Things that go bump in the night,

Airservices Australia 'not fit for purpose': Inquiry hears.

For those interested, another public hearing for the 'Senate Inquiry into impact and mitigation of aircraft noise' occurred today at Penrith Sydney. For today's program see - HERE - and to listen to the full audio here is the APH YouTube live session recording:

Plus from Senator Bridgett McKenzie and the Daily Telegraph, via X:

Quote:Senator The Hon. Bridget McKenzie

Dear Minister King your inaction in aviation ✈️continues to hurt Australian travellers and communities. Please act. Thanks to all who spoke at today’s senate hearing in Penrith. Airservices Australia ‘not fit for purpose’: Inquiry hears

[Image: jWqsZmTc.jpg]

"..The government owned corporation responsible for managing Australia's airspace and flight paths is 'not fit for purpose' and 'has been failing Australians for decades', a senate inquiry has heard. Sydneysiders have just one week left to weigh in on the proposed flight paths for the Western Sydney Airport..."

Western Sydney airport reps booed at inquiry into aircraft noise

"..Representatives of western Sydney airport were subjected to boos and jeers during a trainwreck senate grilling into aircraft noise. Here’s the latest..."

MTF...P2 Tongue

ANAO to review (slap with a wet lettuce) the Harfwit administration of the OneSky GWEP?? - Rolleyes

Today, via the ANAO office: Ref -

Quote:The objective of this audit is to assess the effectiveness of Airservices Australia’s management of the OneSKY contract.

Audit criteria:

Quote:The ANAO proposes to examine:
  • Has Airservices Australia developed appropriate governance arrangements to support contract management?
  • Has Airservices Australia managed the contract effectively to achieve value for money?

MTF...P2 Tongue

French connection?

Oh ho! This ANAO audit should be fun to watch as it muddles through the 'official' data – as supplied by ASA. Probably got the wrong crew doing the investigating though, tame, house trained puppy auditors scratching away in the front garden, the carefully watered one, liberally dosed with horse pooh.

Those with long memories will be wondering how far back the 'audit' will stretch; perhaps beginning with the Hoose-to-Blame departure and the French connection; maybe even take a look at the time and money invested and the resultant improvement provided for all of that.

'There's a shocker in the locker, if you care to take a look”.

Toot toot..

Dicky King OnePie GWEP MKII mention: "NOTHING TO SEE HERE!!"

From the GWEP MKII:

Quote:OneSKY is on the way - Err..what century might that be??  Dodgy

OneSKY is a joint partnership program between the Department of Defence and Airservices Australia to
replace Australia’s separate and ageing air traffic management systems with a single national system,
known as the Civil Military Air Traffic Management System.

Australian authorities are responsible for managing 11% of the world’s airspace:

• Airservices Australia manages the majority of Australian airspace and provides air traffic control for
civil aviation services, including tower services at 29 airports.
• The Australian Defence Force manages military airspace. Defence provides air traffic services at
12 Australian aerodromes, including for civil operations at Darwin, Townsville and Newcastle airports.
Defence also manages military-designated restricted airspace to separate hazardous military activity –
for example, live firing or combat flying – from non-compatible airspace users.

OneSKY will combine these separate operations under a single system. It is expected to deliver more
than $1.2 billion in economic benefits to airspace users over 20 years through route optimisation,
trajectory-based operations, shared use of airspace, business continuity benefits and productivity
improvements.164 Other benefits include:

• supporting growth in air traffic
• facilitating advances in aviation technology
• reducing the complexity of Australian airspace
• supporting national security by providing a secure operating area to deliver Defence’s required approach
services at the joint civil-military airports in Darwin and Townsville
• increasing flexibility for air traffic controllers to move between roles and locations, enabling better
workforce utilisation.

Now 'let's do the time warp again..'; from the 2009 GWEP MKI:

Ref: pg 122:

Quote:Greater civil/military cooperation and harmonisation

Airservices and Defence are the two government agencies charged with the provision of air
navigation services in Australia and together provide the air traffic services and infrastructure
underpinning our national ATM system.

There is now an ideal opportunity to synchronise the ATM capability and support requirements
of these two agencies, as both organisations will be undergoing major equipment upgrades and
replacement programs from 2013.

Enhanced civil and military ATM system harmonisation will produce benefits in terms of improved
safety, better investment in personnel and infrastructure, seamless systems compatibility, and
smarter procurement practices.

