The noble Art - Embuggerance.

The best advice Glen Buckley has received so far - from poster “Thirsty” on UP:

“Get some legal help, fast”.

To do anything else is a waste of time, period.

Under no circumstances should Glen meet with anyone from CASA without his own fully briefed legal team at his back. If he ignores this advice its game over because I suspect CASA has already taken the initial steps to apply for some form of a cease and desist order against him and all that is required of CASA to make their case is a final conciliation attempt by Pip. A meeting will be a corporate ambush.

Prevarications and well meaning suggestions from others are either misguided or just plain irrelevant.

For example, the argument over the exact corporate status of CASA and the powers and resources it has is totally pointless. Pip Spence can’t spend a cracker without written advice and nobody will write that a∂vice without a legal opinion to back it up and no Board or Auditor will approve it without the same.

……and despite the corporate veil, the Department will have to brief the Minister (“That you note, etc”) and she may be required to advise Finance or Cabinet depending on PM & C’s rules.

This sucker will be settled on the steps of the court and not before. Forget magical thinking and “The Castle”.

(07-03-2023, 02:35 PM)Wombat Wrote:  The best advice Glen Buckley has received so far - from poster “Thirsty” on UP:

“Get some legal help, fast”.

To do anything else is a waste of time, period.

Under no circumstances should Glen meet with anyone from CASA without his own fully briefed legal team at his back. If he ignores this advice its game over because I suspect CASA has already taken the initial steps to apply for some form of a cease and desist order against  him and all that is required of CASA to make their case is a final conciliation attempt by Pip. A meeting will be a corporate ambush.

Prevarications and well meaning suggestions from others are either misguided or just plain irrelevant.

For example, the argument over the exact corporate status of CASA and the powers and resources it has is totally pointless. Pip Spence can’t spend a cracker without written advice and nobody will write that a∂vice without a legal opinion to back it up and no Board or Auditor will approve it without the same.

……and despite the corporate veil, the Department will have to brief the Minister (“That you note, etc”) and she may be required to advise Finance or Cabinet depending on PM & C’s rules.

This sucker will be settled on the steps of the court and not before. Forget magical thinking and “The Castle”.

What Wombat said – in Spades -

Glen, mate, the BRB is almost at the point of gagging and tying you up, stuffing you in cupboard and not letting you out until your fully briefed Barrister (or whatever) has 'done the meeting' with CASA. Beg, borrow, steal or – use the freely available largess of the 'Go-Fundme' system. Most of those offering to support  'Know' that proper 'legal' representation is your only hope and all about about taking a knife to a gun-fight. You have miles of paperwork for anyone to plough through, to sort and to break out the 'valid' legal arguments; those will need (must) to be 'shaped' and polished by a Barrister; one who can, and importantly will take on the CASA behemoth 'toe to toe'.  Don't forget you have publicly 'flagged' most of your case to the opposition and they have had a long, long time to prepare their tactics - and believe me; they are very good at doings so..

CASA ain't scared of you, or me, or Pprune or even Beelzebub himself (sixth floor; suite 666); the 'system' is hard enough to beat for tough, seasoned, match fit expert professionals; time to get serious about winning. Stop writing and whining; make the calls – get 'go-fund-me' working for you and get some real help. Its that or a hiding to nothing. It is............Don't be a mug mate. .

Unfortunately Glen Buckley just doesn’t get it.

His latest (3/7):

‘Proposed FOI request
I havent finalised this yet, because I dont know if I am conveying the significance of it. Keen on feedback. Dear Keeley (CASA FOI Office)

In correspondence I received from the Commonwealth Ombudsman Office on February 8th 2023, the Ombudsman made a statement, which demonstrates confusion exists within the Ombudsman Office with regard to this entire matter.

I am not suggesting bad intent from within the Ombudsman's office ,but believe it is a result of false and misleading information provided to the Ombudsman by CASA.

In this FOI request, I am attempting to clarify a critical matter. ……..”

Dear Glen, you don’t seem to get it; Proving that someone in CASA has done you wrong and receiving compensation for an action by CASA are two very different and unconnected things. You are acting as if you do not understand this and this failure is going to destroy you.

It does not matter if CASA “‘ did something wrong” to you. They will laugh it off and tell you where to go or offer you a derisory few dollars. Nobody cares.

