AOPA Australia -

Update: Basic Class 2 medical reform.

Via Oz Flying Wink :

Quote:[Image: medicine.jpg]The Basic Class 2 medical standard means some pilots can go to their GP for an examination.

AOPA applauds CASA over Medical Reform
30 November 2017

AOPA CEO Ben Morgan has praised the Civil Aviation Safety Authority over the new medical standard to be introduced next year.In a statement released today, Morgan thanked CASA for the new Basic Class 2 standard, which enables some pilots to be examined by a general practitioner rather than a DAME.

"The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia extends our sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr Shane Carmody, Director of Aviation Safety, CASA regarding the Basic Class 2 reform announcement today," Morgan said.

"The new Basic Class 2 reform is a major win for Australia’s general aviation community ...

"The new Basic Class 2 medical will enable thousands to return to flying and will bring an end to decades of contention between CASA AVMED and the pilot community. This reform will serve to help enable general aviation revitalisation and signals that our national aviation safety regulator is listening and responding.

"The AOPA Australia views CASA’s decision to base the Basic Class 2 medical on the Austroads commercial vehicle driver standards to be fair and balanced and commend CASA on enabling the use of general practitioners, which will enable pilots to access medical assessments at thousands of locations across Australia."

Morgan also said that AOPA would work with CASA in the future with a view to having IFR and NVFR operations included in the new standard.


And comments - Confused

Mike Borgelt

If that is the best that AOPA can get as a result of their lobbying it shows how ineffective AOPA is. Might have been better to wait a few days before commenting, Ben.

This is nothing like real medical reform as in the UK and USA and is an absolute minimum change designed to give the impression that CASA has done some reform without it being significant and Ben Morgan has bought into it.

Unfortunately this is the last opportunity for probably a decade or more for significant change.

Benjamin Morgan


Rather than throw a hand-grenade at me, would you like to explain why this reform is not a major step forward?


This is brilliant! As a PPL holder with a heart condition, this means i can simply do the exercise stress test once per year as required by Austroads - and as required annually by the treating hospital anyway - rather than the raft of time consuming and expensive addiitonal tests such as Holter Monitor, Stress Test, ECG, Chest X-ray, etc etc CASA currently require and which saw me move to RAAus. Bring it on!!
& spin'n'bulldust from Comardy Capers, via the Oz:
Quote:Clearing the air on pilot health

[Image: 4740663248812800e7012764112649aa]12:00amSHANE CARMODY

Reforming an aviation system that has been in place for decades is no easy feat.

& a comment in reply from Sandy... Wink

Thanks to the Oz and Annabelle for keeping a spotlight on the much blighted industry of General Aviation.  The proposed changes to aviation medicals would be a real reform, though seriously flawed,  and is welcome;   like a thimble full of water to the man dying of thirst, middle of summer Central Sahara. 

The most incomprehensible element is to exclude the right to fly Instrument Flight Rules and Night Visual Flight Rules. Therefore introducing, for no reason, an inducement to lapse one’s expensively obtained higher and safer flying ability, the IFR Rating. Of the Night VFR, this is often a stepping stone to the much desirable full instrument rating. A night rated pilot has a better utility of his flying ability and tends to fly more often. From the extensive records of the USA it is well known that the greatest safety measure is recency. Well practised pilots have far fewer accidents. Why then discourage them?

Advanced countries like the US and UK have sensibly already instituted less expensive and more practical private pilot medical requirements based on the fact that the ordinary driver’s licence standard and a degree of self reporting is sufficient. But true to form our independent Commonwealth Corporate continues to be the world’s expert regulator, and is  bent on forcing its latest tranche of excruciating costly and unworkable set of strict liability criminal sanction rules down the throat of what’s left of GA, but throwing us the promise of a bone next year. They keep saying this, they’ve been on a never ending make work system of rewriting the rules at massive expense for 30 years, its an art form. 

Without a raft of other reforms coming pretty quickly GA will continue to diminish and so any later reforms will have less effect. 

Pity my poor industry, grasping for anything, hoping against hope for rationality. Alex in the Rises. 

Finally from Hitch again in this week's LMH... Wink

Quote:Yesterday's announcement of the new Basic Class 2 medical standard is not CASA's reform of aviation medicine in total; it is only one part of it. The AVMED department has been a worthy target of reformists in GA for at least 15 years, mainly because it has been a heavy burden on pilots for decades, and was only getting worse. High DAME costs, a lack of DAMEs, ludicrous questionnaires, bewildering decisions and processing fees for doing not a lot robbed AVMED of any credibility and isolated it from the aviation community. Various CEOs promised reforms and delivered nothing, so Basic Class 2 represents the first real improvement to an AVMED system that needs a lot more improving. Basic Class 2 captures a very large chunk of Australia's private pilot operations–less than six pax, VFR, piston engine–but it still has limited value in some areas. Aerobatics, for example, are not allowed on Basic Class 2. Asking around CASA, I was left with the impression that what they have done is reform the low-risk areas first whilst they try to gather information about how the Austroads standard will effect IFR, NVFR and aerobatics. Personally, I believe that evidence will show there is no reason why pilots can't fly almost unrestricted on the Basic Class 2, but that's something we all have to leave CASA to work out for themselves.

Quote:"..AVMED may be in for somewhat of a complete overhaul.."

Another part of the announcement was that some commercial operations will now require a Class 2 medical only, whereas before a Class 1 was needed. The big two are commercial ops without fare-paying passengers and flying instructors. Here CASA has recognised that ops like aerial ag and helicopter sling loading doesn't carry the weight of risk to general public that RPT and charter ops do, which is nice piece of commonsense; we've been asking for risk-based regulation for years. The whole idea of Class 2s for instructors is probably to allow CPLs and ATPLs who can't maintain their Class 1 to stay in aviation, locking in all those hours of experience rather than losing it all. But what we have to consider is that all this is only intent at this stage: there are no timelines and as yet CASA hasn't worked out how it will all function together, and what the real impact will be. However, having your GP do your assessment and CASA leaving the decision in the hands of your doctor is what we've been asking for. And there is more to come, I feel; AVMED may be in for somewhat of a complete overhaul.

