The Sunday Brunch Gazette.

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Ref: Sterle 23/05/17 - CASA shiney bums taking the pee on drones

In the war of words:

Which includes some very 'light' amorphous reports and responses to the same, one has to wonder how much longer the entire farcical game can continue before someone calls 'Time'. Aviation is not the only victim; but it stands as a good example of how far removed from reality many official agencies are, despite the best efforts of those who have money, blood, sweat and tears invested a business. The rough and tumble of everyday life is enough to deal with, the swings and roundabouts of owning and managing any business a tough row to hoe at the best of times; that is the road chosen, the gamble taken, win loose or draw: the ultimate responsibility rests with those who have the most invested, usually their own. But what of those who are remote from their decisions taken, those actions, decisions and rulings which affect the business of hard won business?

Quote:St Commode "..Mr Buckley—as you've probably noticed, and you'll notice my emotion in this—has harassed my staff and continues to do so under PPRuNe and just about every other website. He makes unsubstantiated allegations, and I'm quite happy to deal with them. He has assaulted my staff, he has stalked my staff in the Melbourne office and, frankly, we've had enough of him.."

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“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.” ― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

These folk live in a different world; remote, cloistered, protected – not for them the risks of investment. I wonder how many owner/operators of a modest fleet of aircraft would like to bank AUD $650,000 every year plus super, every year, without a shred of real risk or responsibility? With a whole army of expensive folk in support of the eternal arse covering game, making it up as they go along, without either the knowledge, qualification or experience to mark their claim to such a luxurious billet. It all reminds me of the tale of Oliver Twist - “Please, sir, I want some more.” The overfed governance of the orphanage, charged with the care and feeding of the less fortunate had a violent reaction to this simple request from a hungry boy – the parallel drawn is accurate.

Quote:"Section 9A of the Civil Aviation Act(1)  In exercising its powers and performing its functions, CASA must regard the safety of air navigation as the most important consideration."

If you ever wanted a clearer example of why Section 9A of the Act has totally  embuggered the Australian General Aviation Industry IMO this Senate Estimates session is it - : (

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“If you shut yourself up disdainfully in your ivory tower and insist that you have your own conscience and are satisfied with its approval, it is because you know that everybody is criticising you, condemning you, or laughing at you.”— Luigi Pirandello

Although not quite in the same weight division as Oliver Twist, Ben Morgan of the AOPA is in the same boat; three issues worthy of serious, timely action are discussed on the 'face-book' feed (videos); they are well worth the time and effort to look up and watch. The discussion on 'Spin recovery' as scripted by CASA to instructing pilots is one; the discussion on 'self declared medical' another and the battle to have 'independent' flight instructors. These modest demands have been 'on the table' for a long while; they reflect world best practice and backed by sane 'safety' results. These are not wild ass demands made by the lunatic fringe; they are of proven value and benefit to industry. The industry which provides much of luxury enjoyed by those living in their comfortable, unassailable bubble. Where to go for resolution?

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“Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it.” ― René Descartes, Discourse on Method

Much time, effort and advice has been drafted to inquiry over the decades; most of it solid, sound stuff, scripted by those at the coal face. Countless reams have been delivered to Senate inquiry; some of which resulted in 'recommendations' being made. Those earnest, accurate, well meant changes have been treated with contempt, disregarded as 'opinion' and, essentially flushed away through the executive toilet system; or, obfuscated to a fare-thee-well; or been put through the grinder of discussion groups which never seem to initiate the changes demanded within the spirit and intent of the 'recommendation'. Senators told to go boil their bottoms in effect. They even made a video to celebrate:-

Which brings us to Sen. Glenn Sterle and his new Estimates crew. Somehow, I can't see either Sterle or Canavan putting up with too much in the way of faerie tales or obfuscated horse feathers; not for long anyway. Can they turn the trick? Sterle has been listening and watching the antics of ATSB and CASA and the ASA for a good long while now; he is a canny man and anything but disinterested. Results not rhetoric is a possibility; not a shoo in favourite but definitely a short odds starter. No doubt we shall see – and soon, despite the expected reams of useless white paper. No pressure then Glen.....

Aye well; best crack on – DT has plans for this day – blood chilling threats related to clean dogs, no boots at the table, even a shave seems to be demanded. “There will be  no congregation of men-folk in the stable standing about the keg and dartboard” a royal command – indeed, however, there are always ways and means available to those who know the game and how to play.


Of doing that which is needful.

Whenever I smell the reek of pipe baccy, I can remember being very (very) young and hearing Grand-papa growling the “the world is going to Hell in a handcart” followed by a litany of deeply considered and discussed 'items' which created his concerns. Later in life, (still young) the same phrase was oft (and still is) used by my Papa to express concern about this and that. As age creeps on, I find a certain reluctance to using the phrase, dismissing it as a 'thing' the old fellahin say over an Ale, at the end of a day. This is a mistake; age implies 'experience', long experience of the world and its ways. When one looks back at the times both men have lived through, witnessed, been part of, the realisation that their concerns were not only proven accurate, but in many instances, were perfectly justified and bang on the money...

  “Let me have a faithful account of all that concerns you; I would know everything, be it ever so unfortunate.”

“All that concerns you” - big (huge topic) - from idiots on push bikes colliding with large prams on the footpath; to where the Hell is the power we need to come from and who will fight our wars? Sweet sod all can I do about those items; but, can I do anything about the industry I have worked in all my life, an industry which is “going to Hell in a hand cart? The short answer is no, not alone. Nor can the 'industry', not while divided. It is so neatly cut up, fractured and divided by (IMO) deliberate design that it is almost incapable, in any practical way, of driving through the barriers to real and meaningful reform to the 'system' which hobbles it.

“It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new.”

That - in a nutshell, the 'problem' most clearly defined by an expert. Our 'politicians' even of those who 'know' and understand the 'problems' will not (or cannot) step up to the crease. It would take a true statesman (or woman) to stand up and say 'enough'. The obvious outrageous cost of the current system and the 'hidden' costs standing alone should startle someone into at least asking for a 'justification' of those direct costs – accrued in the name of the undefinable 'safety' argument. But what of the additional, unrequited, 'costs' those arguments impost on the industry; which must, if a viable business is to be maintained, eventually be paid by the public? Every additional dollar required to support the current fatuous pantomime of 'safety – speak' must come from somewhere – and where else from but the travelling public, who lust after 'cheaper' fares. Don't make any sense whatsoever; fiscally or politically. Which is not the most troubling thing; despite the impost and voluminous 'get out of gaol' cards manufactured for the benefit of government, the overall decline in 'safety' is measurable and tangible. This can be readily supported: from 'tick-a-box' lip service to 'the rules' - all the way to HR profiling of the 'right' people on flight decks. Sooner or later, these matters will need to be addressed by those who have not only supported the current system, but have enjoyed the benefits it provides.

“Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it; but when they are free to choose and can do just as they please, confusion and disorder become rampant.”

For example, the ATSB. Since the Lockhart River event, the division, subservience and control of an independent 'accident investigator' has been clearly visible through Coroner, court and accident reports. This body needs to be independent and fearless, if repeat events are to be prevented. Any comparison of reporting before Lockhart; or 'Sea View' through to the Pel Air embuggerance, right up to the MH370 pantomime should spell out to even the thickest politician that something is 'rotten' in Denmark. Even to the mentally challenged, the piss poor investigations of CFIT by VFR pilots persisting into IMC conditions should at least be cause for a buttock to be raised, even if just to pass wind. Disgraceful, borderline dishonest (IMO) and not what the industry, Coroner, public and those left behind after an event pay dearly for, should expect.  Not by a long, long shot it ain't.

“Glass, China, and Reputation, are easily crack’d, and never well mended.”

Of course, we must at least mention the incredible CASA monolith; presently being 'managed' by a very good PA. Now if you can live on 'motherhood' and paperwork, with an approach which is akin to a knitting instructor saying “of course Gladys, you can pearl two; provided you knit one at the end of the row, there now' don't fret dear - but bugger up the next line and we'll have you. A hugely expensive outfit, independent of and immune to any scrutiny (bar the wet lettuce leaf of the Estimates gab fest) can sit in Canberra, far from the wind and rain of actual line operations, safe and warm, inventing more labyrinthine reams of regulations, which can and will be used to prosecute those who forget to fill in a log book; while happily condoning the antics of their pet (house trained/co-operative/dispensation holding) favourites. But the favourite game is protecting the politician 'in charge' getting a bigger budget and shuffling out from under such events as Swan River, Andy Pascoe, Angel Flight, Essendon, Pel-Air, Buckley, Quadrio etc. etc... Just so long as the government's nether regions are protected from reality – and the money flows in – why should anyone bother with reality? Aye, Sleepy Hollow immersed in a Kool-Aide long, long Midsummer Night Dream.

"Methinks, mistress, you should have little reason for that. And yet, to say the truth, reason and love keep little company together now-a-days."

And anyway – I had meant to take a long look at the RA Oz 'reporting' of 'accident' and the obvious lack of information on the same; however, further research is required before any sort of cohesive analysis can been gleaned. But: one question keeps floating up to the surface, one to which I will find an answer. Why? What possessed {or made 'em} them to accept being excluded from the TSI and the national SMS and ATSB standards for public disclosure (such as they are) and the appalling lack of 'reporting' in full, the facts and circumstances of fatal CFIT – More to follow – a racing certainty - ; patience requested and required.

“Where do one's fears come from? Where do they shape themselves? Where do they hide before coming out into the open?”

That is me done – BRB tomorrow; been a while since we had a full house; lots to discuss, nice to have old mates from across the great waters attend – should be a gas. Beat the rain this week – with the kitten's help I managed to cut all the rafters for a roof, and get it on the build before it all got wet. Great fun 'doing' the simple maths and making a template for them, but after cutting and fitting the first half dozen, it was nice to sit back and let the 'lads' put the rest up. The dogs and I have learned to live with a cat which demands a night ramble - “Away dogs” is becoming a redundant call, the bloody cat is at the stable gate, at warp speed, calling for company  before the big fellah has done getting up – or I have done up my boot laces. A pocket rocket,  recipient of many a strange look. No matter, its really quite a nice thing thing to carry a knackered kitten home across your shoulders; purring and dozing after the half way marker; but I swear the dogs are having a quiet, tolerant chuckle.


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Ref: Harfwit goes missing on ATC sickie concerns?? & for REAL solutions

Bit late - the (deleted) computer took a day off....

Can you hear the drums, Fernando?

Poignant little ditty:-  “the writers might have wanted to disguise it as a nameless war in the song.” It rings the chimes though, don't it? Another pointless war, nameless people dying for nameless government or 'ideal', fighting for a cause they don't truly understand, dying in the name of something which will somehow make it all rosy and wonderful for those left to wonder– it's all Bollocks of course. But at least it does have a honest element; two opposing sides, toe to toe, winner takes all and writes the history;; end of. Nothing like the patronising, underhand cowardly way successive governments have avoided dealing with the real wars being fought, everyday in this land, by the long suffering who live far away from the Canberra bubble or the wealthy suburban homes of those who fancy their venal virtues and assumed advantages set them far above the common herd. Set apart somehow from those who's passing will not even rate a mention at the next dinner party.

Senator for the Northern Territory (Hero) Jacinta Nampijinpa Price  (Bravo that Lady)HERE – lays out the way the 'real' battle is being waged; a warped battle, so far removed from the reality we live in that it almost beggars belief. Yet the solution is so simple to these problems that it seems to evade those who have, at the stroke of a pen, the power, and resources to repair the gaping holes in the fences and release the strangle hold of dependency on hand out. Self worth, quiet confidence and independence. 

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“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”. 

"Lastly, the eighth and the most meritorious of all, is to anticipate charity by preventing poverty, namely, to assist the reduced brother, either by a considerable gift or loan of money, or by teaching him a trade, or by putting him in the way of business, so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding up his hand for charity.".. . .

Ora Basta.!..; if I ever win a lottery there will be at least a dozen newly qualified carpenter/joiners holding their heads high and confidently turning up to work in the real world, every day, for as long as I can manage it.

Ayup, I know, all that was far removed from the aviation battle; and, although the why of the aviation industries battle is a mere bagatelle, compared to some of the major issues the nation is facing down; but the plight is (once again) symptomatic of piss poor, mislead, disinterested government. The parallel stands bold. Aviation, done properly is a 'great little earner'. That much of the revenue generated is squandered in supporting one of the most useless, expensive, arrogant, ignorant, incompetent, moribund, hidebound, purblind, destructive administrations in the world is a heavy burden to the tax paying public and industry. There are many reasons why a revenue generating/ employment providing essential service to the nation is in decline. For over three decades now the industry has been telling ministers what and where the major problems lay. What response do we get? Work plans and motherhood, that's what – alongside more tortured rules and better embuggerance. Take your submission (call it 10 hours of work) all the way to the Capitol and guess what you are met with.

Warning - Bucket Item: The Spence Epiphany - “your safety is in your hands” - (retch – heave). We are, in the fullness of time (eventually) to have a 'pilot safety hub' which confounds three basic tenets:- 1 that pilot education and examinations are not good enough. 2 That only CASA can keep you safe if you do it the CASA way; and, 3 - despite the mountains of legislation which demand (under strict liability) that by following these rules – you will be safer – while CASA is rabidly abrogating any and all responsibility for the act of commuting 'aviation' in any form, except for prosecution after the fact. (see Buckley).Twaddle – meaningless bull pooh and totally bloody worthless. 

