E_DsRWoAEc_Lo.jpg)
Toot – toot. MTF - a racing certainty.
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
I don’t care who reads this – HERE – so long as they do and be sure to brief, carefully and fully, any Senator, Minister, Back-bench layabout or even the PM himself. Just be sure to read it carefully, comprehend the messages and for Ducks sake; speak up and help put an end to the greatest con game ever perpetrated – the myth of ‘Australian Air Safety’. It is a racket, an endless bucket into which politicians of all stripes throw money in order to avoid responsibility for the well being of Australians who travel by air. A protection racket; sponsored and paid for by the very folk who rely, daily, on the government to act responsibly when ensuring that at very least, Australians, not the departments, benefit from the huge expense involved in pretending to be ICAO compliant.
CASA insist on ‘black letter law’ compliance with every piece of aviation folly they dream up and foist on the industry as ‘law’ – writ by experts. Nothing could be further from the truth for them. You don’t need to believe me – just read the carefully researched, accurately presented, unbiased evidence based report provided - by real ‘experts’ - without an axe to grind. Grounded, independent intellectual study of just the facts, and the ways they are slithered around by the ungodly.
When you add the report to the ANO audit of ATSB, the Senate inquiry into Pel-Air, the dismissal of the Forsyth report as opinion and the clumsy, fumbling often derailed Senate Estimates questions – a very dark, dirty, carefully hidden secret is revealed.
The sacred cow of ‘safety’ was not only clandestinely slaughtered on the alter of KPI; but everyone involved had a good steak dinner afterwards (plus doggy bag) – and some left overs for the freezer.
Disgusting, deceitful and borderline criminal behaviour IMO. Anyway – FWIW and for what good it'll do you – take the time to read through the report – here’s a sample: an appetiser if you will. Sacred cow; served cold, regrettably, the gravy has been diverted to other, more important plates.
“Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. ”
“If DIRD was serious about applying best practice regulatory systems then they should be
suggesting the establishment passenger benchmark should be lowered to 180,000 passengers (pax) rather than increasing it to 500,000 (refer to Attachment A: Overseas Practice). Australia has already been identified by ICAO as failing to meet international obligations by not having ARFFS established at all Australian certified airports. The filing of differences identifies that Australia has failed to comply with ICAO SARPS. Further, Australia committed to review current 139H regulations and address the lack of compliance with any amendments necessary as part of the corrective actions proposed under ICAO’s USOAP (refer to Attachment A: Overseas Practice).
DIRD are proposing that the passenger benchmark be increased by 150,000
(almost the trigger for the establishment of an ARFFS in ICAO compliant countries)
and linking it to a 4% increase in the 90% POB determination to 94% despite previously stating –
“The percentage of overall passenger numbers (for a benchmark of 90 per cent or 95 per cent of passengers in transport flights at all Australian airports) was discounted as a viable measure on the basis that such arbitrary method of determination could likely result in some airports with similar risk profiles required to have an ARFFS where others may not.”
![[Image: D2E_DsRWoAEc_Lo.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D2E_DsRWoAEc_Lo.jpg)
Toot – toot. MTF - a racing certainty.