The only thing you can receive from CASA that means anything to you and will indicate to the general public that you have. been wronged is a nice fat cheque and you aren’t going to receive one the way you are going, in fact it may already be too late.

You need a legal team very, very fast with a view to immediately lodging a claim against CASA with the appropriate court - TODAY if possible.

None of your whining on U.P will help you, They are meaningless. Put it before a judge or go away.

Wombat -Unfortunately, Glen Buckley just doesn’t get it.” -  (Troo- dat)..

Not only that – Glen doesn't seem to grasp exactly what he is taking on, not completely. Nor what it is capable of, the fire power it has, the resources available, the influence it can call on; or, rules written by the opposition designed solely to protect those deeply entrenched in clover fields; and, the ruthless way those rules can be manipulated and used to defend the 'system' and those within. This not an unsupported opinion; it is statement of fact, based on over a decade of 'close study' of the CASA battle tactics by the BRB. There are some truly shocking tales, and the win to loss ratio is a Bookies dream.

Best bets for Glen, stop showing the cards in hand to the other players; get some serious help and have the case cast into proper, pointed, sharp edged legal form; presented by the best available. Then, perhaps, maybe - a ruling may be handed down which prevents any form of appeal in a higher, more expensive court. Sooner or later – Glen just has to get 'down and dirty' and mix it with the village bully - or walk on the other side of the street.

“The work opens in a village of La Mancha, Spain, where a country gentleman’s infatuation with books of chivalry leads him to decide to become a knight-errant, and he assumes the name Don Quixote. He finds an antique suit of armour and attaches a visor made of pasteboard to an old helmet. He then declares that his old nag is the noble steed Rocinante. According to Don Quixote, a knight-errant also needs a lady to love, and he selects a peasant girl from a nearby town, christening her Dulcinea del Toboso. Thus accoutred, he heads out to perform deeds of heroism in her name.”

Toot – toot......

There is an unfortunate alternative explanation to Mr. Buckley ‘s apparent reticence in bringing his claims before a court.

That is that CASA has no case to answer. I once invested a lot of time and money in supporting an unrelated person who wove a great story about her terrible treatment at the hands of the government. Unfortunately for her supporters she had left out one salient little fact……

P. S. Glen and some of his supporters are still dreaming of finding something ( a silver bullet?) via the use of Freedom of Information requests. This is pointless.

Once you become a “person of interest” to CASA or any other Government entity an invisible group of bureaucrats are activated; they are like a bunch of secret elves, hard working, dedicated and thorough. They work for the Minister, Board and chief executive.

They will start at the bottom and collect every file, every document and every cross referenced communication involving the person and/or organisation of interest and remove them to safe controlled storage away from prying eyes. Access is tightly controllled.

Once that is completed, the chances of some lazy bureaucrat accidentally revealing something of use to you are almost zero. Furthermore, by asking, you are telegraphing your punches.

How do I know this? The file removal is legal. The elves leave a receipt and phone number. Ask for the file and you will quickly find yourself on the mat explaining exactly why you want the file together with an instruction on how you are to submit anything to the chief elf before you dare communicate it to anyone.

Glen, they have every document you ever gave to CASA, from your ab initio training exams onwards. They are all cross referenced and waiting to be used against you.

Get a lawyer.

Mr. Buckley is at it again - an FOI request to CASA regarding their communications with the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

He would be much better served reading the Robodebt report - the section on the Snivelling bunch of creatures in the Ombudsman’s office.

It’s no wonder he got nowhere with the ombudsman’s office.

(07-10-2023, 06:21 PM)Wombat Wrote:  Mr. Buckley is at it again - an FOI request to CASA regarding their communications with the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

He would be much better served reading the Robodebt report - the section on the Snivelling bunch of creatures in the Ombudsman’s office.

It’s no wonder he got nowhere with the ombudsman’s office.

Leading a Horse to water & etc..

Disappointing really, the court of public opinion don't signify, it pays no bills, and it cannot put Humpty back together again. But the truly sad part is that managed correctly and driven hard by good counsel, Buckley could have made a difference, one beneficial to the flight training industry (what's left of it). Solid legal arguments dismantling the CASA stance could (just, maybe)  set a precedent, one which could/would be beneficial to the industry in any future head butting competitions with 'the authority'. 