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretence of taking care of them.” — Thomas Jefferson

Rarely noticed. There is one small, bright light shining out from under the miasma of the Canberra fug. Unsung is the SSCDL – those who scrutinise 'delegated' legislation. For a classic example of exactly why aviation law is such a burden; read P2's catch on that committee's response to the use of the muddy puddle which is Lake Burley Griffin. A careful, considered response to some fast and loose use of 'strict' and 'absolute' liability used to negate a defence against institutional overreach. __HERE__ and if you cannot draw the parallels to the ridiculous, lazy use of denying the 'rule of law' to the aviation community; then you belong in Canberra, working for the CASA.

1.32 The committee therefore requests the minister's more detailed advice as to:
• why it is necessary and appropriate to reverse the evidential burden of proof for the relevant offences, with reference to the relevant guidance in the
Attorney-General's Department's Guide to Framing Commonwealth

I forget the references; Sched 5 rings a bell, as does the Acts Interpretation; but loosely translated – a 'delegate' cannot be told how to interpret or enforce a rule. For example – the engineer makes a repair according to the manufacturer schedule – all good. An inspector comes along and says the engineer should have 'done' more' or 'done the job differently' – guess who wins the court battle and who ends up convicted– Aye, no prize for that one. And yes that's a quick, rough sketch but it gives you an idea of why the SSCSDL-is an important one to watch. The overreach on the Canberra mud puddle a poor mans guide to why aviation regulation is just plain wrong. 

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“It is difficult to make our material condition better by the best law, but it is easy enough to ruin it by bad law.”

It may be highly unlikely; but thanks to the parsimony (or greed if you prefer) of the ASA the risk of a mid-air collision has been increased. Simply put, the ASA have worked their ATCO to the giddy limits overtime will support and 'self separation' is becoming routine – not a rarity. It is, the opinion of many, that the Electric Blue Halfwit and his dodgy 'accountant mate' be dragged up in front of a Senate committee to answer some serious questions about the current situation. All of the current 'problems' stem from just one major cock-up; the hurriedly buried 'One Sky', the debts incurred and the lack of finance and training to keep ATCO numbers at an optimum level. Of course the crews can deal with  - TIBA – but what if the public realised the potential for that one big bang and aluminium rain, mixed with body parts landing on the back lawn has, mathematically at least been increased. Time for a serious chat with the ASA and perhaps the ATCO's union may have some notions worthy of support.

Cribbed from the UP - HERE - Is anyone listening?

Pilots are concerned about the safety of increased reliance on uncontrolled airspace due to temporary air traffic controller shortages ... the issue was unprecedented, worsening and increasing risks to the point some airlines were delaying flights. AusALPA (& AFAP) president and Qantas Link pilot Captain Louise Pole told The Australian some airlines were delaying flights rather than operate while TIBA was in place. “It (TIBA) means the workload for a pilot is a lot higher and that makes your job harder, and it does create more risk because you are not operating in a normal (situation).” She said in 30 years of flying, she had not flown TIBA until two weeks ago, and had since flown it twice, most recently on Monday. Civil Air Australia president and #airtrafficcontroller Tom McRobert said 120 controllers had taken early retirement under the program, reducing “resilience” to deal with staffing issues. He said the scheme had arguably cut twice as many as was wise and this was the “root cause” of the use of TIBA. “We are seeing more TIBAs in the last six months than I’ve ever seen in my nearly 20 years (in the job)". Airservices Australia #AirServices #trafficcontrol #aviation #ausalpa

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"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."

Aye well, been a quiet week for me; kitten and I made a new tool chest – between showers. 0530 is the time I am woken; gentle paw patting my cheek, breakfast demanded before the kettle has boiled and all hell to pay if the workbench cannot be 'utilised' as and when required. Dogs look askance at this; they expect peace and quiet before 0700. No matter; the wet weather plays havoc with stock timber; that which was left 'flat and square' (dressed) the evening before undergoes a 'shift' during the dark hours but returns to true by lunch; makes for an 'interesting' construct; timing is all. Its raining now; the big dog looks out of the stable door; stretches and rolls over – can't sell a late ramble to a disinterested crew; but to put my coat on and whistle 'em up; wake 'em from their slumbers; they'll turn out. But why – Oh, Rain, rain go away etc...


The Old Curiosity Shop..

One of Dickens classics, a dark tale which once again manages to highlight many shades of human nature, foibles and the potential for villainy. Still, to this day a valid testimony to the nature of human beings.

Wiki - “It was so popular that New York readers stormed the wharf when the ship bearing the final instalment arrived in 1841.”

Like all good serials, those interested want to know 'what happens at the end'; in fact in any good yarn, it is the end of the tale which keeps folks reading (or watching), right through until the fatal words 'The End' appear. 

The tale of Our Man Higgins mysterious absence is a curious one. Set aside the MH 370 work for a moment and consider some basics, he was very 'private' man regarding his personal life. But even so, had he 'died' from almost any 'normal' cause you can imagine, there would be a body; a death notice; friends and colleagues in the media would have made mention and there would be some form of 'marker' to remembrance. There is nothing; had he gone to ground in a remote jungle or mountain temple, sooner or later there must be some contact with the outside world, even if just to pay the beer bill; alas. Have the authorities checked his bank accounts; is anyone he wrote for still sending cheques; are they being cashed ? We just don't know; and if the authorities do know, then they are keeping very quiet about it. It begs the perennial question 'why'. It is also curious that the media have had very little to say about his absence; which, stand alone is passing strange – one of their own – and nary a word?  Aye well, I could, but won't parlay that into a tale of abduction by the ET's who pinched MH 370 – but restraint is advised and levity discouraged, for it is a serious matter....

“Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.”

MH 370 is one of those 'serious' matters; deeply troubling in so many ways. One of the most troublesome is the manner in which the 'story' has been allowed to pass from memory; silence upon silence as public interest wains, replaced by the Covid thing and now cost of living and the Green machine hysteria etc. etc..Taking full advantage if this well scripted hiatus is the ATSB; the outfit who, with no particular skill in Search and Rescue (SAR) bumped the internationally recognised AMSA off the job and promoted the incongruous, inept Dolan (a.k.a. Beaker) to the task. Then, the infamous Hood was promoted from clerical duties to being the boss of the ATSB; now handily placed with CSIRO. Two top cover yes men running the shop while good men languished or resigned; and no sign or hint of the missing aircraft. Did Higgins hunt out the foxes in the chicken shed? A fair question; he was not the only one who looked askance at the rhetoric, spin and evasion promoted at the time, but also the threats made by Hood to ATSB staff; which alone begs many questions. Was Higgins asking those questions? Did he ever have them answered? Will we ever know?  (Tote is open on that one)..

“Nothing whets the intelligence more than a passionate suspicion, nothing develops all the faculties of an immature mind more than a trail running away into the dark.

But enough of that mystery; one of the many surrounding the MH 370 tale of woe: the real world of today demands attention, although there is little enough to write home about. For example there was a feint hope that the McDonald 'inquiry' into the non airline sector of Australian aviation would at least lead to the three decade old list of pleaded for reforms being examined and even attended to. Time passing and disinterest have just about killed off that slim hope. The latest round of the 'pass the parcel' game has been picked up by Hitch in the AFM and caught by P2 – HERE -:: no further comment required as history repeats. At least 'history' is a constant....

“History, with all her volumes vast, hath but one page”

There's not really anything much else of note worth beating  my long suffering keyboard for – CASA continue down the antic road, desperately trying to convince government that what they do and are planning is worth the obscene amounts of money forked out – in the name of 'safety' – HERE – (if you can stomach it). ASA continue to stumble from cock-up to duck up and back again ensuring our EBH makes his KPI while hoping that two airliners don't bump into one another one dark and stormy, the odds against are good – but not infallible and Murphy loves a challenge.. -HERE. Which brings us to the wee Bearded Popinjay and his epic, global altering utterances on the really important matters; like common or garden bird strikes of rogue drones; quick to grab a headline; any headline in his mission of self promotion – but strangely quiet on serious matters like TIBA becoming a routine rather than a rarity. Aye, such is life in the remote, rarefied atmosphere of the great Canberra bubble, isolated, warm, dry and very well fed.

“I was educated once - it took me years to get over it.”

Aye well; I have my own challenges this week; Tasmanian Black wood; some of with beautiful 'fiddle back' grain to make into a pair of matching doors to an elegant dining room; old style with raised panels. I shall only use hand tools, the very thought of brutalising the timber though machinery turns my stomach. First I must see to sharpness – secondly to design, ensuring none of the magical gain is lost in the working. Best crack on – dry dogs being the first order of business – once the coffee is made, while sending silent prayers to the gods that DT fails to notice the wet, muddy boot and paw prints. Fingers crossed..


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Of rationality, reality and results.

Realistically, we may cite 30 years as the time industry has been trying to get the administering 'authority' to march in step with 'world best' ICAO standards. For the last two decades there have been some serious attempts made (and some serious investment in both time and money) invested in clearly demonstrating the very real need for sensible, rational reform of the way aviation is 'managed' and the way in which the administration thereof must be better managed. There has been, in support of this argument several 'Inquiries' and many, many recommendations made, by the Inquiry panel; by  Senate committee; and, by expert industry advocates. These warnings and recommendation have not only never been validated, but the results (as predicted) are writ large across the industry wide tapestry. Meanwhile, just like amateur thespians in a church hall pantomime, King, Spence and Binskin use smoke, mirrors and platitudes to 'gild' the Lily'. Time for a re-think on realities and priorities methinks.  Perhaps the Bard and King John did put it all into an elegant nutshell;

[Image: Herbert_Beerbohm_Tree_1852–1917_as_King_...Museum.jpg]

“To gild refined gold, to paint the lily,

To throw a perfume on the violet,

To smooth the ice, or add another hue

Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light

To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish,

Is wasteful and ridiculous excess.” – William Shakespeare

King John, Act 4, Scene 2.

Now, a reasonable person could have expected that 'government' being made very (very) aware of these industry concerns, supported by stark reality and fact; would have acted to ensure the viability and well-being of an essential, revenue generating industry. Yet history and cold, hard fact beggars this notion. Historically, we  have clear evidence of an ever diminishing will; or now it seems even the ability and expertise required to make the changes requested and required. The appointments made to the Directors post have become more and more politically acceptable and decidedly malleable in supporting the government need for a quiet house and absolutely no blow back. This, to the point of the latest glove puppets, unsupervised, abetting parliamentary disinterest and abrogation of all ministerial responsibility. Spence and Binskin, masters of spin, motherhood and the deceptive arts; being aided and abetted by the latest 'minister'. If you can stomach it, read through the latest utterances from these people; they are speaking to the tax payer and big money investment– not the industry.  Reality? An easy daemon to see; after thirty years of stark evidence, and proof beyond reasonable doubt – clearly there is no intention to reform either regulation or the regulator back to ICAO compliance; from government or the authority; absolutely non whatsoever.

“Any change is resisted because bureaucrats have a vested interest in the chaos in which they exist.” ― Richard Nixon

The only industry benefiting from 'aviation' are the developers; happily making fortunes from Commonwealth land with no return to the industry, one being denied 'safe' aerodromes and room to operate. (Q) - How long can the industry keep running on faerie tales, broken promises and the latest round of well spun bull-shit from King, Spence and Binskin? (A) As long as industry keeps swallowing it. All the 'D' words come to mind, deceitful, dishonest, despicable, disgraceful, disingenuous,; and a bloody expensive way to wreck what should be a thriving, robust essential industry forced to operate both legally and operationally in a 'safe' manner within the reduced space, allocated, required and demanded by law for both safe operation and public safety. Qui Bono? Not the industry, that's a fact

“I have a higher and grander standard of principle than George Washington. He could not lie; I can, but I won't.”― Mark Twain

There is, seems to me a lot more Lily gilding coming from the CASA grist mill than a serious attempt to rein in the excesses, the waste and dross rather than a honest attempt to unravel the Mare's nest they have created. I call shame on 'em all; for unmitigated  horse pooh generation for no tangible improvement of anything, except their inflated salaries.  Yes, yes I know – all done now..That's it – Bucket used:: Rant over. (But seriously folks - WTD?)..

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There are only three other items worth a mention; the Higgins saga; ATSB and ASA. Of Higgins, we know no more now than we did a year ago; those on the periphery of the tale all seem to be thriving and occasionally surface from within the murky depths of the Canberra swamp – the sinister Hooded Canary for one of many; a lot more mentioned than Foley and his like, Ben Cook etc. Experts laying low and keeping their heads down against any incoming blasts for daring to question the whole MH370 episode. Then we have the ATSB once again panting and pandering to the media, banging on about insignificant stuff like 'bird strikes' and other fluffy twaddle;  meanwhile completely ignoring the increased risk matrix for airline aircraft and commercial operators forced to use TIBA and self separate (not too easy) and the generally shocking state of the air traffic control system and those who work in it. The Air Traffic Control debacle has, since the failed, expensive (un affordable & totally useless - another French connection) - 'One Sky' project was quietly buried, has not been addressed. IMO there is a significant threat to public safety and an even greater chance of an incident in separation than the public is aware of. But, that's not important, what matters is that all the top end backsides are covered and the ATCO and/or aircrew will catch the bullet for any thing that goes awry. Terrific system, KPI driven and completely separated from any and all ministerial responsibility. But, no matter, if ATSB ever want to know the difference between a Buzzard and a Popinjay, they only need apply to Aunt Pru for both chapter and verse..

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“I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.” ― Jonathan Swift

Aye well; what with two sunny days in a row and the temperature in the 'T' shirt range, work on the doors has progressed to the point where I could plough in the 'grooves' to hold the panels to the stiles (long part of a door). My plough plane is dated by those men who made it in 1896 A.D. It is a tribute to long lost skill and still works better and faster than any noisy, dust making electric gizmo. Faster to set up – just set final depth and fence – off you go 1/4” grooves – ½” deep over a 2.6 M run – 16 minutes cruise speed – against the grain; remarkable. The only hold up is the blasted Kitten; pacing along side the plane until a 'long' shaving emerges – then 'pounce' : not sure what holds me up more; her antics or my laughter as we play the game. Sunset approaches; time to feed the hungry crew, sweep the floor and sit outdoors with a well earned smoke and a cold Ale. Colour me happy? You betcha..