The Australian Government, while recognising particular systems are optimised for different roles, will support a more harmonised approach to the future development and maintenance of our national ATM system. Airservices and Defence will implement a collaborative governance structure to manage the harmonization process. This will be guided by the two organisations developing and implementing a joint operational concept and synchronising capability development.

The joint operating concept will cover:

> system interoperability requirements; > systems sustainment and follow up development;
> future service delivery methods and infrastructure;
> cooperative workforce planning;
> a sound governance framework;
> military principles, international civil treaties and global standards; and
> common operational and technical requirements (and any particular unique Defence requirements).

Key to the implementation of a comprehensive, collaborative approach to nation-wide air traffic management will be a range of activities to provide synergies and economies of scale in system procurement, infrastructure development, regulatory oversight and national workforce accreditation and training.

These activities will include:
> the procurement of a national ATM solution to replace the legacy civil and military elements of the national ATM system including ATM automation systems, tower automation systems, radar and navigational aid equipment, and training and simulation systems;
> upgrades and refurbishment of civil and military infrastructure, including consideration of a common tower facility design;
> facilitating greater commonality of civil/military regulatory standards where feasible;
> national alignment of workforce accreditation and training, including national accreditation for air traffic controllers and technicians, and the development of a national curriculum for air traffic controllers;
> interoperability of the discrete air traffic control (ATC) training facilities at East Sale and Tullamarine;
> sharing of technical training resources for common systems;
> supporting and promoting joint ATC operational procedures and standards; and
> the development of a national infrastructure redundancy plan commensurate with the critical nature of ATM systems and facilities in a way that caters for business continuity and national security requirements.

Ref: Summary of Actions, pg 133 - 

Quote:> The implementation of a number of major joint civil and military aviation initiatives by Airservices and Defence including:

– developing and implementing a national, harmonised civil-military ATM system,
enabling economies of scale for the upgrades and refurbishment of civil and military
ATM infrastructure;

And so the OnePie project began to evolve... Rolleyes 

Next reference is from the Summary to the last (2019) ANAO OneSky audit report:


1. The December 2009 National Aviation White Paper identified expected benefits from synchronising civil and military air traffic management through the procurement of a single solution to replace the separate systems of Airservices Australia (Airservices) and the Department of Defence (Defence). The OneSKY Australia program involves the procurement of a Civil Military Air Traffic Management System (CMATS). Airservices is the lead entity for the procurement.

2. The procurement process commenced with a Request for Information issued to industry in May 2010, with 23 responses received. A Request for Tender (RFT) was issued in June 2013. Six tenders were received, four of which proceeded to detailed evaluation, during which one was set aside on the basis that it was clearly not competitive. The two highest ranked tenderers proceeded to the final evaluation stage. Decisions were then taken to set-aside, and later exclude, the second-ranked tenderer from further consideration (on the basis that it was ‘clearly non-competitive’) rather than enter into parallel negotiations with two tenderers.1
3. Negotiations with the successful tenderer (Thales Australia) commenced in September 2014. Offers were submitted by the successful tenderer in October and December 2014. On 27 February 2015, it was announced that an advanced work contracting arrangement would be entered into allowing discrete parcels of work to be performed while negotiation of the acquisition and support contracts was progressed. The earlier offers (including the response to the RFT) expired in October 2015. Another offer was submitted in June 2016, with a final offer submitted in September 2017, followed by further negotiation on scope, price and commercial terms.
4. In February 2018:
  • an acquisition contract was signed by Airservices and the successful tenderer (as well as a support contract). The acquisition contract had a target price of AUD$1.22 billion and a ceiling price of AUD$1.32 billion (applying exchange rates on the date the contract was signed);
  • Defence obtained Government approval for a $243 million increase to its project budget (including $90 million identified as relating to CMATS) to enable it to afford its share of project costs. Associated with the budget increase, Airservices and Defence were to undertake cost reduction measures, including capability offsets, to enable work to be delivered within the revised Defence budget for CMATS; and
  • cost sharing arrangements between Airservices and Defence were updated and formalised through the execution of an On-Supply Agreement. For a fixed price of $521 million, CMATS will be provided to Defence along with an alternative air traffic management tower solution at four sites2 and the voice control switch developed under Advanced Work Order 3. Defence’s contribution to program management costs are also included within this agreed amount. Airservices and Defence are each responsible for their own personnel and resourcing costs.
5. In February 2018 when the decision was taken by Airservices to enter into the acquisition contract, it estimated its acquisition program costs to be $1.517 billion. This figure does not include the fixed acquisition price of $521 million agreed between Airservices and Defence.