“Law. a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases.”
“Any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations.”

"Tender-handed stroke a nettle, And it stings you, for your pains: Grasp it like a man of mettle, And it soft as silk remains."

Toot – interest waning – toot....

Game, set and match to CASA. Glen Buckley wouldn’t get a lawyer and now he has destroyed what chances he might have had of getting some restitution.

In his post today, unless I’m mistaken, I think Mr. Buckley just confessed to assaulting a CASA staff member.

Quote: I used a technique that i used in my time at Youth Justice, and that was to place by center three fingers gently on the chest, and ask the person to step back, which in this case the FOI did.

The terminology used in this FOIs statement is exaggerated and colorful. I WAS heightened, and I do not deny that. I did not shove any CASA Employee, and that CASA Employee would not have had to change his feet positioning at all, in order to maintain balance. It is a gesture that i use to emphasize that is the limit, and nothing more. This entire "event" happened within 15 meters of a staffed security desk, and no security personnel noticed the event, intervened

Glen, mate, why Oh why didn’t you get a lawyer?

From here onwards it is a simple matter for CASA to request Court orders preventing Mr. Buckley from going anywhere near CASA staff or its offices. The Ombudsman’s report is a suitable excuse to terminate further communication with Buckley. His CASA files will be under lock and key with a note in the system to refer any communications to the legal department.

I would imagine, given what Buckley has just admitted, that his foreshadowed meeting with DAS and Chairman will have witnesses and security staff available. I assume their purpose in agreeing to meet is to try and give poor Glen some closure, considering his mental state.

Then why oh why hasn’t he been charged with assault?

When I put my hand on the shoulder of the chap sitting in the wrong seat to get his attention to let him know that he’s sitting in my seat, when I jumped on yesterday’s flight, did I assault him? Not all contact is an assault (actually - battery is the ‘contact’ bit of ‘assault and battery’, but it’s all commonly called ‘assault’ these days). You know you can google this stuff.

But I agree with the overarching point: Glen’s single biggest enemy is … Glen.

Having read the dropbox file, I’m afraid it’s over for Mr. Buckley. Whatever the administrative mayhem CASA is alleged to have caused him, there is absolutely no excuse for his alleged behaviour and judging from the correspondence released under FOI, CASA has not overreacted.

If you ever find yourself wanting to get physical in a business situation, walk away. At the end of the day it’s only money.

The only concern now is Mr. Buckley’s mental state. A lawyer with a lot of free time might be able to salvage something for him from this train wreck but I doubt it. The one thing that is clear is that it is not in Mr. Buckley interests to pursue this matter in person.

It is perhaps time to consider the difficulties CASA faces in regulating an industry that has a share of interesting characters who don’t take kindly to instruction.

Just my two bobs worth. 

Is there a point here not being clearly made, one which would need (IMO) to clarified – if we are to be impartial. Did the CASA chap step aggressively toward Glen into his space and need 'pushing': or; did Glen advance toward the CASA chap and then do the pushing?  The 'finger tip' don't argue action needed a trigger; so we need to work out which was 'chicken and what was egg'. Without 'independent witness testimony; I reckon its a 50/50 chance of being dismissed on a 'he said - she said' basis.

But if Glen fails to wake up, wise up, shut up and get some serious help; then CASA legal crew will shoot his boots off – using ammunition which he, himself has generously provided them.

CASA, like all employers, has a duty under occupational health and safety laws to provide a safe working environment.

It matters not whether Mr. Buckley has committed an offence and I am sure that was the furthest thing from his mind.

What matters is that, by his own admission, a physical confrontation, however minor, may have occurred while at least one party was in a perhaps highly emotional state. Under O H & S rules that is a potential source of injury and must be prevented in future.

As far as I can tell, CASA’S response is copybook and proportionate from an O H & S point of view. It is unfortunately also irreversible.

Mr. Buckley needs a lawyer; now. Legal intervention is the only thing apart from the church or medical profession that can perhaps break this depressing spiral dive.