“You’re off to great places!”

The rest of that line reads “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way!”

It must strike a chord within the mind of many who belong or want to belong to the flying fraternity. How many boys and girls have progressed from the bicycle parked next to aerodrome fence watching, through to walking into the first flight school, working through the 'head scratching' book work, managed their first solo and progressed through to a licensed right to fly; lots is the right answer. Used to be that at almost any country airfield you could find at least one instructor, owner of a humble two seat trainer and begin the journey to 'your mountain'; in days gone by many of the airline Captains began their journey in this manner; often working one, or even two jobs to fund the adventure. The fun, camaraderie and satisfaction made any amount of hard work well worth it. So much for the simpler days gone by. Today's aviation world is stark, blasted landscape in comparison. On my bookshelves, in one corner, is the entire library of the books and notes I used from scratch, through to a CPL. It measures a whisker over 350 mm (14” old money); includes the 'orders' and regulations, text books and my own study notes – 'soup to nuts'. To find a spot for just the current regulatory suite, I'd need to build another., much larger book case.

Somehow, somewhere along the way, the industry 'got lost' in a forest of 'paper work' and regulation. Back in the day, I could read and comprehend the Air Navigation Orders and had little difficulty knowing that I was 'legal' – good to go'. Today, one is almost obliged to seek 'legal opinion' on the simplest element, and even then, there is little in the way of a 'safety net' or wriggle room – particularly against an official 'legal ruling'. A whole industry lost in a wilderness of bureaucratic overkill and legal jungle. 

“The thing to do, once you know you are lost, is to find a good, safe place to build a little fire, build it, fire three shots, light a cigarette, and sit down and wait.”

An amiable solution; and, wait we have, patiently for a good long while now. With a change in government, there was until recently a small flicker of hope that Senate Estimates, under Sterle would respond to the three spaced shots. Alas.. Given the sheer volume of happy clap-trap Sterle has sat through during his time at Estimates, the knowledge imparted from industry and his own rhetoric, one could be forgiven for expecting, at very least, some 'awkward' questions from the RRAT committee. Given the state of the economy, it would only be fit and proper to unshackle an industry which, with just a few snips off the 'red-tape' tangle, could provide jobs and revenue. However, it seems we must wait to see what, if any, steps the Sterle committee will take and make sensible recommendations to the minister. Before the industry becomes totally moribund and unable to wriggle out of the chains which bind and restrict growth. Take a quick look at the USA for a sound working model if you need a guide out of the self inflicted wilderness...Tick – tock says the Party room clock..One simple statement could have replaced this blurb 'Get on with it – for Pete's sake; we're dying out here'..

“It is amusing to note that when Huxley was charged with being rhetorical, he expressed his horror of "plastering the fair face of truth with that pestilent cosmetic, rhetoric," which is itself about as well-plastered a piece of rhetoric as Ruskin himself could have managed.”

Meanwhile, as the Essendon DFO case drags on (and on) while the great rhetoric is being carefully massaged to an acceptable level of denial credibility and is almost forgotten in the passage of time; the Buckley case becomes even more deeply mired and complicated; the mess within our benighted Air Traffic Service grows apace; and the ATSB continues to take for ever to produce little of intrinsic or practical value. All of this at great cost to travelling public and an industry rotting at it's roots. Perhaps it is time for the new Senate RRAT committee to take a long, hard look at the expense and value provided for that expense. At very least they could ask for straight answers to some basic questions – like 'what the Hell are you playing at?” If Sterle, given his experience in Estimates, can't get a shift on and sort out at least some of the problems he knows, full well, that the authorities have created then perhaps it's time to 'get it sorted'.

“The most striking difference between ancient and modern sophists is that the ancients were satisfied with a passing victory of the argument at the expense of truth, whereas the moderns want a more lasting victory at the expense of reality”

Aye well, its been a most pleasant week; first in long time, one where I managed to get home 'dry' every day, most refreshing. Dogs and I went off to finish off a shed for a fellah, even managed to get the roof rafters on and settled with dry timber; but there was a major problem, two days running – a stowaway. How the hell the Kitten got on board (twice) is a mystery – had no idea it was there until we took a break for 'morning tea' – it just sort of 'materialised' as I tackled a ham sandwich; cool as a cucumber. It waited with the dogs for her share of 'breakfast' and then spent the rest of the day exploring, watching and sleeping until knock off time; then “horror of all horrors' – she claimed the passenger seat for the homeward leg! The look on the dog's faces a classic; one I'll never forget. Day one over, next day there it sat again pre departure, ready to go. Seems to enjoy being part of the crew and knows to stay away from 'the Beast' (aka the Drop saw)- I'll let it go this once; then we shall see.


Of first principles and design function.

Behind my work bench stands a fairly large 'cupboard'; built to house tools, a long shelf in the middle for the bench planes, many boxes containing all manner useful things within easy reach and arranged so as to I can 'find' almost any thing I need. Every once in a while, it needs a tidy and a clean up. “Wow” say's my young visitor; “what's this do.” He had picked up a hand made, circa 1830 'moulding plane', just sharpened and cleaned up. It being easier to show him than explain, I put a billet in the vise and ran half a dozen passes, as the shavings came off the 'complex moulding' magically appeared; the smile and understanding well worth the few minutes taken. This short exercise led to a lengthy discussion, as we worked, on the way the basic required function of any 'hand' tool had changed little over the centuries; the humble carpenter's mallet for example. Little changed in design or construction since the Ark. Variation on theme aside, the factory made ones available today comply with the first principles of both design and function and little has occurred to require a change to that basic design, this may be said of all tools designed and made to be used and powered by human hand. No, the fool ain't rambling, just easing my way into a discussion I believe we need to have; the state of our political tool box. It's a shambles.

Democracy was designed, built and fought for on clear 'first principles'. Through the will of the people, a person was elected to represent the well-being and interests of those who cast their vote in favour of that person; fully entitled to believe that the voter's will would be expressed, win, loose or draw. Expecting that at very least through their elected representative, their views would be heard and considered. In short, their representative could and, importantly would perform basic design function. Alas..

The last bastion (and hope) where first principles should be applied is within the Senate and the committees set up to 'manage' the design functions of the various agencies in charge of the 'nuts and bolts' of daily life, industry and all the other complex elements of a democracy. The county spends incredible sums in support of this system and the engines which drive it. Aviation has several of these agencies. The oversight of these agencies is a sworn responsibility and duty to the people -in the form of a Senate committee: to wit; Senate Standing Committees on Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport.; aka. RRAT... We have a newly minted one sitting now; all legal and proper.

It is no overstatement to say that Australian aviation is in a hell of mess; the industry staggers along under some horrific burdens, surviving through shear will and determination despite those burdens. The heartbreak is that with just a little help from those elected it could cease to 'stagger' and flourish into a job creating, revenue generating asset to the nation. For decades now, the RRAT has been well informed and repeatedly warned that unless some serious intervention and over-sight of the way in which the industry is 'managed' by the agencies; then the future looked grim. Indeed, despite the warnings and advice from experts; grim is rapidly devolving into dire.

Now Senator Glen Sterle more than probably any other member of the RAAT has sat through countless hours of Estimates sessions with the 'Agencies': has been fully briefed by industry and is well aware of the predictions made. In front of his own eyes, he has watched the gradual collapse of growth and reduction in generated revenue; all of which have aided and abetted the demise of an essential industry. There is clear evidence that in places like Europe and the USA the reverse in true; the USA is going 'gang-busters' while Australia sinks to third world status, while paying out first world premium amounts to assist the agencies complete the destruction.

Last Estimates session; Sterle dismissed the CASA cohort without a second thought; without one question being asked and no remedial notions within a Bull's roar of discussion, let alone positive action. Yet this year alone, the examples of a desperate need for politicians to perform design function and apply first principles are writ large and clear. Lets pick three examples that will, if the worst happens, become a political nightmare for the governing party:-

The air traffic control system, as it is operating today, has increased the chances of a mid air collision from zero to at least a feint chance. The airlines avoiding whenever possible operating into ports where world class service is not available and 'self separation' is in place. A remote possibility that ATC services could be curtailed – once in a decade – now becoming almost routine. Yet Sterle and his committee can't find the time to at least ask for an explanation?

The accident investigations crowd are running on hot air and bluster. Years taken to provide any report and even then the report presented has little in the way of 'safety' value. The Essendon debacle is a classic, as was the Tasmanian effort, the Mangalore effort and the disgraceful effort against Angel Flight. Flawed, dysfunctional and bound to a MoU which prevents any chance of ATSB performing basic design function. Yet Sterle and his committee could not find the time or interest to ask any questions; ATSB were not even scheduled?

The 'administration' of ICAO standards is a basic function of the CASA. So far removed from first principles and design function as it is possible to get. It is, many believe, that it is time CASA were dragged screaming back to basics, compliance with ICAO and harmonisation with the grown up world. From the top down CASA is a dilettante poseur; with little in the way of either international or domestic credibility and respect. Yet Sterle and his Estimates committee thought it was OK to send 'em back to the ivory tower, without even a 'how d'ya do? 

Not really good enough is it; three very expensive agencies, charged with protecting the voting public in the air; one run by a megalomaniac slave to the money; one run by a blow-hard publicity seeker; the last run by someone who believes that the 'Jetsons' mode of transport will be here by Christmas. I ask you???

Aye well, it's Sterle's gig now and he must carry the burden; he knows enough to make a honest man take action; he has the clout, has entree to the Minister and enough horse power to actually get the desperately needed changes made, in short order. But will he? That is the question; the Tote is open.

There, got that off my chest, back to my knitting.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”



I would really like to have a dollar in my pocket for every time I've heard the 'flight forecast' dismissed or denigrated. The BoM is a little to blame for this; the +/- tolerances; constant updating of 'computer' models rather than the input of trained observers 'on site' with specialised knowledge of the 'local' matrix a factor. Like many 'seasoned' drivers (airframe) I've been caught out many times; nothing too serious; additional fuel uplifted – not required; alternates planned for – not required etc – and the flip side – when the forecast was for 'OK' and it all turned to worms. “Expect the worst, hope for the best, but always plan for “salvation” is P7's mantra. We have a high fatality count of CFIT by non instrument rate pilots; fact. The latest _HERE – it being P2's nomination for the Darwin Award (a fair call). What is becoming apparent are two associated elements; both of which could be eliminated- and for once, the blame cannot be wholly sheeted home to CASA (IMO), not all of it. Consider the Tasmanian case: a qualified, competent pilot fell into an age old trap. Why? The valley the flight ended in was on the 'windward' side of some fairly high ground; orographic uplift was forecast; the top base of the cloud the 'sucker trap' – leading down to the serious stuff lurking below. The cloud was forming below and lowering as it went 'up hill'– Met lesson 101 (maybe 102) and a known killer. Seems to me the nub of the 'problem' is one of 'translation'. Pilots dutifully study their Met syllabus; pass the exam and almost immediately forget the theory taught in favour of seeking 'legal' compliance. Weather is dynamic, hugely powerful and subject to change at short notice. Legal compliance aside; there is a need for 'applied' theory to be part of pre flight planning; that's why they teach this stuff – passing an exam is one thing – intelligently applying the knowledge gained a vital prerequisite to safe flight. Do not forget your meteorology lessons; lest it become your eulogy.

ATSB - “A personal minimums checklist aids identifying and managing flight risks such as marginal weather conditions. It is an individual pilot’s own set of rules and criteria for deciding if and under what conditions to fly or to continue flying based on your knowledge, skills and experience.”

Nearly right; and, not too bad from ATSB; but the secret is 'the doors theory'. Back door, side door, front door and fire door. Sure push on a bit; set a minimum height for the sector based on what can be seen; hit the 'decision marker' and take one of the options – push on a bit longer if you will; BUT leave the back door open and clear. Enough from me; get an IR and you will discover that the same rule, the back door and fuel to get there applies even more. Know and understand the weather pattern you are dealing with. The real point, in fact, - is to understand that with which you are dealing, no more, no less.. End of ramble...

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Fighter pilots???? - I note all manner of folk up in arms about 'fighter pilots' going to China to teach. Yep, it is a little unsavoury; but the outrage smacks of hypocrisy. Uhmm; how many Chinese pilots has Australia trained in recent years? How much money has been invested in and made from that training investment (not to mention the arse about ILS) all tax payer funded and the huge flight schools feeding off the bonanza those pilots brought to flight training. Pot. Kettle black methinks.

Is it just me; or are others starting to wonder about what the government message to the 'safety' authorities is. Seriously? Put the jig-saw puzzle together and it becomes a Dorian Grey canvas. Add it up; ASA, ATSB and CASA have seriously large budgets. There are some very serious questions to be answered by them all even without touching the 20/20 inquiry. A reasonable chap could expect at least some pointed questions being asked at Estimates; not only in relation to 'spending' but on some pretty damning operational matters. Nope; not even required to attend; nary a hand brake in sight and all manner of 'oddities' (for wont of better) which the 'industry' would like to be examined shuffled off. For example Spence and the Pixies in need of a serious redirection; EB Halfwit decimating the safety of commercial flights due to penny pinching, to recover the horrendous cost of his very own white elephant droppings. This before we even dare ask the ATSB what they are smoking. Even Albo's very own fuel levy, which was supposed to be a one off has never had a glove laid on it. Sterle cry's fowl as soon as Canavan tries to get to Taws. Bad policy we can live with – for a while – but for the cost involved and the lack of common sense to be ignored while an industry slowly withers away is a horse of a very different colour. Questions will be on notice to Senator Canavan, with supporting information: bet on it. For example:-

RA Oz has a prime selling point; to wit, self declared medicals. This is a serious commercial advantage. So why is RA Oz gifted a seat at the discussion related to CASA adopting world best practice for private medical options?