Hmm...this extract:

"..Negotiations with the successful tenderer (Thales Australia) commenced in September 2014. Offers were submitted by the successful tenderer in October and December 2014..."

That timeline was around about the same time that the new ASA CEO Ms Staib was being staibbed in the back - remember this? + +

And again in August 2015 when Harfwit had began as the Acting CEO... Rolleyes + + + + +

Followed by former former ASA Chair Houston-blame a month later: +

What then followed was ANAO OnePie audit No.1, which was requested by former Minister Warren Truss:

Quote:[Image: Truss_08a_0.png]
This was the ANAO response:

Quote:24 September 2015

The Hon Warren Truss MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
Parliament House

Dear Minister

Request regarding audit of OneSKY Australia programme

Thank you for your letter of 31 August 2015 in which you requested that the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) examine the probity and conflict of interest arrangements in place for the OneSKY Australia programme being led by Airservices Australia (Airservices).

As you noted in your letter, the OneSKY programme is of significant importance to Australian civil and military aviation. The ANAO is also aware of matters of relating to the OneSKY tender process that have been raised in the course of the inquiry into the performance of Airservices currently being undertaken by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee.

In that context, I have decided that the ANAO will undertake two performance audits in relation to the OneSKY programme.

The first audit will examine whether Airservices has effective procurement arrangements in place, with a particular emphasis on whether consultancy contracts entered into with the International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM) in association with the OneSKY tender process were effectively administered. That audit will include consideration of the management of probity and conflict of interest matters. We will be commencing this first audit shortly and expect it to be completed by April 2016.

Following completion of the first audit, ANAO will move to a second performance audit involving a comprehensive examination of the OneSKY programme to assess whether it has been effectively administered so as to provide value with public resources. The scope of this second audit will involve the conduct of the OneSKY project from initiation to finalisation of the source selection and contracting process for the delivery of the project.

Yours sincerely

Rona Mellor PSM
Acting Auditor-General

This led to 2 audit reports, one in 2016: Procurement of the International Centre for Complex Project Management to Assist on the OneSKY Australia Program &

The 2016 audit report was reviewed by the RRAT Committee in Estimates:


Plus the 'Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit' conducted a report review inquiry:

+ + + +

And then of course came the 2019 audit, to which despite all the non-partisan concern an agreement (over the preceding years) that the ASA management of the OnePie project was a complete 'shit show' (see above), the former Labor Shadow Minister (now Miniscule DK) playing politics, responded to the audit report with this load of bollocks... Shy 


The OneSky Project is becoming another complete failure of this Liberal National Government, with an ANAO report confirming costs have more than doubled and delivery is due ten years late.

What has this Liberal National Government been doing for the past six years to oversee such a large a blow out in delivery time and cost?
In its scathing report, the ANAO has said in relation to the contractual arrangements of OneSky:

‘If the current contracted timeframes are achieved, there will be a more than ten year delay (from 2015 to 2026) in the replacement of the existing separate civil and military systems compared with the timeframe envisaged at the start of the procurement process.’

‘The ceiling price under the target cost incentive model that was then adopted is more than double the price submitted by the successful tenderer in its response to the 2013 request for tender.’

‘There is inadequate assurance that the contracted acquisition price is consistent with a value for money outcome for the capability being acquired.’

When Labor first initiated this project from the 2009 National Aviation White Paper – we identified benefits from synchronising civil and military air traffic management through the procurement of a single solution to replace the separate systems of Airservices Australia and the Department of Defence.

Under this Liberal National Government’s watch this project has seen failure:

‘Negotiations took so long that the offer submitted by the successful tenderer expired…’

After failure:

‘Negotiations also resulted in a late change in the contracting model from the one that had been presented to the market in June 2013.’

After failure:

‘The delays in negotiating and finalising an acquisition contract … required the lives of the existing systems to be extended beyond that which was originally envisaged.’

This Liberal National Government has overseen a massive ten year blow out with contracts having to be constantly renegotiated leading to ANAO concern over inadequate assurances of value for money.

Labor expects that the powerful Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit will seriously consider this report and the government’s failure to demonstrate value for money.

Hardworking Australians who pay their taxes, rightly expect the Government not to waste their money.

In a failure of Government, the Liberals and Nationals incompetence and inability to demonstrate value for money has once again been exposed by the Auditor-General.
Now ffwd to December 2023 where the Miniscule was attributed to saying this in a 'Concern Summit' of the OnePie project:

Quote:Quotes attributable to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Catherine King MP:

“I thank officials from Airservices and Defence and all other representatives for their work today in discussing the Civil Military Air Traffic Management System project. Top-level focus is essential to ensure we can remediate areas of deficiency.