But to many in the aviation community, these proposals are like being half-pregnant. Rather than go for a complete self-certification system like RAAus or the new FAA BasicMed, CASA's has based Basic Class 2 on a standard that is still reasonably rigid and still requires pilots to attend a medical centre. Because it's not the solution many wanted, they see it as just more rubbish regulation coming from Canberra. But there is another way of looking at it: Basic Class 2 will mean less cost impost both in doctor's fees and in the processing fee paid to CASA. It will mean people who don't have a DAME within cooee of home can wander down to see Dr Jones in the mainstreet for their medical, and it will mean the doctor seeing the patient is the one who gets to decide if they meet the requirements of fitness to fly. It sounds awfully like reform to me.

MTF...P2 Cool

“It sounds awfully like reform to me.” Hitch you are quite correct, sounds like it. Something like an orchestra warming up, but this highly paid orchestra doesn’t have the skills, will power, or a conductor who can read music. Words fiddling and burning come to mind.
Mr. Carmody has so far given nothing but the distorted idea of one true reform when around halfway through his contract. Mr. Carmody has repeatedly stated his decisions will be based on evidence but says nothing of the superior and more practical US model. He says the changes will “progressively” be introduced in 2018. Herein lies a foreboding of the real intent. Quite possibly a series of
Notice of Proposed Rule Making notices. This couldn’t possibly stretch out beyond 2018 could it? This NPRM scheme of gauging industry acceptance and possible improvements being a direct copying of the US system but the CASA version is largely a time wasting window dressing exercise. We will wait and see; meanwhile pilots will simply give up, the exodus from General Aviation will continue unabated. IFR and NVFR training and renewals will stagnate or more likely fall off, taking yet more money out of the system including Air Services and airport fees.
High hopes or soft soaps?

Update to Aeromed reform: 08/12/17

Via AOPA (US):

Quote:Medical reform going global

Australia introduces new Class 2 medical
December 6, 2017 By AOPA Communications staff

Nations across the world are moving forward to improve the medical qualification process for general aviation pilots. In what appears to be the "shot heard around the world," medical reform continues to expand across borders. Australia is the latest country to adopt new medical qualifications and allow GA pilots to visit a general practitioner, similar to the United States' BasicMed.

[Image: medical_cirrus_15_16x9.jpg?mw=880&mh=495...021EC37B7F]

A Cirrus SR20 GTS in flight. Photo by Chris Rose.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) announced that the “Basic Class 2” medical would apply to piston aircraft with up to five nonpaying passengers, during daytime visual flight rules. The medical will be valid for a maximum of five years for pilots under 40 years old and a maximum of two years for pilots over 40. As part of the new rules, pilots conducting flight training and aerial agriculture flights can hold a Class 2 medical, instead of operating under the same rules as commercial airliners with a Class 1 medical.
Australia’s Basic Class 2 medical comes just six months after BasicMed went live and already has nearly 25,000 U.S. pilots flying under the new program. After seeing such success in the United States, AOPA and AOPA Australia teamed up and sent a joint letter to CASA CEO Shane Carmody, urging the organization to undertake reforms similar to BasicMed to help reduce costs and streamline the medical process for GA pilots.

But it’s not just pilots on this side of the pond who have rejoiced in medical reform. Just last year, the United Kingdom took steps to review medical regulations, and, as a result, pilots in the country are now able to self-certify their fitness to fly. After a public consultation, 96 percent of respondents agreed to the proposal thus validating the regulations set forth by the Civil Aviation Authority.

Luckily, the recent announcement from CASA paints a much brighter future for GA in Australia. For many pilots, burdensome medical requirements and red tape have contributed to a decline in the pilot population, and news of this reform is an exciting win for the GA community down under.

Australia marks the latest country to engage in medical reform, but countries all around the world are taking steps to improve the medical process for GA pilots. AOPA continues to work with Canada and other countries, encouraging them to move forward with their own medical reform.

& via Oz Flying:

Quote:[Image: medicine.jpg]The Basic Class 2 medical standard means some pilots can go to their GP for an examination.

Medical Reform not over Yet: AOPA
7 December 2017

Ben Morgan, CEO of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia (AOPA) believes there may be more reforms to the Class 2 medical system to come, despite he and his organisation openly praising CASA for the reforms instituted last week.

CASA announced a new Basic Class 2 medical last Thursday, which allows PPLs to fly after a medical examination by a general practitioner to the Austroads commercial drivers standard.

However, the new privileges were restricted to VFR flight by day only, non-aerobatic flight and excluded aircraft fitted with turbine engines. Morgan believes there is little justification for these operations not to be included.

"CASA is showing the we've still got work to do," Morgan told Australian Flying. "We've got to prosecute a far better case of explaining and justifying those inclusions. We knew how this was going to play out. We knew we'd be handed a solution that we'd have to go away and do a heap of background on to try to get it across the line in a really usable format.

"And I'd also remind everyone that CASA as this stage hasn't really delivered anything. They've only made an announcement, and I hope what we can do in the interim is sit down with CASA and prosecute a really good justification for the inclusions."

Morgan also said that he believed one of the reasons why complete reform was not achieved was that CASA's consultation process was lacking, citing the fact that AOPA was not on the Aviation Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) that approved the new Basic Class 2.

"I don't believe that the consultation framework that either the minister or CASA has set up is adequate and is not providing the best possible opportunity for CASA to understand the needs and aspirations of the industry. For example, not having AOPA sitting directly at that table, or fundamentally, for the entire reform, because there was not one member sitting at that ASAP table that had a significant contribution to that reform policy.

"AOPA has the largest percentage weight in the game, but we were not at the table for political reasons. And we were not at the table because the minister has not liked us opposing the policies of his government and the policies of the regulator. We understand that ... it's politics. I would call it poor politics, but politics nonetheless.

"I believe there's been an enormous missed opportunity by CASA to have industry sitting at the table and help guide them through that last 30%, which really wouldn't have delivered 90% of the benefit to the industry."

Regardless, Morgan continues to stress that the Basic Class 2 does represent a win for general aviation, despite significant cynicism still being expressed by many pilots and aviation activists.

