The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

[Image: sbg-19-02-23.jpg]
Ref: Supplementary Estimates - The Three Amigos & CHALK & CHEESE: FAA call to Action. & Hansard OUT - ASA QON?? & CHALK & CHEESE: Nepalese AAIC release preliminary report 

Ciu bono?

“In this treacherous world
Nothing is the truth nor a lie.
Everything depends on the colour
Of the crystal through which one sees it”― Pedro Calderón de la Barca

Yes children: I know; I've asked this question dozens of times; but it stands the time test of being both a reasonable and reasoned question. 'Tis but a simple one; of all the public and industry time, money, effort and countless submissions to parliament and millions spent on inquiry and prosecutions and 'white paper' and ministerial contact and questions at Estimates and etc, etc over the past three decades; “to whom is it a benefit?” Serious question. Of all the players in this great game; who is the better off; who has unparalleled security, support, pension, super, stress leave and free access to 'top line' legal counsel, free of charge? 

Well, it ain't Andy Pascoe; deferred now until August. It ain't Glen Buckley: it most certainly is not those who depend on a 'medical' to continue working, stuck in limbo shelling out for 'expert' opinion and 'risk' associated tests, which lets CASA AVMED off the hook. It is not those operating scheduled services into rural and regional ports with 'uncertainty' about conflicting traffic. It is not our ATCO who work overtime without quite the latest equipment to assist them comply with their liabilities and strict regulatory requirements. It is not those left behind after a fatal event waiting years and hoping for a report which may, at least, assuage their grief with clearly defined reasoning. Is it then the tax payer who contributes to the 'government' system of management of matters aeronautical? I cannot see how anyone apart from the 'system' has even finished anywhere near a minor placing in the run home; bar those who 'run the game'.

[Image: pascoe.jpg]

[Image: buckley.jpg]

“My more-having would be as a sauce
To make me hunger more; that I should forge
Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal,
Destroying them for wealth.” -     Shakespeare (Macbeth).

Last Estimates session; for anyone who even dares to believe that this was not a carefully planned 'train wreck' and orchestrated result; I do have a second hand bridge, in reasonable condition (with dystopian flags and poles) which I'll part with for a small consideration (all tax deductible). 

There are, at the present moment six 'adults' on the continent. They are examining the incident involving a USA registered Boeing 737, based here on fire suppression duties; (that, stand alone) (Martin?)  is a tale worth many paragraphs: (alas). It is 'unusual' for the NTSB to become involved, Boeing is a fair call, but is the FAA an absolute 'contributor' to the event? If so, then why? Perhaps and maybe; the grown ups were just waiting for a reason to get up close and personal with the archaic, complex, contradictory rules and systems which are driven home through 'strict liability' and criminal charges – willy nilly; as pleases CASA best. Or even to prevent ATSB making a meal and mockery of an event. If we get really lucky, say our prayers to pagan gods and be very good boys and girls; perhaps (please) there may be enough 'discomfort' generated for an ICAO audit and a comparison made between the garbage CASA eschew and the real world 'modus operandi'. You must understand that the rest of the world has progressed; Nigeria kicking goals; the Nepalis 30 days for an on time, instructive accurate safety report. We've got 'bird strikes' costing big dollars; mid-air collisions of a systemic nature ignored and an ATSB which is demoralised; captive and fearful of the MoU. Not trusted to investigate (rightly so IMO) a crash involving foreign nationals. Look: read, the list is endless; start with Notams; go to ATC services; take CASA complete denial of their way being 'wrong' in the face of world wide progress; and, it all costs a bomb. No quarrel with the money spent – however, in terms of value for and improvement of 'system'. We've pissed millions against the wall and only got wet boots for the effort.

“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”  - J.R.R Tolkien.

I actually (once) held Glen Sterle in high regard, until his latest imitation of Pinocchio the puppet. He has served with Heffernan, Fawcett, Xenophon and others on the RRAT committee; been part of Panza attacks on the system; even managed to win a few rounds. Went nowhere but they tried. It shames me; that I could support and help the man who managed that last shameful exhibition in our very own house of 'probity' – the Senate; and, it's committees. Appointed to ask the questions; seek the answers and actually 'do something' to curb spending and dismiss the 'clear and apparent' danger of bullshit ruling – forever. Shame on you Senator. Shame; from watch dog to lap dog in one session of Estimates. 

Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
Is the immediate jewel of their souls. - Shakespeare. (Othello).

Aye; it makes me cranky – and why not? Estimates costs the tax payer bomb; the aviation industry is almost on it's knees – the problems are known, world wide; and yet, 'we' simply get (like it or lump it) that last, late, short chance for the questions which must be asked to be tabled. Bollocks; spin, shameless manipulation and Moon-shine; borderline to dishonesty.

“Remember this: The house doesn’t beat the player. It just gives him the opportunity to beat himself.”  (Nick Dandolos).

Well; that's off my chest – but, bit like the cat my tail is still signalling caution. Much caution was needed this last week – deuced tricky stuff is Cedar; soft and deceptive; tough as old boots and not quite as easily persuaded to compliance as first imagined. Anyway; job done and I can take a deep breath. Tricky splinters though; a bugger to get out. No matter, it looked great and almost seemed to be happy to be back home when we restored it to rightful place. Storms tonight – and rain, cat ignores my 'away' call; but the dogs – bound away, chasing raindrops, running through puddles; sliding in the mud – they know how to 'live' with and enjoy whatever the world throws at 'em. That's it.


[Image: sbg-26-02-23.jpg]

“Of a stubbornly persistent illusion”.

'Borrowed' from Einstein, cribbed from his quote :-

“The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” (A. Einstein).

Einstein was speaking about things which are far, far removed from the daily grind of dealing with and living within a land in which bureaucracy rules supreme. But, the notion stands a reality test, in terms of 'life' as we must live it, within a 'stubbornly persistent illusion'. He also said :-

“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Which brings us out of the philosophical, right bang smack into the reality we live with. The illusions created to justify the huge amounts spent convincing the public that any rule set; or agency can guarantee their safety, well being and their future. They cannot; 'tis an illusion. The latest serious event on the aviation horizon in recent times (in terms of lives lost) is the appalling mid air collision of two helicopters in Qld. The illusion of safety created by operator, pilot and public blind belief that if the 'illusion' was believed, then the event simply could not have happened: yet it did. Manuals, rules, approved procedures, approved training, and all the other clap trap which failed; dismally, to prevent the event is stood up as 'safety gospel'.

“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” ― Galileo Galilei

About now, you could be forgiven for wondering what the fool is banging on about. Yet it is a simple enough matter – it begs answer to but one simple question. 'Who is best placed to understand the risks involved'?

Start with a basic – your medical. OK, you have an acknowledged, diagnosed medical 'condition'. Perhaps a serious one; so the GP sends you off to a top dog 'specialist' in the field, you then present this qualified, hands on 'opinion' to CASA and they, in their wisdom, knock back your medical; or impose some form a restriction. Now you and the specialist have a fight on your hands. Why? To what end; don't make sense and yet the only two avenues for appeal are the 'Tribunal' or, a court of law. I ask you. What could possibly induce a highly qualified, competent specialist in a field of medicine to risk income and career in support of a few dollars for writing a false opinion as to why you should hold a medical certificate? Don't make commercial, reputation as in preservation of; or, even common sense to entertain such a notion. Yet AVMED can simply over rule that expert opinion; without a counter argument, explanation of, or even solid medical grounds at the same level of competence as the 'professional expert' in the field, with hand on the corpus. Rubbish, costly, bombastic, arse covering, self aggrandising rubbish. Twaddle and flawed logic..Why?

“I'll not listen to reason... reason always means what someone else has got to say.” ― Elizabeth Gaskell, Cranford

Perhaps the next level removed from 'expertise' is that of 'operational approval'. Much time, money and effort is invested in obtaining an 'operators certificate'. In this case, the 'expert' in the field and the one with most at risk is 'the operator'. The individual or 'company' is in business for what purpose? The end game is, of course, to see a profit at the end of the year. Every red cent and risk of 'commercial and criminal liability' is taken by the operator: all of it. Should the operation eventually be proven, in law, in a court, to be 'illegal' and or dangerous, then that would be the end game. However; for an exorbitant fee and subjected to 'appraisal' by and the 'approval' of a 'team' and its leader; an outfit like Buckley's can be trashed and a 'thing' like Soar gets a simpering idiot of a minister taking 'photo ops' and tacitly promoting its virtues. WTD  Rubbish, costly, bombastic, self aggrandising rubbish.

“Thus, you see, he arrived at the same end, via supposed duty, that he was previously pledged to via interest. I fancy a good number of us, when any line of action will promote our own interest, can make ourselves believe that reasons exist which compel us to it as a duty.” ― Elizabeth Gaskell, My Lady Ludlow and Other Stories

I wont go on; this translates across all the (I use the term loosely) 'safety' agencies aviation is forced to deal with; ASA, (don't get me started): ATSB (don't get me started) and the shining beacon of ICAO compliance, CASA (don't get me started).

CASA is, in essence and by (the way) parliamentary Act in place to 'administer' and ensure compliance, through that 'administration' with not only ICAO but 'best practice' and the gold standard regulation of aviation – as scripted by 'the experts'. Yet every year we see the determination to 'rule' not follow; becoming more expensive; more counter productive and further away from 'gold standard' through deliberate acts of risible 'nonsense'. Which the public and industry pay for. FCOL. We fund the very outfits which prevent and preclude this industry progressing and competing in world markets. Why?. Good enough? Not by a bloody long shot it ain't.  

“Everything is going to be fine in the end.

If it's not fine it's not the end.”- Oscar Wilde.

There are many examples which put these and other matters beyond reasonable doubt. But then, you watch Estimates run by the Senate committees – well, you would if you wanted your next day spent in deep depression. Talk about amateur hour – what a bloody shambles the last Sterle managed episode was. Who briefs these people? We pay lots for the wasted hours: hour after endless, pointless hour of getting nowhere? But, at least we know who pays for the pantomime......

“Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”― Mark Twain

But enough; it wearies me to think about it all. Small sparks of hope emerge though; seems AOPA (Aus) is finally 'on track' Master McKenzie getting used to being 'on-screen' finding his feet and beginning to put a cohesive effort into making 'points' which are hard to ignore or wave away as 'irrelevant'. The prosecution of FOI and examining the resultant 'in-put' and 'take out' to those products is of great value; dare I say to both sides. Should CASA listen? Of course they should. Should the industry listen? Of course they should. Most importantly, should the Mandarins be listening? I say the Mandarins need to get a grip on these quasi independent of governance agencies – this is the biggest rort and embarrassment to those who faithfully serve this nation, in service to the public and government that has ever been let out of the stable, before the gate was closed. The time for 'senior' management to step up is now; they know its right, so why not? NZ did it; PNG did it; the USA lead the world closely followed by the UK – so; what is the hold up? When will Australia catch up and run alongside the world's leading aviation nations? We simply cannot keep on the road we travel. We ain't a world leader in any of this, not by any measure; indeed, we are at present travelling, at a rate of knots, on the road to becoming a pariah state; becoming so far removed from the world best that recovery will be difficult, expensive and embarrassing. But it must be done – and soon please.