Why has ASA laid off so many on line controllers that TIBA is becoming a noted feature of airspace where commercial passenger flights operate?

Two men died in a rare 'mid-air' collision recently. ATSB declined to investigate; and RA Oz claim they can't afford to investigate. What if that had been two commercial aircraft in TIBA airspace? Why is the ATSB not investigating with a view to preventing any possibility of a recurrence; no matter the aircraft involved? That's two mid-air collisions recently; only seems reasonable to seek answers. Seems passing strange that our Wee bearded Popinjay has time to get his visage in the papers; can waste god's know how much on routine 'bird strikes' and other such mundane matters; but a mid-air – is only worth a press release – from Godley; who would not know a 'safety' matter if it jumped up and bit him on the arse. This 'Captain Kangaroo' needs to go....Now would be good.

“But nothing in India is identifiable, the mere asking of a question causes it to disappear and merge into something else.”

Before the 'modern' era; doors were made by men, not machines. It takes a long while and a great degree of skill to 'make' a door, flat, square and twist free. This week was great fun; repair and re-hang some really wonderful solid wood doors. I actually tried to price and then find timber to match; the price these days astronomical and not easily available. No matter we managed; I say we because of the size and weight of these doors, it took two of us to lift the things; the hinges massive in comparison, the slot headed screws a serious challenge. Anyway, job done but not much of a welcome home; dogs hacked off having to stay home; but the cat was bloody furious; not even DT can manage such a cold shoulder. Oh, and it has decided it likes Ale; put a pint down on the bench top and have to fight for it. I ask you; I put a little in a saucer for her – Nope; only the foam on the top of a fresh pint will do; payback I reckon; cat's eh? Who'd have 'em...


Heart and Soul..But, I do wonder.

Sometimes, you just have to sit back and drift along 'memory lane'. I met Wilf at boarding school; just kids. His folks in India, mine in Spain, both of us strangers – but he could play the piano – a bit. I received an email not too long ago from him; with a link _HERE_ related (tongue in cheek) to our first (and only) hilarious attempt at a duet. He could: me, a clumsy Philistine (never did get it). No matter, the link is to a couple of very talented kids who could actually play the perennial – 'heart and soul' – catchy little tune; occasionally whistled, when the rhythm of mallet on chisel matches. …. Anyway, it took me back to times when both 'heart and soul' were freely and happily totally invested in the best industry a man could be aspire to – aviation. So forgive the ramble to follow, ignore it – if it pleases; either way, I intend to write it.

More years ago than I care to remember, Sunday was always a favourite day. Monday to Friday, two jobs and 'Tech' at night, followed by homework and study. Saws, nails, joists, studs and noggins 'on-site' – 0700 until 1500; packing boxes 1600 until 1830 – lessons 1900 until 2030 – home; bite to eat, study and notes (still got 'em) – Saturday catch up, study, a couple of Ales and blessed sleep. Sunday 0530 out the door, bus it to borrow the girlfriend's Mum's car and off to Valhalla – a.k.a the airport. Drag the 'fleet' out onto the ramp; fuel 'em up; make the coffee, then off to a very small strip and pick up the 'Ag-Truck' (return, fuel and daily) - set up the banner towing gear; correctly, - then, stand beside it as the Ag pilot swooped in, keep him on line and wave him up just before 'contact'; leaving me dust covered and as happy as the proverbial pig in (it). Scamper back with the gear, say G'day to the Firemen who I knew; just in time to refuel the used aircraft, then put 'em away and roll the hanger doors closed. Recompense – 30 minutes solo or 15 minutes dual. A grand day; completely buggered by the end of it; after the returning aircraft all needed to go back into the hanger. Sitting in the car, watching the sun go down and being the happiest man on the planet. But, I do now confess; I prayed for bad weather; it meant I could get a bus (my expense) to wherever an aircraft had been left – due to weather – and bring it home. That was the bonus; the biggest KPI of all KPI's: hard earned and priceless. Etc..

Point fool; there must be a point. There exist aircraft such as the Chipmunk, the Ryan and the P51 which have descended into legend, as have the pilots who knew them and flew them. Not just as an 'exhibition' item; but as a working tool. Men who were happy to sit 10, 20 or even 50 hours on the wing explaining the intricacies, tendencies, habits and traps these aircraft presented to a child. I manged, in my own clumsy way, not to smash one (or two; or even perhaps three) up, and saved my own rear end in the process through listening. They were available to me; and, I cherished every rivet, every foible and idiosyncrasy; they became 'kindred' as were those who had the time, knowledge and patience to teach a Philistine in the ways 'of surviving the winds of fate. For it is indeed the Hunter. Aye, Gods speed 'em; one and all.

Have - 'We' - simply lost our way; lost that rich heritage through 'law' – and; (dare I say it) not only our basic 'understanding' skills, but have 'we' had the 'heart and soul' of being an aviator beaten out of us by the unrelenting pressure of those who's heart and souls reside in an air conditioned luxury far removed from the dust, dirt and grind of flying – real flying – of the kind that matters – that which ensures survival. For example: as far back as memory allows, I was taught to set up a rate 1 turn by 'visual' reference; that at IAS +7 + a rate 1 turn could be made; and, importantly, to confirm my 'interpretation' of attitude by reference to the AHI and ASI -  80 KIAS + 7 = 15 ⁰, thereby making it an easy transition to an IFR rate 1 turn; habit formed at about hour eight -  by my first log book. Many of these rules of thumb, and the quick, easy, accurate reasons they 'worked' have been almost forgotten or not learned, like stall turns and wing overs. Yet, they were valid then, still valid now (mathematics/ physics of flight – (anyone?) – but now lost in the myriad of complexity generated by those who do not, cannot, nor even dare to make a living 'in the air'. Can you imagine a creature like Spence being thrown into a Beaver, in 35 C heat and told to go kill Grasshoppers around the Tumut hills on a hot, murky day after a 25 minute exercise in the circuit?  No?. So how can anyone from the Canberra 'elite' safety authority circle dare to presume that they, and only they 'know' what safety in the air is, or how it is achieved, despite their delusions of 'how it all should work'. Aye; the 'mystique' of aviation still (always has) baffles those who belong, firmly, affixed to ground based grubbing thoughts?.

“Safety” standing alone, is and always has been an indefinable equation. Was I 'safe' as the Ag pilot steamed in with only 3 yards between me and the triple pronged hook coming toward me at 65 knots; I reckoned I was; he knew what he was doing; I knew what the 'risks' were – apart from the dust and the Bull ants out on the paddock – I was safer then, than I ever was driving home.

Somehow; the notion of regulation as the ultimate 'safety' measure has become Gospel. Well; it ain't. Simple rule 1 – Thou shalt not run out of fuel – Duh!? We know that. Thou shalt not continue thy flight into the clouds and rain -Duh? We know that: Thou shalt not fly into a valley lest thy back door not be open -Duh? We know that. So the questions posed become simple ones. Why, despite the billions spent do these 'events' keep happening? Gods know I've never done any of it – taken some calculated risks – certainly. But; the folks who taught me never ever heard of this new jingoistic crap – they, quite simply, just knew and understood the world they lived in – the real one. Where a copy of the regulations in your back pocket, will not, nor can it, not ever, replace an 'understanding' of what we do; how we do it, and the difference between those as can and those who simply just don't get it; hard as they try to be part of the never ending challenge. The one that defies 'rigorous' black and white quantifying, Those who choose to work for Canberra have a distorted vision of the real reality and try, desperately, expensively, to comprehend that which is only known to those that 'can'. But enough; I could use the last words of a Buffett song, the one about the West Nashville ballrooms and the gowns and etc.. But I won't – however, should you wish to hear it – HERE - it is. 

“What” ? I was asked by a young sprout, “is the difference between a Carpenter, Joiner and Cabinet maker”? Well, that has never been a mystery – the first stroke of the saw will tell the tale to the educated observer. For the rest, 'tis but a simple matter. Carpenter – sundial – cabinet maker a Rolex. But, what of Joiners asks my young apprentice? Also easy; a 'joiner' can 'make' a door; a carpenter can 'hang' it and attach the furnishings. Same as 'drivers – airframe'. Blind following of the rules that govern versus those who can actually make and and even use 'rules'; and those who can use those rules to make, and execute a thing of beauty with precision; style, grace and heart and soul and do it easily. – It becomes a matter of education, training and a natural talent. CASA is an apprentice carpenter, posing in the pub – as a Cabinet maker; but can't even define the saw they intend to use,, let alone sharpen the saw they intend to use before task.  This, letting alone that they may not even understand why it must be sharpened in a particular way. Basic skills will only get you so far; to become an 'expert' you must pass the tests and be judged by your peers. I would like to see anyone at CASA be able to cut a straight, square cross cut of a 4x 2; let alone realise and correct the failures resident within, then repair, manage and run an industry of which they have no real understanding, and worse still could not survive in as aircrew, let lone as the gold star 'command'. Most of 'em could not hit the side of a barn, wind assisted, with a shovelful of the shit they produce. Uhmm; wanna a game of darts – for money? Didn't think so. 


Of Popinjays, Pontification & twaddle.

LMH -“Mitchell, the ATSB's Chief Commissioner, doled out some stern warnings (again), but he has to be wondering if anyone is listening.”

What a strange collection of twaddle.  Used as a verb the word 'doled' is defined as

“to distribute in charity.”

“to give out sparingly or in small quantities (usually followed by out):

What an attitude. The ATSB is the sheltered workshop to which 'charity' is doled out, in big amounts from the public purse. In exchange for these monies, the ATSB is supposed to 'stand alone' and provide expert accident investigation, accurate reports on the same in a timely manner; and, where possible, enhance and support safety outcomes in the aviation sector. Any self respecting charity, with a track record like the ATSB would be ashamed to take the money on offer; let alone ask for more – to do less and appear useless.

The bit that (a) cracked me up then (b) had me shaking my old wooden head in disbelief was  (LMH) “but he has to be wondering if anyone is listening.”

Wonder no more Hitch – and; Popinjay; don't trouble yourself. The damage done to the ATSB international and domestic reputation, which many thought could sink no lower after the MoU, the Beaker and Hood performance, still continues it's downward spiral, unabated, under your posturing, lacklustre stewardship of the agency. It has been many a long year since anyone took the ATSB seriously and 'listened'. Any study of the ATSB track record will clearly define why. A 'stern warning' - on VFR into IMC – from you? – FCOL.  Self deluding people must, eventually, seek professional help. There is a definite limit to the tolerance of the 'professional' aviation world; why stay when no one wants you, nobody believes you and the latest efforts in the name of 'safety outcomes' have become a thing of international ridicule and concern. So take your 'doled' out stern warning and return it to its rightful place – where the sun don't shine.

'With an attitude both venal and heinous
and dismissal of all which is dangerous,
Before very long, the words of the song
will change, from Angus to Anus.' (Anon)...

Rant over, temper regained. There; I feel much better now; sanguine – almost.

While I'm at it; CASA made another 'hobby Holly' appearance at Estimates – more airy-fairy promises; more time needed and much more money needed to keep the good ship Never Ending Story afloat. Meanwhile, back at the farm; there is a long list critical matters patiently waiting for some serious attention. Real issues; the ones industry has been trying, for decades, to have rectified – just simple stuff; like ICAO compliance and real world rules, in plain English; safety of passengers at built up airports etc. It is quite a long list; traded in for 'feel good' twaddle and a view to the future – as if the industry has one. Sugar coated WOFTAM, two faced and deceitful with it. I rest my case M'lud...

It has been the week for pontification, twaddle, bluster and futuristic dreams; all far removed from the awful facts; farms wiped out in floods; homes and businesses decimated; folk living on charity in whatever hovel they can squeeze the kids, dog and whatever they have salvaged from the 'great waters' in this land of drought and flooding rains. Cost of living, interest rates, shortages, imports, defence of the nation – all just a mere bagatelle and good only for a sound bite – when cornered. Perhaps we could shelve; just for a little while the grandiose dreams of the future and get this country secure, mobile, housed, employed and off the poverty line; before there's very little left of what was 'the lucky country'.

That's it, only thing left to do is replace the Houseboat bucket; the old one is past redemption. Time to sign off; return to the quiet sanity of the workshop. There's always a laugh in there; The Bloody Cat (TBC) a regular performer. I had polished a 1.2 metre bookcase shelf to a really good shine (closely watched by TBC) one end on the bench the other propped up on a billet to allow the wax finish to dry off. TBC hops onto the 'up' end, sits and slides to the other; we ('dogs' and I) watched this three times before we got a look which said, very clearly – you're all just jealous. Game set and match TBC.


“I'm sorry if this all seems a little rushed and desperate. It is.”

My 'cunning plans' were carefully laid; no DT jobs to worry about (clean slate), the radio tuned to the cricket; the work arranged so that there was only quiet stuff to do; the coffee pot ready: all set to listen to the Test match. Never gave Senate Estimates a second thought; it was during the 'lunch' break the fatal mistake was made – I checked the Email. There they were; – the Air Services and CASA session – in all their fatuous glory. It can wait, thinks I; mistake number two. Strange thing is the subconscious; the scant attention I paid to the Estimates videos set several small but annoying bells to ringing; the sessions kept creeping back to the forefront; not good when there are three centuries nearly on the board between the opening batsmen. I held off until stumps; cleaned up, grabbed an Ale and returned to the video series.