"My personal view is that I think this is a thundering success for our industry," he said. "We identified and prosecuted an evidence-based case that AVMED was having a negative impact on the pilot population.

"I'm certain as we go forward we'll see this system further liberalised and see a lot more happy faces."


MTF...P2  Tongue

Fresh from the AOPA Facebook page...


The Wagga City Aero Club and the AOPA Australia thank the City of Wagga Wagga for the opportunity to address this evenings meeting and congratulate the council for resolving to remove unnecessary charges that discriminate private aviation users!

This evenings result is an affirmation of the council’s desire to see a greater participation by general aviation users, seeking to encourage aircraft owners and pilots to the region.

The AOPA Australia now looks forward to working with council and the Aero Club to promote the airport to our national aviation community, encouraging our members and industry participants to make Wagga Wagga their first choice when travelling.

And off twitter Wink :

Wagga City Aero Club and the AOPA Australia congratulate the City of Wagga Wagga on its decision to remove unnecessary charges!  We now look forward to working with council to help promote the airport and region!

[Image: DUs6cFUVoAAAyhQ.jpg]
9:29 PM - 29 Jan 2018

MTF...P2 Tongue

And from the Daily Advertiser..

Quote:January 29 2018 - 9:20PM

Council fold to increased pressure for aircraft lobby groups, retract proposed overnight parking charges
  • Lachlan Grey

Local News

[Image: r0_654_4032_2921_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg]
HIGH-FLYERS: A satisfied Geoff Breust (far left) with members of the Wagga City Aero Club following council's decision to retract overnight parking fees at Wagga Airport.

Wagga City Council has quietly ceded to ongoing pressure from aircraft owners after shelving plans to charge visiting aircraft overnight parking fees.

More than two months of lobbying paid dividends for the Wagga City Aero Club, whose members arrived in force to Monday’s ordinary council meeting.

Both WCAC president Geoff Breust and Aircraft Owner and Pilots Association of Australia president Ben Morgan stood to deliver impassioned speeches condemning the proposed overnight parking charges to a packed public chamber.

During his speech, Mr Breust slammed the “disgraceful” management of Wagga Airport and council’s failure to consult the Airport Advisory Committee.

“The parking charges are not cost effective and the charges were not consulted through the airport advisory committee,” he said.

“Furthermore, the fees are discriminatory towards aircraft owners and a proper cost-benefit analysis is yet to be delivered.”

AOPA’s Mr Morgan followed suit in taking aim at council’s perception of aircraft owners.
“General aviation is not made up of wealthy people,” he told the chamber.

The pair asked council to reinstate the agreed landing fees from 2016/17 and reject overnight parking charges.

In the ensuing debate, commercial operations director Caroline Angel said she was unaware of any failings but recognised the need for action.

“I believe we need to significantly investigate our airport operations … there is significant work to be done in a number of areas,” she said.

Ultimately, council voted to reinstate the 2016/17 landing fees and put parking charges to the consideration of the Airport Advisory Committee, drawing satisfied applause from the floor.

“It was a really good outcome,” Mr Breust said.

“Firstly, they’ve now removed the restriction that you have to be a Wagga resident to take up the option of an annual landing fee and they’ve also decided to remove parking charges and refer it to the Airport Advisory Committee.”

Following this success, Mr Breust hopes to see the AAC develop into a formal management committee.

“We’ve been given a complete charter to review the airport operations in terms of the budgetary implications … and hopefully council takes us one step further so we can have real input.”

Courtesy Ben Morgan, via AOPA Oz:


[Image: defd73ab-202e-48b4-b416-b78a71497ee3.png]

Monday, 29th January 2018

2018 has kicked off and already the weeks are starting to zip past.

This week we announced the formation of the Australian General Aviation Alliance, an industry partnership to protect and promote our freedom to fly.  The AOPA Auastralia has come together with the Sport Aircraft Association of Australia and the Aircraft Repair Maintenance Overhaul Busness Association, creating a powerful Alliance to unify the voice of general aviation.  It is great to see the industry's associations standing with AOPA Australia as we push for essential reform and industry revitalisation!  Our Alliance will be working

And, on the topic of unity, the AOPA Australia in partnership with the Wagga City Aero Club, demonstrated that by working together we can achieve clear results, successfully lobbying the City of Wagga Wagga to drop unnecessary and discriminatory airport charges.  In the weeks following, a number of clubs have reached out to inform of their situations, with both Shepparton and Bathurst high on the priority list for action.

The timing of the Wagga Wagga victory could not be better, with our next AOPA Australia Aero Club Alliance meeting scheduled for the 17th February 2018 at Bankstown Airport.  Information regarding this meeting is contained in the update below and I am urging representatives from Aero Clubs to make the effort to attend.  Together we can tackle the issues and make a difference.

A major focus for 2018 is the upcoming implementation of the new private pilot medical reform - Class 2 Basic.  During the final weeks of December 2017, CASA's Director of Aviation Safety, Shane Carmody, announced the sweeping reform of the private pilot medical certification system, which they aim to have implemented by mid 2018.  The reform announcement is a major win for AOPA Australia and we are looking forward to working with CASA to see pilots returned to active flying.  AOPA Australia Director and DAME, Tony Van Der Spek, has prepared a detailed overview of the new system, which will be published in the February-March 2018 edition of Australian PILOT magazine.

Whilst we closed 2017 with positive news from CASA, we sadly bid farewell to Australian PILOT editor, Mark Smith, who after 4 years at the helm, has moved on to pursue a life long dream of working for the ABC in his home state of Victoria.  Mark's strong editorial style and stunning photography helped elevate our membership magazine to new heights, he now leaves behind some very large shoes to fill.  Thank you Mark and all the best for your new role with the ABC!

We have already received a number of applications for the Editor's position and will be announcing the successful candidate in the coming week.  In teh meantime, your Feb/Mar 2018 Australian PILOT Edition is nearing completion and will hit your mailboxes soon!

Our AOPA Australia 'Freedom to Fly' airshow display team have been working hard over the holiday period, inspecting and re-assembling their aircraft, having returned from China in late December 2017.  The team are looking forward to performing for Australian crowds, showcasing our association and message for general aviation revitalisation!