“The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.” ― Plato, The Republic

CASA, in particular, simply cannot lead the world; (no credibility) but, they will not follow the gold standards developed. This despite the international and industry protests, multiple submission to three decades of inquiry, political rhetoric and proven facts. The ultimate insult being the infliction of DAS Spence on this industry as 'leader'. This industry has made many mistakes; the premium one being the unchallenged acceptance of DAS (any DAS) being the doyen of regulatory sanity and ICAO compliance. Unqualified, incompetent, and so completely disconnected from the reality of international progress as to make Angels weep. Surely the true blue Mandarins can see where this is all heading and the international embarrassment it is creating. Perhaps some of the senior 'big-hitters' could step in and save the tatters of our once proud aviation industry from becoming no more that the butt of the international jokes.

“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” ― Plato

Aye. Quite the ramble. But, we are in a mess. Don't know or completely understand how a once fine reputation for aviation excellence became sullied. But, it is, but don't believe me; ask the USA team 'on-the-ground' in WA. They won't tell you why they felt a 'need' to be here – but the writing is definitely 'on the wall'. Think Essendon...

No matter; now for the important stuff. I own what is known as a 'Stanley' #8 (jointer) bench plane, It is a massive thing. Amongst other jobs, I'm making a bed frame for a mate. Nice long boards to be sized and settled – first we must make 'square' and even – reach for the #8. First board; four passes to get a 'flat side' no problem; then, a blur of fur lands between the front handle (tote) and the 'toe' of the plane. The thing that really amazed me was how did that cat know exactly when to step off, wait until I'd cleared the shavings and throat before hopping back on, this for some 24 odd metres of lumber? 'Tis a mystery. When I'd done, I set the boards on the bench, after I'd 'laid out' the joints for tomorrow; then her majesty moved in – there to sleep and 'not happy' when I moved 'em. The dogs, they just stare in wonder, I nod towards the stable door and off we go; wondering all the while about what it is - with cats. But, what really intrigues me is, despite the big dog's acceptance of a juvenile cat rearranging his preferred sleeping position; that under the donkey's head is the bed of choice'. I should add here, that the donkey is not an animal you can upset with impunity – far from it....


Who might make the changes that are so plainly needed to save what’s left of Australia’s General Aviation and allow it to grow and serve as it should?

Kharon asks if the “big hitters” would step up. Surely we could expect senior public servants to take a realistic approach to the obvious problems and take solutions to Ministers and Parliament.
Take one example, Mr. Jim Betts, surely one “big hitter.” Mr. Betts is Secretary for the Department (of it seems) Just About Everything. Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Quoting from The Mandarin:-
“We have an ambitious agenda for media reform, strengthening democracy and public interest journalism, extending digital connectivity and delivering the landmark National Cultural Policy – Revive – launched by the prime minister and arts minister on January 30.”

“put proper strategic frameworks around the commonwealth’s roles in urban policy, regional development and infrastructure investment, making us an informed and influential investor, not just a writer of cheques.”

So as not to bore oneself to tears, skipping Dorothy Dixer type questions 1 - 4 we arrive at Q5, the piece de restistance.

5. What’s your motto for the public service in 2023?

“Be kind. Listen carefully and with compassion. Get sh*t done.”

This from the Department head who could shake up CASA and make recommendations to the Minister.

The only way we will see any significant reform is through Members of Parliament taking the initiative, and that is very unlikely without media exposure and public awareness.

Sadly the “big hitters” have become part of the problem, Government Industries has the inside running, and we’ve not had the political leadership to take responsibility since 1988 when Minister Gareth Evans had Parliament agree to removing aviation out of his Ministry by creating the monopoly corporate regulator CASA.

The naive belief that the arms of government can be properly and responsibly governed by those who benefit by increasing their bureaucratic power, status and salaries simply denies commonsense and the basis of democracy which must hold our elected representatives accountable.

Pressure – on the ruling class?

Perhaps the unrestrained power, money and a secure life, free of the perils of 'the real world' and publicly funded testing of illicit drugs (safety support) for the lost weekend is beginning to set the trend in our capitol. Or; just maybe, our man in the boat' is just searching for reprobate Kangaroo's taking a bath in the Canberra puddle; to rescue with perhaps and a convenient 'photo op' close at hand.....

[Image: 4883b6623d0330304cc757dd4ca3de60?impolic...height=485]

Then perhaps, just maybe, Sen. Alex Antic having actually nailed it down; that - “the un-elected are running this nation”, (or words to that effect) and noting that 'something' must be done. This 'must' should ring so many bells as to even wake the dead (Cabinet and Mandarins) for it is so incontrovertibly bloody true. Alas, nothing will be done; indeed we shall probably see more of it; for it is the 'get-out-of-jail' card for the minister responsible.

- HERE - courtesy of Sky news.

“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”

This blatant avoidance of duty may evade the ordinary politician with fingers in ears; or, the hoi-polloi (media and anyone unaffected). But aviation has been a victim of this 'situation' since the notion of Quango emerged and effectively removed responsibility, influence, interest and control from the ministerial desk. Proof of this 'disconnection' is readily (if tediously) available from the Hansard record of proceedings within Senate Estimates and 'inquiry'. One can (if so inclined) map and track the evasion of ministerial responsibility from the Seaview or the Lockhart River events. It is not a difficult process. Pick a question, note the date. Find the answer, note the date. Then try to find a result, change, action or even a follow up question to progress. Good luck with that quest.

Track back, just a few short years back in time to the Angel Flight debacle, the 2020 'inquiry' and subsequent Estimates. Between that lot, there are about 100 serious questions asked by 'Senate Committee' to which no satisfactory answers of substance have been provided. Not only have important questions remained unanswered; but neither have the answers been pursued to a conclusion or outcome. Then count up, on one hand, the number of direct ministerial 'involvements' and effective changes.

I wonder, has any minister ever added up the total cost of the regulatory reform we had to have; in years and dollars. It is an extraordinary number; a massive expense to provide what is probably the worst, non aligned, incomprehensible rule set on the planet. Has this expenditure produced any significant improvement in 'safety' or productivity, or increased revenue returned to the nations coffers or of any benefit to the public - who paid for it all?

J@T - “I still longingly look back to the Air Navigation Regulations were:-

(a) the one booklet was about a half inch thick.  (b) rarely changed © we all could parrot off chapter and verse for a host of regulatory requirements - trying to do that now would be folly in the extreme. (d) the Air Navigation Orders were comparatively easy to navigate and find stuff.  (courtesy PP)..

Yet there are savings there; we could save the expense of Estimates; seriously, why bother? If the last exhibition was of any practical or intrinsic value to this nation, made one iota of difference to anything bar the debit side of the public ledger; I'll eat my hat.

“Let us save what remains: not by vaults and locks which fence them from the public eye and use in consigning them to the waste of time, but by such a multiplication of copies, as shall place them beyond the reach of accident.”

Aye well; rant over, it just baffles me though. How did a thing which is supposed to provide a 'service' to the industry end up dictating terms and essentially running it develop from an administrator to a despotic monolith, beyond the reach of the minister, parliament or Senate?

Enough; DT has left a list (do or perish) on the dartboard. Best crack on, in the pursuit of peace, harmony and freshly baked scones for afternoon tea -


Of Spirit and Intent.

Advance Australia?– Yeah right......Fair dinkum, I wish we could: somehow take the brakes and blinkers off and join in with the first world advancements. We really do need to closely examine two intricately connected areas, not only of great concern, but of an active, deliberate hindrance preventing revenue, expansion, employment and status being accrued for the home grown aerospace industry, across the spectrum.

“You told me once that we shall be judged by our intentions, not by our accomplishments. I thought it a grand remark. But we must intend to accomplish—not sit intending on a chair.

Philosophically, we must begin with 'spirit, intent and unintended consequences'. Three important elements; each critical to the well being and revenue generating of two separate, but interrelated elements of the 'aeronautical industry'. Your indulgence is requested as I fumble through this so simple notion, one transmogrified into a complex rat's nest of ineptitude and waste; it will take a while....Where to begin; chicken or egg? Egg or chicken?

“For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these: "It might have been!”

The beginning is usually a good place – Australia signed up to the Chicago convention; parliament passed an Act and we set up an administration to ensure compliance with ICAO. nothing else. The spirit and intent was to ensure Australia kept pace and faith with 'world best practice'. Alas; as it stands Australia is now almost diametrically opposed to the ICAO best practice, procedure and philosophy. Deeply mired in a never ending series of amendments, twiddles and fine tuning. Take a look at the latest load dumped onto the Senate committee for delegated legislation. - HERE – . The question furiously barking for an answer is a very simple one; does that committee fully understand the 'knock on' effect or implications arising from those legislative changes they approve?  Can they grasp the spirit and intent of those changes in relation to ICAO compliance; or, even decide if the changes are in compliance with ICAO goals; let alone 'know' beyond reasonable doubt that those changes, the implications and result will be of benefit to the aeronautical industry as a whole. In short; have they got any ducking idea just what they are approving, the implications or the long term effects of that approval at an 'operational' level?

“The point is, the "best" technology or idea doesn't always prevail. Sometimes chance and the law of unintended consequences win out.”

So much for the 'operational effects' of CASA divergence but what of the serious economic losses those rules create; not to mention the international humiliation. Go no further than the latest industry presentations at the Avalon air show. Stellar success? Well it was – for those far seeing nations, those which have the will, expertise and vision to offer Australian innovation facilities, finance and assistance to bring their remarkable technology and inventions into full production. The revenue of course disappears overseas; why, is a question you may ask. BASA is your short answer – Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement. Despite our over burgeoning bureaucratic system; we don't have a two or three man office to negotiate for Australian technology, made in Australia to be sold overseas. So, the USA offers incentives, support, finance etc, and, the company moves off shore; taking jobs, revenue and Kudos with it. Leaving Australian industry poorer, less productive, buying not manufacturing, not employing or training; just ever more subservient to the complex, destructive never ending divergence from ICAO. Why? 

“There are in nature neither rewards nor punishments — there are consequences.”

Some serious Australian talent on display at Avalon; remarkable innovation – all just a little terrified of being forced to deal with CASA. VTOL for example – headed off shore?  Oh, you may safely bet Granny's best bed socks on that. Tragic or pathetic? I can't decide – but, no doubt the 'white paper' will sort it all out; Aye, that'll fix it right up children. (Sometimes the word BOLLOCKS ain't enough; but it will have to do).

All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.

There are some deeply seated, perpetuated, divisive attitudes combined with an untrammelled arrogance which have, and continue to restrict this country from joining  the world leading, gold standard, go-ahead aviation nations. The only solution is, unfortunately, with the government. We have a disinterested government and that is reflected, with some clarity through the DoIT, CASA and recently the Estimates committee. This lacklustre, almost fraudulent impost is foisted on the national budget; the one denied the revenue dollars the home grown innovation, design, development and ultimately national benefit though employment, sales and revenue fully available to this nation if we can get the government to get its act together and remove the shackles and catch up. 

“What's the use you learning to do right when it's troublesome to do right and ain't no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same?”

Aye; I can dream and watch as the world cracks on; leaving Australia poorer and more dependent on 'help' from overseas; where our technology is going great guns, creating revenue, jobs and exporting Australian technology back to its point of origin. How crazy is that?  Seriously; you have to wonder WTD are 'they' thinking and what are 'they' using to do that with.

So I ask – why is the innovative 'spirit' of this great nation being crushed from within? What is the intention behind the punitive, restrictive, no value to anyone legislation inflicted; and what are the ultimate consequences for persisting along the road to international denigration. Perhaps even buying back our own innovative technology developed in the USA, offered to the impoverished local industry which can no longer afford it is the vision. Nuts ain't it....