What Thirsty said -  Wink

Via the UP:

Certainly, reading the information CASA has released to you under FOI on the incident a few years ago, where reports of staff being threatened, buildings locked down, staff having to work from home, avoid wearing identifying uniforms, security beefed up in Canberra, Melbourne and Moorabbin, it would appear that taking the law into your own hands is not the most effective way to resolve this issue. Reading this from a non-biased view (embarrassed and having no axe to grind for anybody involved), it would appear that CASA had valid concerns (in their own eyes - which is what matters), that you were stalking and threatening. I am astonished this was not brought up on these forums in discussion before - it certainly helps explain why CASA has been avoiding you (and the direction to staff to not engage you in public, or specifically in these forums that have been mentioned by name). Your future discussions should be in a courtroom, in front of a judge, and possibly a jury, and let the lawyers present your case in a factual, effective, emotionless way.

Looking back, if you had attended with a lawyer (or preferably sent them instead to speak with a level headed legal approach) to serve notice of intended legal proceedings, and had actually followed through with it, these matters may have come to a favourable conclusion many years ago.

All is not lost. I can understand the reticence of CASA to have any further face-to-face meeting with you, and your heightened emotions taking a leading role in your approach to dealings with CASA at the time, you will probably find a couple of beefy Federal Police in attendance at your appointment in a few months in Canberra to make sure matters do not become heated. Carefully consider your current frame of mind - is there even a slight possibility it might become emotional - if so do not go alone. Wouldn't a well briefed lawyer that was engaged all those years ago have been a more favourable approach? You certainly will do a lot to relieve their anxiety if you would attend with a well briefed lawyer from now on if you insist on making this personal in the future. Are you still hell-bent on taking down the individual public servants, or has your attitude changed to now understand that the organisation is ultimately responsible for the delegated actions of their officers, and responsibility goes up the line right to the top? Who will you sue - the individual or the organisation? Who will pay you the millions you deserve to right this matter on just terms? Would a begrudging forced written apology from the offending individuals right the situation and reverse your fortunes?

An apology for the threatening and inappropriate way you carried on all those years ago may help calm things down. Whether you should do this before, during, or after your court case is something your legal counsel will advise you on.

Airing your grievances in these public forums and trying to do everything in an amateurish way has possibly cost you the most favourable outcome. Yes, it would appear you have quite a valid case, and the threats you made are just but a small diversion, but can I continue to strongly suggest you place this matter in the hands of a competent lawyer and let them run with it instead of playing amateur lawyer? You have been trying to justify your approach in these public forums. It has obviously not worked, as it is the wrong approach. Talk to your wife and family and friends and ask their opinion and then listen to it. Go get a lawyer and take it from there.

Hmm...for curiousity sakes I'd still like to see the video footage of that incident and/or the identity of the larger FOI:

"...The lesser-known FOI is substantially larger than me in stature, and adopted a "challenging" posture, with his arms crossed, and well within my personal space. To say it was a threatening posture would be exaggerating but it was certainly designed to intimidate me..."

Having due regard for all the so called evidence in GlenB's drop box link, I believe the trumped up under Senate privilege bollocks from the St Commode is disingenuous to the extreme and simply heightens how much of nasty narcissistic sociopath the former DAS truly was... Angry

From 04:50 min:

Remember the Vic Police clearly gave advice on possible courses of legal action if GlenB was to continue with presenting to the Melbourne CASA offices and with the possibility of issuing a 'safety order/instruction' which if breached could have led to Glen being subsequently arrested. However the powers to be (from the regional manager upwards) decided not to...err why??    