It is with great sadness that the AOPA Australia farewells our member, Sandra Southwell, who was tragically lost in an accident at a private airstrip in north east Tasmania.  I was fortunate to meet Sandra and her partner Barry on several occasions, the last being a committee meeting of the Cessna 182 Association, held in Bathurst NSW.  Sandra was passionate about all things general aviation and hadtaken keen interest in our youth flight simulator initiative.  Sandra will be deeply missed by a great many.

On the political front, our industry is now waiting to see if there will be another change of guard at the Infrastructure portfolio, with the future of the Deputy Prime Minister now looking uncertain.  If a change does occur, it will be the third Minister in just 6 months, creating significant distractions and delays towards achieving reform.

Best regards

Executive Director - AOPA Australia

Mobile: 0415 577 724


Courtesy Ben Morgan, AOPA Oz:

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Australia
April 11 at 10:27pm · Sydney, NSW ·

Mr Carmody,

I am writing to you on behalf of the pilots within our general aviation community who are subject to ‘CASA Audit’ with respect to their Class 2 medicals, seeking your assistance.

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of Australia (AOPA Australia) commends CASA for recent reforms which have streamlined the issuance of Class 2 medicals for private pilots who have no prior medical concerns, however, we are concerned that pilots who are subject to ‘CASA audit’ are being unfairly discriminated and refused an opportunity to seek a fair and genuine review (external of CASA AVMED) of their fitness to fly.

The AOPA Australia identified during the Class 2 reform consultation process that a significant number of general aviation pilots whom AVMED have subjected to ‘CASA audit’ have simply migrated across to RAAus where they have continued to fly safely. The transference of ‘CASA audit’ pilots from general aviation to the RAAus demonstrates that these pilots pose no risk to aviation safety and identifies that AVMED’s past Class 2 medical assessments have been unnecessarily restrictive, prematurely grounding general aviation pilots who are otherwise fit-to-fly.

The AOPA Australia is calling on CASA to remove all AVMED audit restrictions/requirements and to encourage the pilot community to seek a new and fresh Class 2 medical assessment from their DAME, who is empowered (under your new reforms) to approve a medical certificate should they be satisfied with the applicant’s fitness-to-fly. For the pilots whom the DAME community do not consider fit-to-fly, they may be referred to CASA AVMED for review.

We believe our recommendation to be a balanced and fair proposal, providing the general aviation pilot community with a genuine opportunity for an independent (external to CASA AVMED) review and to be provided with a Class 2 medical should their DAME consider them fit-to-fly.

The AOPA Australia would like to meet with yourself and your team so that we may discuss the above proposal. If a suitable date and time could be provided, we shall be happy to travel and meet with you.

Thank you in advance and we look forward to speaking soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Executive Director - AOPA Australia


And some Facebook comments... Wink

Quote:Jeremy Lee Sooooo well said..... the audit is a load or rubbish just to cost more money and time. My yearly medical is this year around $500 and I have nothing wrong haha great isn't it.

Ivan Tyson Spot on Ben. I am one of those pilots who are subject to CASA Audit but my specialist and DAME have for a number of years, been telling CASA that it is not necessary. It appears that once you are on their 'Audit List', it's nearly impossible to get off it.

Kyle Bury I am also one of those under CASA audit and have been for a number of years following an ear operation. CASA keep asking for a letter of progress from my specialist who advises all is ok and there will be no change other than normal deterioration, but they still persist with the audits.

They clearly won’t listen to or trust the advice of DAME’s or specialists...

Ian Hazeldene About time had 6 month fight to get medical at great cost. When this all started to un fold they decided to issue medical . No history of any medical issues.About time there was reform.

Fred Carter Well said. I am one of those pilots subject to an audit. I have Myeloma and CASA have determined that they won’t consider my fitness to fly for 12 months after my stem cell transplant. This is despite specialists saying that 3 months is adequate. CASA have refused to provide the clinical guidelines that they are using. They need to be held to account.

Scott McMullan Well bloody said. I sadly fall under that category for a garden weed allergy that has been diagnosed and treated and not had any symptoms for years, yet am still required to have 1 yearly medicals under AVMEDS direction (Took 18 months and ridiculous non required specialist appointments later). Sadly the cost has pushed me out of aviation altogether at this stage. If this proposal is accepted who knows, might even get my wings back. Keep up the great guys, Keep the pressure on.

David Scott Butler I am in this category as well. Just started my next round of, what my GP, DAME and other call unnecessary, tests & checks

Rob Shortridge I have heard that the 'Audit' is devolved to the DAME and only needs to be referred to AVMED if the DAME is uncomfortable making a decision in regard to the specific conditions. This would make sense as one sits across the table from the DAME and he is actually talking to you rather than someone making a decision on paperwork alone.

MTF...P2  Tongue

Ps Seems that there are a number of concerned members of AOPA banging away on their keyboards with Dear DPM emails... Wink

Quote:Dear Mr. McCormack,

Everyone in General Aviation:-

We are fed up to HERE with consultations, reviews, Parliamentary inquiries, Minister commissioned (expensive) investigations and lastly your predecessor Darren Chester’s BITRE report into what is as obvious as is the nose on your face. 

The waste and shocking wasting of a perfectly good industry must stop. 

CASA, a failed model of governance that’s made itself into a make work salary factory. The fee gouging independent Commonwealth corporate will never finish it’s project, 30 years still not finished, to rewrite the rules. The fees it charges would be a drop in the bucket compared to the loss of tax receipts and economic activity. 

The latest tranche of unworkable strict liability criminal sanction rules (framed inappropriately as criminal against C’Wealth guidelines) are putting the finishing touches to the funeral of General Aviation in Australia. 

We now are even having to import pilots from overseas. How mad is that?

Dick Smith’s very modest Act change would be just a start. Without Government ordering real change GA will continue to die. 

Should you have Australia take on the US rules GA will grow jobs and services especially in rural areas.

Inaction is not an option and the dam wall will burst, the justifiable frustration of GA operators is everywhere. I have retired, no axe to grind except see a fair go. 