Aye well, ramble over; but unless some incentive to industry can be provided and facilitated through BASA, who could blame an exodus of talent and investment to greener, more pleasant pastures? Not I.  Third world – here we come; on a one way ticket.


Tempus fugit & Iras succendere.

Or, in the vernacular the clock is ticking and aviation industry is highly pissed off. 'Aviation' stand alone may not be a big number in terms of votes, however what happens to it affects almost everyone in the country; from remote community food and mail delivery when the roads are impassable; to the first class end of the Qantas overseas services. In short, living in a state of political denial that the underpinning system is broken, and is as dangerous to the political party which continues to ignore expert opinion, industry advice and clear warnings as it is to the travelling public paying for it all. The notion of 'Three Pillars' supporting an edifice, a religion, governance, financial enterprise or even the environment was borrowed and transmogrified as required from the Sikh. The wisdom, value and benefit of the notion honestly applied is clearly apparent to the modern world. But, I digress...

Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails be wise by good advice.

The aviation industry is 'supported' by three pillars – Air Services (ASA); Transport Safety (ATSB) and Administration (CASA). These expensive, tax payer funded outfits are in place – in theory at least– to keep the travelling public 'safe'. In theory it is indeed a great notion, three strong pillars supporting matters aeronautical – from soup to nuts. Of course it is the greatest load of old BOLLOCKS ever sold by the Snake oil pedlars in the market place. Happily foisted (by government) on the ignorant masses; those who hop onto an aircraft in the blind belief that all is well and they as safe there as in their own favourite rocking chair; fully protected by the government, tax dollars and the 'system'. BOLLOCKS......!

“If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.

In primus, most folk (including the politicians) believe 'the rules' governing flight will keep 'em safe – and, in principal, that would be correct assumption. Not true though; not in the real world outside of the Canberra bubble. It costs a serious amount of money to operate an aircraft from say Sydney to Melbourne – a serious, probably shocking amount to those not familiar with the cost involved in what is a routine, 10 flights a day service for an airline. That 'cost' is met (mostly) through ticket sales. From that 'pot' the cost of 'compliance' with a rule set must come out. As it stands, the cost of generating the ever changing, complex, convoluted almost indecipherable rule set and operator compliance with that law, far exceeds the cost of operating an air service – much more. The rest of the grown up aviation nations recognised the punitive effects of this; and, have trimmed, rationalised and modified their rule set to reduce the cost of 'compliance' and lift pointless restrictions, exemptions and legal liability onus. But not in Australia; no Sir. Every year, the make work of generating, amending, exempting, modifying and re drafting regulations accounts for a stunning amount of 'public', industry and corporate dollars – while achieving little in the way of improved safety outcomes. Check the statistics – despite the regulatory spaghetti, the fatal accident rate – across has board has??? - What. No Choc frogs for the right answer to a no Brain-er...To earn a profit, as we all know to make the game worth the candle; incoming must exceed outgoing. The needles expense generated to meet compliance must be drawn from; or, somehow 'made' from somewhere. Anyone care to estimate the 'compliance' bill Qantas must meet due to CASA and its damn fool regulations? The only 'safety' Qantas is trying to counter is that of criminal liability; the only interest CASA have in safety is that of 'safe' easy conviction of anyone who, in their opinion, has bruised the black letter of law – as they see it and wrote it: under the regulations. There is no defence. Wonder where the 'safety dollars' are spent? Don't bother...

“When the government makes loans or subsidies to business, what it does is to tax successful private business in order to support unsuccessful private business.

But wait; there's more. Let us take a close look at another 'holy grail' the public happily believe to be a rock solid, safety net. To wit, the Air Traffic Control System - or what remains of it anyway. Short ramble follows. A while back now we has a thing called a Flight Service Unit (FSU). We also had a thing called 'full reporting'; in short, everyone knew who was where, what time they would arrive at 'X” within a two minute time frame – excellent, safe, cost effective, user friendly and always there. Now we rely on minimum staff covering a sector; and technology dependent. Navigation and instrument approach totally dependent on a GPS system which may, when and as pleases, be shut down by the 'owners' (or someone else with rocket capability). Under FSU a 'mid-air' was unlikely despite the greater traffic numbers then than we see today – outside Controlled Airspace. All the common sense systems vanished in anticipation of, to be provided at great public expense, a space age system known as 'One Sky'  - from a foreign provider, and technology 'owner'. All the cost cutting spin off 'envisioned' were rapidly deployed in anticipation – Alas. No such system ever turned up. Since then it has been a KPI defence battle, led from the top in an attempt to 'even out' the great fiscal loss. Then Covid arrived and the opportunity to further 'save' was taken advantage of. Perhaps it is time for a minister to ask the simple question – WTD are ASA playing at. So much wrong now that {IMO} the risk of a serious ATC structure (or lack thereof) failure based episode, of rules, public pandering and controller liability and decision restriction is not off the cards. Until the ATCO's can actually 'control' and manage traffic, rather than enforcing the limitations imposed (by law) on them; then additional track miles and denial of aircraft 'operational needs' will, at very least just keep adding costs to the already exorbitant bills – not to mention the fuel and maintenance bills to the aircraft operator.

“Some score of members of the High Court of Chancery bar ought to be - as here they are --- mistily engaged in one of the ten thousand stages of an endless cause, tripping one another up on slippery precedents, groping knee-deep in technicalities, running their goat-hair and horse-hair warded heads against walls of words, and making a pretence of equity with serious faces ....”

Which just leaves us with the poor bugger who has to investigate the event aftermath; the humble 'Accident investigator'. The poor sod who is obliged to wade into a mess; like the Essendon DFO and try to determine the what, why and how of the carnage. These men and women deserve our very highest praise; but, does their employer, the ATSB?  Short answer – NO. Long answer No Bloody Way. The time, the money and the eventually published flatulence from the top end of the ATSB beggars belief. But don't believe me – just ask anyone in the NTSB or other national agency; they will confirm the loss of respect began when Dolan a.k.a. “Beaker' ran the joint into the murk. He was followed by Hood a.k.a. The Canary who simply made it a farce; he then followed by the current incumbent (who's name escapes me) between them have turned a once highly respected and regarded agency into the pitiful state we find it in today.

“Woe betide the leaders now perched on their dizzy pinnacles of triumph if they cast away at the conference table what the soldiers had won on a hundred blood soaked battlefields.”

But, IMO the really tragic element is the government. The minister and all those preceding her for three decades now; have all known; and known full bloody well that the 'system' across the aviation governance mandate, in blatant defiance of the Act has descended into an untenable mess. A mare's nest which must be sorted out if this nation is to avoid international denigration and ridicule. There's clear evidence that many ministers have requested – for 'press purposes' a one page summary of a serious, two hundred plus page report defining what and where the problems reside. Nowhere near good enough and one day – gods forbid it; the answers to all these questions will be demanded by the public. Aye - Hope may well spring eternal – luck will, as proven may times, eventually run out. We all hope the mess will begin to diminish when the USA legal eagles get to speak on the appalling event at Essendon; soon minister. You can run, but you cannot hide forever behind the unreliable 'agencies': those which can and will sell your soul to the devil before they lift a buttock to fart in your defence. Think on; but think quickly, the bunny in the spotlight is, ultimately, the minister. - The industry may not 'rock you' – but the agencies will; on that, if nothing else, you may rely.

That's it – 160 linear metres of stunning Philippine Mahogany await my urgent attention – 'tis to be a staircase – tomorrow. Tonight is a night for swimming in the sun heated waters after the fierce heat of the day. Check list – Cat (not happy in the travel box), dogs panting and waiting patiently; picnic basket (tick), Ale on Ice (tick); waning crescent moon; tide at ebb – that's definitely it – the world can stew in its own juices – we are all off to the beach. 


Of Phelan, games and candles.

A prelude with MTF.  Paul (Fearless) Phelan RIP – journalist, sage, friend, mentor, occasional drinking and sparring partner, itinerant BRB adviser and many other things. Paul and I often had searching discussions on topics which, while not dealing directly with the major 'event' often speculated on the intentions, influence, motivations and subsequent narratives presented by those involved in the various 'inquiry' mounted by a Senate committee; the Pel Air episode, one among the many, for example. Phelan's articles in Pro Aviation – HERE - and - HERE – are worth a second read, for they highlight the stellar performance, logic, understanding and 'justice' brought by Senator Fawcett – aided and abetted by Heffernan and Xenophon to that milestone 'inquiry'. 

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.”

And they did just that – the Senators really tried, brought down a raft of 'recommendations' which should have altered the course of aviation oversight and risk responsibility. – Alas, despite their good, honest work, despite the recommendations, advice and warnings from some serious outside agencies; the only changes made were to ensure that the official escape routes and bomb shelters were reinforced. The results of that 'clam shell' response clearly visible today; across the spectrum. Air Traffic, ICAO compliance, operational rules, accident reports, all gone to Hell in a handcart and no one, particularly the political parties seems to even realise the complete shambles and international embarrassment of it all; or even care if they did.

“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.”

For my sins, I brought up the good Senator Fawcett (in passing) at the BRB last evening; it was not only the first subject discussed – it was the only one; (apart from the cussing of the the three stooges). Discussion always led back to the same point – Why has Fawcett stepped back from matters which are so very obviously close to his heart; and, a battle he could win – with a push, some help and a bit of luck?

“In Hell there is no other punishment than to begin over and over again the tasks left unfinished in your life time.” 

One of the fellahin swears it is because he does not want to 'be known' as the aviation Senator; another swears it is because of the shocking treatment was given to Skidmore; another reckons it was because of an almost uncontrollable urge to 'deck' Comedy; there were a few more suggestions, like a lack of support from the party or being warned off by the heavies – but enough - you get the gist. Perhaps the game was not worth the candle – But Why?

“We spent a few hours struggling to come up with better explanations, but each suggestion was shot down almost as soon as it was made. The suggestions became wilder, eventually to the point of silliness.”

The upshot was a general agreement; dependent strangely enough on Jim Betts being kosher and up to task. If (big one) Fawcett was willing, then perhaps some common sense and honesty could be restored to the services that government is obliged to provide (and do have a responsibility for) to the aviation industry. IMO Fawcett is no mans fool; he ain't the type to walk away from something he knows to be wrong and I'd have difficulty believing him to have lost interest in matters aeronautical. Perhaps it would be political suicide; but if so, that then casts his fellow Senators in the same mould as the present day slap-happy, cover your arse, don't give a monkey's fart crew running the joint. But then, he don't seem the type to turn up at a gunfight waving his  Mum's old kitchen knife.

“Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

However; perhaps we should consider, politely and calmly asking the good Senator to cast his eye over the unholy mess our ATC, ATSB, BoM and CASA have descended into. Then, have a word (or two) with 'Jim'. This all probably don't signify enough to bother most politicians: ignorance being bliss; but it should bother Fawcett and his government. Labour planted the seed for this giant, ever growing bean stalk; the ogre is in residence and demanding more while giving less. Free kick right there methinks.....

Aye, whatever, que sera: I don't know who designed the staircase I built this week – but it was seriously nice, the timber spot on and in the light as it changes throughout the day is truly lovely. Rarely do I carve my initials out of sight and the date on a build; but this one, when it comes out in another hundred years or more may cause an apprentice to wonder which fool used such ancient techniques making it so hard to pull apart. Dogs still smell of Mahogany; and it is time to take a stroll through the orchard gate, where the cat patiently waits for me to stop banging away at this poor keyboard. “Away then” -


CP and PNR.