“The best laid schemes o' mice an' men” etc..

The first 'alarum bell' was the indecent haste – Sterle constantly pushing the clock and sending home the delegates before their session. Once, fair enough; but, the previous session had a similar 'rush' attending. Considering the matters surrounding aviation at present and that the Senators will have legitimate questions and concerns it is quite reasonable to expect the time table would reflect those needs. For example, the ATSB has not appeared before an Estimates committee for a long while now; and that is one  branch of the aviation world with many serious questions to answer. Indecent haste to simply wind up the session achieves little but wasting time, money and effort. Unless its a protection racket – arranged for a government who abrogated all responsibility last time around and created the autocracy which exists today. Free of all ministerial constraints. Not good enough is it; always thought Sterle actually gave a hoot – Alas,,,.

“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.”

The ASA session was 'informative' in the way of illustrating just how far 'pandering' to minority groups has become the norm. The costs involved in that little pantomime must be staggering – just on the Brisbane aerodrome noise matter alone. The facts of the matter are simplicity itself. The airport exists; aircraft use it; as the city grows air traffic will increase. Airlines invest billions in providing the service; they are required to make a profit; to achieve this and maintain safety standards the operation must be 'efficient'. Say it costs $30,000 (for a number) in fuel and maintenance to get an aircraft from Sydney to Brisbane; no delays – take off, head North; descend and land. Minimum track miles; no hold up, straight in landing. Perhaps a return, perhaps not – depends on the passenger load – but that is a risk taken – eyes wide open. But when delay creeps in; when additional track miles are required, when pilot duty time is burned up and additional crew must be dragged in - then the budgeted equation fails; dramatically. No profit equates to a reduced service to up the passenger numbers: or an increase in airfare. Simple maths.  The airport and the services provided are an essential element to the city – every flight in generates revenue in one form or another; ask the city Fathers or the business operators if the airport should be shut down to pacify the 'noise' protests. The answer is a no brainer. Those who live near railway tracks, or highways, or even busy city roads don't make howls of protest when trains, trucks and buses roar past. They are part of city life. The airport exists; it is essential infrastructure; aircraft are noisy. So why is ASA wasting time, money and tax payer dollars buggering about trying to pacify a bunch of people who live near the logical, efficient take off and landing paths. Hell's bells, the money wasted in pandering, could have been saved by simply stating the facts; cutting the pony-pooh: “you live under a flight path – get used to it”. The expensive window dressing is waste. Take a vote – less expensive air travel and increased city business and revenue: or, a little less noise to satisfy a minority for a gross reduction in the benefits. Not rocket science is it...

“It is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong.” Bentham 1776.

Not going to get into the CASA session; platitudes make me nauseous; obfuscation offends; deceit is sickening, cowardice is disgusting, Bullying unacceptable and out right Bollocks just engenders fury. But, when Sterle, more than any other there knows that there are serious matters which must be, sooner rather than later, fully addressed but prefers to languish in the safe haven of no ministerial control over an autocracy which can do whatever it likes: game over. Top cover achieved by allowing this sort of high speed stuff to be fed the Estimates panel; the lavender scented confections presented to ease whatever little is left of their conscience. Shame don't quite cover it, but 'twill suffice.

“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”

Aye; there is a long list of wrongs to righted; there is no plausible reason for a Senate Estimates committee to be so disorganised that there is not enough time allotted to fully examine and question the operations of major tax payer funded 'safety' agencies, such as ASA, ATSB and the CASA;well, non which are acceptable at least. These agencies plough through incredible sums and provide very little of intrinsic or practical value to the industry they rule over. If the Senate cannot find the time to examine their antics and waste, then what chance has real reform to world best standard got in the 1984 Gold Plated Bullshit cup? Long, long odds on my tote. 

Only my opinion of course; I believe we may still, but only just have a slim hold on the right to freedom of speech – tenuous at the best of times according to the CASA version. But just lately I've begun to wonder. No matter: we only fought wars to enshrine that democratic principal; are our 'right's' leaning too far to the left?

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

'Chairs to mend” this week – not a favourite; finicky angles and awkward joints; timber and colour matching etc. Four of 'em; very old but still robust enough to stand my clumsy attention. The dogs know this one, seen it all before; the exasperated groan before the exit to open air and sunshine; which means a walk and a smoke if we play our cards right. There's the rub, how to make a lousy hand a winner; we shall walk a while and contemplate the problem.


Small Wonders - (minuscule even).

The German word 'weltschmerz' seems an apt description of the general mood since the beginning of this month. Most folk I've bumped into seem to want to just 'knock off' for the Christmas/ New year period and put the last twelve month behind them. It has been 'bloody'. Fair enough too I reckon; we have had a bit of a battering, what with one thing after another, after another. For those as can manage it, a well earned break seems in order; and, not much will be emanating from Canberra until January's end (month of the dead) to bother the aviation world: small mercies eh!

Small wonder comes in several flavours; CASA (OAR) finally completed their 'study' of the Mangalore airspace. Two stellar outcomes from that expenditure have been hatched. Safety seminars and; insult to injury, “Your safety in your hands”. But M'lud, it has ever been so: that has never changed; not since Mama taught you to look left, then right, then left again and if its safe – walk (don't run) across the road; (lest thou get well and truly 'trucked up').

“And all our yesterdays have lighted fools

The way to dusty death.”

Small wonder; one which could probably stand some serious consideration comes from the keyboard of Hitch:-

Hitch - “But when only 28 people respond to the consultation, you can't point fingers at OAR for sticking with the outcomes of their draft report.”

When one considers the time and effort the industry has invested in 'submission' to inquiry; the outcomes and disappointment in the same; the endless total disregard for educated, expert commentary; the sheer lack of political interest in any and all forms of 'grass roots' reform required at the administrative end; and the total lack of respect  for the meaningless edicts manipulated by the governing bodies. Then 28 responses seems to me like a good number – all things considered. Not much point in wasting time, money or effort – given the recalcitrant track record of 'the authority'. There is one idea being bandied about. Just a pub notion at the moment and no one can be bothered to delve into the regulations to see if it could work; however. What if there was no need for ADF or VOR approaches to be tested anywhere else but in a simulator? The airborne test could be based on the most used GPS letdown – there's more chance of that happening away from an ILS airport than any other; so is there really a 'need' to conduct a VOR flight test element at a port like Mangalore? Just saying - only a hatch-ling of a notion for the BRB to mull over. Will there be a 29'th submission – Nah.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

Item last – “Why has Aunt Pru taken an interest the sordid business of the Sydney harbour ferries?” The question mildly put, in general conversation, more in curiosity than anything else. The short answer is in two parts : there are many parallels between those who have 'command' responsibilities at sea or in the air; both legally and morally binding. The second part is the response from both the 'safety' agencies involved and their 'masters' in the deep dark world of politics, influence, credibility and money. Aviation has seen the gradual descent into insignificance of the ATSB. Far removed from the stellar efforts of the BASI to the meaningless guff they publish these days. There is much similarity on public display from the NSW crew at OTSI : much. Vast sums spent providing detailed make-work pieces on things like a three metre container being loaded and hitting a 2.5 high metre bridge over the tracks. But nothing apart from some clever obfuscation on multiple instances of 'loss of directional control' of ferries carrying hundreds of people across a body of water which can, and does become 'testing' of both man and machine. Now our esteemed AMSA has made an appearance at this public display of 'nothing to see' but seem to have taken a back seat (MTF when we sort wheat from chaff). As P7 say's “if it walks like a Duck and quacks; odds on bet it is a Duck”. On the water, road or in the air – public transport must be made in reliable vehicles, capable, well maintained and fit for purpose.

Potential risk of major aircraft crash killing 300 people through shoddy design, construction, system failure or lack of effective maintenance– big deal (huge).

Potential risk of a Manly ferry sinking and killing 300 people through shoddy design, construction, systems failure or lack of effective maintenance – Ho hum; nothing to see here – yes, it is all very unfortunate; now move along.

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant.”

Aye well; duty done; workshop tidy, now for the big challenge – bath day for the dogs. Big dog thinks it a great lark, the hose pipe a plaything while contemplating an immediate roll in as much dust as he can on the lawn; little dog all stiff legged outrage and not above taking a playful nip (and risking a swift clip) will shake, and walk away in high dudgeon until dinner time. But, needs must when DT has visitors and all must be “clean and tidy” - “including those scruffy animals”. No matter; I have an escape plan and with luck should be able to miss the worst of it. Now where did I leave the dog's shampoo?

Selah...  (managed to escape DT for an hour - addendum follows this post.)

Follows on from post 462 – HERE -. More haste?

Addendum - The three 'Howlers'

If (big one) – if it wasn't so ducking serious, expensive and pointless, in the right hands the following 'expressions' could be made into a comedy sketch along the lines of 'Yes Minister' – not quite as witty or elegant; but in the Pub? Suffice to say that at the BRB indaba (pre Christmas bash) last evening, the phrases were the subject of much hilarity. What else can you do? – For you dare not contemplate the fact that those espousing such phrases are all earning big dollars and 'running' the safety of the travelling public (if you could call it that with any semblance of veracity and a straight face).

Up first; our very own Wee Bearded Popinjay, top gun at the ATSB, who has ruled out any form of investigation into a mid-air collision which claimed two lives. - HERE-.

Mr Mitchell said "mid-air collisions were rare and any ATSB investigation would be "unlikely to yield new safety learnings for the aviation industry".

Well, this is only the second 'mid-air' within recent times; six lives and four aircraft lost; so why on earth would the ATSB decide to investigate. Seriously what's the point? Popinjay knows it all and decided that he has all the 'learnings' he needs already and they match both his 'earnings' and ego. Small man + big words out of phase = Pony Pooh. Perhaps a small lesson in Grammar would assist – HERE -.

“Despite being more popular than “lessons” in the corporate setting, “learnings” is still incorrect. It’s an erroneous plural form of the colloquial term “learning.”

Now for my own personal favourite:-

"I am advised that." etc.

- HERE - What a lovely little 'get out of gaol card' that is. “I was advised that the aircraft had been fuelled”. “I was advised that the power had been turned off” etc etc. You see the point; the easy escape from responsibility. Mind you, the dozy politician should have jumped on that - “by whom and can you provide the written evidence we must rely on should this ferry be found out of control on Sydney harbour again?  “Oh, but I was only advised that the repairs were done and up to standard.” Horse feathers...

“Your safety is in your hands”.

Last, but not least – HERE - from the CASA receptionist – sorry should say DAS; the stunning epiphany which will re shape the thinking of every pilot on the planet. The staggering intellectual connotations of that one phrase will be hailed by the global aviation fraternity. The blinding flash of inspiration for this gem was a mid air collision which claimed four lives, but thought unlikely to change anything that mattered until the Ex Spence revelation of the up until now unknown cure all for all aviation events which claim lives. I wonder was she 'advised' that this was 'the answer to the pagans prayer' or was it writ on the bottle of hand sanitiser in the Loo?  "I am advised that there will be no further learnings from my tenure after my earth shattering epiphany; so I shall leave you now with my best wishes - All the best etc/  Arrrggghh - Hell's bells, where's that bloody bucket FCOL........

These folks have probably earned between 'em in excess of 2.5 million – value for money? Safety improved? Probity, accountability and money well spent? Silly question really – ain't it?

Toot – toot...!

To the Pale – and then; beyond.

Oh, I love a ducked up country,
a land of counter claims
a land of government agencies,
that listen carefully to complains,
a purpose of avoiding all the blame.

A land of broken aeroplanes,
Of pilot's widows grieving,
awaiting someone to explain
Why their loved ones went away
and won't come home this Christmas day...Anon...

There comes a time (in all good establishments) when the Landlord calls “Time gentlemen please.” It means its time to pay your slate; drink up and go away. It is not only my opinion which believes it is only minutes now until a responsible government  calls 'Time' on the ATSB; anything less would not only be a travesty, but could (indeed should) result in some serious embarrassment to the incumbent minister. The basic purpose of the ATSB, in simple terms is to 'investigate' accidents, determine the facts and present, in some form, a probable cause and where possible suggest 'ways and means' to prevent a repeat, through analysis and advice to industry. Before we continue, I ask you take a careful read through the following report into a fatal event at Lockhart River before we continue this discussion.. - HERE -:::

Can anyone see the great travesty contained within the opening stanzas? The deception? - A layman wouldn't, a politician certainly could not; indeed they would probably think it was money well spent. BOLLOCKS. It is an exhibition of total, complete, utter and abject failure to perform design function. The 'travesty'? Oh, sorry I meant to explain; an error which I will immediately correct. There are three separate 'lessons' of great value to 'safety' which ATSB have completely overlooked. These should have been the focus of the 'investigation' summary, in order to drive home to industry exactly 'why' certain 'practices' should never be contemplated, let alone used in marginal weather flying operations. Australia has a significant number of fatal events, every year, due to these elements. Had the ATSB had the wit, expertise and fully understood their basic function; then the opportunity to 'hammer home' a safety lesson would have been taken. Alas. Enough back light; now for the spotlight...

ATSB - [Image: AO-2020-017%20Figure%204.jpg?itok=Eq8ECjr9]

“The pilot conducted the first approach consistent with the recommended (3°) constant descent profile, and the aircraft kept descending through the minimum descent altitude (MDA) of 730 ft and passed the missed approach point (MAPt). At about 400 ft, the pilot commenced a missed approach.”

After conducting the missed approach, the pilot immediately commenced a second RNAV GNSS approach to runway 30.