MTF...P2  Tongue

GlenB embuggerance update: 29/07/23

Via the AP email chains:
Quote: 29/07/23
My reference Pprune# 2776
Dear Ms Spence,
Thank you again for the opportunity to meet with you and the Board Chair on October 3rd, 2023, and I look forward to that opportunity.I
n my correspondence to you on 02/07/23 (my reference Pprune #2719), I outlined some topics that I hope to address at that meeting.
In that correspondence I addressed the possibility of an Act of Grace Payment as an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
You are aware that this matter  has attracted widespread industry interest on two industry forums being Aunty Pru and Pprune, the former being a more technical platform, and the latter an industry discussion forum, that has attracted well over one million views and thousands of substantive industry comments. The topic in its entirety can be accessed here, and I particularly draw your attention to the more recent posts that attend to this specific topic, i.e. pursuing litigation. Glen Buckley and Australian small business -V- CASA - PPRuNe Forums
Whilst I appreciate that it is easy to be dismissive of such forums, they do represent the industry.
Increasingly on those forums, the industry is becoming  frustrated at my reluctance to pursue litigation, and particularly so considering the statute of limitations that could apply to this matter.
Over the last four and a half years, I believe that I have been more than reasonable in trying to avoid litigation. I perceive litigation as the very last resort as it indicates a complete breakdown of all good intent.
The ball is very much in CASAs court.
I have two options before me, and they are litigation, or an Act of Grace Payment. There are no other options available to me, and it is CASA that must determine which approach I adopt.
I do need CASA to clearly identify to me with the information that is available to CASA at the present time, will CASA oppose an application for an Act of Grace Payment?
If the intention of CASA at this stage is that they would oppose an Act of Grace payment as an ADR to bring this entire matter to a close, then I have no other option available to me, other than to pursue litigation.
You will be aware that the industry has established a crowdfunding site to support any potential litigation, and that I have asked that any contributions be put on hold until CASA can clearly identify their position with regards to an Act of Grace Payment.
May I respectfully request that you discuss this with my local MP, Ms Carina Garland, the Minister, the Board and anybody else that you need to incorporate into your decision making.
For clarity, my specific question that I respectfully request that you address is,
With the information available to you in your role as the CEO of CASA at the present time, is CASAs intention to oppose any request for an Act of Grace payment that I submit, leaving me with no other option than to pursue litigation.
Thankyou for your consideration of my fair and reasonable request.
Glen Buckley


Quote:Complaint of a CASA Employee making a false and misleading Statement that he was assaulted by Glen Buckley- My reference Pprune #2777
Background to the Complaint
On 20/11/2020, Mr Shane Carmody PSM, the CASA CEO at the time, made an allegation before the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee that I, Glen Buckley had “stalked and assaulted” CASA Employees. The link to Mr Carmody PSMs false and misleading allegations can be accessed via the following link. GA Inquiry - 20/11/20: Carmody Capers CASA - Part I - YouTube
I resolutely maintain that I have never stalked or assaulted any CASA Employee.
There are two CASA Employees involved in this matter, and their names were not released to me under Freedom of Information, so I will refer to them as Flight Operations Inspector One (FOI 1) and Flight Operations Inspector Two (FOI 2).
In this complaint, I will refer to documentation that I have obtained under freedom of Information, and that document can be accessed here. Mr. Glen Buckley - Documents for release - 07.02.21.pdf
On page 21 of 55 of the attached official commonwealth document FOI 1 states that Mr Buckley “went to push FOI 2 with an open hand” however was warned by FOI 1,  and “backed off. This statement by CASA FOI 1 clearly indicates that no contact was made, and therefore FOI 2 was not “shoved” as FOI 1 claims.

On page 4 of 55, FOI 2 claims that Mr Buckley in fact “approached me, and shoved me in the chest
It is this statement on official documentation by FOI 2, that I am claiming is false and misleading.

In support of my allegation that FOI Two has made a false and misleading statement on official commonwealth documentation.

·        FOI One's observations are different from FOI Two's observations, with FOI 2  claiming that I advanced toward him and shoved him, although FOI 1s statement contradicts that.
·        No statement was ever made regarding stalking or assault to Police that attended in response to a complaint of possible “trespassing” by me being in the foyer of the CASA building. That was the complaint made to the police, no allegations of stalking or assault were ever made.
·        The alleged incident happened directly under a security camera, and my understanding is that CASA accessed that footage, and no evidence of physical assault was on that recording.
·        CASA FOI Two was encouraged to document the assault with police by his Employer, and he did not follow that guidance. I believe he may have chosen not to pursue that path as he was aware that he had made a false and misleading statement and was not prepared to proceed for his own reasons.
·        I am fully satisfied that FOI Two made that false and misleading statement to cause me reputational harm, as it has, and to hinder my attempts at a fair and reasonable resolution to other matters that were ongoing at the time with CASA.
My expected outcome
I am requesting that the ICC establish contact with both FOI One and Two and clarify those two contradicting statements and advise whether CASAs official position as presented to the Senators is that I had stalked and assaulted CASA Employees, or has the ICC identified that in fact FOI 2 has made a false and misleading statement that I moved towards him and “shoved” him, as he falsely claims.
Could you clearly identify to me why there would be two statements that conflict on such substantial matters?
If CASA identifies that a CASA Employee has made a false and misleading statement that I advanced towards him and shoved him, i.e. assaulted him, could you advise what options are available to me to have CASA correct that false and misleading statement.
Thankyou in anticipation of your assistance in this matter.
Respectfully, Glen Buckley

MTF...P2  Tongue

I’ve had enough of Mr. Buckley. I am not going to follow this story any further.