A couple of aviation acronyms there, which, with some small use of imagination, may be applied to the current state of ‘oversight’ and management of the aviation environment.

Critical Point (CP) also know known as Point Of Equal Time (PET) is the decision point between two airfields from which it would take the same time to fly to either airfield.

Point of No Return (PNR) The point along the planned flight path beyond which an aircraft will no longer be capable of returning to the take-off airfield or an alternate airfield due to insufficient fuel - (this)  - is calculated before take-off.

P2’s excellent TGIF post – HERE – serves as a snapshot of how quickly Australia is approaching a critical point; beyond which it will not be possible to return. If our destination is genuine ‘Safety’ through operational excellence, rather than the lip service paid and the endless tedium of compliance through ‘work around’ exemption and shelf ware; then decision time is rapidly approaching. The material provided in the TGIF clearly defines the gaping holes in what is laughingly referred to as ‘safety oversight’. The Air Traffic control system is on it's knees. Accident ‘investigation and safety outcomes’ are risible; and, so far removed from being of any value, let alone timely, as to not be worth the time, money spent investigating, or the effort of reading through. CASA is so far beyond the critical point as to make any return to sanity impossible.

Now we are past the CP – we must consider the time we have left before we reach the ‘point of no return’. The USA has recognised the approaching critical point and are taking steps to ensure that various elements of concern are dealt with, across the board, from political to legal, from operational to financial and preventing the situation from developing into a hole in that famous cheese of Mr. Reason’s clever mind.

On the subject of ‘reason’ one of the great puzzles is why Australia has persisted on the present track toward a system which is rendered moribund by complexity, useless to base purpose and so far removed from the original intent; as decreed by an Act of parliament. The ‘Authority’ was instituted to ensure harmony and compliance with ICAO. There are volumes of Senate inquiry, industry submission and clear, compelling evidence that Australia is on the wrong track. Despite the many millions spent, expert advice from both internal and external sources; across the spectrum, from Air Traffic Control to the maintenance shed; from airline operations to weekend puddle jumpers; not only has the message been delivered, but been deliberately ignored. Ministers, Mandarins, Senators all treated with contempt; spoon feed pony-pooh and terrified of taking any responsibility; let alone all of it.

Take the time, read through the links provided by P2; a snapshot of how a proactive administration works and the abject failure of the home spun system in place. The important point is a simple one – the USA acknowledged ‘the problems’ and are collectively working to deal with them, before it all turns to custard; not after. Consider how close to a serious event Australia is; flight crew which fail to notice a door seal damaged ignored; engine failures not investigated; airframes coming apart in mid - air passed off as (pick an answer) mid-air collisions not fully investigated; public transport operating ‘in the blind’; pilot medicals a legal nightmare; etc. etc. There is a long, long list of ‘stuff’ which fits into the ‘safety’ operational and legal grid which is not being attended to in a professional, sensible manner. How many more ‘inquiries’ and millions of dollars must we have before the changes which have been on the table for more than three decades now finally occur? CP imminent; PNR rapidly approaching. Tick tock, tick – tock. 

That’s me done; ‘nuff said, and poorly at that; but the amount of ‘pot-shots’ on offer this week alone beggar any sense of humour, or even single item comment, let alone a clear sight of final destination being anywhere else but downgrade. There's more - but, enough….


Of doing that which is needful.

It is quite difficult to nail down exactly which ‘what and when’ created the notion in the political mind that they should put as much distance between themselves and their responsibilities to the travelling public; particularly in relation to travel ‘by-air’. There is one ‘Daisy chain’ in history of significant events which provides some clues; it ain’t definitive, not quite: but it will serve as a starting point. Time travel back to Lockhart River, then Monarch, then Seaview – these events have three things in common. Serious inquiry, government involvement and serious recommendations. They also have been, as quickly as possible, shoved into the basement of Ministerial conscience.

"O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!" - ??

Not at all; say the conga line of Ministers who have quite happily delegated and abrogated all semblance of responsibility to the autonomous agencies. These, without a shred of pretence, forged ahead and built a system which is beyond the rule of law, impervious to Senate recommendations, unlimited power, unlimited money and fully capable of resisting any call by the industry for operational sanity. Fully supported by a string of Ministers who were carefully removed from the firing line. Add to this a series of Senate inquiries which were not only rendered nugatory, but made risible by simply having to accept that their deliberations and recommendations would and could, with impunity, be ignored. Gods alone know the cost in tax dollars – for zero benefit to the aviation industry.

“The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.”

There are three such agencies which are charged, by the Minister to ‘manage’ all matters aeronautical; to wit, ASA, ATSB and CASA, although, to be fair, we must drag the BoM into the frame. ASA is a fiscal sinkhole rapidly descending into an area of great risk to air operations. ATSB is simply an international joke and the BoM a system of gambling on computer percentages, (+/- 70% for accuracy). Which leaves the well-defended CASA bastion as the stand out example of why, before something awful happens, some serious changes must be made; sooner the better for all – Minister to the puddle jumping set.

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.

Truer words never spoken by Machiavelli – but it is time for a new system; the old one cannot stand. But, don’t believe me, do what I have done and speak openly, in confidence with ex-employees of the CASA. Those who resigned, those who were pushed, those who told to keep silent, those on the periphery of bastardry, those who’s expertise and advice was smothered and those who simply went along as far as they could and departed disappointed and dismayed. What is needed? The solution is breathtakingly simple – Parliamentary privilege given through a bipartisan full deck inquiry, examining previous employees and their reasons for leaving what should be a safe, well paid sinecure. There are good reasons for excluding all current CASA minions, the evidence clearly available from any study of Estimates records:-

“ my own perilous position, and above all, in the remarkable game that I saw Silver now engaged upon-keeping the mutineers together with one hand, and grasping, with the other, after every means, possible and impossible, to make his peace and save his miserable life.”

Aye, it’s a mess; but if just one man, unafraid of being labelled a ‘disgruntled’ ex employee be prepared to step up to the line , and just one politician with a modicum of sense and a dash of conscience be prepared to take that evidence to full inquiry; then, perhaps, just maybe, the glowering skies over a failing industry could lighten enough for some hope of prosperity and continuance.  Right then, back to my knitting.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

Took a trip down memory lane last couple of days. Bright young spark invaded the stable; nephew. “What are these?” says he, pointing at my saw-horses. I explained their many uses and we dragged out an old, battered and scared example to examine. I had made it when about his age. “How did you make it”? asks he, in all sincerity, “could I make one”?  “No say I, you must make two”. “Show me” says he. “No – but I will help you make your own”. Talk about time travel; as I had with my Grandpapa, we began at the timber racks, examining several lengths and selecting the ‘best’ ones, explaining why. Measuring, layout, tricky compound joints, razor sharp chisels, lethal hand-saws, the ever deceptive ‘bevel gauge’ – we progressed through to ‘beer o’clock’ and he managed to finish one of the pair. Coke for him, Ale for me. – My reward “Can I come tomorrow, early, and finish the other”? Absolutely – to start at the beginning, learn, do, finish tidy and sharpen up ready for another day – hallmarks of good folk the world over..


Warning! – Rant follows -

“While we thank the ATSB for its thorough investigation, we are incredibly frustrated that it has taken 2 years and 9 months. This may have a significant knock-on effect in holding people to account for Amber’s death, as Work-Safe must commence a prosecution within 3 years of an accident under the then applicable Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984.

‘Safety’ – we keep hearing the word bandied about; we hear it used in all manner of varying context and yet one man’s version of what is ‘safe’ may be very different to the next. Getting out of bed in the morning can be ‘dangerous’ depending on many variable factors and yet the vast majority of folk just hop out every morning without a second thought, wander down stairs (potential risk) plug in the kettle (potential risk) amble into the bathroom (potential risk) hop into the shower (higher risk) etc. From cradle to grave, in almost every situation there is a potential, on a varying scale of risk that a wheel may come off the wagon. The reasons behind the where, when, how and ‘why’ that happens are many and infinitely varied, and yet ‘stuff still happens’. So, what to do? Where do ‘safety’, logic and common sense meet? Do you go to the beach wearing a rain coat in case a passing seagull unloads on you? Murphy declares that the moment you take the raincoat off – that’s when the bird will strike. There is ‘risk’ – always; it goes hand in glove with life. Mitigating the risk to an acceptable level depends very much on the individual risk and how it is assessed, by the person potentially at risk. Here we must look at conditioning, training and education.

Short digression -  A simple example, my young nephew needed to clean out a housing (groove) to fit a part of his saw horse. Tool required - a 25 mm, surgically sharp chisel of unfamiliar weight and length – with no muscle memory to support the effort. “NO” I bark as he picks it up: – education followed, supervision and advice given as he progressed; it took three reminders that he had fingers directly opposing the direction of travel. Slowly the ‘safety’ message delivered sunk in. But I’ll bet good money that one day, in a moment of distraction, a sharp chisel will reinforce the message; hopefully without serious consequences. We shall see. The point – is the risk mitigated, eliminated or simply latent? The percentages chances of a cut needing a stich or two, at some time in the future can be converted into a short odds bet. 

My ramble – my opinion, – but it seems to me that it is how we work backwards from a conclusion (or worst case scenario) to identify the elements in any event which caused harm or injury from the very first item, through to the last; the event chain. This helicopter in WA for example. The thing has shaken itself to pieces, airborne and claimed two lives – fact. It has taken two years and nine months for the investigation to be published. That, stand alone is cause for great concern, particularly given the three year statute for filing claim and case to answer; but that will keep for another day. The ‘big’ question is could this event have been avoided? The short answer is a resounding Yes. The bigger and more important question is why it was not prevented. There was ample warning – there was ample information relating to ‘vibration’ and the procedure for determining and eliminating the mechanical fault. There are laws which demand compliance; there is a huge official ‘safety’ watch dog and attendant satellite agencies; there are trained pilots, trained engineers and a raft of common sense lore which should have prevented the aircraft from operating until the ‘problem’ was fixed. Yet no part of the expensive, extensive, complex ‘safety’ system stepped in early and prevented the event.

“The ATSB’s investigation report notes the helicopter’s two previous flights were conducted by two separate pilots (including the accident pilot, who was also the helicopter’s owner), who both reported experiencing vibration in the helicopter’s tail rotor pedals.”

Should that aircraft have ever been allowed to carry passengers before the ‘vibration problem’ was eradicated? _ Simple question, would you drive your car into traffic at speed with the wheel bearing vibrating, or the engine vibrating or a wheel badly out of balance; with your children on board in a heavy rain storm? Your risk, your responsibility and it must be you who carries the burden of blame for any and all injury or damage. The insurance company would eat you and your legal team for breakfast, not even spitting out the bones. Due to the ATSB tardy delivery of report (once again) the parents of the dead child have only months now to sort out their ‘legal’ position and file it. Bravo ATSB, well done, proving once again, that ATSB is about as much use to timely ‘safety’ advice as three men away from home at harvest.

There – rant over; apologies to the offended; but, seriously what the Hell are ATSB becoming – a PR outfit? If so for whom? Not the minister – she is safely at arm’s length, twice removed and could not care a button.


Second verse; same as the first.

Well, the remarkable, redoubtable P2 has worked his magic once again. I, for one amongst the many, struggle to find an item of interest in the buggers muddle which represents the ATSB web site: one must be determined. There are three posts on the forum from P2 research; all of which are worthy of the time taken to work through. Took a while, two coffees and a walk around the orchard, but I managed to work through it all, worth every minute. P2 defines it as a ‘Cluster of Ducks’, in two parts. – Not quite the words I’d use, but, dear reader, what the research represents is a thing you must decide for yourself. See posts # 361 - #362 and - #365.