During this approach, the pilot commenced descent from 3,500 ft about 2.7 NM prior to the intermediate fix (or 12.7 NM prior to the MAPt). The descent was flown at about a normal 3° flight path, although about 1,000 ft below the recommended descent profile. While continuing on this descent profile, the aircraft descended below the MDA. It then kept descending until it collided with terrain 6.4 km (3.5 NM) short of the runway. The pilot and 4 passengers were fatally injured, and the aircraft was destroyed.

“I know that two and two make four - and should be glad to prove it too if I could - though I must say if by any sort of process I could convert 2 and 2 into five it would give me much greater pleasure.”

Why? Under the CASR – this is a criminal act: no if, but or maybe. This was deliberate breach of not only the regulations, but of solid good aeronautical sense. Its bloody dangerous. We've all done it – pinched 50 or even a hundred feet on a 'sketchy' visual call – multi crew – but single pilot under the IFR? This statement from the ATSB reveals much about how little they 'understand' of flight operations. Great at 'bird strikes' but; my Mamma can see the wisdom in avoiding, where possible 'close encounters' with the avian species – no brainer really. But, in tricky weather to opt for a very 'dodgy' approach? It begs the question – why would an IFR qualified pilot deliberately continue as scripted? We know he did. Even so - take a very close look at this picture provided by the ATSB (magnify and enhance if you can – its worth the effort). Look very close indeed – at where cowling meets wing – can you see it? The perennial 'sucker trap'. Light and shadow – murk up above, terrain and a horizon below that. This is a very good picture of how VFR pilots get lured into IMC and how junior IFR pilots will deviate from the published procedure – the majority 'learn' how this trap can and often is 'sprung'. But every once in awhile it snaps shut – 5 dead. End of.

“Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, 'if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”

That picture and any others available should have been be made into a briefing on the tricks and traps of how light, cloud and rain can deceive. The picture also demonstrates exactly and precisely the right circumstances which will create spatial disorientation. These are the real, valuable lessons from this fatal event. ATSB have waffled on for reams and failed, utterly, to provide in any way shape or form anything of 'safety' value to industry. Yet its all there – waiting to be used as a salient lesson and of benefit to the Coroner. This report, an elegant pile of 'stuff and nonsense' has neither intrinsic or practical value to anyone – except to the Popinjay's aspirations to empire.

“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”

Next we must ask - what persuaded this pilot to throw away any form of 'single engine' overshoot safety margin by going around 330 feet below the overshoot gradient, this has not been explained – not even in terms of basic OEI 'performance'. From 730' at the operating weight – the loss of an engine on go-around would have been 'interesting' but survivable – from 400' – not so much. It is always one of the 'challenges' airline training pilots face, to ensure that a 'disciplined' attitude to SOP is adhered to; with a multi crew scenario 'minima' is 'rock solid' to ensure that the 'worst case' on an OEI go around does not end up a smoking pile on a mountain side somewhere, due lack of climb performance to achieve the gradient required.

Rant over – but this ATSB report is nothing more than desktop generated, cheap window dressing; padded, fluffed up and fit only for the political audience – it ain't worth a 'squirt' as a 'safety' document; it is simply a waste of time, money and effort providing little of value to the industry the ATSB is supposed to serve.

P2 - “Godley justifies continuing because we now have 2 fatal s involving bird-strikes in less than a year.  Yet we have two complex midair collisions killing 6 people in 2 years and we have nothing to see here?? - FDS!”  (Spot on mate).

Item last:-

Sandy“I ’m sure you understand that being Glen’'s representative it’s most important that you assess his case in detail. I, and many others, would be happy to answer any questions you may have, by way of information of how the system has been working.”

Subtle enough, concise and to the point – and a great example of a slight 'understatement' – just a bit. But how else is the message delivered to be presented?  How, when we are left with 'bloody fools' like McCormack who skull Kava down and wonder why they're rendered 'sedated'; and, still on the tax payer payroll ? It will take a very intelligent, brave, honest, well supported, very sure of the ground beneath politician to call out CASA. But; if such a 'Statesman' (generic) emerged from the ranks and dared to invite 'all' industry complaints to a 'no holds barred' inquiry; there would be a story which would, in no uncertain terms; shock the nation. Buckley is but the merest pinnacle of a very large iceberg. A 'smart' minister would, if properly advised, get well out in front of the Buckley case; for in a very short while the Pascoe case will be released – transcripts and all. Standing alone; these are but 'tales' which can be and are ruthlessly portrayed as nothing to fret about. But they are; and if there was ever a platform, delivered by a politician of any stripe to examine the 'dark side' of the ways CASA operates; well, lets just say there would be some serious changes made, all  to the benefit of the nation, the budget and political credibility. It is worth some serious consideration – first in, best dressed methinks.

But enough – DT seems Hell bent on destroying Sunday peace and harmony – more visitors – and I could do with a quiet day, been a long week – alas.  All started with 'can you build me a cupboard here' – no problem except it was to be fastened to a wall. You guessed it – first I had to build the 'wall'. 160 metres of 4x2 Stud was all it took, the drop saw on overtime. The cat came along (routine now) when you are cutting a 5.6  metre into 600 mm 'noggins' you really don't expect to see a cat sitting, calm and peaceful on the next mark to go under the saw blade – do ya? 'Wanna move” say's I – a languid stretch precedes an elegant dismount and an amble to park on the next length into the saw. Never sure whether to laugh or throw something at it. No matter, there is a breeze, Flying foxes and a clear sky: I believe we may 'go a roving' – away dogs! the orchard gate awaits.


[Image: sbg-01-01-23.jpg]
Ref: Is miniscule La'King inflicted with AIOS?? & 

Punched, bored or countersunk?

It is, in most instances, a phrase used in Australia as an 'answer' to a question about someone; it goes like this - “has Fred any idea what he's about? - The laconic answer goes something like - “Fred? Wouldn't know if he was punched, bored or countersunk.” The discussion usually ends about there; as fresh Ales are ordered.

The summer solstice has passed; (o8:47 on Dec 22) Christmas (Santa et alia) has been and gone; the new year only a few hours short of being consigned to memory and the holiday month is ticking over; one day at a time. Pretty soon, as the days draw in, it will be back to 'business' – as usual. I, for one, will be glad to see 2022 fade from memory, I cannot remember, ever, being so glad to see the end of a year. A chance to take at least a short 'rustication' period away from the absolute 'buggers muddle' created by the  Canberra folk dabbling with the aviation world. It is, to quote Papa (P7) – “a bloody shambles”.

“Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big enough majority in any town?”― Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Relax; not going to 'bang-on' about ASA, ATSB or CASA – not yet anyway, but will, with your indulgence, bring to your attention the excellent example of 'how' a transport system and a safety agency can, does and will to provide 'operational' excellence. I refer to the Australian Maritime Safety Agency (AMSA). They have an internal 'structure' which begins at the top and permeates all the way down to the basement. The top floor actually know and understand the way in which their industry operates, its needs, flaws and 'problem' areas; they in turn select the next level down from people they believe 'know' what they are about; they, in turn employ folks who are 'industry savvy' and thus, they create a governing agency which actually has a reasonable grasp on industry needs, governance, common sense and are a practical crew which actually works with, and importantly, understands 'the way things really are'.

[Image: sbg-20-02-22.jpg]

“All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher.” ― Titus Lucretius Carus, On the Nature of Things: de Rerum Natura

True to my word; I will not 'bang on' but there are a couple (or three) items which, IMO, need to be the focus of this next twelve month, for we cannot, nor must not, continue as we are in the aviation world. Under the control of the minister La King (a.k.a Reeking or Wrecking) we have three agencies which feed off the aviation industry (or the little that is left of it). Keep it short– I promise.

[Image: mqdefault-2.jpg]

Air Services Australia – run by the Electric Blue Halfwit and his dodgy accountant mate are supposed to provide for the safety of the public, while being part of Air Traffic movement. Desperate to reduce the incredible debt incurred during the 'One Sky' fiasco, they have stripped down a once world class service to the regular public and private charter operations industry to a point where there are simply not enough ATCO bums at the consuls and heavy aircraft are not fully guaranteed separation, from take off to touch down, from 'all' possible collision risks. Not if, but when, a hull and passengers are lost, perhaps the minister could spare a few moments to consider sorting this abomination out; it is, after all part of her job description, pays the wages and despite the fine print, the media can and will lay the carcass at her door.

Ref: Is miniscule La'King inflicted with AIOS??

“Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men, without a consequent loss of liberty?”― Patrick Henry

Of ATSB – one can only despair; it is the only practical solution remaining. From 'gold standard' to the current pathetic charade in three short tenures of 'Chief Commissioner'. The latest no where near a 'qualified' investigator, except for perhaps of the fluff in his belly button, continues his campaign for the 'bucket call' championship. Engraved on the houseboat bucket are the names and dates of every “fetch the bucket” event and the perpetrator of the call. Dolan – the inutile was not a very high scorer, being both useless and pathetic to boot. Then we had the world infamous “Hooded Canary', a butt of international jokes at first, then condemnation; but, he did leave a legacy for the next cab off the rank – his wardrobe, his love of 'selfies' and his dire need to be 'seen' by the media. A concubine to the MoU and an expert exponent of the 'top cover' game – a disappointment to all, especially the MH370 debacle, cast and crew. Nevertheless; our wee bearded popinjay is streeting him in the 'Figjam' (Duck I'm Good Just Ask Me) stakes, for arriving 'on scene' and changing into 'Macho' outfits and grabbing the media platform.  Did he go the the NT crash? No. Did he go to Gympie ? No; did he hot foot it to a crash close to home, with convenient media coverage, do his 'Clint Eastwood' gunfighter eyes and dress up to suit the part – damn right he did. I agree with the junior Kangaroo he 'persuaded' (with cameras handy) to leave lake Burley Griffin – which, once 'rescued' returned to the pond with a hearty 'Duck off Mate – I'm cooling me marbles'. Point of order M'lud – to enter a 'crash site' area there are several, very important, “safety” measures which MUST be in place – airborne blood pathogens etc and a raft of preventative stuff against which the 'tin kickers' must be protected (mandatory). Hood actually vomited in Melbourne, in the crashed aircraft FCOL. – Popinjay (the Macho) went how close to the crash site in a rather mad dash (from the dry cleaners ?) to get in front of the cameras?  Veritas lost? - Perhaps the minister could spare a few moments to consider sorting this abomination out; it is, after all part of her job description, pays the wages and despite the fine print, the media can and will lay the carcass at her door.

Oh thank you, thank you sir, but I'm too humble to be called a friend, Mr. Micawber. I'm grateful to Mr. Copperfield for his kindness. Now if you'll excuse me... Roland Young: Uriah Heep

CASA, dear gods minister; CASA! The entire aviation world despairs of this two bob amateur lash up. In truth, they indeed know not if they are punched, bored or countersunk. AMSA is ruled by folk who know, with some certainty that they know the ways of the ships, men and those who work in the great waters. Pip Spence could NOT, find a cat, in a cat house with a bloody candle, wind assisted. The current CASA management and board is a very, very expensive complete waste of time, money and effort; and, it is selling snake oil at inflated prices, to the industry and the rest of the aviation world. A complete and utter shambles which is destroying a once vital, vibrant industry. CASA is a failed experiment, an embarrassment to this nation's industry; and, it costs a bomb to maintain the farce, it just has to stop. Hire a DAS who at very least knows which end of an engine the smoke comes out of. Credibility lost? Perhaps the minister could spare a few moments to consider sorting this abomination out; it is, after all part of her job description, pays the wages and despite the fine print, the media can and will lay the carcass at her door.

“One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. This philosophy fitted on to my early adult life, when I saw the improbable, the implausible, often the "impossible," come true.” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up

Aye well; how much longer this government can keep denying all clearly visible, completely apparent facts is in the lap of the gods. Much like Russian roulette; eventually someone has to blink. I recommend the 'blinking' be be done before the fourth 'click' – for then it becomes a simple matter of basic mathematics.....

No matter; and, of much greater importance is the 'apprentice's challenge'. The 'rules' (for want of better') are simple. There, in the 'skip' are many 4 x 2 off-cuts and a couple of busted up pallets. Three apprentices – pick your timber first, study the layout design and make it – without a 'square', rule or more than four hand tools: no nails, screws or dowels; begin after the fourth beer. It is not that easy; this is a design with a door frame made from mitred tenons; fitted with a mirror (or panel); hinged, all cabinet corners dovetailed, three per corner minimum; and, at least two shelves fitted, plus a door knob. All to be done by hand, by eye alone. To take a 4x2 out of a dumpster, cut and plane it to an even size, four square and flat is no easy task. To get at least a dozen 'dovetail' joints made and fitted by hand alone (no guide), is 'hard' – then to make four mitred tenons for the 'door' – by eye is bloody hard. We sat about, watching the work and having the odd 'cooling libation' until the bell rang for time.  Best on the day – our young lady apprentice; not too shabby an effort at all. Why, well, I'd said it to all, many times – but she had 'listened'. It took much longer for her to select, cut and 'true' up her wood, that time and care made making a 'square' piece to make the joints took her a long way forward when it all mattered – with the end product. Oh, we burned every last one of them – but it was great fun BBQ (and a late finish) : the donkey is still not really speaking to me (but he is old).. Away dogs! – away; the new year awaits us. (Gods willing, weather permitting)....


Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

That phrase from Pope's essay sends clear warning to 'critics' but it also serves to warn those who's work may be criticised, two sharp edges. However, the many warnings against hubris must also be acknowledged as an equally dangerous road to travel. The world has born witness to the Wee Bearded Popinjay's dalliance with both now – twice over. The fool rushed in at the Appin event; then, changed outfits and raced up to Qld for the helicopters; and, wiser Angels may not have charged in, run off at the mouth so much, especially while changing feet. Amateur hour. Potential contamination, conflict, compromise, exclusion from the final report - individual press briefings, then the big one without an IIC and far too much speculation from an unqualified administrative type.  Hubris while on a fools errand. Aye, the bedazzlement of the media cameras and a microphone eh? (Bucket – NOW! need is great and urgent).