Years ago I invested a great deal of time and a considerable amount of my employers money over a three year period in supporting a business venture whose principal had a similar story of treachery to Mr. Buckley. This did not involve aviation however the narrative was somewhat similar.

I am not suggesting that Mr. Buckley is dishonest, nor was my client, however the common feature of their stories was a preference for high drama in the narrative and a refusal to submit the matter to a court at the earliest opportunity.

Eventually my patience ran out, we did a deep dive into certain documentation and walked away.

I am concerned that there may be another side to Mr. Buckley’s story.

This business about assault, stalking, etc. is an irrelevant side show involving clear cut OH&S rules. There is no grand conspiracy involved. All that is happening is the date when a lawyer might look at the evidence is again delayed. One has to ask why.


The Buckley posts began on the UP – 06/04/2019.- the thread has 2785 posts and 1,174,424 views, modest 'public' support, some outrage and much 'understanding' sympathy: all well and good, no problem.

The 'time period' for positive action came and went: lost in rhetoric. Glen's mental health issues were for the most part self inflicted. What happened to Glen was traumatic; disgraceful and unnecessary – fact. The 'why' of it and the way it was done disgusting – fact. This must be clearly understood. There is a case for CASA to answer on two counts; and, law in place to protect against both. There are also some clever folk available who can assist with putting the marbles back into their bag and directing the rage into useful actions and positive outcomes. Non of it taken up thus far.......?

It takes a long while and a fair bit of effort (not to mention money) to mount a case; get a court date and a hearing; even then it will be a long process. That process demands stamina, balance, fortitude and having all the ducks in a neat row. Had Glen taken early advice; tooled up with legal and mental counsel, taken a break to repair and restore, by today he could have been a long way down the road – with an end in sight. Alas, that journey has yet to begin.

Yes; yes, full support for Glen, all the way – he has been the victim of yet another CASA act of bloody minded, sheer bastardy. Take a well briefed barrister to the Spence 'sit-down' or don't go. Why delay the inevitable; sooner or later it must be 'legal fisticuffs' against a world class defender of the indefensible; that, or fold up the tent, grab the Camel and disappear into the wilderness. Like Wombat, I too have a waning interest in the matter; what I would like to see are 'diary' entries:

'Engaged legal counsel; initial discussion; documents delivered.'

'Meeting with counsel – ways and means; evaluation of case – more documents.'

'More discussion today matters being shaped into argument – more explanations and discussion.'

'Ready to lodge paperwork – wheels in motion – journey begins – time to take a break, rest and recover.'

It is a long, tedious journey to even mount the case, and that is just the beginning. Posting long rambles on forums achieves little in the cold, hard eye of the court; indeed it could even be considered counter productive – it certainly gives the other side some clues as to what cards you hold and how best to beat 'em.

In short – time to Piss or get off the pot.....

Toot – toot...

National Dignity, a minor imperative?

'Thirsty' has made some excellent comments on the PP Buckley thread; concise and insightful:-

Thirsty - “It is not a matter of glee to see CASA put under a blowtorch, but a sense of indignity as to the unfairness of it all.”

I would have to agree completely with the quote. There would be little in the way of 'glee' or 'joy' should we ever have a DoIT head with the integrity to inform the minister of the truly desperate plight the CASA have enforced on the aviation industry, let alone put the organisation 'under a blow torch' in public. That blow torch needs to be a Royal Commission; no holds barred, no quarter or wriggle room. It would take a fearless 'statesman' of serious integrity, backed by all parties, in the national interest, to ensure that the desperately required reforms were brought into light and made a reality.