The ATSB’s purpose is defined by its mission statement: “Improve transport safety for the greatest public benefit through our independent investigations and influencing safety action”.

P2’s last post #365 – provides links to 58 ‘investigations; that list, standing alone raises questions to which, IMO, the tax paying public are fully entitled to have answered. What is presented is the result of a history which reaches back to the Lockhart River event; a history which clearly defines a progressive decline in reporting integrity and the increasing subservience to ‘system’, aided and abetted by the infamous MoU and provision of ministerial ‘credible deniability’. If you look beyond the ‘reports’ and ‘inquiry’ to ‘results’ the picture becomes crystal clear. The window dressing has become increasingly attractive; easily swallowed by press and public; but beyond the public window, it is the same old well protected slaughter house.

 “This above all: to thine own self be true,

Take any one of the 58 reports listed and then try to find any semblance of ‘positive’ action to prevent a repeat; or solid safety advisory enforced and made into a directive; or, in any form ‘pro-active’ coal face education offered to the aviation industry the ATSB is supposed to serve. I can save you hours of research – there ain’t any. Not since BASI departed the fix – and the MoU came into being, not since the ‘crash comic’ was replaced by self-promoting junk food for political and public service peace of mind and protection. Aye, it has all been on a slippery slope since Lockhart; ‘twas bad enough before Beaker, but all hope was dashed when Hood stepped up to bat; even when his departure created a small glimmer of hope; we got landed with the Wee Bearded Popinjay.

“But man, proud man,
Dress'd in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd—
His glassy essence—like an angry ape
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As makes the angels weep; who, with our spleens,
Would all themselves laugh mortal.”

No idea who said ‘prevention is better than cure’; but seems to me that it is a positive approach to ‘prevention’ which is required rather than a two or three year routine delay in a final report, let alone the outrageous seven off years for an event like the Essendon fiasco. Anyway, that’s it IMO - FWIW; we have a four tier system which is performing magnificently as top cover for the minister and the public service doyens; ASA, ATSB, CASA and the DoIT – ‘tis a lasting shame that they ain’t doing quite so well serving the aviation industry and the travelling public who support this very expensive edifice to (pick a word - ). Disgraceful, deceptive and wrong…..Hell yes.


“A third of population tend to corrupt. The rest have no money.”

Of the Minister's Chamber Pot.

A rare event; not often entered: mostly due to a lack of interest. However, every once a while, there is a ministerial need to make; at very least, a 'show' of emptying the thing. Even if just to reduce the stench of incompetence, arrogance and the unholy leavings of unbridled, unaccountable power, corrupted by lack of adult supervision. The latter being the most odious. Baksheesh...Pilots, air operators (and others), world wide: know and understand the rules under which the way of this very democratic, open, honest corruption works. The ancient ritual of 'Baksheesh' be it a 'tip' or donation (to a worthy cause – of course) has kept underpaid public officials above the breadline and helped to keep the wheels turning smoothly. An ancient, venerable system, one in which anyone with the 'good oil' can assist in greasing the wheels.

“When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons.

But, what of those who's income and security is well above that to which an ordinary human being may aspire and have little need of 'inspiration'. Those who are literally, legally and morally untouchable? Those who can, with benefit of full, compliant ministerial distance simply do whatever pleases 'em best – irrespective – and getaway not only Scot free, but actually add bonus, internal kudos and a ministerial blind eye (and occasional 'well done') to their annual haul. They have no need or even use for 'appeal' let alone the six pack of 'thank you; or donation to the RSCPA on their behalf. So, what course is open to the 'honest' citizen to 'move the mountain'? Short answer – there simply ain't one.

“I can’t do with mountains at close quarters – they are always in the way, and they are so stupid, never moving and never doing anything but obtrude themselves.”

Chronic, inherited Ministerial Anosmia may well serve for the short term tenure. It has been through many iterations now, a good servant to many ministers; and, along with the rose tinted glasses, variable volume hearing aid and cynical, cleverly drafted abrogation of any and all responsibility to industry or travelling public; then why should a Minister even consider emptying the reeking aviation chamber pot?

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organised conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.”

The current minister is lacking a little more than the good sense to smell the political breeze. Any notion that the agency troops will collectively fall on their swords to save her is but a Midsummer's Night dream. The list of incoming potential horror stories – in a legal and (dare I say ultimate responsibility)is a long one. I will only reiterate the core elements here as a courtesy to a minister new to the job. Madam; your last line of defence, the ATSB is devolving from an international joke to pariah.  In secundus, the Air Traffic Control system is almost at a point where a serious mid-air collision has become an expectation rather than a remote (long odds) probability. The 'governance' of civil aviation is so deeply mired in what is probably the most legally complex, pointless, counterproductive, expensive, risible mess as to be unfathomable by nations which have sensible, gold standard legislation and a productive, revenue generating industry.

“No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from.”

So. Tip out that pot before the foul mess contained be upended and ruin the shag pile carpet in the executive dunny. Someone has to 'get a grip' here before we all end up covered in the proverbial...

“No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.'

Aye well; my erstwhile apprentice finished his pair of saw horses – in the 'classic' style – good effort – considering. Thing is, he may have learned to construct and execute a complex joint; but – the real lessons were to sharpen both chisel and plane; those lessons he will keep forever; basic essentials, he never realised that those were the lessons I needed him to learn. Nope; you cannot roller skate in a Buffalo heard. No matter – away dogs! - mud and rain to play in. They do, indeed, know how to turn a cold, wet muddy night into a 'fiesta' of fun.


Oh, to be in Canberra;

Now that 'diversity is here; to be a protected species, and never have to fear.

Started the twiddle; fully intended to finish it, alas, fury and disgust took over as I progressed (and the computer quit). Given the almost unbelievable 'cost' to the nation for our alleged first world aviation 'safety system' paid for by the public and industry; add to that the gross negligence, blatant incompetence and complete lack of accountability – its no wonder folk get 'cranky'.

“In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”

Aviation folk have been concerned, critical and vocal for years (decades even), Senators have tried to correct the system for equally as long, despite their efforts, all good advice has been dismissed, recommendations have been turned inside out, used as bricks to reinforce the bastions of 'protection'. The final straw landed this week on the camel's back; research is 'sketchy' at the moment, but when and if the full story is confirmed, - well, then we shall see. On the surface at least it looks like 'diversity' has been not only 'weaponised', but monetised and supported by the government no less, with public money. Now, there's no evidence to support this, not yet: so best I can manage is to relate the whispers we hear – no guarantees - however and FWIW – verbatim I shall quote 'em. It is said to go something like this - Executive level grade are said to receive a bonus for promoting 'diversity'. One black, one white and one with a bit of 'light' on etc. Meet the quota – get a bonus. So should one of the protected ascend to a major role, make a complete pigs ear of the job, have staff hacked off and only doing the minimum required to keep their job, nodding on cue; their judgement and advice treated with contempt; in the real world there would be a hat, a coat, a bus ticket and a fare thee well. Seems that can't happen in a Quango; the bonus of the executive depends on the quota – not performance. I, for one have trouble believing this, unimpeachable evidence trumps hearsay, every time, and ex employees dare not speak out publicly, so we are stuck with rumour an whispers – so far. Then I wonder, that even with rock solid proof, could the system be changed? Changed enough attract industry support, talent, knowledge, experience and good intent; history says not. Anyway – we shall keep gathering the straws, in hope of eventually making some bricks.

It was beautiful and simple as all truly great swindles are.

P2 has put together a good round up of the way matters aeronautical stand; it is not a pretty picture; encompassing the bizarre antics of the ATSB, almost incomprehensible performance (lack thereof) from the ASA in providing the separation of air traffic the public and industry pay dearly for (bonus intact though); and, the whiff of internal wars within the CASA added to the usual messy application of rules no one seems to understand. The whole monolith seems to be heading South at a rate of knots, without any form of braking or steering system. Best free advice on offer is – when you are in a hole – 'stop digging'. It is at the moment a fairly deep, muddy, muddled excavation we are looking at – without any form of shoring – let us hope it does not take a major event to put an end to the burrowing into protection for bonus.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

I realise Tuesday is not Sunday; but my ageing computer decided to take a long weekend break and quit. The repair man found the bits he needed and issued a stern warning about future surgery and the benefits of modern equipment; but I like the old thing don'tcha know, so I shall keep it going as longs as I can find the bits needed.

That's it – some of us actually still have a work ethic and I'd best crack on.


But, there's hole in the bucket Dear Liza.

Apologies one link is causing a problem with all, can't seem to resolve it.

Chronic Snoozer PPrune - “Overnight/yesterday there were a raft of Head Office NOTAMs advising of various closures and operating restrictions due to Airservices. Restrictions ranged from "relevant approval from operating authority" and "access authority" required to "limited SIS provided" and "expect delay for clearance" alongside "pilots considering operating IFR in class G airspace shall contact Airservices by telephone" and "prior to operating in the TRA, pilots must obtain a briefing on contingency procedures from Airservices".

“Sometimes TIBA procedures are in force, sometimes not. Times vary from 40 minute periods to 6 hours stretches. Amongst others, Darwin, Gold Coast, Cairns, Ballina and Brisbane Centre were affected. A "helpful" contingency map address is put in the NOTAMs to alleviate any fears /s. One NOTAM listed no fewer than 75 air routes affected by the outage.” I'm not sure what pilots are supposed to make of this fruit salad of airspace and procedures. I wonder if airlines can expect a reduction in enroute and navigation charges seeing as limited to no services are being provided."

Gentle asks “WHO” will fix our leaky ASA bucket? Bloody good question – Fair question, one to which I cannot supply a definitive answer; but that there is a hole in the bucket is beyond doubt.

Gentle - “150 dead when an RPT jet collides with another…many very intelligent people (i.e. experienced RPT pilots and controllers) on the other PRU think still nothing would happen…I agree.” 

Hard to disagree; and the speed of 'blame avoidance' will make your eyes water. The rhetoric and parcel passing to date from ASA/ CASA leaves little room for doubt about that. Look at the responses so far – rather than state a solution of some sort; the immediate reach for 'legal' justification and blame shifting says it all. The notion that it will be an aircrew fault is deeply entrenched – see and avoid – yeah right..

However, we can try to field some candidates who 'should' be able, at very least, to make a fist of trying to undo their handiwork. The top dogs of the agencies are paid handsomely to manage their respective autonomous departments. The air traffic system is linked to the CASA system; seems to me that an afternoon spent (urgently) 'discussing' the situation and work shopping remedies would not be too big an ask – all things considered. The 'legal' self protection side appears, to a layman, as being pretty well sewn up, and working for them just fine. Which leaves the application and operational side to 'consider'. How hard can it be to identify the 'serious' risk, moderate risk and low risk areas and develop short, medium and long term 'fixes' for all areas. Ain't that what they are supposed to be doing; anyway – managing; not ducking, weaving and reaching for legal justification? Now here I could be in error; but, I believe that when it comes to ICAO compliance and holding the 'whip hand' the Department can say jump and the frogs only need to know how high, perhaps they could issue the 'sort it now, now' edict. Whatever happens, IMO the first thing needed is an acknowledgement that in some areas there exists a problem or two; then present a remedy, with explanation and future steps, time lined and tied to a person responsible. (Unthinkable I know).

“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.”