Wishing you well in your new job,


Sandy Reith 

wren 460 off the UP - Wink

Independent instructors US style, AOPA policy doc.

AOPA Aus has a policy discussion paper written by an AOPA Director Mike Smith.
This could be the single most important area of reform if General Aviation is to recover and actually start to grow sustainably.

Whatever else is true about GA without new pilots constantly coming through there can be no home grown flying industry. In the past there were hundreds of small flying schools scattered all over Australia. Naturally those living in rural areas have very direct benefits from using GA aircraft and hence those flying schools that could be found in every region.

We had to obtain a permission, a cost free licence with virtually no special conditions apart from an approved training area map.

As a “B” grade instructor (for some irrational reason grades A, B and C Ins. Rating became 3, 2 and 1) I was automatically deemed fit for Chief Flying Instructor. After my application a couple of DCA types came from Melbourne told me to be a good boy and my charter licence was amended to include training.

So why is it now that a senior instructor near to me had to put up front $8000 with a flying school application? (2 yrs ago and still nothing)

This is just madness and the latest tranche of flying school regs are going to cause more closures before the transition deadline, August I think.

So what’s necessary, the paper attached shows how simple it can be if we take on the US rules. A very well written paper that if even partly adopted would put GA back in the air and create that turn around that is desperately needed.

Quote:Discussion Paper: Independent Flight Instructors


Australia has experienced a decline in active pilot numbers and in new trainees that is impacting the aviation industry at all levels. Traditional flight schools are struggling to meet the requirements of CASR §61 and this has led to an increase in the cost of training and virtually excluded small schools from the market. In regional Australia, where Aero Clubs once flourished, flight training is almost non-existent. In addition to the fees charged by CASA to process applications, applicants endure significant compliance and related costs during the certificate life-cycle.

A global shortage of airline pilots has resulted in airlines in the major markets such as North America and Europe cancelling flights caused by the inability to source adequate numbers of qualified personnel. There is an urgent need to address the global demand for trained pilots that could be met by Australian flight instructors.


ICAO Annex 1 outlines the Standards and Recommended Practices for Personnel Licensing, including pilot licenses. Annex 1 provides for training by authorized instructors working as individuals or providing training as part of an approved course.

CASA’s implementation of Annex 1 standards does not allow for instructors to work outside of an approved school. Australia therefore has flight schools individually authorized by CASA under CASR §61 or §141.


There are three flight instructor certificates available in the USA. These certificates are commonly referred to as: Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), Certified Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII) and Multi Engine Instructor (MEI). All are stand-alone certificates i.e. there is no requirement to hold any one instructor certificate before you can hold any of the others.

Although flight instructors can and do work independently, most work for a flight school that may or may not hold an FAA §141 certificate. As an example, ATP with over 300 aircraft, 300 instructors, 42 locations and delivering about 190,000 hours of training annually do this under §61. It is estimated that 70% of pilots are trained under §61. For those schools wishing to be certificated under §141, the process is relatively straightforward forward with the FAA providing templates for the required manuals and processing the application with no fee attached.

A flight instructor need only hold a class three medical certificate since the FAA views the service a flight instructor is being paid for is their teaching services, not their piloting services. If the student is legally entitled to be the pilot in command, the flight instructor need not hold a medical certificate at all. An example of this is an instructor teaching a commercial student who already holds a private certificate, the student is entitled to be PIC and therefore the instructor does not require a medical. Similarly, for a Flight Review, provided the candidate has a current medical and their Flight Review currency has not lapsed, the flight instructor conducting the review need not have a current medical. There is no requirement for the FAA to be notified that a Flight Review has been conducted.

There is no need to go to a §141 school for any training for a pilot certificate or rating. Even flight instructors can be trained by other flight instructors under §61. The only limitation is that an instructor must have held an instructor certificate for 2 years and have given at least 200 hours of flight instruction before they can recommend an applicant for their first instructor certificate. Even this limitation is currently the subject of a discussion paper that proposes to remove this requirement.

The situation is similar for mechanics who can perform most maintenance without working for the holder of a §145 certificate. Certificated A&P mechanics can perform most of the maintenance required to be performed on flight school aircraft and holders of Inspection Authorizations can certify for annual inspections. These activities do not require FAA certification beyond the individual’s certificates.


Adopt the FAA interpretation of ICAO Annex 1 and permit authorized flight instructors to provide flight training for any CASA pilot license without the need to hold or work for the holder of a CASA flight school certificate. During a transitional period, grant existing holders of §61 flight school certificates provisional §141 status.


CASA would seek the repeal of those sections of CASR §61 that require an operating certificate for individuals or organizations that provide flight training. CASR § 141 would remain to allow for schools to take advantage of the reduced training hour requirements that ICAO Annex 1 provides for when undertaking training as part of an approved course.

CASA would continue to make regulations that give specificity to ICAO training standards such as the minimum aeronautical experience required for each license as well as the knowledge requirements to be met. Instructors would be required to ensure that all required training is completed before students may progress to solo for example, and prior to being recommended for a flight test.

Other Considerations

Existing flight schools often express concern that the independent instructor system would undermine their business. In contrast to the Australian experience, the FAA process to gain a §141 pilot school certificate is straightforward and in-expensive, CASA should follow a similar, simple and affordable process. In transitioning to the new arrangements, existing CASA certificated flight schools under §61 should be granted provisional §141 status and then have two years to meet the applicable requirements for a pilot school certificate (non- provisional).

Some believe that safety is compromised however, this is not supported by FAA experience.

MTF...P2 Cool

Dick Smith presentation Wagga - Shy

Via AOPA Facebook page today:

Quote:Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Australia
6 hrs · Sydney, NSW · [/url]

THURSDAY 26TH APRIL 2018 - 11AM to 1PM

AOPA Australia member, Dick Smith, will be addressing a public gathering in the city of Wagga Wagga. Come hear about the staggering damage which is being inflicted on the general aviation industry in Australia and particularly on aviation in the bush.
Hear how Australia can become a world leader in flight training and recreational aviation.
AOPA Australia members are all encouraged to attend this event.
The AOPA Australia Members Coach will be departing Bankstown Airport, Thursday 26th April at 5am - sharp. Please call (02) 9791 9099 to reserve your seat - be quick as places are limited.
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MTF...P2  Cool

AOPA Oz - Independent Instructor campaign ramps up... Wink

Via the Oz today:

Quote:Call for independent instructors
[Image: e22282256f45df8289b59344c63f8b5f]12:00amANNABEL HEPWORTH
A general aviation group is calling for a US-style model that would allow for ‘independent’ flight instructors.

