The Sunday Brunch Gazette.


An interesting word, of unknown origin. Amateur magicians have used it for generations, Mums, Dads and Grand Papas the world over have enthralled millions of children with the word. The 'power' of a word cannot be underestimated; not ever, but can it 'stand alone'? The short answer is no; not when 'presenting' or 'performing' a trick. So, at the birthday party, in rolls Grandpa, to perform his sleight of hand trick to bamboozle the little ones; and, with the utterance of the 'magical' word – the choc rabbits appear – on cue. Bravo. But; is the 'word' enough to sell the whole gambit to savvy kids? Of course not; there is a whole lot more required. Watch any video you care to of 'magicians' performing their acts; or of the professional manipulators of 'card tricks' and the whole thing becomes very clear; entertaining for sure; and, in context a lot of fun for all involved. Well, Fun until the same 'sleight of hand' and 'showmanship' is grafted onto more serious issues than 'entertainment'. 

“And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,”

When one deals with animals and those who's hands earn their living, reading 'body language' becomes an essential skill; will a dog bite, will a horse kick, will a wether attack the dog? All valid questions. Will the 'sound' of  mallet on chisel signal a dull blade and a careless approach to task? Is the pilot 'tuned in' and cognoscenti of engine sync to adjust the power during a bad weather climb out, hand flown? To the careful observer these small things matter. Indeed, they matter a great deal.

“Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”

I confess to having a great enjoyment of 'magicians' as a child, being delighted by their illusions and show; until Grand papa muttered - “watch his hands son” -”carefully”. And, so I did, the 'illusion' very quickly evaporated and a life long 'habit' of watching actions, not gestures evolved. Patience now, almost there. Body language – compelling and, probably, more subtly convincing than the words spoken. And; here I am – right back at 'magicians', sleight of hand, body language and a curiosity which the ubiquitous  'Halfwit' triggered. To wit – hand waving; or in the vernacular; testiculating. AKA – talking bollocks, larded with 'supporting' hand gestures. Training 'execs' in this 'art' is an industry: see and listen to this glib spiv, selling the good oil.

Now, the dearly departed (unloved) Electric Blue Halfwit had obviously taken a 'cheap' course – and, being naturally a 'Klutz' mostly got his 'testiculation' moves 'wrong'. But – (and; children this is important): a careful study of the highly schooled 'testiculation' exhibited by the high rollers featured in the last Estimates 'go-around' by 'the airport' speaks to some serious investment intent on only one agenda; airports and noise go 'hand in glove'. The artistic hand gestures and placatory words speak of only one thing – profit. To hell with sensible approach paths; bugger sensible take off paths; sod wake turbulence and the ASA will do as its bloody well told by the airport owners. The only 'honest man' at that table was the bespectacled, honest man who hardly moved his hands at all; just told 'it' as it is; and, tried hard to get the 'real' message through to the Senators. But, it is what it is. Another Senate gab-fest – which although expensive, achieves exactly sweet Fanny Adams for the nation, aviation or the poor sod trying to travel to watch a football match; WOFTAM.

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Dogs, more than horses respond to 'body language' – they lack the capacity to sort spoken shit from Shinolah; but, the psychology of body language – for what that's' worth in the context of meaningful application matters aeronautical – is redundant. ASA is ruled by those who are schooled in the arts of body language; not in what benefits this nations aeronautical business interests. I wonder if any Senator has considered the costs and restrictions of establishing a tax paying, employing, beneficial air service to this wide brown land? It is a frigging nightmare, expensive, restrictive, counterproductive and almost impossible to manage. - I wonder, have 'they' ever wondered why it is so?

“It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense”

Aye well: I managed to scrape together enough 'English Oak' (real McCoy) to make a desk chair for a granddaughter; finished with Shellac; waxed and polished, in 100 years it will still serve at the desk I made almost two decades ago alongside the blackboard and easel. Perhaps it's naivete, but IMO what we do today really matters to the future and being 'persuaded' by those carefully schooled in 'persuasion' using 'body language' to deflect open, clear foresight of what is 'of value' to those following us could not withstand a 'greed' test. Don't know – I do know big dog's body language says but one thing – OUT – now – (now). Best crack on.

Selah – 'K'.

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