Maybe an in cloud, at night, in icing on descent experience of an eerie green glow and strobe flash at close quarters would let them see just how quickly and easily it can all turn into bloody rags and charred remains. Never did find out if that aircraft was climbing or descending – but the driver was wearing green socks. So apart from that and not being privy to anything other than REPCON, ATSB reports and the general (Pub) information; the solutions remain firmly beyond both my remit and pay grade.

“A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible.”

Item next:-

Wombat “As for centralisation and decentralisation; bureaucrats have played this game for at least 2000 years. The change is both meaningless and pointless. Those expelled from Canberra will feel aggrieved because their “customer” is Spence, the Board and the Minister -those are the people they need to be close to if they want advancement. The last thing bureaucrats want to do is have to talk to the peasants at the outstations”.

Aye, and that there was 'scandal' swept under the financial carpet when McCormick closed the field offices; rents paid up for years to come – left vacant. Huge sums expended and IMO to the great detriment of 'safety' and operational compliance. Back when the earth was soft and the sky was misty, 'we' - from hanger rat to owner/operator knew, up close and personal the CASA officers (DCA back then). You did not take liberties and they were qualified, competent folk for the most part. One could with a little patience seek and be granted an audience and have matters explained in a way that made sense. Of course that was in the days when the Air Navigation Orders (ANO) were 'live' and were almost 100% ICAO compliant. “No legal head of power” howled a new blood and the fate of the ANO's was sealed. To this day, using the ANO as a base block for compliance is still a good starting place (but I digress). Now CASA is moving house again; Gods alone know the sums involved, but that ain't the real cost. The cost is in faith, trust and reliability of service; perhaps regaining that, rather than shuffling the bodies around should be the focus of 'movement'.

No matter, we have finally figured out why 'Vertiports' (a.k.a. Heliports) have become Pup Spence's distraction de jour. It is all for aeronautical sign post launch don't ya know.  – A drone clutching a 'Caution traffic ahead' flashing sign or “Get your clearance HERE” or; call 118.35 now to order your big Mac for your arrival: - Oh yes, they will generate revenue through advertising. Imagine a drone popping up by the cockpit window flashing a sign - “Caution Tall buildings exist on the runway centre line Go-around risky, take off scary – sponsored by your friendly DFO impinging on centre runway. Ayup, wonder how we can get a contract to build a Vertiport close to an airway? Risk management CASA style – nothing like it ever seen before; and-(hopefully) - never again).

“Some score of members of the High Court of Chancery bar ought to be --- as here they are --- mistily engaged in one of the ten thousand stages of an endless cause, tripping one another up on slippery precedents, groping knee-deep in technicalities, running their goat-hair and horse-hair warded heads against walls of words, and making a pretence of equity with serious faces ....”

It is considered in some circles most un gentlemanly to taunt a useful idiot. The proviso being that the idiot is of some actual use. In our long years together, the redoubtable P2 has researched and analysed many of the ATSB reports – the positive, useful, helpful and believable may be plotted on a graph axis- the wittering and rubbish plotted on t'other. On balance and fairness the downward leg has been in a steady decline for a good while now– just a steady 'slump' toward the bottom, while the useful line has maintained a pretty constant low median. Well, it did until the 'Attributive Popinjay' hopped into the Kangaroo infested Cantberra swamp and got his picture in the paper. What may be attributed to Popinjay is the woeful state of ATSB reporting since he rescued that innocent Joey (against it's will) taking its morning bath. More quality, timely ATSB reporting is needed (they can do it) : less useful idiot dragging 'em down with waffle and spouting puerile rubbish in the media.. 

“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am - not stuck in the middle, but hovering above the entire farcical spectrum, weeping as I behold my fellow man's devotion to political illusion and self-destruction.”

But - Well done the Repcon crew – Bravo!..(So nice to be able to say that). Bravo and well done (much better)....For the first time in history P2 has gifted a Choc Frog to a REPCON; this one – HERE – that now joins the elite file; keeping company with the NTSB and the AIB best. Going to be lonesome in there – the others have many, many Choc Frog wrappers – but nice to see ATSB (with industry help) finally getting their first.

There are solutions; problem solvers exist, what seems to be lacking is an admission that we have dug ourselves into a deep, confused hole and cannot find an exit. Yet the most obvious solution has been provided and is available – the FAA/NZ ICAO compliant rule set and a willingness to accept that there are real life problems within and do something positive rather than prevaricate and hide behind esoteric law and live in denial. As matters stand, I doubt even a smoking hole will ring the changes; the last one at Essendon has waited almost seven years for the obvious to be examined. Good enough? Value for money? Improved 'safety'? Oh, I think not. Perhaps a mass protest and media coverage would turn the trick – fat chance right..


Sounds of silence - Echos of the past.

Having Estimates being on the near horizon always gets the old memory box chugging away; and, of course comparing the sessions and battles between folk like Murky and Heffernan; Xenophon, Fawcett, Nash and many many others of 'good will. They never did kick too many goals but, at very least, they tried and often won the skirmish but never quite got around to winning the battle – such is political life. Any BRB 'discussion' invariably drags in ex Ministers. Now I admit Aunt Pru gave them hell, all in a good cause – reform. But at least they were 'visible, active and involved'; maybe even a little interested beyond 'politics'. We delighted in goading them to do more;  bless, cuss and respect 'em, they did try; and, we always had something to 'work' with. But this new minister, apart from being completely disinterested in the portfolio, has maintained a profound silence related to any and all 'matters aeronautical' if not a disinterested disdain.

“Staying silent is like a slow growing cancer to the soul and a trait of a true coward.”

The incumbent 'outfit running the joint' seem to be happily sitting deaf, dumb and blinkered: awaiting Albo's great white paper; (another one) sigh. It may well turn out that 'the department' have realised that they do have some significant power and can actually ring the changes through enforcing 'compliance' with ICAO – they can actually insist on this. So now we toss a coin and wait for Estimates to see if, perhaps, maybe, the department has 'grasped the nettle' and see that the simple, common sense way forward is to align Australia with the rest of the world. Betts is no mans fool, the chap drafting the white paper is a clever lad; and, gods know the facts and evidence are there in abundance. They must know – that to remain relevant and in touch with global aviation reality the only way forward is ICAO compliance – the deal we signed up to in Chicago (the one small convention most of the world signed up to). Australia did and then happily toddled off to not only ignore that, but have deliberately become the nation with the most lodged differences; al'a Aleck and his long time, (not at the 'bar') mate Illich. Enough said.

“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.”

So; what's on the Sterle agenda for the next round of Estimates? 'Silence, was the Sterle reply' - more silence; great sheets of the stuff – why? If ever an outfit was in need of a 'good seeing to' it is the ATSB and yet, they are excused. How, under any sensible, responsible government can the ATSB be not only questioned about their almost unbelievably poor performance, the time taken and the money spent in achieving this great 'so what'. Whilst claiming – in the name of 'improved' safety outcomes through expert 'examination', recommendations and enforcement of their safety reports to be 'effective. The answer is they cannot be; not on current performance; to acknowledge this at Estimates level would make it 'official' and there would have to be change. Aye, silence – is the cowards answer; don't ask the question when the real answers would be 'unpalatable' to the protected minister. Bollocks..

“Facts have an inestimable value no matter how unpalatable they may be.”

But wait! - There's more. As a long time 'student' of the 'laws of probability' and an active participant in real life where those laws apply; (bookies odds); I wonder whether Sterle has the balls, guts and heart to ask ASA what, in the seventh Hell they are playing at; and, (importantly) how are they going to fix it, and when; like now, today? In real numbers, the percentage chances of two public transport (voters) aircraft colliding are 'remote' – they exist, but with a fully operational and serviceable publicly funded Air Traffic Control (ATC) system the chances are 'slim' to anorexic – provided that service is 'functional' and is providing the service the public and air operators pay dearly for. FACT – it is not at the 100% best level, as advertised. What you will not see at 'Estimates' is top level ATC operators explaining why the level of service has diminished to the point where the risk of two aircraft 'swapping paint' has increased to a point where aircrew are 'uncomfortable'. What you will see is Halfwit and his bean counter crying poor and denying that there are serious problems in the technical, operational and staffing areas. Obfuscation, time constraints and excuses are what Sterle will rule in next week, while the committee questions are simply run out of time and Questions on Notice (QoN) will be three months in the answering, carefully crafted to allow the Senators and minister 'off-the-hook'. Don't believe me – just sit through the session. The tote is open.....

“I could deny it if I liked. I could deny anything if I liked.”

CASA will, in all probability make an 'appearance' at Estimates – on late, as usual. The panel will be tired and distracted by all the left overs from other sessions and QoN answers they rely on. Pup Spence will do her usual imitation of the ultimate 'slug-a-bed' – dodging and weaving; totally incapable of admitting that CASA have engineered the worlds greatest cock-up of managing an aviation regulatory system; believe ICAO compliance is only a thing to frighten small children and that her and her 'vertiport' team and 'car salesman' mouthpiece have all the answers and Avmed is a world leader is aviation medicine. Sterle will follow the script like a good, little well trained party hack – his position of the how to vote card ensures that no boats will be rocked; or, allowed to be rocked at Albo's estimates. He could explore why Albo's fuel tax (a one off to bail out CASA) is still on – Nah; self interest, the party line, and disinterest in trucks, ships and planes, in that order will rule the chairman's approach of what is supposed to be an 'inquiry' conducted on behalf of the travelling/voting/paying  public and their welfare will be spun off into the great wilderness of insignificant industry complaint. Bollocks writ large. The tote is open; all bets taken.

“Few love to hear the sins they love to act.”

Big dog just brought my boots to me; I can take a hint – lovely cool night, possums to bark at. Smells to follow, free to run, walk or canter as pleases. The cat, alas, prefers to sprint ahead, hide and jump out at the big dog – problem is big fellah knows exactly where the Mog is – and is quite capable of sneaking up behind and barking. Ever see a cat jump four feet up, vertical from a standing start – I have – and dogs can actually laugh; score about even – so far..


The Grrrr 8 White - !

Come with me on a short journey – won't take long; best I set the scene first, before we begin. You have entered an old style 'pub' – the real deal; open fire place, large old style Australian Cedar sash windows (carefully restored by yours truly) – dart board and a blackboard. There is a 'blue haze' of cigar and cigarette smoke, ashtrays on aged wooden tables and a fairly eclectic selection of active and used Ale glasses. The space is inhabited by about two dozen blokes: between them, somewhere north of 250,000 collective command hours of various transport aircraft, across the civilised and not so civilised world. P7 ambles in, calls the crew to order and the BRB indaba and darts match begins. But first he asks them to sit a while and watch the selected video recording from last Estimates. Only one:– for it, standing alone, defines something quite 'wrong' within the way not only aviation, but the nation is 'managed' by the incumbent government and its minions.

As scribe and bookie to the BRB I have sat, watched and listened to many an indaba; many. But never, not in the long history of such gathering have I ever heard such a profound silence as the tape played; nor such 'outrage' eventually expressed as the evening progressed. The disgust level – off the scale – which is saying something, for this is a 'seasoned' crew.

“Deception and misdirection are our tools. We don’t believe in hard work when a false face and a good line of bullshit can do so much more.”

I have not, as yet, defined, not exactly, which element created the outrage. There are a few options; for instance, the sly, borderline disingenuous hints that the previous government did nothing of note to alter the dire straits Australian aviation is in; though patently untrue. We could forgive that as forecast 'politicking'. A strong candidate for first place was the simple fact two Labour ministers between 'em set up the grand cock-up we have today. No one else set this system up – the opposition made a few doomed to failure attempts but; weak ministers and bad advice were never going to shake loose the false idol – far too easy to accept the 'expert' top cover on offer to cover ignorance of/ interest in portfolio - short term solution but effective.