“Hubris is when God screws you over for being a smart-ass.”

So; when there is an episode which generates fury within the BRB, the best way to strike a balance is to not only apply the 'pub-test' but to balance that against expert opinion across a fairly wide spread of 'disciplines'. Aye; it is often a puzzle, but, the path must be walked. We must begin with the big picture, immediate response and dissect that to work through to a very basic level if we are to see a balanced, rational opinion. On many levels, the verdict was clear. There is no way for the Popinjay to retain his tenure with ATSB, being compromised in so many ways that acceptance of resignation provides only two choices and no options for the minister.

“You are fettered," said Scrooge, trembling. "Tell me why?" "I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it.”

Gods know the ATSB has been on a pretty steep downward curve; the biggest losses reside in other external agencies 'credibility' score; close second comes investigative 'probity' and not far behind that comes agenda, followed by the MoU with CASA. In the opinion of several 'heavy duty' annalists, the descent into darkness was 100% recoverable after the Dolan tenure. Opportunity lost. Then, there was the Hood era; the less said of that is probably best. But, to allow any further descent into the abyss from there was a 'Kamikaze' folly. And yet, in their wisdom, the powers that be made and supported the remarkable appointment of the current ATSB head. Not many can understand why. But then the same lack of industry understanding surrounds the appointment of Spence to CASA; not to mention the continued employment of Harfield at ASA after the One Sky debacle and subsequent mess. To say that some 'observers' are wondering when the Hell the Australian aviation 'safety' management system is going to hit rock bottom and turn around is little understated; yet this is a very fair and most reasonable question for any responsible minister to consider answering.

“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

It is, in the opinion of many 'professionals' across the aviation spectrum of disciplines that the final straw on the camels back is very close to dropping. Within the last 36 months there have been three separate 'mid-air' collisions. All three agencies own an equal share of responsibility to the public to analyse, directly address, then disseminate the solutions provided on an joint agency basis. This to ensure that 'all' that could be done, is being done, in real time (like now – now)  if for no other reason than to reduce the possibility of a repeat event. Anything short of that level of 'dedication' to task is a desecration of trust and beggars the principal reasons for the existence of these agencies and the vast sums of money granted to these agencies in support of that cause. That cause would be a honourable, honest best efforts and a righteous use of the public money granted in expectation of 'duty' done, properly..

“Wisdom consists of knowing how to distinguish the nature of trouble, and in choosing the lesser evil.”

What we have right now is a ridiculous, risible circus the public may briefly attend, which is only of any real value to those who use the media to sell their products. What earthly benefit to aviation safety is the Wee bearded Popinjay's mad dash to get in front of the camera's twice now, while ignoring two other serious events? Our erstwhile rescuer of Kangaroo has effectively compromised his position to the point where he cannot perform design function in the final report of two fatal events. We have a whole load of 'hoop-la' attending the new 'Vertiport' (read heliport') for the space age – while a needed hospital heliport is now (despite previous approvals)  deemed no longer suitable after years of 'safe' operation. We have public transport and charter aircraft 'self separating' in airspace which should be strictly controlled. Yet bigger budgets are granted without thought to how this money benefits the industry – if at all. A challenge – define exactly when, where and how the aviation industry has benefited from the public investment in what is laughingly defined as 'aviation safety'. The name of this pantomime is 'The Great Testiculation'. 

Testiculation?  – talking complete Bollocks whilst waving your arms around like a madman.....

Nearly done; but for pities sake, somebody get a rope and a muzzle on the Popinjay; tie him up when there is a camera and a microphone withing 100 miles and keep him out of Hoody's Mardi Gras dress up chest  – please. Not only does it potentially compromise investigation but its bloody embarrassing. Take a few moments and compare the completely professional NTSB in action on a high profile Helicopter event to the unprofessional 'gab-fests' at Appin and Sea World. The international cringe factor and domestic implications are not only staggering, but likely to become a nightmare further down the road.

Yes, I know, back to my knitting I go. This week's 'knitting' is interesting – a provenance supports the 250 years old Oak 'chest' I am to repair, 'rejuvenate' and make right. Made in France, it has lived in Egypt, and many other places in the Middle East, before a sojourn in London through the 'Blitz” with scars to prove it, before eventually winding up in the land of Oz. Nearly too heavy for two of us to get on the bench, big and tough as old boots; not a nail in sight, decoration all 'hand carved; animal hide glue and shellac (beneath the Bee's wax). The lock a monster, the hinges 'hand made', It looks exactly as it should given its age and travels. Can't wait to get started; I was however not the first to closely examine the inside; open the lid and, there is the bloody cat – how it got in I do not know; but no doubt my work will be closely monitored – between naps. Funny though, I can't seem to walk past the chest without reaching out to run a hand over it.


Of Chameleons, Stage magic, Pantomime (and Kids)!

Caution – a twiddle follows.  Fascinating morning; there I was, trying not to do too much damage to an antique, attempting a delicate, tricky bit of legerdemain: trying to finesse in a carefully matched 'stick' into the existing without leaving a trace of repair. – BOOM! - the stable doors bang open and in troop four urchins at cobbed throttle. “Can we use your computer please”? Barked at the big dog, (he don't like 'surprises' at nap time) to be still before there was a child knocked over, recovered my 'cool', picked up the dropped insert and asked “Why” trying to sound 'gruff and scary' (never works – alas). No way known to mankind are four young hooligans going to use my gear; nope, not happening. But how to refuse? I agreed for the princely sum of a slice of Carrot cake to 'assist' their inquiry (smoking verboten). They were fascinated with Chameleons and so our journey began – HERE – with trusty 'Wiki'. Of course, many of the words used needed to not only be explained but put in a way the 'kids' could grasp. I worked for my Carrot cake let me tell you. Indulge me; there will be a point – eventually.

Camouflage; deception, led to illusion and of course, the arts of deception. As it happened, I had at my disposal a visual aid to explain much of their 'puzzlement'. We left the screen and trooped back to the workbench (careful not to wake those 'napping'). “See here” Say's I – (pointing to the damaged area of the antique) now, look at the colours, the grain pattern and this piece of wood (show the insert) see how they match; here I am creating an 'illusion' if I can fit this without anyone seeing how I've done it; the 'illusion' is complete. They got that. “So” pipes up one bright spark - “it's like a magic trick”. “Indeed it is” Say's I 'and performing magic' is a very old thing, like your Chameleon it uses a 'trick' to fool the eye and the senses, has been doing so for millions of years”. Well, that got 'em thinking – for kids of all ages love 'magic' shows and 'pantomimes'. So, we returned to my 'box' and researched 'magic' and pantomime until (mercifully) they were collected and peace was restored to my work shop. I stuck my 'bit' into the mass, it fitted well enough and declared early 'Beer o'clock' just as P7 ambled in (I do not believe in coincidence).

Aye, ramble over – near enough – except, Ale, smoke and good company set us to chatting. The Chameleon can be traced from the Middle Paleocene (about 58.7–61.7 MYA (million years ago); the art of camouflage exemplar. Stage and 'close up' magic has been fooling folks since the cave. “It is one of the oldest performing arts in the world”. “Pantomime has a long theatrical history in Western culture dating back to the era of classical theatre”.

Well, It all set us two to wondering – did our Australian 'aviation agencies' morph or were they transmogrified into the present day iteration? P7 thinks not.  He believes there is a 'strain' of human nature which, quite naturally, uses camouflage, 'magic' and Pantomime as part of their 'way' to exist in this world. Certainly any 'hard core' research clearly identifies the arts of these creatures; and their habits, as clearly belonging to the crowd who live, and thrive within a created bubble of self protection, mastering the arcane arts of the Chameleon, the street magician and the pantomime.

For myself, I am not quite convinced; despite the abundant evidence. The most telling argument against P7's is the number of 'good men and true' who venture into the 'Bubble world' with good intentions, excellent qualifications and first class intentions who simply 'leave' – refusing, as a matter of self esteem, to be any part of a deception, sleight of hand or pantomime.

Should any government, with any sort of integrity and the 'best' interests of this wide brown land at heart, really want to know why they are funding a pantomime, peppered with 'smoke and mirrors', rich in the arts of theatre and deception; then all they need do is call back the 'honourable' men and ask them to 'please explain' and grant immunity to those who can, will and do tell the tale of 'the way things really are'. Righteous government should do this, if only to understand why some of the 'best' are not at the table. It may just shock the conscience of a few of the political class, at least those who disdain camouflage, deception and stage manged 'theatre'.

Aye well; 'twas but a ramble, my twiddle to put thought into words and easily dismissed  for that which it is. That cat – I wonder if they can sense 'history' it sleeps in the chest I am restoring and wakes as if returning from far, far away, however: the rest are hungry and I'd best crack on, the Moon is waning Gibbous this night, perhaps we shall go a' roving, the dogs, myself, the blessed quiet of the night sky and a smoke to keep us company. Ah!

“Drink wine and look at the moon

and think of all the civilisations

the moon has seen passing by.” (Omar Khayyam).


“The writing on the wall.”

That phrase comes from the Bible (Daniel, book of) – allegedly; 'twas a warning of a mystical kind, writ large by a mysterious hand. Anyway – long story short, the 'warning' was ignored and the rest now consigned to a form of 'history' scripted by someone in Roman times. Anyway – if you dismiss the 'mystical' and think on the 'point made' there is a pertinent lesson to be learned. In a nutshell, you ignore a warning, no matter how subtle or unpleasant, at your own peril.

“and the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls”

There are a few warning messages, scrawled on the walls of the halls of power; alas it seems the written words are invisible to the wearers of rose tinted glasses. Important messages, backed by unimpeachable evidence, from folks like the former FAA boss.

AOPA - “Mr Dickson went on to discuss how essential regulation reform has delivered a resurgence in general aviation participation. He also discussed how the US is leading the world in aircraft manufacturing and innovation, all driven by reform.”

AOPA - “He went further, publicly calling out aviation regulators (external to the US) as failing to reform away from enforcement cultures that have proven not to work, failing to reform key regulation that has resulted in hindering GA activities in those countries!”

That is the winning ticket for aviation enterprise in the USA, the UK and NZ. Not in Australia though, no Sir. The colossal arrogance, terminal ignorance and ego driven self aggrandising folly of those who manage Australian aviation have created, some believe with intent, has crippled an industry which should be on a par with the rest of the world. The Kiwi's 'bit the bullet' adopted a sensible way of managing the industry and have never looked back.

“And Moses took the tablets and went out into the desert; he felt much better after that”.....(Anon)..

The Australian 'regulator' now has a Spence at the helm, not a Dixon; and it shows. How and importantly 'why' she was gifted the job I and many others cannot fathom. About as much practical value as a chocolate fire wall; yes, I know, all been said before. But fair dinkum, consider the great waste of the 'Verti-ports' experiment compared to the closing of a hospital 'heli-pad' and then define the value provided to the public. What the grown up 'professional' aviation administrations must think of the Australian mess is, perhaps a question Spence and the minister should consider, before resigning, in the face of international ridicule. 

“Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.”

As you stroll through the 'corridors of power' you will notice other 'messages' writ large on other walls; many relating to accident investigation, reporting and remedy. The grown up world do this sort of thing very well indeed; P2 has provided a classic example _ HERE_ of how a 'high profile' event should be managed, from the get-go. Take a look at the video; then, if you stomach it, watch the ATSB manage the same scenario. The NTSB pure professional and in control; ATSB compromised the event before smoke had cleared. People across the planet pay attention to these events; modern media makes sure of wide circulation. What professional accident investigation bodies must think of the Australian shambles, don't bear printing. Not only is the top dog a laughing stock, but the 'investigations', the time taken and the reports provided have become risible, indefensibly manipulated and blatantly biased. Maybe our very own Bearded Popinjay could study the NTSB method before leaping into costume and grease paint to appear before the world media, that before resigning – save us all the red face of international humiliation. 

“He was become immoderately vain, and little considering the Inconstancy of Human Affairs, was wont to say ‘He was the Son of Fortune and could manage his Mother as he pleased.”

Great responsibility comes with great power; the incumbent minister – like it or not – has at her disposal not only the power to make the changes we must have, but a moral responsibility to this nation to ensure that revenue generating industry thrives. Aviation should be – it ain't. Do something or move over and bring in someone who can. Forget 'politics' – think about jobs and revenue and a lost national pride in what was once a world class system, lost in the swamps of mediocrity, slowly descending into the mud of insignificance.

“What then, will a little fame distract you? Look at the speed of universal oblivion, the gulf of immeasurable time both before and after, the vacuity of applause, the indiscriminate fickleness of your apparent supporters, the tiny room in which all this is confined. The whole earth is a mere point in space: what a minute cranny within this is your own habitation, and how many and what sort will sing your praises here!”

Aye, grim thoughts indeed; but it is sad to watch as other nations stride forward leaving this one covered in dust at the back of the pack; time to extract the digit methinks.

That's it: all done. Easy day today; a coat of polish with fine steel wool and a soft brush, will bring a rather lovely 'glow' to the chest; funny thing ain't it though, I could see every small flaw in the work yesterday; today it just looks and feels great. A question of focus on fixing perhaps, rather than finished product. No matter, there's tools to sharpen, dogs to walk, in a futile effort to avoid the outrage of muddy boot prints telling the tale of grand larceny perpetrated in the kitchen (sausage rolls fresh from the oven). Mea Culpa etc.....(I blame the dogs; they smelled 'em first).......