Group calls for independent instructors to deal with demand

General aviation aircraft owners and pilots will urge Infrastructure and Transport Minister Michael McCormack to consider a US-style model that would allow for “independent” flight instructors to help deal with the global demand for pilots.

The Australian can reveal the Aircraft Owners and ­Pilots Association, which plans on setting up a campaign office in Wagga Wagga in Mr McCormack’s Riverina electorate, will raise the issue personally with him.

AOPA chief executive Benjamin Morgan said Australia’s ­aviation industry needed Mr ­McCormack “to take immediate action” on the issue of independent flight instructors.

Mr Morgan said he was looking forward to discussing this “and other urgent matters” in a meeting slated for May 1. “Continuing with the current regulatory approach is signing a suicide note for our industry,” he said.

Under the proposal, Australia would adopt the US Federal Aviation Administration’s interpretation of International Civil Aviation Organisation rules for flight instructor licensing.

It would mean authorised flight instructors would be able to conduct flight training without having to work for an outfit that holds a flight school certificate from the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, a plan aimed at businesses in regional areas. But the proposal could face a backlash from flight schools concerned about the impact of such a model.

Mr Morgan said that current regulations for flight training organisations, Part 141 and Part 142 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations, impose “significant regulatory compliance costs” that could make business in regional areas economically unviable.

In the US, independent flight instructors were mostly in regional and rural areas.

The push comes amid a shortage of flight instructors in which airlines have been poaching flight instructors to work as pilots.

As well, some flight schools have struggled to meet requirements contained in part 61 of the Civil ­Aviation Safety Regulations, causing particular difficulty for some of the small schools.

In a discussion paper on independent instructors, AOPA says that in country Australia, “where aero clubs once flourished, flight training is almost non-existent”. The paper points to fees charged by CASA to process applications, as well as “significant compliance and related costs during the certificate life-cycle”.

AOPA had put the discussion paper to CASA late last year.

But CASA spokesman Peter Gibson said the concept of independent flying instructors was raised during development of the new licensing regulations “and was generally not supported by the flying training sector”.

“It is important that flying instructors work within a framework that delivers consistent training outcomes,” he said.

“The future safety of aviation depends on the quality of training pilots receive today.”

The spokesman said this framework was provided by Part 141 and Part 142 regulations. He said CASA provided a full draft operations manual for Part 141 schools “which is ideal for individuals running their own flying school”.

Also, he said, CASA believed that changed medical certificate requirements for instructors and examiners “will increase the pool of pilots available to contribute to flying training”.

The 2014 review into air safety regulation said there was “scope for ­allowing training to be conducted by independent instructors not employed within approved organisations” and that ”the best practices of major countries should be taken into consideration”. But the idea was not specifically included in the recommendations.

Sandy comment - Peter Gibson said the concept of independent flying instructors was raised during development of the new licensing regulations “and was generally not supported by the flying training sector”.

“It is important that flying instructors work within a framework that delivers consistent training outcomes,” he said.

There’s a laugh, CASA providing protection for existing (myopic) flying schools on the basis that they wouldn’t like competition from independent instructors, perversely that in the main they would have to train those instructors in the first place. 

Second laugh that by inference the far less costly, more efficient, ICAO compliant and proven environment for flying training in the US is not up to scratch. Some 70% of US pilots are trained by independent instructors, and plenty of them are flying in our skies every single day. 

Uncoupled from Ministerial responsibility some 30 years ago, regulator the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, a Commonwealth corporation, revels in its own independence and has made a meal out of General Aviation. This fee gouging make work salary factory was tasked with rewriting the rules some 30 years ago. Its spent umpteen $millions and still not finished and never will. The latest tranche of rules is killing off many of the few remaining flying schools with the most unworkable, micro managing and pointless strictures contained in thousands of pages of strict liability rules which have been inappropriately migrated into the criminal code. 

Minister McCormack might just find that his constituents aren’t happy to find out the truth of the waste and mismanagement in aviation, which particularly impacts regional communities. The responsibility largely of successive National Party incumbents. Alex in the Rises. 
MTF...P2 Cool


Great to see Messr Smith actively supporting industry with much more than cheap weasel words. What a champion.

Interesting Morgan article, desperate times/desperate measures?

This is not a new request, but I still see room for David Fawcett as junior Minister for Aviation. The industry is still collapsing, muppets like McCormack, Barn’find and potentially Albo the great white whale have lost touch, have no ability, skill or understanding. GA is decimated, airports other than the big Internationals are losing money, compliance and regulations are no longer sustainable, the big two arrogant airlines continue to gouge the public and fleece every operator (and are still run like shit). ThE alphabet soup agencies under hi-vis Hood, Electric Blue and Wingnut are deplorable, and all of Australia is suffering.

Aviation is a specialised field which requires specialised portfolio oversight. I see no better solution than robust oversight by Fawcett with advisers such as Dick Smith and Mike Smith et al.

Oh please Lord, may Goldman Sachs Turnbull beloved BBJ throw a fan blade and suck the political dross out a window.

Quote:[Image: 33KYdl78_bigger.jpg] Dick Smith@DickSmithFairGo
I'm giving a public presentation on the damage inflicted on Australian aviation by consecutive governments this Thursday 26.04.18, Wagga RSL 11am-1pm. I am also happy to answer any questions related to the Fair Go campaign. See details here:

Dick Smith Public Presentation
April 23, 2018

Dick will be making a public presentation in Wagga this Thursday 26 April at the Wagga RSL from 11am to 1pm about the damage that has been inflicted on Australian aviation by consecutive governments.