Do we need another 'White' paper to define the problem? Is there a need to support the time and cost of the wretched thing? - Resounding No. We know the problems; the solution simple; ICAO compliance and NZ rules.  Easy as....

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

“I have intimate knowledge of the white paper” is repeatedly squawked by the great White lump – 'full bottle am I” it claims and etc. The idiots on the departmental panel nodding and grinning; then smiling, realising they had top cover at Senate level. I reckon the only white paper White is truly acquainted with is the soft white stuff; used daily to mop up the utterly disingenuous twaddle spouted. There is an industry in dire trouble and this 'lump' wants to politicise it – in the Estimates - . “Duck that” howls the mob as the darts match begins. I can honestly say that I have never, ever, seen the whole crew as 'furious' as they were. Hell, they even let the ATCO's nearly win; (close but no cigar).

“It is a press written by Homo Tewler for Homo Tewler all up and down the scale. The Times Tewler, the Daily Mail Tewler, the Herald, the Tribune, the Daily Worker; there is no difference except a difference in scale and social atmosphere. Through them all ran the characteristic Tewler streak of wilful ignorance, deliberate dis ingenuousness, and self-protective illusion.”

But the final insult was yet to come, every bit as cynical and manipulated as the attempt to blame 'others' for the diabolical mess those 'intimate' with soft white paper created. Listen as the 'time line' is trotted out – soft white delivered about Christmas this year – (big public service break coming) – then a 'Green' thing toward the end of next year (for consultation you understand) which takes 2024 out of the reform odds for that year – another six months of procrastination and – bugger me – its 'caretaker' time again'; (new elections – no time to spare – civil service knocks off etc.) - and sweet Fanny Arbuckle has changed - except the huge bill for all of this twaddle. You do realise that 'we' pay these people to do this – Oh you do; please say you understand......

“So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.”

Aye; 'Tis all of little to no consequence – not so long as government will not remove the protective seeing and hearing 'safety' equipment provided by the things they keep in clover. No matter – and my opinion counts for sod all; however, when, through ASA management incompetence two passenger aircraft meet and go gently into the night; and the ATSB response is legally defined as an arse covering load of 'cobblers' and the legal fraternity discover CASA has been talking through it's collective arse for decades, relying on homespun rules – well, perhaps then, maybe – when its all too late – someone may discover honesty and integrity; I await that day..

"Thus, I do not see what use there is in those mills of the gods said to grind so late as to render punishment hard to be recognised, and to make wickedness fearless."

No matter; I have an edict to respond to – and a photograph (1830 ish) to guide me. The incredibly expensive (imported and air lifted) fine timber is still in its transport frame, parked at the doorway of the stable. From this an exact copy of a 1750 AD+/- French dining table is to be made – a 'knock-off' if you will. Tomorrow, I shall unpack the parcel – but not tonight; sunshine, sobriety and a sanguine mind will estimate, evaluate and begin. But enough: big dog has been gently awoken by the Mog; little dog is sat at the door – the orchard and the river bank awaits. Away mad animals – lead, I shall toddle along behind, baccy, boots, beer for the road – Checked...


“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?

Bloody good question that one; and pertinent in so many ways. We, in aviation land  are beset by many 'puzzles'; indeed there is a long (long) list of such things – all begging intelligent, clearly articulated answers of the 'cash and no bull-shit' type.  - Alas.

“Then we got into a labyrinth, and, when we thought we were at the end,came out again at the beginning, having still to see as much as ever.”

Much like Plato – we seem to amble endlessly through an intricate maze; seeking only the exit into sunshine and fresh air with some of our questions answered; tough gig. It seems not to matter which entrance one takes to the maze.  Go through the 'engineering portal' guided by an equally confounded 'master' of that game and whilst he is not totally lost and knows exactly where the 'exit' is – he still runs into mirages and thick, cloying cobwebs of ignorance, deception and hidden locked doors.  It is quite a journey when taken with master Cannane; and, he does know the pathways. There is a map – the AMROBA newsletter and massive efforts behind the scenes seem to at least be bringing some 'clarity' to those in the DoIT who purport to be 'the' experts' in formulating Australia's way out of the engineering conundrum.

“ no one did it occur the book and the maze were one and the same thing.”

Another seemingly innocuous portal is the aviation medical certification one; a good companion to have before daring to enter this dark realm is 'Lead Balloon' who has ventured many times into this swampy, misty realm where nothing seems to be exactly what it appears to be. You could be forgiven for thinking the CVD pilot's battles were over; many approved to be 'operational' – 'living the dream' only to discover that yet again, the goal posts have been shifted at half time. This applies to many other 'matters' which conflict with accredited 'expert' specialist advice; which standing alone is a step to take; but, when it comes to adopting world best practice? Well, the resident experts in what seems to every field of 'medicine' seem to be a little gun shy. A tricky, subjective labyrinth this one, expert opinion nil; secret meeting cohort ahead - by simply disregarding anything which dares disagree with their 'opinion'.

“It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”

Of course, to penetrate the mysteries of Avmad; one must gain entry to the 'Doors of Durin' - “speak friend and enter”.

Much like Gandalf and his crew gaining entrance through the use of the 'Elvish' word for 'friend' was only the start of a a whole load of troubles they could have happily done without. For lurking within this sinister maze are creatures unimaginable, all with an 'agenda'.To transit this particular maze, one needs not only nerves of steel, big reserves, minister supported (no matter what) and an indefatigable bucket of self righteousness. Hard to beat. The only way to escape from the deep dark halls is acquiescence. Coulson a stellar example of 'go along to get along'. Happily making coin off a 'foreign air operator certificate' (FAOC) - USA crew all fully immersed in the FAA way of doing 'stuff', trained and fostered in the US of A. It is a great puzzle – why; in the name of operational clarity would you decide to adopt the CASA 'way' of operating against a world of experience under sensible rules. Why? Then there is the nagging 'operational' questions which would normally have CASA in conniptions – a constant flow of 'heads' of whatever; the Martin/ CASA connection, the speed of approvals – etc. All passing strange – very, very peculiar. No matter – P2 is on the 'bins' and there will be much more to follow (MTF) – there is most definitely something 'not quite kosher' here; it all just 'feels' somehow wrong. MTF a racing certainty...

“No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.”

No 'bold guesses' required to exit the swampy maze of the great ASA FUBAR; at least they are travelling 'in company with'. They seem to be equally as lost as the rest of us; with NDI of how to escape the labyrinth they, all by themselves, have created for us all to wander about in. Ever doomed to wonder how the Hell we get out of this swamp? When you remember back to the sterling work and benefit of BASI and the peerless 'traffic' service aviation used to get before 'profit' and KPI bonus kicked in; not to mention MH 370 or the Mangalore mid -air; or the Essendon DFO or the Tasmanian debacle or the Darwin award for traffic separation or even the humble bird strike ledger. It is more than reasonable to ask the keepers of the exit key - “have you got any idea where the exit is?” -

“A capacity, and taste, for reading, gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others. It is the key, or one of the keys, to the already solved problems. And not only so. It gives a relish, and facility, for successfully pursuing the [yet] unsolved ones.”

But; I ramble, so many rabbit holes, so many tunnels; all leading to the same place dear Alice found herself when she fell into the rabbit hole – and whether that tale is 'fact' or a fanciful fiction is seriously brought into doubt by the visible, articulated, clearly dysfunctional, complete failure of ALBO's vision splendid – that draped in green and white paper – the stuff strangling what should be a thriving, world class aviation nation. It ain't – not by a long shot it ain't. So, where's the duckling exit?/?/?........

A few years ago, Science endeavoured to show that it was not inconsistent with the bible. The tables have been turned, and now, Religion is endeavouring to prove that the bible is not inconsistent with Science. The standard has been changed.”

Aye; no matter eh? What is important is the moisture content in my fine timber- ever so slowly it acclimatises to the workshop and 'relaxes'. Too dry – a mess – too wet a disaster – all the hand cut joints need to be made and fettled at a point where expansion and contraction due moisture are taken out of the equation (+/-). 'Twist' is a problem; I can cure it – but – doing so reduces stock size by thousands of an inch, which leads to problems later on. Not to worry- the Mog has taken ownership; I even got bitten for daring to ask HRH to move over while I check the lumber. Aye well; there's time for an Ale (maybe even two) before we venture out into a cloudy night.

“What can poor mortals say about clouds?”

Selah,  (and may your gods go with you).

From the ridiculous to the 'Cor Blimey'.

No long strides required, not to cross the narrow divide between the sublime into the ridiculous; but, you have to try hard to reach the Cor Blimey side of the paddock. However, our not so illustrious ATSB have managed it; no less than on the 30 year anniversary of the report which created the 'legend' (myth) of Australia's gold standard accident investigation and making Prof Reasons theory into a stark reality. Consider this; for many, many years professional aviators and their 'management' have based much of the 'safety' ethos we operate to on the wisdom passed along through the BASI 'Safety Digest' – Cautionary tales turned into sage advice; short, clearly enunciated warnings; and, education with regard to 'engineering' surprises. It is worth every minute of your time to read and consider the BASI report into the Monarch tragedy – three decades ago.

Monarch - BASI.

When your done with that; if you can stand it – take a close look at some of the piffle pumped out in a flurry lately - as 'press releases' - (attributed to) then, when you are done with the bucket; grab another coffee and read the Coroners remarks – HERE – on the seaplane fatal in Jericho Bay on the Hawksebury river. Then ask yourself a simple question – WTF has happened to our ATSB?.

“Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big enough majority in any town?

But; no matter say the optimists – we have the all seeing CASA to keep us all on the right track; its OK for ATSB to be little more than a PR agency, run by a media fixated buffoon; nope, CASA will make it all better. “Yeah right”: say the multitude, as they beg leave to ask some serious questions. They try, but inevitably, just walk away, shaking their wooden heads, finding any attempt to be utterly unproductive. From the top down; the level of aeronautical and engineering incompetence is writ large. Which should not matter if (big one) the head of the circus had any notion, even vaguely related to the care and feeding of an aviation industry. For a cool million per annum; the tax paying public should, at very least, be able to know that 'the boss' had some idea of which end of an engine the smoke comes out of – alas. Now then; we may be able to slide by and forgive a total ignorance of 'operations' – but not when an assault (one of the many) is being allowed to play out; in the face of absolute CEO supported bastardy. Spence has allowed the Buckley matter to become a matter of international attention. Spence has stuck her head so deeply into the sand on not only the Buckley matter, but of so many other important matters that through her continued, farcical attempts at running CASA her tenure has become insupportable. Honourable resignation (al'a Skidmore) is definitely not an option; not any longer. There are but two options and no choices – do the 'decent' last thing; repair the Buckley matter – before slinking away to clerical anonymity.

“In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong"

Of course as 'matters aeronautical' go, slowly, but irreversibly, to Hell - in a hand cart; one looks to the government and particularly to the minister 'in charge'. Sorry; my mistake – there is no 'minister in charge – is there. An industry on it's knees; three very expensive, independent of government - (except for government tax dollars dolled out and fees imposed for 'service') - 'safety agencies'. I say 'service' in the most rudimentary application; much as the Boar services the sow to produce piglets. Royally and often, is industry 'served'; and the poor old tax payer keeps meeting the stud fee. 'Excuse us minister – but what exactly are we getting in the way of peerless 'safety' for us when we travel by or work within the air?