Of Multiple system failures.

An airman's nightmare. There you sit, fat, dumb and happy (as the bards say). That expression relates to a routine' operation – Fat - for fuel; Dumb - ignorant of Murphy's  mystical machinations; and happy because 'all is well'. Another day at the 'office'. Then 'something' decides 'now' would be a good time to quit: no problem, fish out the checklist, sort it out, enter the log and on you go; then Gremlin two pops up, closely followed by Genie three. Suddenly, it is time to pay attention, the entire dynamic has changed. This is where and how the airman earns his money, often a whole years worth in a few short moments; and, probably happy to refund all of that for the pleasure of not being there. Point is, when systems or control 'problems' arise they need to be sorted, jig time, before one thing leads to another little 'problem' which, in conjunction, robs you of options; this to 'protect' the whole.

“Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends.

Life on the flight deck is simple and pretty much straight forward – 'Command' implies authority to take whatever action is needed to avoid unpleasantness. There is no 'committee' in the front office to persuade, no minions running about underfoot, no agenda other than getting home, preferably in one piece. But, what of a big, expensive agency such as ATSB, or ASA or CASA when there are clearly visible examples of serious system failure; what then? Unlike the cockpit situation there is no need for immediate rectification or clear decision making; quite the reverse. There is huge scope for delay, passing the buck (and the book) around; lots of wriggle room and enough 'get out of jail' cards to meet the demand. Which is all well and good when everyone concerned is 'fat, dumb and happy' and even if the other boot is about to land with a thud, well there's always 'stress leave' to fall back on.

“However paradoxical it may seem, myth hides nothing: its function is to distort, not to make disappear.”

One does not need to search very far to see the failure of some fairly serious systems. But one must search very, very hard and diligently to find any form of true, meaningful 'corrective' actions occurring. All the bells, whistles and flashing lights are operational, functioning and demanding prompt attention – alas. You know the rest, taken individually each item of concern, standing alone demands immediate corrective action; collectively if allowed to run on, (and on) the entire system must collapse unless someone steps up to the plate and makes the hard decisions. 

“Now at this last we must take a hard road, a road unforeseen. There lies our hope, if hope it be. To walk into peril - to Mordor. We must send the Ring to the Fire.”

Who would that be? You could be forgiven thinking that the minister would be the ultimate decision maker, it would take some pretty good argument to convince anyone that the executive power actually resides within that office. Is that 'minister' fully aware of and briefed on some of the outstanding (the big ones) systematic failures happening right now, on her watch?  What say you children; shall we give a hint or two?

“Our revels now are ended. These our actors,

As I foretold you, were all spirits, and

Are melted into air, into thin air;”

Even the 'man in the street' would agree that a fully functioning air traffic control system is an essential element in the safety net. The appalling state that the ASA 'service' has descended into has increased the 'risk' factor to the point where some carriers, rightly IMO, decline to provide service to some ports. Think about it – that's revenue for the airline gone; passenger satisfaction gone; why? Because the airline cannot be assured of separation from all other traffic, that's why.

Tossbag - “This mess is 100% caused by wonder boy in Can'tberra. This mess also highlights the complete ineptitude of the politicians responsible, they are being lied to and are too stupid to bring in the expertise to sift through the lies.(Choc Frog). 

The average John or Gladys in the Pub may watch the sensationalised reports on fatal air events for a minute or so, tut tutting between adverts but after that, with few exceptions; its gone and forgotten before morning tea. Not so the industry; not so the Coroners; not so the legal fraternity; not so the Insurance giants; not so the aircraft manufacturer and not so those charged with investigating and reporting on these events. When one compares the gold standard NTSB or the AAIB method and professionalism to the half baked, obfuscation and platitudes provided by the ATSB in recent times, particularly in relation to MH370, a reasonable person would wonder why we bother to keep it. 'Beaker' was simply inept, yet the service could have recovered from that interlude. But Hood (the Hi-viz singing Canary) put the service into a nose dive from which moral (e) and integrity never really recovered and the stench still clings to the rotting carcass of what was a first world service to aviation.

“Here is a man whose life and actions the world has already condemned - yet whose enormous fortune has already brought him acquittal!”

When one 'system' in an aircraft fails, there are in almost every instance, alternative methods available. Duplication or 'work around' – select undercarriage down – nothing doing; so use the alternate – easy, even if a little more time consuming. But when a combination of failures arise from faulty design, poor maintenance or bad practice then it becomes a very different, dangerous animal. This is where our national 'flagship' of all matters related to aeronautical safety is parked at present. So many system breaking down and poorly qualified operators in command. Across the whole spectrum of alleged 'administration' to aviation, in every corner lurks cock-up, partnered by cover up, more law and the get out of jail cards. The incompetence and obfuscation is mind boggling; particularly for those who are obliged to work within the system provided. Operations, Engineering, training all out of step with not only the world's best; but now somewhat behind those who have striven to meet the 'gold standard'. Aye, its complicated; however, for a perfect example of a classic 'Bugger's muddle' take a stroll down the annals of aviation medicine and pilot medical certification – it is a wondrous tale. If anyone wrote a book on it all, it would probably have to be classed as a fictitious flight of fancy – but it ain't. Not by a long march it ain't. Take time out and read through just one of the many incredible (but true) tales on P_Prune start – HERE -. For example:- Read C. McKenzie Esq,,

Clare Prop - “420 may not be medical, but I would call it clinical.

It is sent after the student has already been diagnosed by a medical professional and ticked the "yes" box, but IMO it is still beyond what we are qualified to do, which is to train, assess and examine students with reference to the Part 61 Manual of Standards, nothing else.” (Choc frog)..

"There are eight million stories in the naked city; this has been one of them":

Yes, a long ramble; but, if you had an aircraft with this number of system failures – you'd put it down and get it sorted out. A political will must be found; practical experienced people need to be found to make the 'will' reality. Honest folk with only the well being of the industry at heart must be found. For the biggest failure within the system is human; it resides there; firmly affixed to those who ineptly run and mismanage these failed, complex systems, with the full weight of strict liability and criminal charges supporting. Wrong? – Oh you can bet on that....

“It is a well-known fact that very often, putting the period of boyhood out of the argument, the older we grow the more cynical and hardened we become; indeed, many of us are only saved by timely death from moral petrification, if not from moral corruption.”

At least January has one good feature; I have had time to clean the workshop up and do some repairs and needed maintenance; spotless and tidy with a full year to get through before needing to repeat the process. Best crack on – BBQ this afternoon and DT at full throttle to get 'things' done. Compliance an absolute as I'm still in the cart (big dog too) over the thieved sausage rolls; but, they were worth it; absolutely and there's more on the way for today's how-de-doo. So, best foot forward and dogs in the workshop (for a while at least)....


Of them what asks no questions.

Always had a soft spot for Kipling; the 'Smugglers Song' a favourite since early childhood, with age and experience the words, as writ, carry a clear life lesson.

“Them that ask no questions isn’t told a lie.”

The 'trick' (of course), in order to avoid being 'misled' (or watching the wall) is, to ask the right questions of the 'right' people. But (Aye the big but) who are these 'right people'? They take some finding; and, should you stumble upon one of the 'quiet' folk; then your questions must be phrased correctly, lest deflected. Any legal Eagle worth his salt will tell you that if the right button ain't pressed – etc.. So, where is a country boy to begin 'digging' for solid, informative, provable fact? Solve that puzzle and perhaps, maybe, the distant flicker of a candle lit to truth may be glimpsed.

“If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception and ignorance who is harmed.”

Where to begin our search for 'truth' is a serious stumbling block; so many versions to hand, enough to give a honest Bookie night terrors - a fair assessment. But; we must begin our search somewhere. Bearing in mind the words of 'Holmes'.


“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

So, in no particular order; let us begin. Matters aeronautical always take priority; AOPA have done some serious research, through FOI into the destruction of many of our aerodromes based on how it affects the 'non – airline' sector or what is left of Australian aviation business. Across the world, for the most part – the 'non – scheduled' air service sector is thriving. Particularly in the US of A, gangbusters in fact. The reason is simple enough, a rule set which 'fosters, promotes' and is not only very 'concise' but easily translated into 'operational' compliance. Across the planet, countries are adopting, without fuss, nationalistic ego, or rebellion: a sensible, practical, easily complied with regulation 'philosophy' – and, they are flourishing. They generate revenue, employment, safety and sensible compliance, without the eternal threat of no defence, strict liability and criminal record for 'misdemeanour'. Brilliant stuff. Here, in Australia, (alas), we get a 'green paper' which will, in the fullness of time, lead to a white paper. Who's version of 'the truth' are our supposed 'leaders' following? We have had inquiry (at top level) after inquiry for decades now, at great expense; nothing had changed except the volume of business non airline flying conducts. The 'facts' are there in simple numbers; the evidence for 'change' is there in Spades; the 'proof' that the system has lost its way and is out of step with the gold standard aviation nations is undeniable. Yet we are stuck with 'looking to the future' bullshit about verti ports and electric aircraft. Hoi ! Dick Head – if there was any money to be made from 'electric' aircraft, Boeing engineers would have shot Tesla's boots off at the starting gate. FCOL we can put people into space; scan the galaxies and do many wonderful, unheard of things; if 'electric' were to be made 'it', that would have happened; donkey's ago; driven by science and market forces. These clowns really think that adding more tax and regulation and green dream horseshit will save the nation from becoming a third world aviation nation – think again. PNG has a much better regulations and a thriving non airline sector. White paper – use as directed and FLUSH..!! - with malice aforethought.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

While on the subject of 'brainless' incompetence; any examination of the ATSB's record, particularly in recent times, leaves much to be desired from an 'industry' and 'peer' perspective. Why is it that should a 'major' event occur, nothing else will do but that the head mutt must jump onto an aircraft, post haste; change into an outfit, run off at the mouth in front of the media, and achieve sweet sod all in terms of the 'how' 'why' and 'wherefore' of an aviation event? Why not in the office, arranging support, recruiting investigators, hassling the money men for more resources and: (importantly)– being neither qualified or competent; stay out of the way of the IIC?. Last episode for the dress up Popinjay; - Canberra to Melbourne (airfare & wasted time) – Melbourne to Perth (airfare & wasted time) travel to site and late to a press briefing. Meals, accommodation, expenses, return airfares; all on the industry bill? – But then, patiently  waiting his arrival (FDS) - a pre prepared statement “for attribution to”. Bollocks..... This jumped up little Popinjay, wannabe Kangaroo (with pictures) rescuer, dress up doyen of the thespian clan, would not understand 'how' a 737 ground to halt at the end of a low level run anymore than I would know how to turn lead into gold; or Albononsense into practical application for the progress of a revenue generating industry. And 'we' pay for (again and again) and accept this frog pooh as 'righteous? Australian taxpayer – ripped off – once again? Don't bother answering that..

“You, sir, will certainly either die upon the gallows or of a social disease.”

“That depends, sir, upon whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.”

Well; that only leaves the unmentionable, out of the 'stuff and nonsense' group. Who? - Why our ATCO's of course. Where are their 'truths'? Some would say behind a powerful union push; others may speculate that they are 'over-time' weary and would like to spend a little more time at home with the kids; others may say that they are 'fed up' to the teeth with their management. Who'd know? But, once again, facts are facts and the published record – once again – leans toward the absolute incompetence of senior management and the great losses incurred during the 'Once Sky' big pie, fiscal fiasco. Our very own self appointed 'guru' (Halfwit) and his 'mate' (Hooded Canary) have created their very own, hand made, purpose built 'cluster-duck'. Blew up a solid system; spent a King's ransom and came away carrying the muck left behind by Who'stoblame. Follow the money trail – it's fair, fat and wide; some winners, many loser's – and then, ask – who got the 'gong' and who got the money. Aye, 'tis a tale for a winters evening by the fire; won't bother the kids – but it should scare the bejassus out of the incumbent minister responsible. But then; who else would we ask the questions of?

“And if such malignity is hidden for a time, it proceeds from the unknown reason that would not be known because the experience of the contrary had not been seen, but time, which is said to be the father of every truth, will cause it to be discovered.”

Aye well; so much for sound and fury

It is a tale

Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.

On my bench (apart from the cat) is an old 'sash window frame'. Australian Cedar (rare) and quite dilapidated (150 years of weather and abuse). A factory can and do make replacement frames; takes about 20 minutes and computer faultless. I have mentioned this to my 'client'. She mentioned the price quoted to make this thing again; brand new. I have agreed to that price as the cost – in time, of the repairs. It will take me about 40 hours to 'remake' the thing – lots of fine work, special tools from the era in which it was made (using a sash fillister circa 1830) for example; matching the wood from my limited stock of Cedar; creating several small 'scarf' joints to meld old with new; using plough planes of the same vintage, making 'beading' to refit. Will I loose money? You bet – do I care? No way; when I see it clean, glowing and fully restored; that will be enough recompense; more than enough. Some things matter – were it 'rubbish' from a different era different story. But some things demand that they are put to rights; the man who made this thing made it to last and all the years have not diminished the intent, the skill and the skilled beauty routinely imparted into it. Veritas; in Cedar: simple beauty and integrity reflecting what 'we' used to be.

“This above all: to thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

Wisdom – supported by truth – in a line or two. Yet here we sit, facing down another season, lost in the wilderness of Albononsense, King, Spence, Popinjay and Halfwit happily cheering the Albononsense package; of time wasted, money flushed and an industry crippled, sent off to use more 'sustainable' fuel – BOLLOCKS. Away dogs; NOW! before I actually loose my temper completely and end up shouting at the trees in the orchard (again). Away now! – sanity, peace, the wild beasts - and a smoke await us.


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