Whilst he will not be particularly covering the population issue, Fair Go supporters may be interested in the presentation because it will be linked to the failure of our political system in the last two decades.

Everyone is welcome to attend.  Please tell your friends if they are in the Wagga area.  See the attached advertisement.

PS: While the talk is not specifically on the population issue, there will be ample time for questions and Dick is very happy to answer any questions in relation to the impossibility of endless growth and the Fair Go campaign.

[Image: Aviation-Presentation-Ad.jpg]

10:38 AM - 23 Apr 2018

Without asking for a red cent to support him, or even asking the industry to help; Dick, all by him little self, has taken on the role of advocate. I say Bravo that man.

When you think on, Dick could do pretty much as pleased him – whenever it pleased him. He has no need of a job, no kids to get through school, no massive mortgage or the need to generate the massive amounts of money required to buy a home and raise a family. Hells bells, he could be smoking a Havana on the fan deck of a luxury yacht, sipping a Mojito having sunscreen lotion applied by nubile young matrons – tomorrow - if it pleased him. But no; what does he do, he takes on the trolls and fools who hang about the UP; and then, spends some of his remaining time on this planet visiting the Wagga RSL – To try and get a message through the brick wall built to protect ‘the system’ which is killing a perfectly viable, safe, tax paying industry.

I mean Wagga (FFS)– of all the gin joints – in all the world? Why? Well the latest incumbent of the sit still and do ‘nuttin’ aviation portfolio lives there – that’s why. If Dick can convince only a small percentage of the Mc (Whatsisname) voters that another name for ‘member’ is ‘Prick’ then; he has done well for this dying industry.

I say Bravo Dick; get a muzzle on Morgan though, and be sure that the SMS messages in support flow through on the day. Thanks mate, I appreciate the effort; let’s hope it was worthwhile. At least your conscience is clear. The next round is on me.

[Image: Untitled%2B2.jpg]

Update: Via Nine News. 

Quote:'I see an industry being destroyed': Dick Smith calls for Australia's aviation protection

By Kimberley Caines
3:39pm Apr 24, 2018

[Image:]Dick Smith is calling for the government to change the Civil Aviation Act 1988. (AAP)

The Federal Government has destroyed the pilot training industry and led it into bankruptcy, says Dick Smith, former chairman of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
In just five years, the aviation industry in Australia has seen pilot numbers decline by more than 30 percent.

Flying schools are closing across the country or are being sold off to Chinese buyers.

The government is now importing foreign pilots on 457 visas to cover up Australia’s pilot shortage.

Mr Smith says this is due to the government ignoring the cost of safety regulation and putting flight training out of reach for aspiring pilots in Australia.

A commercial pilot’s licence costs about $100,000.

[Image:]Cadet pilots during training at Morabbin airport in Melbourne in 2010. (AAP)

“Teenagers leave school and want to become a pilot but find it too expensive,” Mr Smith, 74, told

Related Articles “Everything is more in Australia – the cost to set up a flying the school, the staff required, and the number of flying hours needed and exams to do to get a commercial licence. 

“I believe we have an incredibly safe aviation system but we don’t have enough pilots because the government has sent the flying school industry broke.

“I’m concerned about this because I’m a proud Australian. None of this affects me. I have my own aircrafts but I see an industry being destroyed.”

[Image:]Richard Branson with Virgin Australia cadet pilot Danielle Stokes in Adelaide in 2013. (AAP)

According to CASA’s 2013/14 annual report, there were 36,158 pilots employed in Australia.

In the 2016/17 report, 31,110 pilots were recorded.

Mr Smith is calling for the government to change the Civil Aviation Act 1988 to make it more affordable for Australian pilots to obtain their commercial licence.

“Everyone agrees we need safety but nobody wants to pay for it,” the renowned entrepreneur said.

“I call on Acting Prime Minister Michael Mcormack to talk to Treasurer Scott Morrison to fix this in next month’s budget before we have an incident that just occurred in the US with the disaster on Southwest Airlines.

“There are tens of thousands of pilots from the USA, Canada, Europe, the UK, China and India, just waiting to come for free.

“We may as well close down our universities and get all graduates from overseas for even greater savings.

“Our flying schools are closing down everywhere.”

[Image:]Aviation activist Dick Smith outside the Supreme Court in Sydney with a map of the area where a light plane crashed in Victoria in 2004. (AAP)

There are about 320 flying schools in Australia.

However, flying schools including Aerospace and Sydney Flight Training Centre in Sydney, and Australis Aviation College, Airline Academy of Australia and Royal Queensland Aero Club in Brisbane have all closed down in recent years.

It is understood a large number of flying schools are being sold to Chinese or foreign investors due to financial strain or are resorting to using light-sport or ultralight-type aircrafts to reduce costs.

The pilot training crisis is also creating a domino-effect, impacting maintenance companies as repair works are slowing down.

Mr Smith is holding a public meeting to discuss the aviation industry issues in Wagga Wagga at 11am on Thursday.

[Image:]Australia's Diamond Aircraft DA-40 NG aircrafts on display during an inauguration ceremony to launch Myanmar's first privately owned pilot-training school in 2013. (AAP)

MTF...P2 Cool

Wagga wash-up: miniscule McComic grabs the safety card - Dodgy

From all accounts (so far) yesterday's Dick Smith presentation went reasonably well, with a good turn out and much robust discussion on the dire state of affairs in the grass roots of the aviation industry.

However it would seem that the latest incantation of a Nationals 'do nothing', non-aviation miniscule is going to now ignorantly flash the 'safety card' in order to justify doing SFA about the decimation, through CASA red tape embuggerance, of the once proud GA sector of the industry... Angry

Via the Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser:

Dick Smith visits Wagga, calling out Deputy PM Michael McCormack on government's aviation policy Local News

[Image: r0_0_3281_2461_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg]
CALLED OUT: Dick Smith held an open forum in Wagga on Thursday morning to ramp up pressure on the Turnbull government to reform the aviation industry. Picture: Les Smith

Iconic Australian businessman and aviation advocate Dick Smith visited Wagga on Thursday morning to call for an extensive overhaul to the country’s aviation industry. 