“There have been considerable efforts over the past 12 months to develop a robust remediation plan to get this project back on track. The Government is confident this project will deliver a key capability system to Defence.”

Which brings me full circle back to the top of the page:

"..It is expected to deliver more than $1.2 billion in economic benefits to airspace users over 20 years through route optimisation..."

And DK signed off on that fictional bureaucratic dribble? God save our industry because the Albo government never will - FDS! Dodgy

MTF...P2 Tongue

Happy Go Lucky responds to: Budget Estimates 29/05/24 - ASA SHIT SHOW! Part III   Rolleyes

Via AP's YouTube channel:



15 hours ago

As much as I respect Senator Canavan and McKenzie in this committee and ato ppreciate them going after Airservices. This CEO of AA can’t explain to the senators the fundamentals of a SID and that the waypoint they are referring to is an “at or above” the airplane’s FMC is going to help the pilots ensure they fly above this waypoint. If they want to fly higher then the aircraft need to climb slower with full power to increase altitude. This full power also creates more noise.

Look at KSNA airport in California. This is the epitome of aircraft noise abatement where planes take off at full power get to a certain altitude then level off and reduce power to reduce noise. I’m not suggesting going down this path. But if this committee wants to maximize their ability they can reduce noise then look at this airport where some of the richest people in the USA live under this flight path.

This procedure takes special training and familiarisation. It does reduce noise but requires more risk by changing engine power settings at critical altitudes.

MTF...P2  Tongue

ASA reduces traffic at YMMB - err WHY?? -  Rolleyes

Via the UP:

Moorabbin Airport reducing amount of traffic

The Royal Vic Aero newsletter of 3rd October contains a note of reduction of traffic at the Airport.
I remember when I learnt to fly there were three parallel runways in operation for 17/35 to cater for traffic. Seems the new breed of ATC cannot cope....
Airservices has decided to reduce the amount of traffic at Moorabbin to reduce the quantity of safety deviations. This change has been implemented with little to no consultation. My personal opinion is they do not fully understand the problem before determining the solution and Airservices has little scope for solutions other than to keep aircraft out of controlled airspace. Their decision will impact you and your flying as the restriction on the quantity of aircraft in the circuit will create additional hazards for aircraft trying to get into Moorabbin, especially at Carrum. As daylight hours increase this problem may not be apparent but be prepared to ask to hold at an approach point or have your circuit request rejected.
The club is preparing a response to Airservices

I thought they had already started today when I approached from Carrum and I got “remain clear of Class D airspace” !
I think the controller was on work experience and couldn’t handle the slight rise in traffic at the time.

Capt Fathom
Quote:Originally Posted by Squawk7700 [url=][/url]
when I approached from Carrum and I got “remain clear of Class D airspace”

Just declare ‘min fuel.’ [Image: evil.gif]

Lead Balloon

Or make it TIBA...

MTF...P2 Tongue

ASA reduces traffic at YMMB - err WHY?? Rolleyes

Via the UP:


Moorabbin Airport reducing amount of traffic

The Royal Vic Aero newsletter of 3rd October contains a note of reduction of traffic at the Airport.
I remember when I learnt to fly there were three parallel runways in operation for 17/35 to cater for traffic. Seems the new breed of ATC cannot cope....

Airservices has decided to reduce the amount of traffic at Moorabbin to reduce the quantity of safety deviations. This change has been implemented with little to no consultation. My personal opinion is they do not fully understand the problem before determining the solution and Airservices has little scope for solutions other than to keep aircraft out of controlled airspace. Their decision will impact you and your flying as the restriction on the quantity of aircraft in the circuit will create additional hazards for aircraft trying to get into Moorabbin, especially at Carrum. As daylight hours increase this problem may not be apparent but be prepared to ask to hold at an approach point or have your circuit request rejected.

The club is preparing a response to Airservices


I thought they had already started today when I approached from Carrum and I got “remain clear of Class D airspace” !
I think the controller was on work experience and couldn’t handle the slight rise in traffic at the time.

Capt Fathom
Quote:Originally Posted by Squawk7700 
when I approached from Carrum and I got “remain clear of Class D airspace”

Just declare ‘min fuel.’ [Image: evil.gif]

Lead Balloon

Or make it TIBA...

MTF...P2  Tongue

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