Yes: It is a 'big' ask – but it is an absolutely essential one. Any study, working backwards from the Buckley matter all the way back to the infamous Lockhart River event, through the many 'inquires', the millions spent, the recommendations, edicts and 'white-paper'.  These all, clearly and undeniably, define the absolute, complete and utter 'unfairness', bias, favouritism, deceit, obfuscation, waste and perversion this deeply flawed organisation has produced. Then there is is the 'influence' and sway they hold over the ATSB, ASA and more recently airport development. The evidence is abundant, overwhelming and undeniable, needing only a righteous platform for delivery, supported by 'good men and true'.

I believe this nation would be shocked on a Robodebt scale should it ever discover just how far removed from reality the 'myth and legend' of 'safe skies' being created by CASA actions, edicts and regulatory diatribes actually is. It is however a fair bet that there will never be a minister or government brave enough to face that reality. Singapore, New Zealand even PNG faced their reality and now are amongst the foremost administrations on the planet. But Ozzie, the Ostrich can't seem to get it's head out of the mire. The real loss will not be Buckley's: the case has already beggared the nation of any pride we may still have as a first world aviation nation.

Toot – toot.

It would seem the erstwhile Mr Buckley has had a bit of a tinkle..

Quote:I can see you all roll your eyes, push against your desk as you roll your office chair back, kick your legs up slightly, and whisper an obscenity slotted in between the two words, 'about" and "time". An example would be "about @#$&ing time"

After careful consideration of the entire matter, I had a brilliant and imaginative idea. I have decided to instruct lawyers in preparation for that meeting with Ms. Spence.

I have started working on the letter and hope to publish a draft on here.tomorrow night, or Saturday morning at the latest. I have had some behind the scenes support'. My intention is to have a three-page draft. No longer than that, as an introduction. Once published i would be appreciative of any feedback. Cheers. Glen

Buckley's Boil.

That painful thing is coming to a head and about to lanced – now Buckley has finally seen the light, heeded advice and had the good sense to finally go to a doctor. The problem the Doc faces is peeling off the many layers of home remedy to get to the problem area. We must now assist Glen to peel away the home grown remedies and reveal the bare bones of his case. The matter must now be stripped back to 'bare bones' – no frills – no rhetoric – just the facts.

The opposition have had years now to develop and refine a 'defence'. That defence (at no cost to CASA) will be presented by a top drawer Barrister, with many years of experience in matters aeronautical – from the CASA point of view – and they are very good at their work: make no mistake about it. When one adds in the CASA legal crew, the absolute control of information and a CASA hand on every button and lever; and, the natural bias afforded as being 'the' safety authority is a factor (despite denial and judicial neutrality) you can see the size of the challenge.

Buckley now needs to be shut of all rhetoric, resist the urge for public justification and get down to brass tacks without personal insight. This is now a matter of law and nothing else but law. This must be clearly understood in the Buckley mind.

Glen, mate – if I was to teach an apprentice to use a saw, I'd use a pencil to mark the line; it takes a while for them to be able to cut along that thick line; once mastered the next task is to cut either side, leaving the pencil line 'in' or 'split' : once mastered the final stage is to make the same cuts against a fine 'knife line'. This is precision. Apply this to all matters 'legal' - precise accuracy of measurement and control of cuts. As my Grand daddy used to say; a carpenter is a sundial, a cabinet maker is a Rolex.

You need to be a Rolex. It will take every skerrick of guile, cunning and precision you and your legal team can muster to win this round; and you must win if a full stop is to be added to the CASA saga of Embuggerance. Stay with it, stay strong and keep all your ducks in a neat row.  Right then, I'll STFU now – apologies for the mixed metaphors;  provided in the hope that they may help you see and do 'that which is needful'..   

Toot – toot...

.......and just when we think the Beast is finally defeated, Buckley compensated and that there is no further excuse for drastic reform along FAA lines, CASA will pull two rabbits out of the hat and return us to the status quo or worse.

Rabbit # 1: Given heightened tensions with Russia and China, enhanced aviation security is required including increased restrictions on the operation of GA and recreational aircraft. Hence rules cannot and will not be relaxed.

Rabbit # 2: In order to meet Australias Climate change commitments, GA operation are to be restricted and subject. to a necessity test. Hence it is not in australia's interest to take any action that would expand the attractiveness of aviation as mere recreation.

To put it another way, there is always an excuse for inaction.

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