Mr Smith called out the government for introducing regulation after regulation in the name of safety without considering the costs piling up on flight training schools. 

“We're here today because successive National Party ministers who have been responsible for transport and aviation have allowed the destruction of the general aviation industry in this country,” Mr Smith said.

“Every couple of months, more rules come out that add to costs and, if CASA has its way, it will send that (Wagga) Rex flight school into bankruptcy.”

Mr Smith said he was deeply concerned about the future of Australia’s aviation industry in light of the rising pressure on flight training schools.

“So we’re now in a position where Qantas and Virgin are demanding 457 visas to get pilots from overseas – that is outrageous – we’re now in a position where it’s only going to be the children of the very wealthy who are going to be able to learn to fly,” he said. 

RELATED COVERAGE: Mr Smith also called out new Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack for failing to honour a bipartisan agreement to review aviation legislation. 

“I’m calling on the new minister to go ahead with the Barnaby Joyce-Anthony Albanese agreement to change the act so it allows costs to be looked at – it’s just common sense,” he said.

“They were about to do it, it was bipartisan, then Barnaby Joyce resigned, and now you have a new minister who doesn’t support it.” 

Mr McCormack, however, said he was not willing to rush change at the cost of safety. 
“I’ve had a number of discussions with Dick Smith, and I appreciate that the industry wants to see changes made as soon as possible, but what I won’t do for anyone is rush policy change, especially when there might be safety implications,”
Mr McCormack said.

“It’s all well and good to bind me to the Barnaby Joyce agreement, but the fact is Barnaby is not transport minister anymore and, while I appreciate that he had discussions with Anthony Albanese, I was not in on those discussions.” 


Hopefully this will just spur Dick on and (with support from other industry advocate groups and stakeholders) yesterday's presentation only marks the beginning of the campaign for real reform of the Act and the insidious aviation safety bureaucracy?  Rolleyes

Unfortunately the evidence - see HERE - points to yet another 'divide & conquer' campaign being initiated by the CASA Iron Ring... Dodgy


MTF...P2  Cool

Der Minister ist voller Scheiße

What an excellent presentation that Dick facilitated. Top notch and completely accurate. The man has balls and brains. And the bonus is that, unlike the wankers in Government, Dick knows what he is talking about. Miniscule Mc’do’nothings response is utter bullshit, but not surprising considering Wingnut and Dr Voodoo would’ve been whispering horse shit into his ear. Ding ding round 2 about to begin - a campaign against the LNP in Mc’do’nothings backyard, supported by business interests, the aviation industry, locals in the Deputy PM’s electorate, and other ‘surprises’. The old ‘safety’ chestnut might have been drawn, but it won’t hold up because we all know it as an obsfucation tool straight out of the Miniscules overflowing ‘do nothing’ toolkit.

Dear Miniscule; we are coming for your seat. If we are going to continue to lose our jobs in a failing industry then we are as sure as shit going to do our best to put you out of a job you useless lump of dross.


BM on Dick Smith Wagga Wagga presentation:

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Australia
1 hr · [/url]


The Dick Smith presentation in Wagga Wagga on Thursday 26th April 2018 was a great success and it was fantastic to see so many AOPA Australia members along with local Riverina constituents in attendance.

The venue was at capacity with an only standing room available, clearly demonstrating the importance and genuine interest in the issues presented.Many thanks must go to the local media, who turned out en-masse to document and report.

I had the opportunity to speak with a number of newspaper and television reporters, who were all very eager to communicate our industry’s concerns.

A big thank you must go to Dick Smith, who clearly and passionately communicated our industry’s frustration regarding the lack of action and reforms from our political representatives.

The presentation exposed nearly three decades of inaction and neglect, along with explaining the damage to regional townships and communities. Utilising a range of key data, including charts provided by AOPA Australia, Dick highlighted that declines in general aviation flight training and maintenance, which are the result of government and political neglect, have now manifested themselves into an airline pilot and maintenance employment crisis.

For the first time in the history of Australian aviation, our general aviation industry is unable to meet the employment demands of the airline sector, struggling under the enormous weight of regulatory burden, which has rendered general aviation uncompetitive and unsustainable – should the current regulatory framework continue.

The outcome now is that the airlines are desperately seeking to bypass general aviation in Australia by importing foreign pilots and maintenance crews under 457 VISAs.

The AOPA Australia is deeply concerned for the future of our general aviation community and stands fully opposed to the wholesale granting of 457 VISAs for pilots and maintainers, which we regard as a bandage to cover the open wound of regulatory and political failure.

The AOPA Australia believes that Australians want the assurance that comes from being flown by Australian trained pilots, whom have earned the reputation as being the safest in the world, the source of these pilots is general aviation.

Dick has called on the Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, to take positive action by reforming the Civil Aviation Act. The Deputy Prime Minister responded through local media stating;
“I’ve had a number of discussions with Dick Smith, and I appreciate that the industry wants to see changes made as soon as possible, but what I won’t do for anyone is rush policy change,

especially when there might be safety implications”

“It’s all well and good to bind me to the Barnaby Joyce agreement, but the fact is Barnaby is not transport Minister anymore and, while I appreciate that he had discussions with Anthony Albanese, I was not in on those discussions.”

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Ps Excellent comments Gobbles - Tongue

Video of Dick's presentation here..


In a lame effort to shore up votes in the marginal seat of Cairns and in line with the FNQ backlash against the Lame Numpty Party Miniscule Fried’a’turd and Miniscule Julie Stick Insect have unveiled a $500m budget for the Great Barrier Reef!
Now, the reef is mostly fucked due to the bogans trampling it for the past 30 years, cyclones, farm pesticide soil runoff and PFAS from Cairns airport. However that won’t stop Turdball borrowing more money from his bosses at Goldman Sachs and pissing it away.

Not one additional cent for FNQ aviation businesses getting driven out of Cairns airport, struggling under burdensome compliance regulations, and being priced into oblivion. Might be time for an alphabet soup campaign in Cairns to oust that Tranny Entsch and his obsfucating party?

The only starfish problem this country has is the mob of chocolate starfish in Can’tberra.

Tick Tock LNP Tick Tock

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