"No answer," was the stern reply!

Aye, silence is a wondrous balm; the deep quite of the workshop and the steady progress of plane, saw and chisel as the design takes form; a tiny jewel of blood on a corner from a careless second – to mark my being – no harm done. But the denial and silence and reams of white paper from a government which is not only witness to the decline, the expense and bastardy; but happily spends millions to protect an aberration while declining every and all responsibility to the people they tax to support this abomination.– It beggars not only confidence and credibility; but leaves folk to wonder if perhaps there is actually “something rotten in the State of Denmark”?

“A beggar works by standing out of doors in all weathers and getting varicose veins, chronic bronchitis, etc. It is a trade like any other; quite useless, of course--but, then, many reputable trades are quite useless.”

Yes; yes - I know, back to my knitting; but seriously folks?..............What is the fascination cats have with keyboards? Dogs have no idea (not allowed on the bench of course) but Mog seems to have ambitions to become a typist – the last effort 'impressive' in volume - if not in logic. No matter; it seems cigar smoke, Ale fumes and TOM arriving are a sure fire cure for feline keyboard callisthenics. Company on our nocturnal rambles – of the finest kind. A nod at the doors and away go the canine cohort; 30 yards behind the feline 'leader' – big dog looks back over his shoulder; and, you know - I'd swear he's smiling.

Selah - ..

Brunch - with Buckley.

It is a good thing to see and hear Glen's matter being 'cast' into some legal semblance; a 'well done and a thank you' is well deserved by Master McKenzie. The 'legal' mind works a little differently to us mortal folk; but that aside it is the 'steadying' calm influence that McKenzie brings to the table which, IMO, is a great asset to Buckley. The 'thing' which has always intrigued me about the whole thing is (as per usual) Why?

The easy motive pick is 'competition'. Glen achieved a very difficult goal; the Part 142 operating certificate opened some fairly important doors; like airline training contracts etc. Second favourite would be 'political' – the useful idiot, posing as minister seemed enamoured of the SOAR scam and of course the approval of the world first 'tail-wind' ILS. There is however a dark horse in the running...

But, whichever motive you fancy; there is one sure bet in the mystery of the 'Why Cup'. It is, of course, CASA. The history of the Buckley matter is mighty weird. Buckley had been around for years; well established; model (ish) citizen; praised for the Part 142 work done by CASA; certificate on the wall - well accepted by industry etc. etc. Then 'Wallop' all bets are off; and just like that, Glen achieves poverty and pariah status, almost over night (in the time scale of the analysis)..

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”

I note that the truly awful 'Commode' has only made allegations within the Senate Estimates; never outside of that arena and, as far as we can tell, the Police have not held (TBOMK) a brief to investigate those allegations made at Estimates. Then you have creatures like Crawford and Martin (Alec acolytes) going after Glen, hammer and tong. The whole thing stinks to the high heavens of someone being 'put in his place' methinks, – for daring to speak an educated opinion on the new raft of potentially ruinous regulation; those being someone's signature Hurrah? I wonder -

“I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.”

We here do try to mix it up a bit; indeed many of the BRB would love to see even a glimmer of hope emerging from the sludge we are obliged to witness pouring out of our three defunct of operational value' safety agencies'. Indeed it would be a thing of great delight to report on any small withdrawal from the swamp of ineptitude - the Three Legged race to the bottom. A clear winner – one who shook off the shackles and set the way out of the boggy bottoms; Alas.  Three decades ago it was a very different race; the Monarch tragedy was investigated by the BASI – they stepped out of shadow and produced a brilliant report with wide implications, a benchmark of integrity and excellence – things changed and 'safety' was improved. Bravo; encore? No! Why not?

“As a rule, the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be. It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify.”

There are serious matters which are demanding the attention of the DoIT – from Airspace control and passenger safety, to mid-air collision, to building effect on runway safety margins; which raises yet another eye watering anomaly. Below this scribble I have just finished an eight page draft on the current artificial restrictions CASA have placed on 'scheduled' services into Torres Straight Island air services. It is not for publication: it is for other 'Subject Matter Experts' (SME) a creature neither CASA or ATSB seem to possess. They excel in Bollocks and 'rules' – but fail to consider the strips in PNG or Lord Howe – then talk of the 'at risk' time line; do the maths – apply common or garden logic – (but enough)  I digress.

“a great way to hide the truth is to write a lot of non-fiction”

Aye, we certainly do have a lot of 'non fiction' floating about just now. One classic example is the the ATSB response to the ATCO REPCON. Sydney is a reasonably busy port, not manic, but busy – the ATC is short staffed and that 'elevated risk' has been diligently reported now to the ATSB. The ATSB has responded – HERE – to the 15 open, honest, SME REPCON appeals for 'help'. The current ATSB wordsmiths have completely covered themselves in dishonour: demeaning the appeals of the men and women who created a sterling reputation three decades ago. The response is cynical in the extreme and, IMO, down right lethal. They have extrapolated 15 paragraphs from the REPCON, stitched 'em together to make the matter seem like a bunch of old ladies snivelling about the tea being cold. To add insult to injury, they have assisted ASA to credible deniability and left the victims of a gross system cock up, to 'suck it up'. Everyone off the hook except for the boys and girls on 'the consuls' - risking serious charges should they drop the ball. Meanwhile the lack of ATC services (turned off as and when deemed acceptable) continues advising aircrew that 'they' alone are responsible for separation. The three headed dragon meanwhile slumbers in Canberra with a full tummy and a cosy blanket to rest under. The immortal words “Houston, we have a problem” go unanswered – there's no one at the consul to help. But, in defence of the ATSB; they did put out an important 'advertorial' encouraging the owners of Van aircraft to 'consider' a nose wheel modification. Sheeeit!; that's a real safety award winner that is – breathtaking; worth every penny of the tax payers money.

“For it falls out

That what we have we prize not to the worth

Whiles we enjoy it, but being lacked and lost,

Why, then we rack the value, then we find

The virtue that possession would not show us

While it was ours.”

There is salvation; at the keg stands TOM, two foaming pint glasses, freshly (and expertly) pulled – he lights a cigar and stands by the stove - “long day?” - “Aye” says I “long enough”. So, time to post this twiddle; finesse a cigar, drink a hard earned Ale and let the system reach the bottom it needs to find before integrity and good sense prevail again. Until then – Cheers.


Of 20/20 Hindsight and all that.

We, and I do include myself, have, on occasion allowed ourselves the indulgence of 'losing it' once in a while; always regretted later in varying amounts, depending on the amount of 'destruction' left behind in the aftermath. It could be argued that provided the damage was limited and of a personal nature; then matters can be resolved – almost. But – the memory of the event can, will and does reside in the memory of those you 'lost it' with. It ain't so bad on a personal level; the air cleared and the friendship can continue on a revised basis – provided the 'recipient' is willing to let bygones be 'bygones. But; and this one matters; when there are many people depending on an outcome – when your actions affect the many; deeds and words matter. This is why diplomats and the like are very careful about what they say; to whom they say it; and, the possible repercussions their 'words' may invoke. This, it seems to me, is particularly important when dealing with a situation where an 'enemy' contra position is, without doubt, the preferred, preordained, option. I sought 'Google's' help for sage advice on dealing with 'tricky' potentially lethal diplomatic situations (not having much of my own)– in the time honoured diplomatic sense: herein, is what I found:-

“Diplomacy is the velvet glove that cloaks the fist of power.”

Which brings me to Master Morgan, CEO AOPA (Australia), CASA Avmed and the wee dummy spit Morgan had recently at a 'working group' sit down; without a 'fist of power' and and no sign of a velvet glove. Now (and this is important) we only have Morgan's version of 'the facts' – there are no minutes of meeting freely available to the industry. No doubt, many of the points raised in the Morgan tirade ring true and facts support the outrage he has expressed; for it is true that Avmed and the TWG 'pilot medical' system is a fixed fight. The outcome of the 'happy-clappy' sit and nod is preordained; and, as totally bloody useless as a 2000 kg limit, against any sensible notion espoused by the FAA or the UK CAA.

“But it doesn't take a thousand men to open a door, my lord." - "It might to keep it open.”

Wise words - Morgan had the door open – right there, at the table, with 'fact and evidence' to kick the 2000 kg limit out of the paddock. But no, Manderson, with an open target (gifted) redirected the shot and; unfortunately – the Morgan nether regions caught it. Never to darken the doors again – not ever. I am certain that many 'diplomats' have been at the point of 'losing it' in some fairly heavy duty 'meetings' but – 'not losing it' – well those are the 'arts and skills' of that trade; not a game for amateurs: not when it matters – a lot – to the many .

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Alas – rather than persisting on a solid line of proven logic; one which could 'encourage' a reluctant CASA Avmed to 'get with the universal program' i.e. the unassailable 'advantage' of a world class, gold standard, proven system was, like the baby – was tossed out with the emotive bath water. The counter to the CASA restrictive argument is, almost globally. now writ large and freely available; along with a small mountain of supporting; irrefutable evidence.

Result – the only 'arse' which received a bullet was Morgan's – self inflicted at that.

“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”

There: IMO, is the great failure – not only did Morgan present 'the enemy' with ammunition; he then demonstrated how to execute the act. This self inflicted injury has not only damaged his ability to 'act' on behalf of the GA population; but made his participation in any and all discussion of the future for GA untenable. He simply has taken himself out of the game – never to be invited to another gabfest. Counterproductive at best - but to gift the weapon of 'justified exclusion' to 'the enemy' is unforgivable. From that 'pregnant moment' in history the colossal repair work required will need skill, time, patience and some pretty nifty 'diplomatic' footwork, to be allowed back at the table. You cannot score runs sitting in the pavilion. 

“You have no idea how much it contributes to the general politeness and pleasantness of diplomacy when you have a little quiet armed force in the background”

Again, wise words – and that 'quiet armed force' is not only freely available; but willing to enter discussion with and bring some semblance of reality to the CASA Avmad ensemble, the nodders and those who simply go along to get along; for wont of 'proper' advocacy. AOPA Australia needs to call on the global fraternity and kick the CASA twaddle into a cocked hat – with logic and evidence. But, I can't see the USA or UK weighing in to support an association which presents, as 'the voice' of Australian GA, a fellah who gets himself excluded, no matter the justification or insult, from any and all future discussion, without scoring a single run against the opposition. Don't make any sense to me; but then, I ain't that bright...However:-.

“If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”

Aye, and there's the trick alright – seems Morgan, like it or not, is well and truly neutered; best to jump before pushed methinks. But then I've been wrong before - 1956 from memory. But, at the end of the day; when all said and done – fill in the blank – HERE.

No matter; non of it. The important news is that I have had a small victory over 'the Mog'. I have managed to finish the table – (looks great) but I need to apply 'the finish' base for the expert and venerable 'french polishing guru'. So, I applied a coat of 'Shellac' to a fairly substantial 'off cut' and left on the bench – turned away to make a coffee and, low and behold (look surprised) – Mog went for an amble on it. I watched with mixed emotions and some small sympathy as she tried to clean up her sticky paws; my table is now safe from incursions and never again will the smell of shellac entice a wander on a finished surface (four hours of plane and scraper work saved).

No prizes for guessing what comes next; dogs, night air, illicit smoke and fresh air to waft away cares. Away dogs– let us begone and be done with this infernal keyboard which can't spell for nuts.


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